Supporting your S/O before the fight (Record of Ragnarok)

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Summary': You supporting your significant other before the Battle of Ragnarok. (This will be the team fighting for Humanity's side, I'll be writing one for the Gods soon).

*****Lu Bu*****

We've been training for many weeks now and the time has for for Ragnarok to begin. Lu Bu and all of his team were outside by the rest of the crowd while Lu Bu and I were in the waiting room doing the last bit of our training.

I huffed and began to dodge left and right his attacks which were ruthless and sometimes unpredictable. He's one of the strongest men I've known and I'm sure he'll become the first victor to save us all.

"Thor is the first God you'll be up against. You must be the one to come out on top and show those pathetic Gods that Humanity is worthy!" I exclaimed when I saw him lowering his fists when our last bit of training was done.

Lu Bu looked confused for a second but quickly smirked and laughed it off. "There's no way I'm letting some freak defeat me, (Y/N). You know me better than that."

"Be wise to use the Valkyrie as your weapon, don't hesitate to strike when you're supposed to too."

We heard the announcer outside calling for both contestants to go out on field. My expression softened when I looked up into his dark eyes, "Don't get soft on me, you know how bad I am with these feelings. Hey, I'll be back soon, don't you worry woman."

Lu Bu rested his hand on my shoulder and raised his fist for me fist bump too. I forced a smile on my eyes fighting back the tears, "You bet your ass. I'll see you on the other side then."


I'm certain he must be this way...I entered a room filled with many animals doing their own things and other surrounding a blonde man, he's always bare, but that's how things were before time, before Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit. Adam is his name and my lover.

"Lu Bu lost..did he?" He calmly said feeding a bird and a squirrel. He sighed leaning against a tree and sitting down.

"He's our first death fighting for humanity, yes sadly he's gone."

"He'll be the only one dead on our side. I'm going to defeat the Gods." Adam proudly said now turning to face me. "As the very first man created by God, I owe the rest of us humans our lives."

I smile over to him and took a seat next to him. "You always come up with nice words and confident as ever. I'm glad you haven't changed."

Adam smiled and tilted his head wanting to stare at my face longer, "I love it when you praise me, but we're a team. You're the brains and I'm the physical one."

The animals around us roared and seemed happy at Adam, the arena was getting cleared up ready for Adams arrival. In just three minutes he's going out there, I'm confident in Adam. He's always been a strong man full of hope.

"(Y/N), I'm serious..if something were to happen take care of these creatures and continue to fight in whatever you can to fight for humanity and every living being. The Gods will never understand us humans."

I looked at Adam when he grabbed both of my hands and held them together, "I'm fighting against Zeus, no matter what, don't give up hope wether I were to die, okay?"

My lips began to tremble when I heard those words coming from him. He seemed serious about it and kept staring down at me.

"You need to promise me, (Y/N)."

"I-I promise, Adam." I agreed and saw his smile reaching almost up to his eyes. "I'll forever keep loving you." He didn't hesitate to say and grabbed the back of my neck and made me rest my forehead against his.

****Kojiro Sasaki****

"Poseidon. So your fighting the god of the sea. He's gonna be a real pain in the ass." I scoffed and handed Kojiro his katana when I finished sharpening.

Kojiro and I met many years ago when I was a swordsmith, I designed and made all of the villagers katanas and that when I met him. From then on we've been together.

"Young Gods like him won't know what a person like us are capable of. I'm full of surprises dear, so don't get yourself worked on, I'll bring honor to our people." Kojiro saved the katana up and began to walk out of the room.

I rushed after him and noticed the crowd of people cheering to see which fighters would be on next.

"We've spent months training, this'll be a piece of cake right?" I asked him.

The tall man glanced at my positive attitude and also smiled. "You are right. Will show them on humans are capable of and surprise them at the end.

We made a stop when we reached a gate in which he would be walking through. "Don't let me down, Kojiro." I half warned but with being serious.

"I would never, my (Y/N)"

****Jack The Ripper****

"Your tea is almost ready!" I beamed while finishing up the last bit and placing the teacup carefully on a small porcelain plate and making sure it was presentable this time.

I lifted both items up and carefully started watching forward to hand the drink to the man, Jack. "I hope it's to your liking. I mixed in a few herbs that I hope will help you."

The tall man quietly sipped the tea and glanced up to me, "It's perfect, milady."

I sighed happily knowing that Jack enjoyed it. I continued looking down at him unt he noticed and spoke my name making my heart start to beat even faster.

"(Y/N), there's no need for you to get yourself nervous or frightened."

