Firefly Part 2-Hotaru Haganezuka x Reader

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Summary: The hunt for Haganezuka continues though training Tanjiro is your first priority, that's until Haganezuka makes a sudden appearance. Without a sword, fighting will be complicated especially when the village is attacked leaving you no other choice but to protect those dear to you.

(Ahhh we got Haganezuka's face reveal in today's new episode😍 he looks so handsome! I've been waiting for the reveal since the first season ended. Please enjoy this new chapter and a third part will be written soon once the 3rd season ends.)

"Not only Tanjiro has to train either! You don't want to be known as the lazy Hashira, do you?!" I felt a pang in my chest, that little boy Kotetsu had no shame in saying whatever was on his mind.

I'm older than Tanjiro but not that much. Since Kotetsu saw me telling Tanjiro to train his hardest, guess Kotetsu wanted me to do the same..

Defeatedly, I was laying on the ground after a life few hours of training. I had gotten rid of my haori since it was getting in the way of training. Tanjiro was a lot more tired than I was, the poor boy was having trouble having a few sips of water.

"Both of you deserve this." Kotetsu presented us with our favorite desserts.

"Thank you Kotetsu!" Tanjiro cried now having huge bites out of his food.

I smiled looking at him and took a bite of my own dessert and savored every bite until the three of us heard rustling coming from a few bushes behinds us, we felt the ground shaking and we quickly stood up.

"Is that another demon?! No it can't be, it's still daylight."

Kotetsu hid behind Tanjiro and I. Both of us preparing to fight at whoever or whatever was coming towards us.

"Huh?" We tilted our heads and saw that a person came out of the forest. It was none other than Haganezuka.

"Wahh!!" Tanjiro and Kotetsu screamed.


"Mr. Haganezuka!"

Tanjiro and I stared surprised to see him make an appearance since it was clear that he was avoiding us. "So, you finally showed up, huh?! About time you showed your face!"

I pointed my finger at him and slowly lowered it feeling an intimidating aura coming from out of him. Though despite that, a deep blush spread across my face when I saw him up close.

Haganezuka seemed very different than when I last saw him. He seemed a lot stronger and muscular than before, though I don't know how he looked back then behind his clothes..wait what am I saying?!

Stop saying those things, he looks different sure but still wears that hideous mask.

"Where's my sword?!" Was the first thing I blurt out.

I felt Kotetsu tugging onto my sleeves. "(Y/N) don't get him angry!" The boy cried continuing to try and get me to step back.

Like little kids Tanjiro and Kotetsu now stood behind me with Haganezuka slowly walking towards us.

"I have heard your story. I'll take it from here.."

"Take what from here?!" Kotetsu also asked.

What?! Tanjiro and I exchanged looks. Haganezuka's hand reach between us and we saw him gripping onto the sword Tanjiro found when he fought against Yoriichi Type Zero.

I gripped onto the handle and Tanjiro did the same when Haganezuka tried taking it from him.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Tanjiro asked when Haganezuka began forcing his way to grab the sword.

"I'll take it from here."

"Take what?!"

The four of us beginning to fight against him when Hotaru continued to repeat the same thing. Haganezuka isn't using his full force, if he did he would've already taken the sword from us if he wanted to.

"You are not taking it from us. What do you mean by 'I'll take it from here' anyways?! Why have you been avoiding me!" I huff beginning to pull the sword successfully.

"I went to train and get stronger just so I could forge you a better sword!" He shouted back. "Just shut up and leave it to me!"

"He's gone insane." Tanjiro mutters.

"You can't just come out of the blue and say that. It makes no sense."

"No, it belongs to Kotetsu."

"Leave it to me means leave it to me!"

"And I asked you what you meant by that!" Tanjiro said with the three of us trying out best to fight against Haganezuka who was dragging us towards him.

"Ahhh!" The three of us screamed when Haganezuka handled the sword and threw us back.

I hissed rubbing my butt when I fell next to Tanjiro. "Ow! What kind of a grown up does that?!" I huff and quickly stood up ready to fight him despite still feeling pain.

"Why did you even go into hiding? Are you scared of me?!" I shout looking up at him.

"As if I'd be scared of a short Hashira as yourself!",

"Listen boys.." we stayed silent when we heard another male voice with us. From behind Haganezuka his partner showed up. I recognized him since he usually accompanies him on his travels.

