Best Kept Secrets-Hizashi Yamada x reader

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A/N:This is part 2 to 'Date Night' if some are confused. Many liked the first one on my tumblr about our adorable loud man so I wrote a part 2 there will a part 3 real soon.

Summary:After their stormy date night months have passed, Fem Reader is hanging out with Aizawa and shares a shares a secret she's been hiding from her husband. She is pregant and afraid of becoming a mother, Will she finally tell Hizashi that they'll be parents soon.


"Are you sure this is the place? It feels like we've been walking forever." My friend Aizawa complained by my side as we continue walking. His hair was messier than normal and he had difficulty having his eyes open, which only made some citizens looks weirdly at us.

"I know your tired, I am too. Which is why I decided to brinf you here too. You're gonna love this place and it'll keep our minds off of work..and other things." I tell him and I quickly stepped closer and covered his eyes.

This made him a bit angry and annoyed since he tried taking my hands off of him, "What the hell are you doing?"

"Quit complaining, Aizawa."

We stepped inside and could smell the delicious scent of coffee and baked sweets. I smiled and slowly uncovered his eyes, "Tada!"

Aizawa looks at me surprised for a moment and his expression changed when he saw kittens around the place. "You brought us to a cat café?" He said trying his best ro sound gloomy but I could tell he was freaking out on the inside.

I reached forward and grabbed a cat nearby which meowed out loud and tried biting me. "I know how much you love cats so why not have some peaceful time here? Oww!"

The cat hissed and Aizawa quickly took it away from me and the cat relaxed. This is why I'm more of a dog person. We sat down at a table and ordered a couple of things and I saw Aizawa petting a few cats that got on his lap and purred.

"It's nice to have some peace and quiet for a change-" I begin saying but Aizawa quickly interrupted.

"Quit the bs, (Y/N). We both know why you brought me here. You're tired of listening to your husband and I don't blame you." He sighs and sips his coffee.

"Well..that is right."

After our late date night at his work with the storm that was going on, we had been busier, the U.A sports festival happened and Aizawa and I needed some time alone from the loud screaming man.

I love my husband but I need my quiet time. I sighed tiredly and rested my head against my crossed arms on the table and closed my eyes. I hear Aizawa chuckling and I open my eyes back surprised since the only reason he chuckles is when he has something up his sleeve.

"You're freaking me out, Aizawa." I comment in a whisper and see his dark eyes look at me.

"I was just thinking of how much we are alike and need a break from that man. Which reminded me of our last yeat at U.A. Graduation day to be exact."

I facepalm at the memory. "Please not that again." And I began to remember everything like it was yesterday.

It had been about 2 years when Hizashi and I started dating. I spent most of my time with Aizawa which surprisingly Hizashi wasn't jealous since he claimed, "My bff would never steal away a girl from me! He's too lazy to do such thing."

Aizawa really wanted to punch him when he said that. The school year was rough and having Hizashi behind my back made it worse for me, through out the two years of dating we often broke up and got back together, somehow I accepted him back with a blunt reply.

"Sure..whatever." I sighed rolling my eyes and paying no attention to the loud man who kept smiling down at me.

"Aww come on (Y/N) lighten up! I'm gonna rock your world!"

"Eww please don't say it like that." I boredly replied back at him.That was when we got back together.

Today is graduation, meaning it would be the last time we would be at school thank god, and get rid of this awful uniform. Hizashi had grown taller, had the same orange glasses and haircut.

Aizawa was also taller, his black hair had grown even messier and we was still sleepy as always. The three of us and a couple of other students with excellent grades would give a speech.

The teachers stayed silent and listened to each of us. I was on the stage area. "And so I want to thank all of you and especially our teachers for not giving up on us and always making sure we had the best education than any other school."

I went on to say a couple of other things and everyone applauded despite me sounding so bored. I gave them a small smile and waved at my friends and parents. "And so this concludes this years!" The principal said until.

"Whoa whoa hold up. I got a couple of things to say yo!" I sweatdropped and felt my eye twitch when Hizashi jumped up and snatched the microphone from the principal.

Not like he needed it anyway since he speaks very loud.The principal gave him an angry look. Confused I looked over at my circle of friends, Aizawa, Toshinori, Nezu and Nemuri.

They all shrugged since they also had no idea what their odd friend was doing.

"These past years have been crazy yo! But not as crazy as this!! I love my girl so much so (Y/N)! Will you marry me and become (Y/N) Yamada?!!" Hizashi more so shouted and got down on one knee and pulled out a ring.

I stared down at him blankly, "....No."


