Chapter 11

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[At Rosita's home, the machine Rosita created began to malfunction when a bowl hits it.]

Norman: Rosita, have you seen my car? Whoa! Rosita? What the... What's going on? Rosita! Kids. Where's Mommy?

[The family were hanged by the table cloth.]

All: (screaming)

[Johnny finished practicing.]

Johnny: Phew! How's that, Miss Crawly?

Miss Crawly: (snoring)

Meena: Hey!

Miss Crawly: (shoked) OH!

Meena: Sorry! Mr. Moon would like everyone to meet backstage before she arrives.

[Ash practices her new song.]


When you set it all free, all free, all free,

you set it all free.

Buster: Wow. You wrote that?

Ash: Uh, yeah. Do you like it?

Buster: Are you kidding? It's fantastic! You've got to sing that today!

Ash: (happy)

Buster: Mike, you're on first.

Mike: Sure. (phone ringing) Just a second here. (he answers the phone.) Honey, I'm busy. What? I can't hear you.

Buster: Rosita and Gunter, you're on after Mike.

Rosita: You got it, boss.

Gunter: Rosita! (laugh) Super cool! You've, like, totally come back!

Buster: Okay, Johnny, you follow them.

Johnny: What? Oh, yeah. I'm ready. Yeah, yeah.

Buster: Ash, you're...

Ash: After Johnny. Got it.

Buster: Red and Stella, you're after Ash.

Stella: You got it, Mr. Moon!

Red: It'll be easy as pie.

Buster: And Meena. Last chance, kid. You wanna join these guys out there today?

Meena: I would... I just get so scared.

Buster: Sure, you do. But you know how to get over that, right?

Meena: Uh, no.

Buster: You just start singing! Do what you love, then you'll be great, 'cause you won't be afraid anymore, because you'll actually be doing it. Right?

Meena: Uh...

Buster: Look, do you love to sing? I mean, do you really love it?

Meena: Of course I do.

Buster: Then you face this head on, Meena. Look, it's like my dad always said, "Don't let fear stop you from doing the thing you love."

Meena: Uh... Okay, I'll do it.

Buster: Great!

Miss Crawly: Mr. Moon! She's here!

[Buster ran outside as Nana's limo pulls over and Nana walks out.]

Buster: Nana!

Nana: Oh! Do not even think of embracing me.

Buster: You got it. Eddie, please show your nana to the royal box.

Nana: Oh for heaven's sake! I'm perfectly capable of walking.

Eddie: You nervous?

Buster: Are you kidding? (laughs) I'm absolutely terrified.

[In a distant, the same bears that Mike cheated on drove by as one bear sees Mike's car.]

Bear Thug #3:Boss, that's his car, isn't it? Right there!

Bear Leader: Pull over.

Ms. Crawly: Lapsang souchong, courtesy of Mr. moo... moo... (sneezes)

Nana: Wonderful.

[Mike was outside as he was still talking to his girlfriend.]

Mike: H-honey, honey, the show is starting, all right? I-i can't talk now. I gotta go. Of course I love ya. You think I'd buy you diamond earrings if I didn't...

[Bear Leader grabs Mike.]

Bear Leader: Where is my money?

Mike: Okay, okay, listen, listen, i just, uh... I just maybe kind of, uh, spent it all. You know? (Bear Leader opens his mouth and prepares to swallow Mike.) No, no, no, please, please, wait! I'll give you the money. I'll-I'll get you... I'll get you $100,000!

Bear Leader: Where are you going to get that kind of money?

Mike: Moon! Okay? Moon's got my money.

Bear Leader: Who is this Moon?

Buster: All creatures great and small, welcome to the moon theater. I am your host, Buster Moon, and... Okay. Behold! The very first stage lit entirely by... Squid power. Yeah! Beautiful work, guys. Now just follow me on the beat. And as you can see, this is no ordinary theater. This is a palace of wonder and magic.

Eddie: He's done it! He's really done it, Nana!

Nana: Oh, goodness.

Buster: Now welcome our first contestant.

Bear Leader: Which one of you is Moon?

Buster: Hey, hey, hey, you can't just barge in here.

Bear Leader: You know this guy?

Buster: Mike?

Bear Leader: Right. Mike here says you got his money, and it's in that box.

Buster: No, no, no, no, no, just hold on a moment here. That's prize money, and it's not Mike's unless he wins it fair and...

[Bear Leader squished Mike.]

Mike: Give him the money!

Buster: Okay, okay. Hey, hey, hey, hey, take it. The whole chest. It's yours, okay? All right here.

Bear Leader: Open it.

Buster: Open it? I-i... no. Me?

Mike: Open it!

Buster: Okay, no, i-i... I just don't... I don't have the keys, so maybe you can come back later?

[Bear Leader grabs Buster by the ear and throws him away.]

Bear Leader: Get out of the way!

Buster: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Wait!

[He smashed the chest with a bat.]

Mike: Hey, hey, there you go. Big guy with a bat. Who needs keys, right? All right, well, let... Let's get this thing squared up now. (the chest was filled with junk that only cost $1,000) What the...? That's it? That's all there is? He lied. Moon lied to us all.

Buster: Well, wait a second. I can explain. Okay?

Mike: He's your problem, not me.

Buster: This is just a prop.

Johnny: So where's the $100,000?

Rosita: You're kidding.

Johnny: I cannot believe you lied this whole time!

Red: What the heck man?!

Ash: What's the big idea? You've wasted everyone's...

Buster: This was just--

[The tank began to crack from the bat's impact as the crack continue to form to the wall.]

All: (gasp)

Eddie: Buster, look out!

[The glass breaks and water rushed out, Meena gets stuck at the entrance.]

Meena: I'm stuck!

Johnny: (screams)

Eddie: Buster, it's falling! Let go!

[Eddie escorts Nana out of here.]

Buster: Okay, okay, okay, steady, girl. Steady...

Johnny: (gasp)

[Johnny dives down and using his strength, he kicks Meena through the entrance, allowing the water to rush out.]

Meena: (screams)

Ash: (yell)

Red and Stella: (yells)

Mike: No, no, no, no! (screams)

Johnny: (coughs)

Ash: (groan)

Stella: (coughs)

Meena: (coughs)

Red: (groans) That was dynamite.

Buster: Is everyone okay? Nana! I-i-I'm so sorry. I-i just... (Nana looks at Moon with an upset look before going back in her limo) No, no, no, no, no, don't... Don't go!

Ms. Crawly: Has anybody seen my glass eye?

Buster: Oh, it-it... It's right here, Ms. Crawly. I've got it.

[The building began to crumble.]

Buster: Lookout!

[The building falls apart as debris tumbled out.]

Johnny: (coughs)

Buster: No...

[He ran to the ruble and picks up the broken frame of him and his dad at the opening.]

Buster: Oh, dad. I'm so sorry. (sobbing)

[The group watched, feeling sympathy for Buster to lose his theater.]

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