Reunited part 2-Ging Freecs x Reader

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Summary: After departing from Whale Island and along with your son and his friends find yourself trying to earn more money for the auction, but soon you all come face to face with the Phantom Troupe....

I woke bright and early ready to do the house chores and wanting today to be perfect. A few days have gone by and thanks to Gon I've been terrorized by the one question he asked, "Do you still love him?"

That stupid question can't seem to get out of my head. I angrily began to stir the contents inside the soup and heard Grandma talking to Mito who stood far from me with a concerned look on her face.

"Now that's the (Y/N) we know." I heard a chuckle behind me while I furiously began to peel some potatoes now.

"Don't remind me! I used to be scared of her whenever someone would anger her. H-Hey (Y/N), be careful with peeling-"

The peeler in my hands fell down from my grip and now a puddle of blood began to drip onto the floor. I bit my lip and turned to face them with a thumbs up, "I'm..okay." I fought the tears back as I saw Mito running to grab a bandage, as soon as she came I fought hard for her to not help me.

"You're just gonna keep hurting yourself, (Y/N)." I pouted and tried to reach my hand back but Mito held my wrist tight.

Grandma made her way closer to us and I heard her sigh. "We know what you are trying to do, sweetie. And it's okay if you don't know how to cook."

"I know exactly how to cook!" I frowned looking away and felt ashamed at myself.

"You are desperately trying to be a good mother by doing house chores, washing the clothes.. but there's no need for you to burn yourself out."

"Mom!" We all turned to look back at Gon who I thought was in his room.

"Yes?" After all these years it's still so weird to hear him tell me Mom.

His brown eyes went down to see my bleeding fingers, Mito thankfully stopped the bleeding but the my fingers and palm were aching from the deep accidentally cut.

"Are you okay?!" He raced to my side to look up at me.

"I'm completely fine!" I lied and smiled down at him.

"But you she tears running down your face." His friend Killua pointed out from his spot by the wall.

"Killua and I needed someone else to play ball but I guess-"

"I'm in!" I don't even care about the rules. I'll spend every single time with him and protect my boy. "Mito would you mind finishing up the soup?"

Mito nodded her head smiling down at Gon and then to me, she almost seed to look at Gon with a sad expression...

"Let's go then!" I snatched the ball from Gon's hand and ran past him. "Not fair!" I heard him running after me once we reached outside we began to play ball with Killua and Gon teaming up against me.

"I won't go easy on you just because your my son." I smiled evilly at him and saw him and Killua exchange looks. There's no way they'll be winning against me.

The boys began racing towards me but easily I dodged their kicks and began to run while kicking the ball up ahead, needless to say they made an unexpected move which surprised me when all of the sudden Gon appeared in front of me and used his Nen for the ball to stop rolling and head over to where he was. Killua and him easily won against me.

Hmm guess I'm getting old for these types of games.


"Is everything all packed up? Don't forget your Hunter license." I said for the third time and saw Gon nod his head and examine his belongings for the last time. "You made sure to clean extra clothes remember?" That's right I've been too carried away these days.

I look over at the device they had listened to tape Ging recorded. I can't believe Gon easily opened up the dumb box when I could've done it years ago! And the idiot used to Nen to erase the tape after it was listened to!

What did the recording say?" I finally asked afraid of what it might say. It's better to hear it from Gon anyways, i don't think I'm ready to hear his voice.

Gon dropped examining his Hunters License now looking at me with a stern expression. "He said 'I chose my desires over my personal own' and 'If you still want to see me find me, but I don't want to see you.' also...'regarding about your Mom, take care of her." That's all he said."

I heard Gon finish what the tape said, I stared down at me lap and didn't want to look at Gon at the moment. "I'll be right back." I quickly excused myself and left the room to hide by the door.

I covered my mouth and felt tears running down my face, why does this suddenly hurt? I don't want to see him again but Gon deserves to.

Now i can only imagine the rest he could've said. "I don't want to see you. I don't know how I could face you. I neglected you for selfish reasons. Hunters are selfish people. We abandon things in order to get where we want. Even if it means ignoring the feelings of others."

That's probably all he said on the tape...

"Is your Mom, okay?" Gon's friend asked him.

Gon remained silent for a few seconds and all i heard was a hum coming from him. I quickly headed to my room and began pack my things up. I am going with him.

I am determined to help him this time. I grabbed my bag and began walking to the living room where I saw Gon and Killua all packed up ready to leave. "Mom! you're coming with us?!"

"Of course! I swore to myself to become a better parent!" More like a better single mother, i thought to myself and noticed Killua smiling at Gon's bright smile.

We turned back to look at Grandma bidding us farewell and handing a packaged meal for Gon and Killua, she insisted on me taking one too. Mito seemed to stare at Gon now, without a word she wrapped her arms right around him.

My expression softened when I noticed what was going on. Mito has been more of a mother role than I have so she is going to miss Gon a lot. She knows he has me back in his life, so she is scared that he'll forget her.

