Love,Hate and Denial-Kishibe x Reader

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Summary: You've been assigned to a team, there you meet a man that won't stop flirting with you even if you aren't interested. Slowly you begin to open up to him which leads to you awkwardly flirting with him back.

(So I wasn't planning on reading the CSM manga but I did and finished it in three days and I loved almost everyone but decided to write on Kishibe. I'll be writing on Aki soon and Power too. If anyone want a part 2 let me know.)

I can't believe I'm late! This is my first day at the job as an Public Safety Devil Hunters being assigned on the Special 1st Division. I had to apologize to my boss and quickly headed out to my first mission with Quanxi.

Quanxi and I have been friends for years, being the only friend I had when I first arrived to China. I spent many years working there until she was called in for a job. I was ready to say my goodbyes when she told me to pack my bags, she recommended my work to some higher ups and here I am back in Tokyo.

"Hey sorry I'm late!" I waved my hand when I saw Quanxi up ahead with someone by her side.

I made it to a stop and bowed my head at them both. "It's unprofessional to be late at your first job." She said being blunt as ever.

I stood back straight and put on a cold face likes hers. My eyes slowly wandered to my side and saw a tall man looking at me, with dark eyes and jet black hair and piercings.

"So you're also my new buddy? If you're not strong enough I'll make sure to protect you, so why don't you become my woman?"

I blinked a couple of times being taken back by his words, and even more surprised when he grabbed both my hands.

W-Who is he?!-

I stared back with my eyes wide open when Quanxi all of the sudden slapped him. "Stop that. Let's get to work."

"Tch, right! Let's go." I grabbed hold of my katana and quickly followed Quanxi glaring at the man for being so weird. "Hurry up before we leave you."

I ran over to Quanxi who was far ahead and noticed a demon up ahead inside a building which looked liked a slaughterhouse. I drew my weapon out and glared at the devil up ahead which was finishing consuming a kid. That made my blood boil and so did Quanxi.

"Don't let your anger get in the way, (Y/N)." Quanxi warned glaring back at me and standing in my way from walking closer to the devil. "I'll take care of this one, you stay back and help him out."

Before I could protest Quanxi ran ahead and made me fight the other devil who was behind me. The man behind me drew his two katanas and I did with mine. My expression grew worried when I saw a baby in the devil's arms with blood splatter.

The both of began to fight the devil that wouldn't let go of the crying child. It began to laugh maniacally and dodging our every attacks.

"We fight perfectly in sync! Hey wanna head out on a date after this?"

I glared back at him and felt my face turn bright red. "Now's not the time you idiot! Ugh! Try to distract him and I'll grab the kid." I ran straight forward and getting closer to the devil while the man began to finally slice the devil up.

And here I come! I held my weapon tight slices the devil's arms and the man managed to decapitate it. I reached out and held onto the crying baby in my arms.

I furrowed my eyebrows and sadly stared down at the baby, he won't remember any of this or his parents or sibling's. "At least you're alive." I whispered after saving my katana and holding the baby with both my arms.

"Did it stop crying?" Quanxi appeared with not a single drop of blood on her.

"Aw is your motherly instinct kicking in, if so we can have one-" Quanxi slapped the man this time again. "Quit it, Kishibe." She warned.

The man didn't even seemed fazed by it only gently rubbing his cheek. "Next time be more useful or I won't hesitate to cut you up." I also warned him.

"I only took his job because Quanxi is my best friend and I want to help as many people as I can with this devil problem."

Kishibe seemed surprised by smiled nonetheless and patted my shoulder. "You're definitely my type of woman."

I was ready to kick his ass but felt the baby stir in my arms. "We better get you to safety."

The three of us walked out of the building and over to tell our boss about today. He and his team were quick to take care of the kid and give it a proper home and family.

It was finally night time which meant Quanxi and I were having dinner at a small restaurant with had a bar. Quanxi was drinking and rejecting every men that came near her.

I was staring at my bowl filled with udon thinking back of the baby. My parents were also killed by devil's back when I was around six years old, I grew up on the streets for another year until Quanxi's parents found me when they visited Japan, they raised me as their own and took me to China.

My stomach is growing but the feeling of leaving a child behind was making me feel useless for not being more of help, if I hadn't been so late maybe one of their parents would've been alive.

"Mrs. Future Wife. Nice to see you're here again, can't get enough of me can't you?" I frowned at Kishibe's words and only glanced at him.

Noticing he had a single drink in his hand and a cigarette in the same. I kept looking at my bowl and noticed Kishibe taking a sip from it, "Better eat it up before I do!"

"Not hungry. Don't disturb me." I simply said hoping he would leave me alone. I glanced back and saw just what I needed, I snatched the glass filled of alcohol and drank it all up. Making me burp and order another.

"I'm in need or another drink, why don't you fetch me another one Mr. Future Husband man?" I decided to joke too.

"Coming right up." Kishibe said happily.

The second drink over, then a third and fifth. My face grew red and my long hair messy in a ponytail, "Easy on the drink, (Y/N)" I heard Quanxi warn from the other side of the bar.

"I think you've had enough." Kishibe said sitting on the stool next to me.

I laughed it off and ordered another one, "This is just what I need don't be so boring...Why don't you become useful to me and order me another one?" I teased and looked back at him and placed my hands on his waist then lap.

I noticed his surprised face turn bright like mine, right when I reached for my other drink next to him I held onto my stomach and began to throw up all I had consumed.

"Disgusting!" Quanxi annoyingly said.

"Alright enough drinks for the night. Let's get you cleaned up." I sighed feeling weak to stand up, I felt Kishibe holding me up, "Hey where do you think you're going with her?!"

