Forbidden-Zeke Yeager x Reader

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Summary: Mikasa has always had Eren to protect and follow around. You have Zeke. How will both of your relationship go when he uncovers your past.


"Ha! That's two in a row, I've won!" Porco exclaimed and pointed at Pieck. The dark haired girl was laying across the couch I was on, I was sitting on the edge to not disturb her.

"That's because I let you." She replied with a smirk adorning her tired face.

"No you didn't!"

I giggled at his childish behavior meanwhile Reiner who was sitting opposite of me was frowning, he seemed very deep in thought. I know what's running through his head.

It's those people who call us devil's.

"You are annoying me, I'm heading out for a drink." Reiner stood up and threw the few cards he had in hand. He turned to look at me before he left, "Want to join me?"

In his way that meant he was saving me from staying here listening to Porco complain. "Sure, one drink before bed won't harm me."

Reiner and I began walking to where the bar is and as soon as we arrived, smoke filled the air and many soldiers were drinking the night away. My heart nearly stopped when I saw Zeke talking to a couple of men.

He was still wearing in white uniform like the most of us, his eyes seemed tired but he was drinking and smoking as if it were still early.

We were all called up a few days ago since Willy Tyber will be giving a speech, which means we have to be on the lookout for any suspicious activity. "There he is again." I heard Reiner mutter when he received his drink and boredly look at Zeke's direction.

"I know I shouldn't talk about this, but was it wrong leaving?" Reiner whispers when he makes sure no one's around to listen at the able we were sitting at.

I smile and nod my head. "Of course, why would you regret leaving?" I ask mocking him for thinking of such things.

Reiner hummed and didn't approve of my behavior. "There's something you're hiding. I don't know what it is buts it's been bothering me for years now. We're like family, you can tell me anything."

I'm not sure he'll understand or anyone.

"Ha! Maybe some other time, let's drink!" I fake being so happy and grab another alcoholic beverage for us.

"No, thanks. I'm not planning on getting drunk tonight."

Reiner had been so distant since he came back. I'm sure I would get hung or killed for the many secrets I've been hiding from the many soldiers and the people here.

"Reiner, (Y/N). What's brings you both here?"

"What's it to you?" Reiner asks almost glaring at Zeke when we came to us.

"We wanted to escape from Porco and Pieck!" I exclaim when I take a bother swing at my drink.

"This two can act quite childish.." he hums and remembers the many times those two have had an argument, or more like Porco since Pieck is so laid-back.

Reiner takes one last sip and places some money on the table. "I'm tired, hey, if you need someone to talk to, you know where to find me." Reiner patted my shoulder and looked down at me.

I looked into his blue eyed and smiled. "I know! Have a good rest." I bid him farewell and watched his leave to his home.

Which left me being with Zeke. He sat down where Reiner previously was, he was quiet with his arms folded across his chest while smoking a cigarette, it was hard seeing his eyes from the smoke of it.

I smiled and held onto my drink. "So, what's brings you here tonight?" I ask him instead.

"Cut the bullshit, (Y/N)."

The atmosphere suddenly felt heavy. I tilted my head faking that I was confused at what he meant, luckily we were in the far back of the bar which meant no one would listen at our conversation.

"Hmm? don't know what you mean." I lazily rested back onto the seat and finally saw his sharp blue eyes darken when I caught sight of them.

"Every soldier in this place could shoot you if I were to say what you've been hiding."

"All those moments you would so desperately try to fight for us, for me, was for something different, correct?"

I scoff and try to play it off. "I seriously think you had too much to drink. We've known each other for years! I know when you're joking."

The many years I've known Zeke, he's never joked about something..I should've chosen s different word.

My throat tightened when I realized he was slowly getting to me. I tried do hard to not stutter in anything I said.

But what gave it away?


Reiner was just up ahead trying to fight off Eren along with Bertholt, I noticed Pieck at the very bottom of the wall I was standing on and caught sight of the Beast Titan which wasn't hard too miss since it's it's huge.

Erwin was on the ground with more soldiers who were prepared to fight off Zeke. It's almost time.

I jumped down and easily maneuvered myself with my odm gear and landed right next to one of the many horses and soldiers who were prepared to die.

Erwin gave me a sincere and kind I would never forget.