Aizaws couldn't help but now fully laugh at that memory which made me cringe. "I do remember it very clearly it was the first of three times Hizashi proposed to me. I never saw you laugh that hard before."

"That guy was so embarassed even your parents looksd at him weirdly." Aizawa tells me and we exited the café since we finished eating.

I covered myself with my coat and we began walking down the streets. Many stores already had Christmas lights and decorations making the place look magical."I do admit as harsh as it was pretty funny." I laugh it off and Aizawa nods.

"Why don't we go to this store? I have to fetch some new clothes."Aizawa agreed and we walked in looking for some winter clothes to buy. Aizawa was looking into the black sections of clothes and chose a long sleeve shirt as usual.

We were remembering some other high school memories when we were spotted by my husband."(Y/N)! Aizawa! Yo what'cha both doing? Were you both hiding from me?"

"Damn it, he's onto us." Aizawa whispered.

"We were shopping the clothes nothing more." I bluntly tell my husband who smiled and patted my head.

"Oh there's no need to lie about it, bro."Did he call me bro? Hizashi hummed happily and began to wander the area close to us.

He adjusted his glasses and would be playing with his phone. Today he had his hair down, was wearing a large coat with some new jeans and shirt he bought and his black boots.Hizashi stepped away and called out my name. I peeked my head out and saw him smiling way too happy when he held up a very small onesie.

"Isn't this adorable babe?! Can you imagine a baby in this?"I turned to Aizawa and all he did was roll his eyes. Ever since our last date he's been giving hints at wanting a baby which is something I am not prepared for despite the many times I have told him..

I yawned and continued to search through the rack. "Aww is my wife tired?" I groaned angrily and ignored my husbands comment until he stepped closer and hugged me tight.

"Cause if you are then we can totally sleep around here and you can use me as your pillow." He said nuzzing my neck.He frowns when he sees me serious.

"Hmm you seem to be grumpy today..alright since Christmas is coming up why don't I tell a joke?! Why does Santa Claus have such a big sack?....He only comes once a year."

"Damn it, Mic, quit it with the innuendos." Aizawa responded.

I blankly stared up at Hizashi but a small giggle escaped from me which made my husband happier.

"I knew I'd make ya laugh!" He beamed and hugged me again and rested his head on top of mine.

"Yeah yeah..hey listen do you have any idea what Nezu, Midnight or Toshinori might like for Christmas?" I asked looking up at him and grabbed both his hands, looking down to see our wedding rings.

"But Christmas isn't until four months. We have plenty of times to figure out what they'd like." Aizawa went and purchased his things and Hizashi went to pay for the clothes I got.

I stayed behind and held the small onesie Hizashi held a moment ago.I sighed tiredly and disappointed in myself. I slowly unbuttoned my warm coat and saw the small bump on my stomach.

I am pregnant and Hizashi has no idea. The only ones who could tell I was pregnant was Nemuri aka Midnight and Toshinori aka All Might.I had been eating a lot in the past few months and never experienced any sickness through out the pregnancy. All I thought was that I was getting fat.

All Might and Midnight were the ones who told me to get a checkup and that I did.I am 5 months into the pregnancy. It was odd because I didn't have a large belly, according to the doctor I am like that small percentage of women, who have no idea they are pregnant until the day comes and surprises them.

I was lucky enough that my stomach grew just a little cause if not I could've continued going on missions and could've hurt the baby.

Nezu knew about this as well and Aizawa too. I told him a the café and he looked surprised yet concerned about me. Thankfully he understood everything I said and I promised to make him the godfather of my baby.

Hizashi knew something was wrong in me since I abandoned all missions and would stay at home.

My moodswings were all over the place but I guess that was normal to him. It was also one of the many reasons I began wearing clothes two times too big for me.I covered myself up again and placed the onesie in its spot.

I stood outside the store and gently placed my hands over my small belly."Yooo (Y/N)!"Hizashi shouted holding the bag and Aizawa looking bored as ever. "Want to head over and eat some cinnamon pretzels? Most of my class recommended the place to me." He says walking over to me.

I smiled and grabbed his hand, "Of course! I am very hungry after all." I say mentally drooling at the thought of eating a pretzel.Hizashi smiled and held my hand tight, "Then it's settled. I'll order the biggest one they have for my lovely wife!"

"Please don't embarass her more." Aizawa muttered when we got looks.

Hizashi paid no mind and waved his other hand when we saw all of class 1-A sharing a meal at the pretzel store. I have to find a way to tell Hizashi he'll be a faher and quick before someone tells him.

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