New and Old Lovers-Franky Franklin x Reader

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Summary: After 2 years of being away from home, you return to reunite with your brother and find out he now has a wife and daughter. Not only that but you find out that your brother's best friend still hasn't gotten over you.

(This is a Franky x Reader since the poor boy doesn't get enough appreciation, he's very underrated, funny and cute in his weird ways. Our scruffy boy needs more love from the fandom.)


It's been two years since I have been home, Ostania, it's been far too long but life as a spy is far from easy, my brother and I haven't spoken for a few weeks since we've both been busy with our own things. Loid was the first to oppose on my mission since he knew we wouldn't see each other for a long time.

Even though Loid is my older brother he knows I would do anything for him, he was the one who tried his best to raise me while still being a child himself. We've both been through enough trauma, i love my brother dearly and I am finally happy to see him again.

I walked down the familiar streets and walked past my favorite cafe with my bag in hand until k heard someone shout my name. I irked remember the person's voice, I slowly looked back and saw him.

I sighed defeated and making it well known that I wasn't in the mood to talk.

"Hey hey (Y/N)!" Franky Franklin. My brother's best friend.

I hummed with a frown still across my face and I faced him and looked at him. The man hasn't changed, still wearing those dumb large glasses, we are almost the exact same height even.


"Whoa, (Y/N) it's been ages since I last saw your face. You changed your hair? It looks nice!" He said giving me a thumbs up and watching him blush easily. "It would've been nice to receives letter once in a while, maybe announcing that you were coming back."

I continue to frown wanting to just leave and see my brother. I couldn't help but look back to where he was sitting, my eyebrows twitched when I noticed that he had been sitting with a woman. The woman resembled a bit myself and had my previous hair color.

Franky took notice of my silence and followed my eyes. "It's not what it looks l-like! We are simply exchanging missions." He whispered leaning a bit forward until I stopped him.

"Where's Loid? All I know is that he moved elsewhere." I quietly say.

"Wha?! After all this time and you're still turning me down. Well, I won't tell you where he is!" Franky said quite loud.

I turned around and started to walk hoping to find Loid myself without help. "Hey! Wait up!" I heard Franky shout and without a minute to spare he left the poor girl behind.

I glanced over at the short male and furrowed my eyebrows together. After all these years and he still has feelings for me? Pff he should just give up, besides Loid and I thinks like, we don't have time for these types of things... unfortunately.

Arriving at the location Franky told me I climbed up the stairs and turned stood in front of a door. I turned the knob and opened it, I felt a strong presence nearby, I threw myself forward and easily dodged an item that was swung over to me.

I realized it was a dark haired woman with ruby eyes, giving a strong powerful glare and aura around here.

"Who are you? And what are you doing at my home?"

"Y-Yor, she's just -" Franky began to say trying to get the frying pan away from the woman's grasp.

"(Y/N)?" We all turned around and I saw my brother.

My expressionless face quickly turned into a smile as soon as I saw him. "Brother!" I opened my arms to hug him and Loid embraced me tightly.

"Yor. This is my sister (Y/N)..Sis this is my wifey." Loid explained as soon as we stopped hugging. My mouth fell open and I looked back between my brother and his wife.

"S-Since when?! I thought you never into this type of stuff." I say surprised.

Yor blushed and toss the frying pan away. "I-I am so sorry for trying to attack you Miss!"

I looked at her weirdly and thought it was so strange of her quickly changing how she felt. "Good grief I thought this would end up badly." I heard Franky sigh.

"Nonetheless I am very happy that you have returned from your studies, (Y/N)." Loid said. i turned my head to the side confused.

I heard footsteps quickly approaching us and my blood froze when I was a small child, a pink haired girl with little cones on her head. Who the heck is she?!

"Papa! I heard a loud noise what was it?"

"Papa?!" I shouted now completely confused.

The girl and the woman known as Yor looked between Loid and I. "That's r-right! Yor I apologize but Anya here has never met my daughter, since they've been studying abroad for many years." Loid said quickly.