I was too weak to answer to Quanxi who questioned Kishibe where he was taking me. "Don't you dare do anything to her!" Was all i heard later on and I passed out.


The next morning I woke up in an unfamiliar face i didn't recognize Kishibe at first when I saw him, so a string punch landed on his face. I apologized to him and quickly ran out of the apartment. I didn't even realize that I was wearing another pair of clothes that wasn't mine.

This is so unprofessional of me.

That same morning I presented myself at work to roam around Shibuya to see if there were any other devils around. Quanxi stayed right by my side and kept glaring at Kishibe.

"I won't get angry at you, did he do something or not?" She demanded from me.

"Don't think he did. He doesn't seem the type to do such things."

"Most men won't hesitate to have taken advantage of a drunken woman. You need to keep your head focused on our job."

I glanced at her and nodded my head. "Right, sorry I worried you. It won't happen again."

I haven't spoken to Kishibe since he arrived at work this morning, he arrived with my set of clothes now washed and dried. I saved them up at my locker and thanked him before leaving him alone and made it clear to him to not talk to me.

"I'm here for one thing and that is my job." I made it clear. Since then we haven't spoken.

Quanxi made it very clear to him too to not bother me, making sure to slap him every chance she got.

The day certainly was very tense, boring and long. We all departed our ways and before I knew it a day turned into a week, then into months.

It was finally December... Christmas to be more specific.

I yawned as soon as I entered the same restaurant from my first day at job and only saw a few customers since people were too lazy and cold to even step outside since it's been snowing. I loosened up my scarf and sat on a stool.

My eyes wandered over to the restaurant full of Christmas ornaments and a tree beautifully decorated by a corner with many Christmas lights also adorning the restaurants walls.

"Merry Christmas, (Y/N). What can I get you today?" The older nice man asked with a smile.

I smiled up at him and ordered the usual, "hot chocolate with marshmallows." That's the thing I've been ordering a lot lately.

"Great my first Christmas alone." I muttered to myself. Whatever..I'll have a splendid time on my own! Since Quanxi went back to China I'm left alone.

"Merry Christmas stranger." A gentle voice said next to me

My eyes looked over surprised to see Kishibe here. The only times I've seen him is when he's at the bat drinking. He's become quite of a drinker lately.

"Kishibe? Didn't expect to see you here today..Merry Christmas."

"Here's your order."

My cup of hot chocolate was here and I noticed Kishibe with another drink and a plate of pancakes shaped like reindeers. I couldn't help but chuckle at the bright colors on it.

"This isn't mine.."

"Aha yeah right." I smiled and sat closer to him.

I noticed a red candy placed one of the reindeers nose. "This isn't my type of thing but I noticed you eating it last time...seems appetizing."

"Yeah but why combine it with alcohol?" I asked tilting my head.

"Doesn't it help you keep warm?"

I shook my head at him. "Nope. I gave up on alcohol last time I got so drunk so I don't want that again."

Kishibe let out a chuckle which made me stare at him and felt my stomach make a flip, I've been feeling weird ever since I rejected Kishibe and now Quanxi isn't here to slap him again, truth be told I kinda missed having him around.

"So, Quanxi left huh?"

"Yeah, not sure when she'll be back." I said and saw him taking small bites of his meal. I also learned just recently that he had flirted with Quanxi when they met but was rejected when she said she was interested in women.

"How's the meal? I haven't seen you drink anything other than alcohol, here have this." I slid over my hot chocolate and fixed the straw i drink it with.

Very low Christmas songs began to play throughout the restaurant. With me staring at Kishibe slowly taking a drink from it, an indirect kiss. I blushed and looked away.

"It's actually good." Kishibe lowly said and handed me some of his pancakes which I quickly reached and began to eat. I blushed even more when I noticed his eyes wander to my chest.

Quickly I sat down at my seat and tried to make it seem like I didn't noticed him. "S-So what do you plan on doing?"

"Heading to my home. Rest up."

"Hmm now that I think about it, we don't know that much about each other. Yet you know plenty about me.." I pouted when I noticed he wasn't listening to me. "Umm..You could never be ice cream because you're so hot...and a person."

This made his glance over to me but said nothing. Did I say it wrong? I felt my entire face blushing when I noticed him begin to chuckle then laugh at my embarrassment.

"You're cute when you blush."

I felt myself blushing ten time more. "I'm not blushing! Your face is just so hot that I got sunburned."

This made him chuckle then more as he wiped his tears, "It's night time, (Y/N). The sun isn't even out yet." He hummed and rested his head on his palm to look at me. "You're so cute you know?"

I looked away from him feeling way too embarrassed to look at him. Is the reason why I rejected him so many times was because of how loyal I was to Quanxi's friendship?

"Ya know he reason why your friend kept on slapping me and warning me to stay away. She was actually trying to get your attention."

I hummed not quite understanding him. "But I like spending time with her why exactly would she hit you?"

"(Y/N), Quanxi wanted you to be here girlfriend." My face grew pale then back to pink.

"O-Oh?! I didn't have a clue, now I feel stupid. So that's why..I'm so sorry for treating to badly too it was never my i-intention!" I continued to apologize until I felt Kishibe rest his palm on my cheek.

Kishibe smiled lovingly at me also seeing his face turn to pink. "I'll make you the happiest man if you decide to stay with me."

This time I felt very happy to be with him. I quickly reached over and kissed his lips and made sure to pull away quick, "That makes me your woman officially! Let's go to your place then."

"Let's do that." Kishibe and I both smiled at each other, paid for our meal and we walked hand on hand over to his apartment.

Quanxi will definitely have a heart attack and kick Kishibe's ass once she finds out about us. In the meantime I'll make him the happiest man and I can't wait to see what the future holds for us.

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