Number One Hero-All Might x reader

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"Dear,can you please go and give Izuku his lunch?"

Glancing back I see my mother holding up a brown bag filled with my brother's lunch. "He forgot it again?!" I loudly tell myself and my mother seems taken back yet frightened by my sudden outburst. I give her a small smile and assure her that I will, "Thanks for breakfast mom, love you!"

I run out our house quickly and tried to figure out where he went, the idiot didn't even wait up for me! I was so busy doing other thing's that he just left without a word, probably to take some notes on how to become a hero. 

Damn it! What if there's another fight and i'm here not watching it!

Izuku and I have always loved watching heroes fight and take notes on their movements and other things because we're quirkless, it means that we both don't have any super powers to become a hero. It's always been our dream to become a strong hero like All Might!...but deep down I know I won't become one...

Our mother had no idea on what to do after the doctor told us we weren't gonna become heroes or enroll in our dream school.

We've been through a lot to mention that Bakugou has always bullied my brother, I hate that idiot more than anything, we used to tease me a lot too till I confronted him and gave him a few bruises despite me knowing he already had a quirk. I kept on telling Izuku to also stand up for himself but he was too scared to make a move.

My mom has supported us both with all she could either way knowing we had to quirk,since I can remember she's been a single mother and no man has helped us get through, sure Izuku needed a father figure but I guess he already had one ever since we saw him in videos, saving people always with a smile on his face.


"Sis, sis!"

I glanced back to see my brother holding onto an All Might action figure as he ran into our room, "What is it,Izuku?" I quietly ask him and placed my crayons down onto my bed. "Come check this video out! All Might saved a ton of people this time!!" my brother's eyes lit up and mine did the same when he mentioned our favorite super hero.

I grabbed my All Might plushie and ran behind Izuku, we both stayed in front of the computer as we watched a video.

"Wow! He's so cool!! I wanna be a hero just like him!"

Izuku shouted as his eyes kept on looking at the screen, I blushed and nodded my head repeatedly. I do wish to meet his someday in person, maybe Izuku and I will be able to ask him a couple of questions.

******End Flashback******

My slight obsession with All Might started way back when I was just a little girl and trust me i've been over it, it's nothing like the fangirl I used to be on the other hand Izuku still remains as a huge fanboy. I continued running and found saw my brother up ahead a bridge, "Izuku!" i continued to run to where he was and to my surprise All Might was standing in front of him!!

"Oh my god!!!" i shouted as loud as I could and felt the blood rushing up to my cheeks as i stared at my idol!

"Are you seeing what i'm seeing." my brother said still staring up. I nodded my head up and down and stared up at the man who had a smile on his face. "I'm glad to have met a pair of young upcoming heroes, now I must be off!" before I could react Izuku took a hold of my hand and we were off flying along with All Might.

I screamed as I stared down at the city beneath us as I clinged onto All Might's leg like Izuku was. "Hey, let go of me!"

"If we do we'll fall!!" My brother told All Might and I smiled wide, "Y-Yeah besides it's nice up here." I said blushed ten times worse when I realized I was wearing my school uniform, which consists of a skirt that I forgot I was wearing! I opened back my eyes to realize that both men were staring at me.

"Ahh! Don't look!!" I shouted covering myself which was a mistake since I was falling down a building, I closed my eyes ready for the impact, but when I opened them I saw that he saved me! I blushed again realizing he was carrying me in his arms.

"Umm, (Y/N)? You alright?" Izuku asked when All Might gently placed me down.

"Yeah yeah i'm fine." I said waving my hand away at him.

"Now's not the for your fantasies (Y/N)."

I shot a glare at my brother and pointed at him, "Fantasies?! What about you, you were acting just like me a minute ago!" we both began to fight and later we stopped when we realized there was smoke and both our heads stared up and saw a very skinny man, who looked odd and his hair was messy.

I shivered, Izuku and I looked surprised yet scared, "What the hell is that?!" we both shouted when we saw the man staring straight at us and wiping some blood with his hand. The man was indeed All Might, I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw that this skinny fragile man is the hero we've looked up to.

Toshinori Yagi is his name. Let's say we stumbled upon him again when we thought we'd never see him again and he offered to train us both. I was still taken back by seeing his real form when we were training but still I had this feeling in my stomach whenever I talked to him. I don't only have a crush on All Might...but his real identity as well.

Izuku knows my crush on All Might but I don't think he'll think twice on asking me how I feel about him now. I always told myself to not judge people by the way they look and i'll continue to do so. "I see that your brother has improved." i glance over to him and shyly scratch my cheek.

"H-He has! I mean you've always been our number one hero so of course we want to impress you, we were lucky enough to have met you! I never thought i'd meet a hero who thinks that us quirkless could also save what I really w-want to say is..thank you for believing in us!" i blushed deep red bowed my head respectfully.

