Learning-Katsuki Bakugo x reader

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Never in a million years did I ever thought that Bakugou would be my husband. I always followed Izuku Midoriya around and protected him from our 'enemy' at the time, we grew up,went to the same school and now we are pro heroes. Izuku's dream came true in becoming the worlds strongest hero, he would spend his time protecting the people around town and also spending his free time with his mom and Toshinori.

"Are they breathing?"

I whisper to Bakugou who's quiet as he stands by my side as we stare down at the crib. I married Bakugou a year ago since his mother threatened him to ask me the question. It's been a day since I came from the hospital and everyone of our friends came to visit us. Tired yet scared I glanced over to him.

Bakugou reached down and gently grabbed our daughter and placed her in his arms, "Yeah, they're breathing alrightl" he assured when he noticed her chest was slowly moving up and down. I placed my hand on my chest and sighed relieved that nothing bad happened. This is new to us after all.

"I'm so sleepy." i yawn and rub my eyes.

"I told you to sleep but you're too dumb to listen to me!" Bakugou said raising his voice up and I glared back at him.

"Shut up you'll wake the babies!"

Once I said that a cry came from the crib and I went in to reach for our son and gently began to rock him back and forth, "Please don't cry or you'll wake up your sister-" before I could finish our daughter began to cry. "Ugh why did we even have these brats?" i heard him whisper under his breathe.

"You're mother wanted to become a grandma,remember? She would've teared you apart if you didn't listen to her, besides it'll make us more responsible. Here I'll be right back." I handed him our daughter and he held both his kids.

"What the hell am I suppose to do?!"

"I'll be right back!" I shout back at him. I entered the kitchen and prepared both kids some milk and right away went back to see Bakugou struggling to hold them, "Careful you let either of them fall or i'll smack you." i tell him and handed him a bottle so he would feed our daughter.

"You're as annoying as my mother!"

"Shh!!" I glare at him and sat down on the rocking chair and began to feed (S/N). After a couple of minutes I looked down to see my son asleep, gently I placed him back on the crib and Bakugou did the same with our daughter. "About time those brats fell asleep." I raised my hand and smacked his head.

"What the hell idiot?!"

"Those are our kids Bakugou! You better get used to them cause we'll be having them for a long time. Come on now let's go to bed." I said angrily first then smiled at him at the last part, I grabbed his hand as I led him to our room but heard him groaning when he knew I would be giving him a few lectures once we reached our bed.


"Thank you again,Ochako. I don't know what I would do without you, the kid's loved your meal,you are a better cook than I am after all." I smile as I held onto my phone and tied my shoes up.

"Oh,that was nothing. Hey,tonight the girls and I planned to have a barbecue at my place and everyone's gonna be there. Wanna come?" i heard her ask from the other side.

"You know I won't miss it. Gotta go the kids have class in fifteen minutes, we'll make sure to be there early." I ended the call and began to run around the house like a lunatic. I grabbed my bag, the small lunch I made for my kids and the keys to the house.

It's been four years since Bakugou and I first had (S/N) and (D/N). It's all been hard it felt like I was raising three kids and a dog since we adopted one a year ago, I insisted on Bakugou to come with me to leave the kids at their first day at school. As much as he fought for me to go alone at the last minute he decided to stay.

"I don't get why I have dress like this." He cursed as he looked himself in the mirror, he wore a suit but was struggling with his tie. I ran over to him and helped him, "So we can make a good impression on the teachers and other parents."

"Why am I even doing this?" he asked himself.

"Cause i'm your wife and you love me."

Bakugou rolled his eyes and walked away. "Mommy!" I heard my daughter shout from inside her room, when I ran in I saw his brother pulling her hair. "(S/N) leave your sister alone!" I shouted at the small Bakugou who was an exact replica of him when he was a kid.

Before I could catch him he ran out of the room and I went to fix (D/N) hair. "Mommy why is he so mean?" my young daughter asked she held onto her doll. "He just got that from your dad, he was just like your brother but no matter what your brother does he'll always love you and protect you from anyone." i looked down and saw her wiping her tears.

"Come on smile for me okay?" i smiled wide and she giggled doing the same. "Let's go and find your father." she grabbed my hand and we left the room when Bakugou screamed and I knew something was up.


When I reached the living room with my daughter, I saw Bakugou's suit burnt. "It was that brat!" he shouted ready to grab our son when he ran and hid behind me. "Mommy!" our son cried and tried to run away from Bakugou till I stopped.

"Bakugou it's getting late! Change into another suit and let's go."

"Fine..fuck why did I have kids?" I smacked him again and him his cussing again and he left to get changed. I heard steps behind me and saw Bakugou again, "Ready?"


We left some food for our dog and left our home, we were living in an apartment a year ago but the kids got Bakugou's quirk and they ended up burning the entire apartment, Bakugou almost had a heart attack when he saw the amount to money we had to pay. We moved over to his parents for a few months and his mother blamed him for being so irresponsible.

"Remember to listen to what your teacher says and I expect you two to behave." I tell them both as we walk down the road. I look around to see many people moving around the streets either heading to their jobs or leaving their kids to school.

"Bakugou any advice for our kids?" I ask as I hold my (S/N) hand and look up to see (D/N) sitting on Bakugou's shoulder looking happy as ever.

"Don't follow the rules. Make sure to tell everyone who your father is and that i'll best their asses if they say anything bad about me." I roll my eyes expecting none the less from him. "I'll make sure to beat their asses." I heard (S/N) whisper to himself.

"What was that?" I ask him.

"Nothing Mom!" he says looking up to me with a smile, a mischievous one.

We reached the school and saw their teacher waving at us with a few kids behind her, "You must be (Y/N) and Bakugou Katsuki. It's a pleasure to meet you both." we talked for a bit and it was time for our kids to head to class.

Bakugou placed our daughter down to her feet, "Make sure to have a nice day (D/N)." I tell her and she smiles hugging me than walking back to Bakugou who knelt down to her level. "Have fun." he said ruffling her light blonde hair and she nodded happily, "I will Daddy,I love you!" she said running after the teacher.

"(S/N) take care of your sister okay? she can't control her quirk as good as you." I knelt down and hugged our son, "I will Mom." he said hugging me back before he looked over to Bakugou and kicked him hard.

I stared back at him and watched him as he laughed and followed his sister, "Idiot! Why can't you be more like your sister!" he began to curse and everyone began to stare at us. "He really is a lot like you."

"Don't insult me like that."

I smiled and wiped a tear that escaped, "I can't believe they are finally in school." i felt something on top of my head and it was Bakugou ruffling my hair as he pulled me to his side. "Don't you dare whine here in front of everyone."

"I can't help it." I wiped a few tears and we began to walk towards a cafe. "I'm so glad we decided to have them."

"They are a pain.."

"You won't admit if but you love them both."

I looked over and saw Bakugou smile to himself, "Shut up idiot." we looked around and saw people running and knew that a villain was attacking, "Stay here, i'll take care of the bastard." he says grinning.

"Alright then, be careful I tell him,I pulled him close and kissed him, "Go and kick his ass Bakugou!" I cheer him and watched him fight against the villain. I am so glad I married him.

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