Ok-Saitama x reader

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It was finally a peaceful and sunny afternoon, no villains were around which made me happy since he is always busy fighting off creatures or any other villain in general, just yesterday he was fighting a lobster guy who wouldn't stop messing around with a kid.

Saitama was quick to get rid of it with its powers, he can kill off a single being with one punch. Unlike him, I don't have any powers butbi can still kick ass when its needed, there's a reason why I took karate lessons with him.

We've both known each other since the last year at middle school and since then we've inseparable, or should I say I was the one constantly followed him.

He got tired of me sneaking behind his back and even following him when school would end.

Saitami was inside a convenience store, looking between his hands and the frozen food section. He slowly turned to me and caught me. "Why are you following,kid?!" He shouted getting annoyed.

I blushed and huffed looking at him. "You're just cool is all! I wanted to properly thank you for saving me back then." I said digging into my backpack and pulled out a bento box I did for him.

"What's this?" He asks with no expression on his face when he sees the small box in his open hands.

"It's some of your favorite!" I've seen the food he likes so I also started to do them. He opens it and I see an irk on his forehead. I prepared curry but heart shaped.

"What's the meaning behind this brat?" I ignore what he called me and smiled.

"You saved me from that monster when I got out of school. Can you teach me? I promise I'll leave you alone after you teach me a few moves." I imagine myself fighting off some bad guys,being able to protect myself.

Saitama stares at me. "Ok..."

I can remember those days clearly. I hum and hear footsteps approaching me, I notice Saitama's messier hair due to hard work. "You finished earlier."

Saitama groans and sits next to me. "Well I'm here like you told me, what's up?"

We've both been dating for about two years now, I'll admit he might be odd and not the most romantic man in the world, but he makes me extremely happy. He's become a bit bored with his powers since he can't have fun fighting the villains cause he kills them with a single punch.

Saitama has told me he wants a different life and adventure. I turn to face him with a smile while he frowns, "Let's get married."

I suggest. Saitama turns to stare at me and nods his head, "Ok."


Saitama wasn't too good with words no matter how much he wanted to but that was fine! I had no problem with it because i know that loves me. I do wish he could be more vocal about it sometimes, still he does the best he can when it comes to it.

I ignored the rumbling around me and the many screams from civilians and continued watering my plants and sighed when I looked up at the sky and saw a bunch of mosquitos.

"Will you just kill them already?! You ruined our lunch you pests!!" I shouted angrily and saw a woman like creature emerge from the swarm of insects.

"Is that your wife, hero? I gotta say she has awful tastes in men..especially bald guys."

"Who you callin' bald?!" Saitama shouted back.

I know how much he hates it when people point out his baldness, that always makes him angry so I know he's gonna kill this villain in no time. I rest my head against my hand and watch them both fly away to fight off somewhere else.

It's been years now since Saitama and I got married. Nothing much had changed since then, we visit my parents every once in a while and Saitama keeps on being the same guy I fell in love with, I will say more villains have been appearing lately.

I hope nothing bad is happening behind the scenes because this town has had multiple repairs from the many fights we've received..speaking of broken buildings..I glance up and see the now missing roof above my head, the apartment is a mess again. How come the villains know where we live?!

When I close my eyes and can't help but begin to cry. I hear someone land and I know its my husband, he defeated that thing quicker than I thought he would.

"Hey..What's with the crying?" He asks with the same blunt voice he always uses. I lean closer and rested my head against his shoulder and felt him rubbing my back.

"Uhh why are you crying?"

I slightly push him and glare at him. "This is the fourth time in a week that someone has broken our roof! I've been doing all the cleaning when it break down so you'll be helping me this time..What's with that weird face?!" I continue to shout and point at him.

"Ok. I'll help out."

Saitama grabs the broom that is next to me and ignores my angry expression. "How about we head out and have a proper lunch? Something else than eggs."

He suggests looking at me with a sweatdrop on gis forehead. I change my attitude and stare at him ib awe, "Alright. But dont think you can buy your way out of this."

I point out to him and see my husband continuing to brush the floor. "I'm not planning to." I smirk and rest my hand on my hip. Saitama knows how angry and scary I can get but that still doesnt bother, scare him or even faze him in the slightest.


I stood still and was face to face with a an unknown man. We had a some sort of staring contest and it was making me feel nervous, why isn't he blinking?!

"Umm Saitama?!" I shout as I stand by the door and finish putting my slippers aside. "Over here." I hear his voice which isn't far.

We have a very small apartment with just one room and the living room and kitchen connected. "Master who is she? Is she a threat?" The unknown man quickly asks.

I hurry to Saitama's side and sat down next to him, he was focused on the anime on screen, about a young school boy who has superpowers and gets even stronger when he displays emotion. 100 something is the name,I've seen a few episodes of of it.

"Who's he?"

"Who's she?"

We both ask at the same time and continue staring at each other. "She's (Y/N), my wife." Saitama boredly says doesn't look at our guest.

"Wife? I never expected someone to have such affection for you, master."

"What does that suppose to mean?!" Saitama finally raises his voice. I lean my head on his shoulder and can feel him trying to push me away, he's feeling embarrassed.

"Hello. It's nice to see that Saitama has a friend." "We're not friends." He tells me but I ignore him.

"I'm Genos." The android says and seems taken back when I raise my hand up for him to shake.

"Master, what should I do?"

"It's a handshake you idiot and I'm not your master." Saitama rests onto the floor and keeps looking at the tv. "Do you both live here on your own? Dont you have children?"

I quickly look back and see Saitama gripping onto a book tightly. I smile warmly at Genos since he doesn't know much.

"Like Saitama said, it's a handshake. Usually people do that when they meet each other or hug when they are close friends."

Genos nods his head and shakes my hand now. "I would like to be that, friends. Master, you never told me how nice (Y/N)." We look back at Sai and see him nodding off.

"Yeah well she usually is when she's not angry."

I turn to face Genos again and still smile. "So,Genos? What brings you here?"

"Master said he would train me to become stronger!' I can see the enthusiasm in the young man. I've never met someone like him, or well I did. I glance to see my husband beginning to fall asleep.

When Saitama started his career as a superhero he used to be like Genos, excited, alive and wanting to protect people. Now he just does it for the sake of it, but what else can i say. I dont have his power.

"Master told me to run along and leave him around." I hear Genos inform me. I hum to myself and glance at both men.

"Sai, are you going to train him? Genos, I mean." I hear him fake a snore. I call out his name again and see him open his eyes, now looking at me with sharp eyes and serious face.

"Training Genos will do you well I am sure of it. I want you to go out and have fun, I don't know what you might consider as fun but I don't want to see you just being crammed up here with me. Don't get me wrong I love you a lot and having our fun, but I want to see you go out. So, what do you say?"

Saitama looks away from us and places a warm blanket on top of him. "Ok."

I furrow my eyebrows since he always gif me the same answer when he doesn't wanna say much. I clap my hands together and cheer as I crawl over to him. "Thank you so much, Sai." I grab his face and plant a quick kiss on his lips.

Saitama groans and went back to his hiding. Genos looks away and I can see his pale cheek turn a bit red. Maybe now Saitama will agree and we can all train together and have fun.

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