Our Daughter-Yoshifumi Nitta x reader

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I just had to write a one shot based on this anime I started watched yesterday. And I am loving every second it it! Enjoy! If any are curious this anime is so underated and you must watch it it is funnt af, the anime title is Hinamatsuri.



I hear Nitta shout down by the living room, I quickly get my robe and place it on me before running to where he is. "Nitta what happened?!" i arrive to the living room and see him on the floor staring at a young naked blue haired girl not older than 15 staring back at him with empty eyes.

My eyes widen and I shout at Nitta to close his eyes, i push him away and took my robe off placing it on her but leaving me naked in the process. I blush hard trying to cover myself up,to my right i see Nitta already nosebleeding but glared at the young girl.

"Hey what gives?! This is my house kid." he scolds the girl. The girl raised her hand up and Nitta's favorite vases started to float. The girl refused to hear him so his expensive vases ended up on the floor.

I got dresses up for today and stared at the girl confused by how she got hear, not really believing what Nitta said by her appearing in a pod like thing. Nitta was piling up the pieces of broken vases while the girl just ate chips, "Hey kid, you should be cleaning up this mess-" "My name is Hina." the girl said interrupting him then raising her hand up and throwing the pieces on the trash bin.

Then Nitta began to scold her how she threw it in combustible garbage when she should've thrown it in the non combustible. I glanced over to Nitta and took a deep breathe and knelt down to the girls level, "Umm Nitta would you mind telling us how you came here? Where are your parents?"

"I can't tell you that." she bluntly says showing no emotion to us. Nitta rolls his eyes and begins to question her some more "Then what's with the weird powers you use?" "I can't tell you that." again she tells us. What should I ask next? .I'm not an expert with kids.

"Then is there a reason you showed up here-"

"Just hanging out." Hina replies changing the channels while eating. "Seriously then why don't you go back home!"

Without looking at us she says "I don't have one." Nitta began to mutter to himself so Hina began to move a painting on the wall and he began to freak out. "No nit that one it's really expensive." she says crying while he lets go of his cigar.

"You know what you should stay for a while." he suggests so she's stop. I grab Nitta's arm and dragged him to the kitchen.

 We began talking about what we should do and while doing so we prepared lunch and Hina had a hard time trying to understand us. Later she went to take a shower and walked out entirely soaked so i had to help her change while Nitta blow dried her short hair.

Nitta let her into the spare room so we stayed on the living room talking about her, "Now what the hell should we do with that kid? I have a feeling she's playing dumb with us so she can eat free and do whatever she feels like doing." I turn to Nitta and slowly nod my head.

"It is rather suspicious why she's here all of the sudden, not to mention those strange powers she has." I say focusing my blue eyes in the tv which she left on.

Nitta loudly groans and turns it off. "This is weird. I'm starting to feel like a parent." i hear him mutter to himself. And I was thinking the same thing.

 The next day we all headed to the mall and Hina demanded for Nitta to buy her whatever she wanted, i tried my best to warn on not getting anything too expensive, no matter if Nitta's rich he cant afford to buy many things on one day. Nitta also being the friend he is told me that we should pay half on what she wanted. Even though he earns way more as a yakuza member.

She got a few stuffed animals, tons of clothing's and mugs for herself "That'll be 800 thousand yen." the lady told us with a smile. I felt my crying at the amount we had to put together, suddenly we heard her stomach growling and we only groaned louder at that. "Yay this is so much fun." Hina said still without any sign of emotions while holding onto her stuffed bear.

"She reminds me of you when you forced me to buy you things." Nitta whispered close to my ear and I only punched him hard.

I blush hard and deny it to him "Don't be ridiculous i've never done such thing."

On the next day she insisted in going to school so Nitta and I got her into middle school. I peeked over into her class and stared at her not amused by seeing her fast asleep on her sit with drool on her mouth. I worked the entire with only Hina on my mind on what she must be doing out of school.