Mr. Kanamori.

"Mr. Haganezuka's weak spots are his sides." Kanamori said beginning to tickle Haganezuka's sides.

"Ehh?" I watched as a grown man began to laugh until he fell onto the ground over that simple action.

Kanamori stopped tickling him and stood before us. "Hey, long time no see Tanjiro, (Y/N). Mr. Haganezuka always goes limp for a while after being tickled. Please forgive him. You see, he's been hiding out in the mountains, training."

While Kanamori spoke, Kotetsu who was by my side continued to throw pebbles onto Haganezuka.

"He trained harder to forge you both a new strong sword, so that you won't get killed."

My mouth immediately closed when Kotetsu said that all of the sudden said that. He went to get stronger..just so he could make me a better sword?

My eyes widened and I felt Kotetsu moving me back and forth when be saw a blush on my face. "Still that doesn't answer the question on why he's been avoiding you." I heard him mutter.

"Not that he'd ever admit that." Kotetsu added. "Oh, look he's, revived."

Haganezuka all of the sudden jumped up on hai feet. "I shall take this rusty sword into my care, and using the nichirin sword polishing art of the Haganezuka family. I will restore it."

"Then why didn't you say so from the start? Instead of 'Leave it to me' when you have zero trust built up."

I stared down at Kotetsu, this small boy surely had a strong attitude. The bot was suddenly lifted off the ground by Haganezuka threatening him again, Tanjiro and Kanamori ran to Haganezuka's side and tickled him once more.


I remained silent continuing to follow Haganezuka, watching his back while we continue to walk in silence.

"I don't need a Hashira to escort me back to the village." He said glancing back at me, with me seeing the side of his mask, only a few curly black strands poking out from the cloth he had.

Kanamori told me to follow Haganezuka to his place, especially since he had given Tanjiro a sword and didn't bring another one.

"I know. You can manage that yourself, but I want to make sure you don't go into hiding again. Besides I need a sword too." I say and he didn't respond.

Strange how he's suddenly silent and not bursting like he did back then. I pick up the pace and now am walking beside him. I continue to look forward but felt him glance back down at me.

"I spoke with Tecchin earlier.."

"What does the old man want now?" He growled.

"Nothing serious. He was just worried about you, all he said is that you went into I know it wasn't."

I blush and stared down at my feet remembering the words he said. 'I went to train and get stronger just so I could forge you a better sword..'

Turning back to look at him I smile, "You didn't have to do that you know. Get stronger. All this time I thought you just didn't want to continue being my swordsmith. I'm happy to know that I was wrong, Haganezuka."

I smile and blush staring up at him and he looked down and quickly away. I could see a blush spread across his mask somehow. All he did was groan a bit.

"Just call me Hotaru if you'd like."

My smile grew bigger and I giggled. "You know I stayed up late last night and noticed many fireflies. They reminded me of you since your name means Firefly correct?"

Hotaru remained silent not wanting to talk further. I smile to myself feeling happy that I'm at least gaining his trust.

"I think it's a cute name."

"It's not a cute name!!" He shouted all of the sudden.

He's definitely so cute! I continue to blush and noticed how tiny I look compared to him. I don't know what he looks like under the mask, but I think I'm in love with him.

Maybe..maybe it's the reason why I decided to come to this village and start looking for him. The only thing that came across my mind before arriving to the village was looking at Haganezuka again..

"I'm sure you've been working your very best, Hotaru. I know you don't hear this often, but I'm really thankful for your dedication and I'm extremely thankful to continue being your client."

I heard a slight noise and tilted my head to see small bubble like things floating around Haganezuka's face. Is he flustered? I've seen Tanjiro's friend with the boar head do the same.

"It's only natural for a swordsmith to go through the same difficulty as a Hashira." Hotaru simply said and huffed again.

The two of us arrived back at the village and I followed him to his home, I entered when he did and saw many types of swords displayed, so this is his working spot...

Haganezuka turned his back to me and placed the sword Tanjiro found next on a table.

This is his home then. Does he live alone? Does he even have a wife, if he does I shouldn't be here. Why do I even sound disappointed at that?

"I'd say make yourself comfortable but you better get back with the kid. I'll be extremely busy with both swords which means I won't have time for your annoyance. I'll need that."