"Thank you for everything, Mito, Grandma." I sincerely said and stood next to Killua waiting for Gon to finish saying his goodbyes.

"Goodbye you three! Make sure to send us letters." I heard Mito and Grandma tell us as soon as we started walking away from the house.

Now we're off to Yorknew City!


While we made our way to Yorknew City we got into a bit of trouble. In order to get the game known as Greed Island we needed billions, we have a bit but not much so we all began to search s way to earn more jenny.

On our way there I met another one of Gon's friends known as Leorio, he isn't what I imagined. I thought he would be another kid his age but he's about seventeen? He just seems like an adult.

He thought I was Gon's friend or something since his eyes turned to hearts and began asking me on a date. I blushed embarrassed of the ridiculous question. Killua smacked his head and made it clear that I am Gon's mother.

"Baka! Have some respect she is Gon's mother, you idiot."

Leorio quickly apologized while Gon tried to not make a huge deal about it. That night we all were outside making people pay to wrestle Gon who easily won, I was away making some more money until I arrived and noticed s strange girl with glasses wrestling Gon until she easily seemed to have lost, she was extremely quite too.

She bowed at Gon then turned around at the massive crowd. I walked past her soft felt her Nen,it felt cold and empty. I was about to turn around to drop her until Gon called out to me, "Mom! look we've been raising enough for the game."

I glared over to where the girl disappeared and I turned to smile back at Gon. "You're going great, sweetie." I have him a thumbs up and Gon adorably gave me one of those famous smiled with his tongue out.

It wasn't too soon after we heard about what was happening at the auction. The Phantom Troupe had appeared. I fought back hard to not run off and stop them, they are wanted criminals that do nothing good.

Killua and Gon told me all about their other friends known as Kurapika, just by the name I figured he was one of the famous clan, unfortunately they were killed off by the Troupe so there's even more reason to go and help him.

I was close to investigating more about the Phantom Troupe when I ran across a boy and a girl. I felt his Nen and it felt strong while the girl's was warm. Judging by the boy's description he is Killua.

"Are you Killua?" I whispered just in case anyone else were listening. The boy glared at me, holding his guard up thinking I'm an enemy.

"What if I am?" He asked bawling his hands into a fist, I noticed a chain on each of his fingers.

I stepped closer and noticed him looking down at the girl, "She isn't a danger, I can feel her heart." She informed Kurapika. Oh, so that is her Nen ability.

"I want to help you capture the Phantom Troupe, I'm (Y/N), I'm Gon's mother." I explained and saw his expression changed to surprise back to his normal self.

"Never expected to meet you so soon."

I smiled at him and shook his hand, "It's nice to finally meet another Conjurer."

The girl known as Melody also came to talk to us, she offered to help us out and quickly went to help Killua out who was investigating where he was taken at previously, the hideout.

I nearly had a heart attack when I heard from him that he and Gon got captured by one of the members, they luckily escaped but I was worried sick. If the group is eliminated I won't have to worry on Gon getting captured again.

"Tell me all you know about them." Kurapika was quick to tell me everything. On his own he eliminated one of the Phantom Troupe. There's no way a kid could've done it on his own.

"Not even I have gotten so close at one for years and you easily killed on. Maybe you will have to teach me then." I smirk feeling proud that this boy had gotten stronger.

"We still have more to get rid of. Come on we better hurry." I began to walk alongside Kurapika until the sky turned dark and it began to herself rain down on us.

Kurapika took our his phone and called a number, i couldn't hear much but it seemed like Killua and Gon were once again captured by The Phantom Troupe's leader.

i can't feel his Nen. I hurriedly began to walk through the crowd glaring up ahead and ignoring Kurapika's warning.

He stepped in front of me before we could reach the hotel they were at. "Leorio and I have a plan. The lights will be going out for a few seconds, you'll go in and capture their leader

I looked around and noticed almost no one around, "Let's do this then." I hid my Nen do I wouldn't be detected and patiently waited outside.

It felt like an eternity until I saw the lights go dark and I raced inside and easily caught the tall man and with my weapon I pulled him back with me until we reached the outside of the building again. I evilly smiled at him and tightened my Nen weapon around him while I held the rope dart next to his neck.

"I finally found you after so long, Chrollo Lucilfer."

The man gave me no reaction and simply stared at mes and looked away. He nearly killed me once, years ago when I stumbled upon him along after many people at a village warned me about him. They unfortunately were all killed and me wanting to go on my own nearly got me killed and my Nen stolen.

"We finally have the bastard..Kurapika?" i glanced and saw Kurapika's hard glare on him, his eyes now scarlet colored.


Leorio and Melody drove us all the day to the airport where I held a firm grip on Chrollo and Kurapika who had him bound up. "I should be killing him right now." I muttered to myself but if I do his group will harm Gon and Killua. He is finally in my hands and I can't harm him.

We looked outside and saw a tall blonde woman walking up with Gon and Killua. I have to remain calm and not run after Gon, they'll know I'm his mother will will make him more of a target than be already is.

