Don't Leave-Yuugo x Reader 🍋

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We continued to run forward and stopped when Emma and Ray began searching the area with their eyes. "Is that I think it is?" I point up ahead and notice a bunker.

"Follow me." The kids begin to run behind me making sure to stay close. I place my rifle behind my back and opened up the door with help of Don and Ray.

The kids cheer since they know we've arrived at a safe spot. Finally we don't have to spend another night worrying if those demons will come searching for all of us. "Come on hurry up." I stay out un case someone sees us and the children each run inside the bunker.

I close the door back up making sure to lock it and turned around to see nothing but dust around, empty walls and it feels very quiet and dense here. "Stay behind me." I whisper looking at the kids. "Ray, Emma make sure to hide next to the wall in case someone attacks."

Both of them nod their heads and stand by the wall. I kick the door open with my foot and aim my rifle up and spot a man sitting on top of a table. "Who the hell are you?" I shout with authority and glare at the man.

I'm still holding my weapon tight just in case. "Who I am doesn't concern you." He says continuing to smoke a cigarette like nothing's happening.

"Now what the hell are you doing here?" He speaks again and before I could answer Emma stands next to me and slowly walks towards the man. Ray warns her by calling her name but she doesn't listen to him.

He looks at us all and I see a smirk on his face. "So you're the children who escaped Grace Field. I didn't expect to see a lot of you still alive." The man boredly tells us and looks at me up and down. "I certainly never expected a Sister to escape either."

It's been months so i've still been wearing my black colored dress Sisters and Mom's are forced to wear. We all didn't have time to grab articles of clothings so we've all been wearing the same since. "Are you William Minerva?" I ask cutting to the chase.

The man looks at me through his golden eyes, "No." Ray scoffs and glares at the man. "He's lying." I listen to him mumble.

Emma gives us a confused look but looks back at the man. "We decoded William Minerva's clues and books. He was supposed to great us here. Where is he?"

"Antenna I have no idea, I've been waiting for that man for many years. It's just me here." I keep my glare on him and clench my fists.

"So you're telling us that he's not here? It took us months to find this place-"

"I'm not even sure if the man exists. Can't help you on that."

" least let me and the children stay here for the night. After that we'll be long gone from here." I strictly told the man and earned a glare from him.

And so it was revealed to us that William Minerva hasn't been to this bunker for many years as the man only known as Mister told us. Emma didn't lose faith in finding Minerva unlike Ray who wasn't so positive. Gilda and Emma were with the smaller ones and the guys were taking their turn with the showers.

It's been about two weeks since we arrived and Emma threatened Mister to let us stay here. The man didn't take things too lightly. I finished dressing myself up in some comfortable clothes I found and began to head into the kitchen area.

"Make sure they don't run out the hot water." I noticed Mister sitting down by a table with his boots on top of it. I grimace at that and walked toward him and pushed his feet back down from the table.

"I just cleaned the table and don't worry we'll be leaving soon." I informed him and reached over to clean the spot where he was with a cloth. "It's been two weeks Sister." He says with a smirk and boredly crosses his arms.

"I told you my name is (Y/N), I'd like you to call me that instead of Sister." I'm starting to get annoyed whenever he doesn't say my name like I told him to.

"You should tell me yours also..we are leaving tomorrow after all so we probably won't see each other again." The man keeps his stare on me but he only scoffs to himself and closed his eyes leaning his head back a bit."Aren't gonna answer me?!" I shout now really annoyed by him. I hear him groan and see his eyes open once more.

"You remind me of Antenna girl over there." He points behind me.I turn around and see Emma hide but clearly her 'antenna' is out as Mister likes to call her.

"Emma, what is it?" The girl slowly peeks out and blushes."O-Oh nothing! Just wondering what we're having for dinner is all." She's been acting weird lately. "Well first we'll finish the chores and then I'll start planning dinner."

"Right! Okay." With that she ran off leaving me confused with Mister. "That was weird." I sigh and sat down on a seat next to Mister who keeps to himself.

"I'll give you a couple of weapons for tomorrow." Mister tells me.I glare at him in return, "Is this one of your games? if so I'm still not happy with what happened last time." Mister has taken Emma and Ray with him a few days ago to scan the area. He was actually planning to get rid of them.

"I can't have children in a world like this so they are mine and I will protect them." I stand up angrily and left Mister alone. He's a grumpy man and doesn't want us here so we'll leave him before we can have any more trouble.

Everyone of the kids have a smile on their faces and feel free here, forgetting how cruel the outside world is. I want to see them smile everyday but that'll be gone by tomorrow, I wish we could stay but we don't get to decide on that. I wonder how the other half of the children are, is Isabella treatining them differently? What happened to her how did Grandma take it? Isabella must be under some strict supervision by her. What if the demons catches us-

"Your burning up the soup." I jumped up when I heard raspy voice behind me. Mister stood next to me and grabbed the spoon I was holding and began to stir the pot full of vegtables and meat while it was boiling. I glanced up to look at him and felt my face turn red. Has he always been this tall and attractive..His eyes were focused on the soup.