So I decided to not go to my apartment and went over to Nitta's place instead. I knocked on the door and let myself in and saw Hina meditating, "Hello (Y/N)" she said and i let out a small smile. I admit i hate kids but when I see Hina, everything changes...for some reason she reminds me of myself.

"H-Hello Hina, has Nitta come back home?" i ask placing my bag down on the couch. Hina shook her head "He still isn't home..you both seem close are you two married?" she asked tilting her head to the side. That's so cute.

I can feel my entire face go red when she asks me that question, "Umm we haven't exactly figured out what we are..but i'd say we're together even if he's an idiot and a bit of a womanizer."

Hina stares at me and i realize what i just said "Sorry! I shouldn't be talking about these sort of things to you, you're still a kid."

"That doesn't explain how you came out naked yesterday from his room."



It's been a week since Hina arrived to our lives and wince we met two other girls, friends of her called Anzu and Hitomi. I didn't have work today so I made my over to Nitta's place with a few baked cookies and cake for Hina, i entered his place and saw him smiling to himself drinking wine.

"Morning Nitta, is Hina here or did she leave for school?" i ask looking around for the lazy girl. Nitta smiles wide and begins to smoke "I disowned her-"

"You what?!" i shout angrily at him and see him looking at me afraid. "How dare you do that to a 13 year old! I baked her these treat and you just blow her off. Until you find her or bring her back I won't be coming!" i angrily tell him and closed the door behind me in search for Hina.

"Oh Hina,where are you?" i begin searching down the streets asking for some people if they've seen her, but there was no luck. Three day later I found her blonde friend Anzu and told me she also disowned her. I only got nervous each day without seeing the girl, i couldn't sleep or eat. I grabbed my coat and headed out the dark streets in search for her again when i got a call and saw that it was Nitta.

"She's what?!"

I ended the call and ran all the way to his apartment and pushed Nitta aside when he opened the door and saw her standing in the middle of the living room, "Oh hello (Y/N)" my eyes got watery and i ran over to her and hugged her close.

"Oh Hina! I was so worried, next time don't listen to what this idiot has to say!" i continue to hold her and heard Nitta scolding me too. I stayed the next day and Nitta and I made breakfast for her.

 "Be back soon." she told us and slammed the door once she left and Nitta again shouted after her, "Hey! I told you to not slam the door damn kid." I couldn't help but smile.

I couldn't help but remember what Anzu said. On how the three of us together look like a family. "Hey you gonna help me wash the dishes?" i turn around the see the familiar blonde headed guy and smile. "Coming." i say smiling to myself while i stood next to him.

We had a day off so we went out to search some expensive vases and curtains Nitta wanted to buy. I have to ask him. "Hey..Nitta.." i nervously call out his name and he looks over to me "What is it?"

I started remember how he hurt my feelings a week ago when he left Hina by herself so i'd look after her while he went out to get drunk and be with women and how Hina wished to spend some more time with him since i also had work.

"There's something i've been meaning to ask you.." i blush looking away and then see him looking behind me and i turn around and saw Hina's classmate Hitomi staring at us. "O-Oh sorry! You must be Hina's mother and father-"

"I'm not anyone's father!" Nitta shouts at her and Hitomi stared at us afraid and excused her self running away. I was gonna scold Nitta for shouting at a little girl but that would take us no where, "What do you consider me as?"

"Huh? What do you mean?" he asks placing his phone inside his pocket and staring at me "Our relationship or whatever..how would you call it?" i say looking down at the ground and wait for his answer.

"Well if someone would ask me i'd tell them your my girlfriend." i slowly look up at him and see Nitta close to me and lifting up my chin so i'd stare at him. "I'm such a jerk for not telling you earlier and for hurting you in the process, with Hina in our lives thing's i feel like things have settled down between us."

I giggle and stare up at him, "I'm glad you consider me that Nitta." i close my eyes when i felt his lips on mine.


I moved in with Nitta the next day in order for Hina to have a good relationship with us both. Nitta and I walked hand in hand inside his apartment when he saw Hina talking on the phone "Wow. Are you really Nitta's mom?" she asked through the phone. Nitta freaked out, pushed Hina down the ground and grabbed her phone.