I felt a hand patting the top of my head and I looked up to see Toshinori in his All Might form smiling down at me.

After a few painful months of training it was all worth it cause Izuku and I were finally enrolled in UA, to be as strong and have a quirk we had to drink a strand of All Might's hair which was disgusting but here we are! I'm glad we're here but I can't help but feel worried for Toshinori. Every time I would cook meals and bring some for him at the teacher lounge secretly so no one suspects anything weird.

We had our first exam and Izuku and I broke our bones, he healed faster due to Recovery Girl's help but mine we healing slower, I won't be able to fight anytime soon if my body won't heal up at all. 

Even though I had a broken arm I was still going to participate in the next classes. Today we wore our super hero outfits for the first time, I was assigned this exam to team up with my brother and Ochaku who's quirk is anti gravity.

She and I were forced to head over to where Iida Tenya was but I refused to leave my brother with that bastard. I hurried myself and stumbled upon both of them, my brother on the floor trying to escape.


At the sound if his name he grinned back and stared at me, "Looks like your older sis has joined the party." Izuku stopped and his eyes widened at the sight of me. "(Y/N) I can handle him myself."

"No you won't, Izuku." i clenched my fists and glared at Bakugou "This little game of yours has to end now. I won't let your feelings hurt me or my brother's any longer, if you wanna fight my brother fine but you'll have to go through me." without anymore being said and Bakugou getting angrier than before time ended and we were all laying on the ground. By this time my arm won't be healing anytime soon.


"How's your arm?"

I shyly smiling up at All Might who entered the room. "His outfit looks so cool on him" i thought to myself as I felt a bit of blood rushing down my nose. He stared at me weirdly then looked back at the nurse.

"Recovery girl, have you already healed her entirely? she's bleeding from her nose." He whispered but I clesrly heard it which made me giggle a bit. The older woman just closed her eyes and smiled a little while shaking her head.

"You know for being a hero you don't really pay attention to the little thing's." All Might clearly didnt understand so Recovery Girl forced him to leave me to rest, I knew why she forced him to leave. I stared down at the sheets and clenched it under my fists.

"You do know what you might get into right dear?" Without looking at her I nodded my head, she is right but I can't control my feelings.

"I know it's illegal to like someone older especially if it's a teacher but I don't think I can see him as something else than just mentor, my brother sees him as a fatherly figure but i've never have. I can't tell my brother or my mother about this cause they'll freak out..what should I do?!" I ask this time looking over to her with tears in my eyes.

She stared down at her hands then back at me, "My dear..I can't tell what you should do but I will tell you to keep on fighting, there's nothing more important in this world but love after all, just keep your distance while on school grounds or students and teacher might find out. Toshinori's a fine man and i'm sure he'd like someone like you by his side in the future."


And that advice I took, Toshinori was clueless at the couple of moves I made but that didn't stop me from trying to show him my affections. He already knows i'm a fan by my brother telling him and the small keychain I always have of him on my backpack, I just hope we can get closer in the future.

Today we were with Aizawa who brought us all to train at a special arena but once we arrived countless of villains arrived and none of us were ready for this. Tenya made it out as fast as he could to bring help when Aizawa sensei was deeply wounded, none of us have experience in fighting so if we do some of us might get killed.

I fought and dodged a couple of attacks some of these villains did, I cried tears of joy when I saw All Might appear before my eyes, he began to fight and made his way over to where Aizawa was laying and two very powerful looking villains stood. To be honest they creep me out, my eyes caught sight of Izuku with frog girl and that little perverted creep staring at All Might fighting with that large animal thing.

"You can do it!" I stopped jumping when I saw him bleeding, I can't let him lose or worse die. I the other guy trying to grab frog girl as Izuku tried to rescue her but no one was rescuing All Might since the large guy was deeply wounding him.

I ran forward and without thinking I clenched my fists and sent the large one flying up in the air. When I opened my eyes I was surprised to see that my arm wasn't broken, "What the hell just happened?!"

Out of nowhere Bakugou and Shouta appeared and tried to fight the other one till he got away, Izuku ran over to where I was and began to check if I had any wounds, "I'm fine little bro." I smile at him, seeing that I was fine Izuku ran over to Toshinori, "All Might are you okay?"

Soon more heroes arrived and kicked every villains ass, it was just Izuku,All Might and me. Toshinori was coughing a bit of blood as he held onto his side and changed into his normal form, "You i-idiot!" they both looked over to me surprised.

I ran over and jumped, gently wrapping my arms around Toshinori as I cried, "I thought y-you were going to d-die." I whisper as I continue to cry and he tried to calm me down.

"Sis..I think you should let go of him." Izuku's voice said from behind me.

"Don't you ever scare me like that ever again!" I said staring up at the skinny fragile man, he stared at me for a second not sure what to say but a second later he smiled and patted my head, "I swear I won' can count on your number one hero."

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