He pointed at my swords handle. I took what was left of my sword out and handed it to him. "Take any of those swords displayed on the wall. They are unfinished but it's better to have a sword than nothing."

I huff my cheeks but decided to not say anything about it, that'll surely make him kick me out. "I'll be with Tanjiro if you were to need me." I said and began heading my way back into the forest.


I continued to run throughout the woods searching the any of the demons that came out of the Upper Moon Hantengu. I continued to run ignoring the pain on my chest and ears, I reached up and felt blood coming from my ears and felt more flowing down my face from when the demon slashed above my eyes.

I gripped my sword and noticed how chipped it was, it'll be no good. I won't be able to decapitate a demon with a sword like this.

I stopped running and could feel, no, smell something. Something rotten and hideous. It can't be another demon! Another Upper Moon is here?! And the smell is coming from opposite of me.

Where is Muichiro? Is he handling the other demon?! Somehow both demons smell powerful. Tanjiro is fighting alongside Nezuko and Genya who is Sanemi's brother, in my opinion I'd rather face a demon that deal with his older brother, but still! I have to make a choice wether continue moving forward or help Muichiro our and protect Kotetsu and Kanamori.

Almost the entire village has been destroyed and unfortunately many swordsmith were killed by the demons. On my way to help Genya, I had been thrown off further than Tanjiro and tried locating where I can find more villagers to save them. It's been a few hours and surely Haganezuka must have at least finished part of my sword.

I won't be able to decapitate one with the one he gave me. I do hope Haganezuka finished it. Though finding him will be rough since demons keep appearing before me, one of Hantengu's other halves or some big ass fish keeping me from going any further.

Many villagers and nice people I met here have died trying to defend their home, so I won't let the demons harm Hotaru any time soon.

Hotaru was in his home forging the swords, but I'm sure he must've left as soon as the demons in invaded the village. Now it'll be a bit harder to locate him.

I stopped running further where I was supposed to and turned back around, I'm still far away from where Muichiro and the rest are! But I can smell blood, many dead villagers ripped apart and fish like demons all around.

I'm sorry Tanjiro hang on a bit longer!

"Ha!" I jumped up onto a couple of tree branches and could see more fishes up ahead. I held onto my sword tight and swung it down into the demons when I jumped back down onto the ground. Their cries were heard once I pierced their skin and killed them.

More demons continued to appear but I chose to ignore them and continue moving forward, if I stop I'll only be letting more people get hurt.

I noticed a small shack up ahead, I came from the other side of continued to run forward until I jumped up and kicked the window open making the glass shatter into pieces. I swung my sword at the demon and heard a small cry come from him, until I heard it laugh when I ran and stood in front of the swordsmith, protecting them.

"(Y/N)!" Kanamori exclaimed when he saw me.

"Are you both alright?" I shout looking back.

Kanamori and Hotaru are here! I finally found them! I glanced back and my eyes widened when I saw Kanamori bleeding alongside Hotaru, he seemed to have taken the worse but was still finishing up with my sword.

Such dedication! But how dare the demons harm them both! All I could see was Hotaru's back, with blood pouring out from the wounds and his broken mask next to him.

I decided to not look at him for his privacy, since I know the villagers hide their faces for protection.

The Upper Moon charged with it's tentacle like arms and continued to slash forward, I hissed but held my ground and took the cuts instead of Hotaru and Kanamori.

The demon continued to laugh when he saw me glaring at him, when he saw I didn't move from tm spot. "How cute! A girl protecting two strong human men. I hope your insides look as good as the outside, Oh! You'll look lovely on a vase."

"And how dare you kill innocent villagers for your amusement! I'll be the one to kill you instead, so stop talking and fight me, demon!"

I grabbed the sword and rose it up ready to attack but I froze and stared at it surprised when the sword was suddenly cut in half. What?? Only the handle of it was left on my hands.

I could feel the demon grinning at his actions. I clenched my fists and continue to stare my ground, I feel my legs shaking but didn't dare to move. If I were to die then so be it! It's the reason why I became a Hashira.

"Whatever happens don't you dare die, Hashira!" I looked back and could only see the side Hotaru's face when he said that to me.

I nodded my head and continued to stand in front of both men. I raised my fists ready to give it my all and end this demon. I can sense Hotaru is nearly finished with my sword, so I'll hold up and fight with all I've got!

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