"Hiya mom."

"Yoshifumi who was that young lady on the phone?!" i heard his mother shouting at him. "Young lady? You sure it wasnt a ghost?" he asks nervously and I see .Hina on the floor "I'm telling your mom on you." she mutters. We were forced to drive over to his mother's home so we had to make Hina play along with us.

"You remember what we told you?" Nitta asks looking behind Hina and she lets out a small smile. "I won't mess up i promise." we entered the house and sat down by the table. "Hina this is my mom and my little sister, say hello." Nitta says looking at her.

She stares at them all stoic so i nudge her and she speaks, "My name is Hina. I'm 13 years old. My dad's in prison and i dont have any family so i'm staying with Nitta and (Y/N) now. Nitta always treats me really nicely though so my life is really funnn." she bluntly tells them and Nitta's parents stare at her weirdly.

"Oh..nice to meet you."

"So how long have you and my brother been living together Hina." "Hey ask those auestions to me not Hina." Nitta quickly says after his sister spoke.

"Wait you don't have relatives on your mothers side?" mrs Nitta asks Hina. Hina stares over to me then the older lady "Hello i'm Hina. Age 13-"

"What are you a freakin robot?!" Nitta annoyed tells her and grabs her by the sweater along with me. "I'll come up with the story, you can just wait by the yard."

"But I just practiced." Hina boredly looks at us both.

"Hina not to sound rude but-"

"You suck at improvising." Nitta tells the girl. "It's easier to say i'm taking care of you,things will only get complicated if we tell them the truth." Hina's blue eyes focuses on us both, slowly nodding her head "Okay i'll do my best." i smile at her and ruffled her hair and headed inside with Nitta.

His family listened intently at out story, "There was a huge fight, her mom got shot and her father killed two other people during the confusion, he was like a brother to me. I couldnt turn my back on his kid-"

"That's why we decided to take her in." i tell them trying to not show any in that we're lying. "That poor child!" his family starts to cry and the booze wasnt helping, "That's why its better not to talk about her past."

I went outside to retrieve Hina who was outside picking her nose despite how many times Nitta is told to not do that in public she wouldn't listen. Nitta and I began to make some dinner cause his family were lazy since they wanted to know more about Hina.

Hina was beginning to do her homework which was weird cause she never does them. Nitta and I peeked and saw her staring at a sheet of paper, "Don't forget to write tour name." his sister reminded her. Hina wrote it down and his sister curiously looked over "Hina Nitta (L/N)?" she asked. My eyes widened and i got nervous along with Nitta when we heard that Nitta placed both our last names on her own.

"Y-Yeah about that. We made it clear on school that we chose those last names so no one would pick her on school!" Nitta shouted while his parents stared at us as if we were insane. "It's better so no one messes with her."

"Okay...so Hina doesnt mind anyone calling by your last names?" his mother asks us. "No it's fine right Hina?" Nitta and Hina looked at each other and Hina knew what he meant. "I'm Hina. I'm age 13 years old.." I facepalmed and Nitta's bowl he was carrying fell to the ground. The food was all ready and we all sat down eating.

"You sure know how to cook you two." his sister says and they started to ask Hina some questions. It was later tonight and we all sat down outside watching Hina who was with a few fireworks while Nitta's sister was drunk off her ass. 

"I wish you'd two come here often. I understand why you keep your distance,give the kind of work you have, but we are still your family you know. That goes to you too (Y/N)." quickly i turn to look at Nitta's mother while i sat by next to him.

"I've known you since you were a little girl and it would be nice to see you and Nitta together." i blush and see Nitta doing the same. If only she knew. "I bet Hina must be a challenging job, we'll try to help you out whenever we can."

"Thanks it's pretty tough. Not long ago I got fed up and kicked her out then everyone was like 'But your the one who took her in, you're a terrible Dad'" I nudged him hard and stared at him worried yet angry at what he just slipped out.