They made it inside with a tall man who joined them, he had dark pink hair dressed almost as a clown with a teardrop on his face and a star on the other. I better keep an eye on him too.

We made it to an isolated place for the exchange. I walked outside along with Kurapika and Chrollo in front of me.

I drew out more of my blood and created another rope dark to squeeze around Chrollo, "If you try to do something the small spikes are going to cut your skin deep. It's a shame I won't be able to kill you." I whispered close to the man's ear and felt my eyes get darker and my aura as well.

Chrollo simply furrowed his eyebrows together and seemed to look at me surprised by how dark and heavy my Nen got. Almost the same as Kurapika's though his rage was hard to control than my own.

Gon and Killua slowly started to walk forward while Chrollo walked back to safety. I kept staring at Chrollo's back and glaring at his hard. i continued to hold onto my rope dart tight against Chrollo until I was sure he was far from us.

I pulled my weapon back to me and easily caught it in my hands. It was was still covered by my Nen which gave out a light faint glowy feel to it.

The exchange was done and no one was hurt, before entering back I glared at Lucilfer one last time and finally got inside back to safety with Gon.

"Who knew your Mom was such a badass."

I looked back worriedly and felt tears building up in my eyes, I ran straight to Gon and wrapped my arms around him. "I'm so glad you're okay! There was no way they were going to take you away from me, you are my only son! But how dare you hide from me that you got kidnapped again?!"

Chrollo Lucifer..I was certain that he was going to pull a truck on us, guess I got him all wrong, but still him and the Phantom Troupe will be having an eye on us.

I wrapped my arms right around Gon once I knew the enemy couldn't see us. "M-Mom! You are squishing my lungs!"


Thankfully the Phantom Troupe we're out of our way for now, but I continued holding my guard up. Now being more cautious of where I let Gon go and with who. It wasn't long after we said our farewell to Leorio again and Kurapika who left with Melody.

The three of them each had their own things to finish with Leorio also, Gon would certainly miss him a lot since he'll be away for four years.

I had gotten rid of the dress I wore to the last auction with Gon who seemed like a handsome decent boy in a suit, he struggled with the bowtie so I helped, Killua already knew how to tie it up so he had no problem.

"You boys need to stay out of trouble for once, who knows what the certain test will be asking if you two." I began to complain now, worrying like one of those desperate mother's.

Both boys turned to face each other, Gon with a worried smile and Killua that had an awkward cat like face smiling at Gon. "W-Well, you see we really need to find whatever Ging left in the game. So we'll be showing off our Nen abilities-"

"And when is that happening?" I asked crossing my send over my chest. I haven't even finished washing their clothes.

Gon looked away slyly and began to scratch the back of his head, "In about an hour.."

"Then I am going." I began walking over to the washing machine to stop it when Gon and Killua got in my way.

"Mrs. (Y/N)..umm you see Gon has something important to say." I blinked several times trying wonder what he meant, what are they both planning?

Gon shyly, nervously, almost scared turned back to look at me. "I really want to do this, but with Killua if you know what I mean. I feel like you are being a bit overprotective and I want to do these things on my own."

My expression softened when I felt that I had been glaring at him for a while. He's grown up so fast that I haven't even realized it. I sighed defeated and remained looking at my son.

"I'm sorry if I've been way too protective over you, it's just.. you're constantly in danger and I feel like I missed so much of watching you grow up, I don't want anything bad to happen to you. You are my only son, Gon."

"That's not what I meant Mom!" Gon exclaimed and lowered his voice fearing I was about to scold him. "I really enjoy that you've been supportive or me and even volunteered to come with us, but I want to do this on my own, if not what kind of Hunter will I be?"

He passed to look away now, "It doesn't mean I won't stop loving you, I won't leave you like he did..."

I furrowed my eyebrows together. He looks so much like him but acts the opposite. I squatted down and placed my hands on his shoulders, "Is this really what you want, Gon?"

Gon's eyes looked down at mine and I noticed him give me a single nod of his head. "I want to know what Ging's message is."

I frowned and nodded my head back. He's a strong boy of course he'll want to do this. I turned now to face Killua.

"Please make sure he doesn't get into trouble." I begged the white haired boy that reminds me of a cat.

The boy saluted at me and smiled, "With my life Mrs. (Y/N)." I smiled back and got back to my feet to hug them both now. Killua being surprised since he didn't expect me to hug him goodbye as well.

"You both better be careful inside that game, and know that if something happens I'll know." I told them and watched them both laugh at each other now that they had my permission head on their own.

I do hope Gon finds some sort of clue or message inside the Greed Island game. I swear if he gets hurt because of Ging being stupid, I'll continue to find him myself and the first thing I'll do it punch him.

"See you later Mom!" Both boys shouted as soon as they reached the door and left. I chuckled to myself and noticed them running away, I sighed being bored now as I sat by the window and watched them run away.

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