I knew something was up as soon as he said that. Loid gave me a look and all I did was remain silent.

"That's right! (Y/N) wasn't lucky to meet little Anya when she was born. Fortunately for me I was there as the replacement." Franky intervened.

"Anya, this is my sister, (Y/N)." Loid said patting the girls head when she had hidden behind him. I stared down at the small child who stared up at me in wonder.

'She's a weird child'

Anya stepped out from Loid and noticed her clutching a stuffed animal, with one hand she raised it and pointed at me.

"Aunt (Y/N)!" She said and now pointed at Franky. "Uncle Scruffy!"

I scoffed not expecting her to have a nickname for him. I tried to hide my laughter and noticed a blush spread across his face.

"How many times have I told you to quit calling me that kid?!" He said fighting with a child who paid no attention to him.

'He continues to be easily flustered. Still cute'

I calmed down from laughing and noticed Anya now staring at me, now with a small blush across her face. "Auntie!"

That caught my attention as well and I saw her holding her stuffed animal. "This is Chimera." this is random but just go with it.

Loid and I glanced at one another and I heard Yor voice that she was quickly going to serve us coffee. The four of us began to catch up once Anya had fallen asleep. Loid was willing to let me sleep in his home for the night.

The night was going well but Yor and Franky were getting a bit too drunk. Yor began to tell a story about her co-workers making herself laugh, "You're getting a bit too drunk, Yor. Remember last time.." Loid said a bit embarrassed.

"Don't act like an old man, Loid. Your sister is back home! I think this is the perfect excuse to celebrate." Franky said holding a glass of whiskey and resting an arm across Loid making him quickly push him back annoyed.

"It is even appropriate to get drunk while a young girl is sleeping?" I said bluntly and took a last sip of my drink.

I watched as both Yor and Franky began to laugh and continue to get drunk. I started to laugh a bit when Loid began to tell me how they all decided to play along with Anya and even went to a castle to make the young girls dream come true. The four of us continued to chat for a bit until it was late and we all started to get ready to head to bed.

"Thank you again for letting me sleep here tonight, I don't want to be a bother to you." I told my brother when I began to help him clean up since Yor had fallen asleep on the couch.

"You're more than welcome to sleep at my place!" Franky said pointing at himself with his thumb. I gave him a cold stare which made him shriek and apologize, "I didn't mean it to sound weird!"

He began to say beginning to slowly walk to the door as he opened it ready to leave.

"Just go home, already you're far too drunk." I coldly told him and closed the door right when he stepped out.

Loid fell silent and finished cleaning up. "It's really great to see you again, (Y/N). But, try to give him a chance. He's a nice guy, I fully put my trust on that."

I also remained silent and glanced at his side and simply nodded my head. Truth is, he genuinely is a nice and funny guy, but I'm afraid I'll get my heart broken again. I decided to not think much of it and slowly started to head where I would sleep.


A week or so went by, Whenever we would have the time us four adults, Anya and their new dog Bond, we would hang out and make the most of the day. Today was a very surprising day..which left me very surprised.

"Loid, I think I'm in love." I hear Franky tell my brother.

"I know." He simply replied not interested in hearing much about it.

"Her name is Monica McBride..."

I almost choked on my drink, I expected him to say my name, but another girl's name?! I was sitting close to them since I had a mission to spy on someone and retrieve come information they wanted, I had to dress up as the young man, the client who asked me to do the job.

I couldn't help but eavesdrop now that I am close to them.

"Wow..seems like you finally placed my sister's feelings aside, huh?"

There was silence between both men. "She's complicated. No offense, Loid, but I've had my feelings rejected many times by her, I think it's time to move on."

I heard Loid sigh when Franky said that. "If that'll make you feel better, then I understand."

"Think you can help me on it?! I have all her info her." He smiled and held a few documents.

"That's definitely not creepy." Loid said staring at him.

"It's exactly the type of job you do!"