"Did you just say Dad?" his mother surprised asked him. Nitta and I looked at the older woman nervously and started to freak out. "I'm confused. Are you telling me Hina's your daughter?"

"That's not what I said."

"You better not be lying to your mother Yoshifumi."

"W-We aren't!" i tried telling her but was too afraid. "They are telling the truth." we heard Hina's small voice speak up. She nervously started playing with her fingers so Nitta grabbed my hand and we walked next to Hina.

"Don't worry about it Hina. Even though you're terrible i'm still proud and so is (Y/N). We were lying earlier mom." I can't believe he's gonna say it. I look at him nervous but calmed down and smiled wrapping an arm around Hina while Nitta wrapped his arm around her other shoulder too. "Hina is our daughter."

"Why would you lie to us?"

"Well we just found our she existed and we didnt know what to say. Either way i've decided to face this like a man." Nitta. I smile wide and fought back the tears. "I see it in his eyes, he's telling the truth. I want to know the details later is she's really your daughter." mrs Nitta says the last part while looking at us both.

"Yup. We are her proud parents." I say cheerfully.

"Alright..but first let's make a roast to the newest member of the Nitta family!" his sister exclaims and poured us drinks. "Starting tonight Hina you are one of us." we drank and headed back inside sitting down while mrs Nitta introduced Nitta to her grandfather. 

"Look darling our Yoshifumi and (Y/N) have given us a granddaughter." his mother says while we stay quiet not knowing what else to say.

His mother looks down at Hina and smiles "Look I think you have your grandfather's eyes." Nitta starts laughing probably from what she said and from being drunk.

 "Yeah I don't think so, she has (Y/N)'s eyes." his mother looks back at him sternly "Don't you have to say a few words?" we both gulp and knelt down closer to his frame.

"Hey there pops..sorry you're not still alive to meet her but Hina's your granddaughter-"

"Is that all you got?!" we both turn to look at his sister completely drunk again "How is he supposed to hear you up in heaven?"

"Listen pops! Hina's part of the Nitta family now so i want you to watch over her." oh dear no. I stare at him as he raises his voice and stands up, he's so drunk. "Hey. Yoshifumi, are you being the best father you can be for little Hina?" his mother says trying to imitate his fathers voice.

He looks over to her while she's holding his picture frame, "Hell yeah! I'm gonna take care if that kid and spoil her for the rest of my life." he screams up in the air and everyone cheers except for Hina and I. 

I smile looking at them and sat down next to Hina wrapping my arm around her as her father came by holding onto a bottle of alcohol and showing Hina's his fathers picture frame.

"Hey Hina, anything you wanna say to your grandfather?" Hina looks at him confused then over to me, "Go ahead Hina, you can say anything you'd like." i encourage her and her glue eyes focuses on the frame Nitta's holding, "Well..I...My name is Hina Niita. I am 13 years old.."

Everyone stays silent listening to her and Nitta facepalmed "You can drop the act now."

"The act? Like what you and (Y/N) did this week?" Hina asks not understanding yet. Nitta and i shake our heads at her but she looks over to his mother, "What are you talking about Hina?"

"Early this morning I saw (Y/N) and Nitta nak-"

"Hina!!' we both shout after her and blushing hard at what she said and his morher flaring at us both. "We're so in trouble." he whines.


Everyone was drunk by the end of the night and it was time to head home but Nitta's mother insisted on us in staying in their spare room, the bed was big enough for the three of us. Hina was asleep in between us while drooling and fast asleep. I giggle and stare at the girl i grew to love, lovingly. "What do you think she's dreaming of?" i whisper to Nitta while we are both staring at her.

"Probably about eating salmon roe as always." he says chuckling and holding my hand above Hina's pillow.

"She looks so cure while sleeping."

"Yeah and less annoying..I can't believe how much she's changed our lives." i nod my head and kiss both of them and blush while looking at him. "Nitta..let's raise her together and be great parents alright?"

Nitta's dark eyes stare at me and nods his head "Alright. I promise you i'll do my best."  

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