Reunited-Lucas x reader

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A/N:This one shot contains spoiler of the manga and season 2 to The Promised Neverland, if you haven't read the manga then dont read it.


I wiped the sweat off my forehead and slowly lowered my weapon and smiled down at the young orange headed girl who repeated my actions and held her crossbow, she took a deep breathe and let the arrow go. We look up at saw where she was supposed to hit, my arrow was on the center of a built up target and hers was pretty far.

"Keep practicing and you'll-"

"Get better I know but I'm no where near it. I just want to protect them." She refers to half of her family who's inside the bunker.

I sigh out loud and made my way closer to her and made her stand up straight and straightened her back. "You're doing this to protect them right? Well keep them in mind whenever you see an enemy, you're killing the demons so they won't harm the ones you love. Now take a deep breathe and release."

Emma did as told and released her arrow once she felt ready. We looked at the tree and saw her aim perfectly to the target. "I did!

"Ray is going to be so impressed." I tease and Emma moves her arms around frantically.

"It's nothing like that! I don't like Ray like that!" She blushed and calms down and smirks now up at me.

"Do you have a crush on someone?" Now she's the tease. "Maybe you and Mister?" I blush and begin to laugh at her insinuation.

Emma tilts her head and blushes from embarrassment at my answer. "We're brothers don't worry you didn't know. He isn't fond of you kids so I can't blame you for not knowing."

I pat her head and make her walk along with me to a safer part of the forest I know, we sit down by a small pond and sat down on a tree trunk. "To answer your question..yes I did love someone..he died a long time ago."

Emma frowns and whispers an apology. "We aren't that different then.." I glance at her and feel bad. Yes, we really aren't that different.

"His name was Lucas. Just like you we all escaped home but only my brother and I made it alive. I promised to save everyone and not being able to do that still haunts me. He would've had my age now along with the rest of my family. That's why I'm determined to help you out, my family couldn't make it so yours will, Emma."

Her eyes lit up and she reached my back and patted me. "With you as my teacher I'm sure it's going to be can you tell me your brothers name?"

I giggled and shook my head. "He'll tell you when he's ready to in the mean time keep calling him Mister." Emma pouted at that and we made it back to the bunker safely.


"Did you tell her?" I finished washing the dishes when I heard my brother behind me. The kids were now fast asleep, only my brother and I were awake. It's been a couple of days since the kids arrived asking to speak with William Minerva, well we were all lied to because Minerva hasn't been here in ages.

Yuugo grew a bit colder because of that and also blaming himself for our families death. I don't blame him at all, I cover the many bruises and cuts I've done to myself in the past and look up to my brother.

"I did tell Emma about our family."

"Antenna girl won't understand-"

"Of course she does, are you stupid? We couldn't save them but we can save a new generation now we have plenty of weapons so I've been training them and I know you've been doing the same with Ray."

Yuugo stays silent and doesn't look too happy. "Lucas is dead along with everyone else. We'll just help these kids out and they'll be gone so don't get too attached to them."

He starts to turn away to leave but I grab his hand and angrily look at him. "I'm afraid that's already late. Yuugo..we can do this. We have to we were just like them back then."

His hair seems messier than normal and he hasn't exactly been sleeping a lot. We are twins so I can't say I look different then him.

I smile when I see that Yuugo doesn't say anything. He huffs and tiredly rubs his eyes, "Let's go to sleep already, we'll go and train them tomorrow." He whispers and we go to our shared room. I quickly passed out when I heard my brother enter the room, last thing I felt was him placing a warm blanket on me.


I was freaking out and shouting at my brother for being so stupid and ignorant. "How could you do this?! You promised you'd take care of them and you actually planned on getting either of them killed?!" I continue to shout.

Ray looked between us and covered his ears while Yuugo just looked at me with a deadpan expression while I began hitting him. "Will you shut up?! Or we'll be the next meal."

I smack my brothers hand away and glared up at him. "We'll be having a long discussion when this is over. Ray your smarter than my brother do you have any idea where they took her?" I ask looking at the dark haired boy who eerily looks like my brother.

He looks around and went ahead and looked at where the demon took Emma. "I'm certain they didn't kill her so if I'm correct the demon just headed straight ahead, we better hurry before something bad happens."

I begin to run along with Ray to find and bring Emma back to safety.


It's been a day and we reached to an unknown location and this whole place was giving me goosebumps, this small town place was eerily quiet and it was decorated almost as if were a festival.

I reloaded my pistols and placed them in my coat along with the other bullets hoping I won't have to use them all.

A small sign was placed by the entrance "Goldy pond." I read and felt something bad happening. I continued crouching down and following both males.

"This is where Emma is." I point down to the ground and see a few strands of her orange hair and what seems like blood.

Ray looks determined to save her. "We have to hurry before they do something to her-" "Not so fast kid." My brother pulls Ray back down and points ahead from where we are hiding.

Up ahead are two demons a bigger one and a smaller one but still towering over us humans. "That bastard seems to be the one in charge here." I whisper and keep a close eye around us in case there are more hiding.