His dark messy hair looking perfect along with those white streaks of hair. It's been months since I've seen a man. His dark eyes were on me now and I shivered when he touched my forehead. "You have a fever or something? Your face is red."He pointed it out. I stepped away from him quick and saw his expression change to a confused one now. "I-I'm fine. I'll check on the kids." I felt my heart beating faster now at everytime I was near Mister.


Everyone was fast asleep in their beds. I don't know what time it was but it was very late and I couldn't sleep. After dinner ended I gave my thanks to Mister for letting us stay. I stepped out of my room and quietly headed to the see the children a couple of rooms away from mine. I unlocked the door and saw them all asleep and snoring.I smiled and noticed Emma protectively holding onto one of her sisters.

I closed the door again and quietly headed into mine again. I got under the sheet and heard a knock on my door, Mister came in.The candle I had next to me was enough to see him through the almost dark room. "I thought I wouldn't see you tonight." Mister stayed quiet and leaned his back against the door.

"Couldn't sleep and neither can you.""You'll get plenty of sleep when we leave." I bitterly tell him but tried to remain calm. "Sorry..." I whisper and see his cold eyes now looking at me worried.I hear his steps getting closer until he sits on the bed and looks at me. "I..I need you here."

Surprised I look at him and tilt my head. "Here? How?" The man seems to struggle with what he wants to say, he looks away and I notice his pale cheeks turn red.

"You and the kids. I'm afraid i've grown fond of you all." I smile and take his hand."Me too. You're grumpy all the time but it's fun being here with you since you're an adult and it feels nice to have someone my age." I confess and see him still looking the other way.

The man shifts a little and opens and closes his mouth, his hands behin to shake a bit and I feel my heart beating faster. "I want you (Y/N)." I smile at him lovingly and run my fingers through his messy hair. It's the first time he's said my name.

Mister seems to stay frozen in place when I lean forward and kiss his lips. I pull back and feel my entire face turning red. "You can have me but you need to tell me your name. "Yuugo." He whispers his name and leans into my touch. Yuugo takes my shoulders and pushes me down onto the bed.

I close my eyes when he kisses me and slowly goes down to my neck. I whimper when I feel him fingers between my legs.Yuugo unbuttons my nightgown and strips me out of the remaining of my clothes leaving me completely exposed to him, to do whatever he wants to me.

I beg him to continue when he is busy kissing my exposed skin. He began sucking my neck then shoulder.After a while his delicate lips and hands moved down to my chest. I let your head fall back to the pillows and feel my breathing quicken especially when he inserted a finger in me. My hand found his dark colored hair. "Make me yours." I whisper blushing at my words.

His smile vanished, his dark colored eyes filled with lust. His hands spreaded my legs wider. I squirm under his touch and whimper when he inserts another finger. I moaned loudly but quickly covered my mouth when he leaned down closer to me and began eating me out. His soft tongue found my enterance. He inserted another finger with his tongue into me. My eyes rolled back and with both hands I was pulling his hair wanting more.Yuugo separated his lips from me,eyes dark eyes meeting mine and his black hair was all over his forehead. "You're are still so tight, (Y/N) it'll just take a moment." One more finger was inserted. I moaned louder and clutched the sheets tight when I came and left a wet spot on the sheets.He smiled to himself and pulled his fingers out and then brought them to his mouth and started to clean his fingers. I looked away feeling too embarassed.

Yuugo began to undress himself too and i got nervous when I looked at him..down at him, he noticed this and smiled to himself, now he was on top of me.Yuugo leaned down and kissed me again. I wrapped my arms around his neck.The moment I sharing with him was like any other, he was sweet, shy and curious like I was. I kissed him again and he lovingly did so back.He paused for a second snd pushed himself inside of me. The corners of my eye began to water from pain but soon it was replaced with pleasure.

Yuugo held a tight grip on my waist as his rhythm got faster. I wrapped my legs aroynd his bare waist and held onto his shoulders when I felt my stomach turning again.The bed continued to move at our pace and I had to bite back a moan or cover my mouth so the children won't hear us.

I blushed again when I felt his member going in and out of me, since i was so wet it caused some to drip down my thighs and the room being filled with our sounds and moans. I was feeling close and so was he. Yuugo pulled out and thrusted into me again, I gripped his arms and began digging my nails into him.I closed my eyes shut and we both came, our moans filled the room. My head tiredly was rested on the pillow and his head into the crook of my neck. I felt dirty but relieved. I felt the warmth liquid filling me up.

Yuugo pulled out but continued staying right by my side and started caressing my cheek and looking down at me lovingly. I tiredly smiled back and played with his messy hair. "Yuugo..that's a beautiful name." I mutter and see him chuckle.

"Not as beautiful as yours, (Y/N)." again he leaned down and kissed my lips not wanting to let go of me. "There will be no more lying between us, you and the kids need me as I need you. I'll protect you and them from the demons."

I smile up at him and leaned into his touch. "I'm not planning on going anywhere without you." We leaned into each other's touch again and knew we weren't done for the night.

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