That was the last thing I saw before her charged forward and I dodged every rock that was thrown at us, they almost hit me, I would've died until I flew forward and landed on the Beast Titans shoulder.

"It worked! You were right on what you said." I tell Zeke on Erwin's suicide plan. "E-Erwin is dead." I stuttered and I felt my ears ringing when I looked down and saw the many dead soldiers.

The entire ground was painted in blood, almost everyone died and I was one of the lucky ones who was on the other side of the team.

"I'll hold Eren back! Go ahead before he catches up!"

I jumped down and began to head over to Eren who roared angrily. I prepared my blades and began to cut him when I made it to him. Reiner tried to attack him while I began to cut him, but that girl with red scarf clashed with my blades.

"Mikasa! Let me through."

"Why would you do this?"

She was genuinely hurt. She didn't expect me off all people to betray them. I ignored all emotions I had on her, on all of them and began to fight back.

"I won't let you or Eren near Zeke. You and Levi will have to go through me."

Her eyes darkened when I said that. "So be it." She charged at me with fury while I dodged her attacks and tried to not get myself cut by her, or worst beheaded.

"What Eren will do will destroy humanity! You have no idea the destruction he'll create and when you do it'll be late." I tried to tell her but she was blinded with rage.

I held onto my blades right and continue to fight against her until she finally slashed my arm creating a long and deep cut.

After that we quickly went back to Eldia and gave I gave out some more information about Paradis.


"You stuttered his name."

Zeke keeps his eyes on me. I finally frown and stare back at him with empty eyes. "I did..didn't I?"

I suddenly stood up and remained calm. "I'll be right back." I excuses myself to head to the restroom. There's no way I'll be talking to him about it.

Quickly I began to look for an exit and if was through a top window. I jumped down and began to run away and towards a few trees away from the many houses.

A small house that was left for me when I was just a little kid. I would spend my days here worrying about nothing until I was taken away.

"Open that door and I'll eat you." I gulped and saw Zeke who was just behind me.

"(Y/N) (L/N). I knew there was something wrong about you. You would appear and suddenly disappear for weeks when you were a child. The couple who raised weren't you're real parents, they were traitors too just like the man who threw you away when he was too busy."

I refused to meet his eyes.

"You played your role so well, you almost fooled me. When you left with Annie, Bertholt and Reiner..that wasn't your first time arriving at Paradis. You've been able to disguise yourself and change your name various of times but we all know that isn't you're real name is it?"

Oh no.

"(Y/N) Yeager. You are the daughter of Geisha Yeager and a woman called Carolyn. He tried to experiment on your before you ran away and a year later later when you did, he had Eren."

I turned around and looked up at him. "All those times you've been putting up a facade. Are you truly happy?"

"How long have you known about this?" I ask ignoring his previous questions.

"On the same day I went to get you and Reiner back."

The woman who was my mother was from Marley. I barely remember anything about her only the things Grisha would try to do to me. He abandoned Zeke and had Eren instead and proceeded to experiment on him.

I ran away from home when I had enough and never saw Grisha again.

Zeke was expected to be perfect and gave his parents away to be killed.

And Eren has a loving home.

Zeke has it harder than us both...

"If you've known about this, why wait till now?"

I tried to hard to hide these things. I should've known a man like him would try to look for my background. "Because they'll be here soon and I need you to pick a side."

"That wasnt what I meant." I mutter.

Zeke keeps his eyes down on me. Few weeks ago I accidently got ourselves drunk and we spent the night together.

"I want you to know that I'll be here in whatever you need from me." I heard Zeke whisper and I felt him grab my hand and kiss the top of it.

Like it or not Zeke knows how much my attitude has changed. I used to be so cold and distant towards anyone back then, that when we first met, everything changed.

I knew what I was feeling for him was wrong but I couldn't help it. Does he feel the same as well? Even after knowing the truth about us being sibling's?

I gasped when Zeke came closer and wrapped his arms around me protectively. "I won't let Eren lay a finger on you."

Eren has Mikasa fighting for him. So I'll do the same and continue fighting for Zeke. I smiled and rested my head against his chest until he lifted my chin up and leaned down to kiss my lips.

I know which side to truly choose now. Zeke helped me through so much with my ptsd, so I owe him my life. Whatever happens, I'll be by his side.

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