"Now come on children, you won't all make it out alive so just make this easier for us alright? The higher ups certainly won't be pleased to hear what you've all been doing." We remain quiet and listen to the demon speak.

The demons continues and it seems like they've been doing this sort of festival, the kids are free to roam around but when the demons appear they have to run from them. A sick game of hide and seek.

I hold my gun up and I take a breathe and aimed at one of the demons eyes. They shriek in pain so I quickly get down and reload the gun again. Right when I got up there was a loud explosion and some more gunshots could be heard.

"(Y/N)! Find Emma." Ray and Yuugo shout at me when the gunshots continued. I nod my head and begin to run and shoot at any approaching demons.

Both of them stay behind to continue shoot in and I run ahead and see kids firing their weapons at the demons. There are other kids here? I continue to run and search for the orange headed girl.

More demons begin to show up and I am thrown against a wall when I spotted Emma up front. I hiss in pain and begin to stand up when a demon caught me and held me up. The demon hissed my number and grins, "Mr Ratri and the rest will be happy to now that someone from Glory Bell is still alive-"

"You talk too much!" I held my gun up to its jaws but before I could pull the trigger someone else shot it. I fell down on my feet and glared at the creature and wiped some of the blood off me. My face was certainly messier now along with my hair.

I kicked the demon aside and hurried to find Emma who was standing there, glaring at a demon. Before I knew it there were more gunshots and an explosion was heard next to me.


I slowly opened my eyes when I heard my name being heard, my brother was calling me and I felt too weak to open my eyes and stand up. I look to my left and see Emma who is unconscious, "Emma!" I try reaching for her but Yuugo instead holds me tight and lifts me up on his shoulders.

"Ray will take care of her, we have to hurry and before she dies!" For the first time in a while I could hear him being desperate. I groan and got off his shoulders.

"I can take care of myself carry Emma instead!" Yuugo knows not to fight back especially since more demons could be coming our way. We all gathered and began running back safe to the bunker, I was so concentrated that I didn't even have time to see half of the other kids.

I would continue to look back and easily shoot the demons between the eyes whenever they'd get close to us. "Get in!" I shouted when I was the first to reach and open the door.

Everyone ran inside and I stayed making sure everyone got in and no demons has followed us. I sigh relieved when none of them did follow us, I locked the door behind me and now the place was crowded.

Don, Gilda and Anna came rushing in along with the rest when they heard the door open and close. "Mister! What did you do to Emma?!" Gilda said stepping closer to him and glaring.

Ray and Don helped Emma and began to carry her to a bed. "He didn't do anything. Well he did but that's another story, thing is we saved all of these people."

I tell her and try to calm down before she attacks my brother. Yuugo frowns and I see him talking to another tall man, the new kids introduce themselves to the Gracefield ones and I slowly step closer.

Who is this man? The man is as tall as my brother but has light brown hair almost red, with a scar across the right side of his face and missing his right arm.

"Brother who is this?" I ask concerned. My brother says nothing and the man next to him smiles down at me, "Its nice to see you again, (Y/N)."

My eyes widen and tears begin to flow down my cheeks without warning. I begin to shake in my spot and smile wide, it's him! Lucas is still alive!

I take a step forward and then jump onto him and wrap my arms around him and continue to cry. I feel his left arm holding my back.

"Hey hey be careful!" My brother shoutd afraid that I might fall down on Lucas and hurt him.

"How are you still alive?" I whisper still holding him tight. I look up into his eyes and I remember that same smile he would always give to me. "I missed you so much, both of you."

Lucas looks at my brother and I, I blush and remember the good times we spent together. When we were kids he would always be the kind reasonable while I was always protective and would always flirt with him and he'd turn red. Now it's the other way around.

"Want something to eat? I'm sure the green haired girl cooked something."

Lucas smiles knowing that my brother didn't even bother in learning their names. "Her nane is Gilda." I mutter to which he gives me a look and frowns.

"I'm fine for now Yuugo, thanks. I just want to rest."

"I'll take him to a room." I offer and Yuugo stares at me but says nothing, I know what that look is.

"I'll tell you everything tomorrow buddy." Lucas waves at Lucas and slowly walks alongside me.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't." Yuugo warns either to me or Lucas. I feel my face turn red. Lucas says nothing meaning he ignored or didn't hear my brother.

We arrive to his room and I quickly offer to clean the bed and place some new sheets. "I'm really happy you survive. It's been so long." Lucas takes a step closer and places his hand on my neck and I shiver.

"I knew you and Yuugo survived, you are what kept me every day and night." I look up and see his cheeks now turning pink. "I always knew that I'd see you again."

Lucas wipes a tear that escaped from my eye and leaned down and kissed me. I savored the moment and wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned closer to keep hugging him. To make sure this was all real and that Lucas was indeed here with me.

"We have a lot of catching up to do." I gasped when he pulled me to the bed with him and lovingly wrapped his arm around me. I blushed and slowly began kissing him again.

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