Curses Part 3-Souichi Tsujii x reader

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It's been a five months since I've given birth and ever since I did things have been getting weird around here. Souichi would continue being the creepy man as usual and singing creepy lullabies to the babies making me just stare at him with a blank but worried expression.

I held my son gently rocking him back and forth as I watched my husband changing our daughters diaper while singing creepily with that damn cigar still on his lips. "How many times have I told you to not smoke! Also why the hell are you singing to her such a macabre tune?"

Souichi glanced back at me with a creepy smile, "That's nothing for you to worry about, love."

"I swear if this is some sort of ritual or something don't hesitate in thinking that i'll choose your life over them." Souichi stares at me with a bored expression and sighs. He holds our daughter with one hand and puts the cigar out with the other.

"You really don't trust me do ya?" He asks with cold eyes and I frown. I place our son Koichi on his crib and walk over to him to grab Michina and place her on the same crib.

"Not really if I'm being honest." I turn to look at the tall man and let out a frustrated sigh when he stares at me with hs arms crossed and on one of his

I show him our marriage ring. "Haven't you ever thought about what that fortune teller said to us?"

He takes a smoke and smirks down at me. "You mean the old hag who told us our future when we were kids? Then yeah, i've kept that memory with me. So now you're gonna ask a bunch of questions and ask me why I decided to marry you.." he said aimlessly looking away and started to walk away from me.

Idiot! I quietly close the door behind me and follow Souichi who's outside. "You always treated me like an idiot and calling my curses a joke. But I can assure you my dear (Y/N) this is no joke." My husband smirks and smokes out close to my face. He enjoys watching me get angry.

I felt myself getting flustered and looked away. "Look I'm sorry I treated you the way I did..I always had a crush on you when we were in middle school and I have always found you being a creep especially when I found you finding in my house-"

"Get to the point."

"I'm getting there! you alright?! And I got jealous of you especially when I found out you had a son with that woman-"

"That woman meant nothing to me and you know it. I did always found your stuborness and coldness kind of attractive. That bitch might've been right about our future but theres a reason why I decided to stay and have a family. A real one since my own didn't pay me any attention only my grandfather did.."

How could I forget about that..

"I'm sorry that happened to you."

"That's in the past. Doesn't matter anymore."

"AHHH!" I slightly jumped up when I heard teenagers screaming. Souichi boredly stared up ahead and saw three teens running out of the haunted house.

"Do come again and please let your friends know about the experience." I shiver slightly from the grin he gave him as he waved. We do need more money so he's opened the haunted house again but it hasn't been enough. Some people have been terrified at the house and havent even msde it to the end.

"What do you even have inside the house? I know Binzo is there but that's it." Souichi wraps his arms around me and throws his cigarette to the ground.

"Nothing important..just don't even think of going inside my dear." He says almost teasingly lowering a bit to my height. I clench my fists and give him a fake smile.


Souichi grins and stands up straight. "Great! Now i'll be heading into town to buy us some groceries and some raw meat for Binzo. Do you need anything else?" He asks so I shake my head.

"Nothing else just make sure to be back before it gets dark." Souichi leans down so I lean up and kiss his lips. "Of course I will. I'll try arriving before the kids wake up."

Souichi starts to walk away and turns back to smirk at me, "Oh and (Y/N), don't go anywhere."

I nod my head and start heading back in. I run to the nearest window and watch Souichi walking away from our home, the babies are asleep, Souichi is finally out and I must know what else is inside that house.

I put on my shoes and ran outside of our small home and slowly slid the haunted house's door open."This is too dark." I mutter and turned on the flashlight and closed the door behind me.

It feels a lot colder in here, last time I was in here was when I was pregnant and Souichi came here to fed his son.I heard something rustling around and felt my hand shaking.

Souichi what the hell have you been doing? My hand began to shake and I let out a shriek when I felt something pass my legs. What the hell?! "Just ignore this, your mind is playing tricks." As I continued to walk deeper I heard more sounds and saw the doors closing and suddenly I heard growling.

I turned around and screamed as loud as I could when I saw Binzo trying to bite me and made a small slash on my forearm.

"Binzo get off of her!!"I heard some chains rattling and felt the rabid boy being pulled away and when I opened my eyes I saw Koichi?? Souichi's brother.

He looked so different, very skinny and with little hair on his head."Get in the cage you idiot!" He threw the weird boy inside and Koichi ran to my side while I laid on the floor.

"Koichi! Your alive I thought you were-"

The doors slid open and we both turned and saw Souichi. He wore a worried expression when he saw me bleeding on the ground and raced to me, "(Y/N)?! Koichi did this to you?!" He asked helping me up and held me, quickly taking his tie off and wrapping it around my wound.

Out of no where he took a whip out and glared at his brother. "Are you stupid?! Souichi I thought your brother was dead!" I shouted trying to block him from hitting Koichi.

Koichi fell to the ground and began to cry."I can't believe you held him captive and threatened to kill him if he wonder our fridge would also get empty." I glare up at the man who doesn't pay attention and grabgs another cigarette to smoke.

"And quit on the smoking! Everytime I scold you you do the same! Those things will kill you." I said suddenly slapping him and throwing the cancer stick away.

He glared and rubbed his cheek. "So Binzo attacked you huh? That brats gonna pay." Souichi grabbed his whip and went to Binzos cage.I worriedly looked at Koichi and helped him up the ground.

"I can't imagine the pain you went through. Come now you'll be living with us. I'll prepare anything whats your favorite food?!" I asked my brother in law.Together we all made it to our small home across from the haunted house and handed Koichi some towels when he had his bath and we all stood there looking down at the crib.

Michina giggled as Soichi held her and her brother Koichi who was fast asleep again."I can't believe this freak has a real family." Koichi whispered staring at his nephew and niece."Want me to whip you again?" Souichi angrily muttered.

"Now now don't fight." "How do you not want me to fight? My brother will be living with us and we won't be able to have our fun." I blush at those words and Koichi does as well when he understood well what Souichi meant."You sick man."


About 2 months had passed and Koichi got a lot better. His hair grew back and he was no longer that skinny as he was before, we had a few visitors from the rest of the family much to Souichi's dismay.

It was fun seeing everyone together, when I was busy Koichi would look after my kids and play with them.Souichi and I were sitting down on the carpet and I smiled when I saw our both kids trying their best to walk to where we were. Michina was closer to her father so when she almost fell Souichi was quick and helped her back up.

My son Koichi on the other hand was closer to me and sat down on the carpet and sucked on his thumb. He's reminding me a lot of Souichi.

"They are both adorable but will you tell him to stop handing them those creepy dolls?!" Koichi asked pointing at the voodoo doll Souichi handed to Michina

"Mind your own business brother." He muttered playing with Michina in his arms.

I smiled and handed my son to Koichi, "Don't be so harsh, Souichi knows what he's doing even if it doesn't look like it. To be honest we can't wait till baby number three is born." I chuckled and placed my hand on my growing belly and Souichi rested his on top of mine.

"All we gotta do is wait and see what the baby will be. I'm excited maybe he'll be a boy." Koichi gave Souichi a look.

"Why a boy? I've seen your closer to your daughter besides if its a son you'll have three now with Binzo..he's an awful kid, i'm surprised you even had a kid before going at it with (Y/N)." Souichi and I stayed silent.

We both feel uncomfortable talking about that subject..."That's none of your business brother." Souichi sighs and wraps an arm protectively around me. Suddenly we hear the birds chirping and flying past our home and the trees starts rustling.

We all ran outside and my blood ran cold when I saw a giant ass creepy looking woman walking closer and stopped when she reached our little home.

"What the hell is that?!"

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