Hmm. It's so weird seeing him so happy to go on a date with another woman. Is it selfish if I were to say that I don't want that to happen...


I continued to cry as I hid my face over my knees and felt so cold and empty. I was sitting on top of a buildings roof, wanting to escape from everyone, all I wanted was to be left alone. Loid wasn't happy that I ran away from him right when we ended the war that had once happened.

"(Y/N)?!" I tensed up when I heard my brother's best friend. I heard his quick footsteps approaching me.

I simply continued to look away not wanting him to see me cry. I felt the light touch of his hands on my back but quickly he drew them back and I felt him sit next to me.

"I' sorry on what happened.." I heard him say.

That only made me cry even more, tears continued to fall down my face like a waterfall, I felt so empty.

The consequences of war will always be horrible and heartbreaking....

Loid and I swore to protect this country, we trained hard and while we worked we met Franky, and I met him..the man who I was supposed to get married to...

"I..I held him as he took his last breath..he was a great man, (Y/N). I know how much you meant to him, he only had one thing in mind and it was you. He only had one request and that was for me to look after you."

Slowly I looked up still hugging my knees together and noticed the small glimmer of a ring on Franky's hand. "This is all I could save." I glanced over to him and grabbed the now broken silver ring.

I held onto it close to me as I continued to cry. "Thank you.." I sniffed and felt a bit more at ease when I looked up at the sky.

The sky was dark, and cold, but the sky was absolutely stunning with many bright stars decorating the sky. I felt like my life was over, but there's was a strange sensation of peace.


The rest of day didn't go as planned. I almost had my ass beaten when I was being followed by someone who was trying to get information about my client. Boss wasn't too satisfied but noticed my mood today and asked what was wrong.

I pouted as I made my way back home, it was already night and I wondered how the date had gone. I hadn't felt this alone and empty for years, "Hello, (Y/N)."

I stopped and saw my brother, well he was dressed as someone else but I easily recognized his blue eyes.

"Mission go as planned?" He muttered glancing at me through the newspaper he was 'reading'.

Once I had looked away from him he knew my answer. "I believe in second chances, sister. You shouldn't distance yourself from those who care about you."

"I...How was the date?" I blushed glancing away from him and feeling embarrassed for him to see me like this, too vulnerable.

"She stood him. Rejected him in fact. He's heartbroken for sure, as usual. But, he did mention you to her and admitted to admiring you. Guess, he'll continue to be the same as always. Anya did try to make him feel a bit better."

"I see... I'll see you later tonight then." I continued to stare down at the ground when I started to walk all the way over to my favorite restaurant.

As I began to wait for the waiter, my mind began to wander once again on him. Do I really deserve love after all the rejections and bitterness I've told him?

I clutched my jacket, on my chest where my heart is and felt my heart beating faster at the thought of Franky. He's always been so weird, quirky, loud yet adorable in a weird way. Loud has been friends with him and years and Anya loves him as well.

I looked up at the sky and noticed it was the same at that same night years ago. It seemed even a bit more beautiful, the sky a dark blue and purple. I felt my heart grow ten times when I glanced across the street and saw him.

He probably left the bar where Loud had left him. I rose up from him seat and with one hand grabbed onto the railing separating the restaurant from the streets.

"Franky!" I shouted and waved my hand. I genuinely smiled..smiled when I saw him.

"(Y/N)?" I hear him ask himself. He had his hands stuffed into his pockets, with a blush across his face from drinking too much.

"I know it's late but would you like to join me, on a date?!" I saw his sour and sad expression turn to a surprised one.

I couldn't see his eyes when he looked away and his glasses seemed to turn white, but then he looked back and saw him blush ten times more. Slowly he started making his way over to me until we were face to face, "I would love nothing more." He smiled when he held into my hand.

I blushed as well and smiled feeling absolutely nervous about starting my life again. "Let's eat all that we can until we throw up!" I said laughing.

Franky chuckled and fixed his glasses now taking a seat in front of me, "Your idea of a date is weird, but I like it nonetheless, (Y/N)."

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