He seems so calm and doesn't seem the least bit concerned, in just a few minutes he'll be in the arena fighting against one of the Gods. The last fight a human known as Kojiro won, will Jack be able to as well?

My hands began to tremble a bit and I grew more weary every second that passed by. "Don't you trust me?" I heard his teasing voice while he placed the now empty cup of tea down.

"It's hard to give you the right answer when you're all fighting for humanity to continue living. I wonder which one of the Gods you'll be matched up with." My breath hitched when Jack grabbed both my hands and smiled up at me, a genuine one.

It's hard to believe that Jack still continues to make me feel things and concerned for him. I knew him since our childhood, later one he did many awful things in life and people often called me crazy to remaining by his side. Since then I would always remain silent and hidden so I wouldn't be in danger.

Jack stood up tall from his seat, I reached over and helped him with his coat and handed him his hat. "Whatever happens you better win you hear." I scolded him and felt tears rushing down my face.

He was quick to wipe them away before patting the top of my head. His eyes matching his silver set of hair. "Once I'm back, I'm going to teach you a new recipe on tea, (Y/N). I'll be sure to give the Gods a nice show."

I blushed lightly and leaned up to kiss his cheek. Jack smiled down at me and winked before leaving the waiting room and heading out to the battle field.

*****Raiden Tameemon*****

"I'm glad you decided to be my woman. Now that'll give me the energy to go on in battle and show those Gods and everyone that you belong to me!"

Raiden has always been outspoken and doesn't know where to shut his know when he needs to, every time he would want to show me off it would make me nervous and shy. I've never been a confident person but Raiden made me special.

I was no one in my village and was the least beautiful one too, i didn't have beautiful hair or was pretty in the slightest, in fact I also had a different body shape then most too.

The second Raiden came into my shop he told me to marry him. That caught me off guard but after a few months of him begging and begging for me to be with him, I agreed.

"I'm not much of help but I'm glad I can help you out a bit." I blushed and smiled at his tall figure.

"I trained long and hard for this, you'll see that I'll bring that God's head as a trophy."

"Maybe try to not be too competent or bring weird items to home-" I yelped when Raiden lifted me easily as if I weighed nothing.

"My woman must be treated as if she were a God. I promise to make you proud once I finish this fight." I blushed when he hugged me a bit tighter and pressed his head further into my stomach.

Raiden is such a weird man. I chuckled lightly and patted his head, "All I ask is for your return safely."

I was surprised when I felt his embrace on me now more being more gentle. I smiled down at his figure and hugged him back, we remained like that until his name was called.


"He is what?!" I shouted confused to see the God Buddha standing behind us, yawning while having a lollipop in his mouth.

What I heard is that he's going to fight for humanity and not the gods which is extremely weird and rare to happen. There must be a motive for this.

"How and why?!" I continued to ask.

"Umm I can hear you, kid." The voice of the male was heard but I ignored.

"Don't you think this is extremely odd and of unheard of, sister?!" I shouted at Valkyrie.

She didn't seem happy by my many questions. "We should be grateful is all I'll say. (Y/N), for this battle you'll be his weapon."

My expression said it all I how did I wanted to complain to her but starting a discussion with her will only make me feel more stupid than I already am.

"This one is a feisty one isn't she? I already like her." Buddha said looking between us sisters then back at me. "You won't be giving me any trouble will you?"

I gulped when he asked that and his entire expression changed. "Just kidding!", He smiled wide and patted the top of my head, making me blush out of frustration and how oddly attractive he looked.

I squealed when he grabbed my hands and lowered me down almost to the ground, my face was now turned fully red when he winked down at me.

"You're definitely the type I normally fall for. But don't worry I'll hold you gently in my arms and make sure not to break you."

Buddha said before I looked over at him and my sister and wished us well when I turned into a weapon.

****Qi Shi Huang*****

"Where is that man?!" I continued to run and even faster when one of the Gods spotted me and questioned me on why I was running, and he also started to chase after me. These Gods terrify me no matter how small some of them are. "Haha don't worry about me!"

I made a stop and my mouth dropped when I saw the man who I was searching for, he was sitting on a throne, one belonging to a God while the others observed him.

"Q-Qi Shi Huang, s-sir?" I stuttered and jumped when the Gods looked back at me.

"You! Is he of your property, human?" One of them scowled pointing at me then at Qi. He remained smiling and despite not being able to see his eyes, I could tell they were beaming.

"(Y/N) you came in just in time! Did you know that the Gods get easily offended when someone's takes their seat?!"

Qi Shi Huang made his way over to me and rested his arms around my shoulder.

"I-I think anyone would, not just God's." I stuttered again and looked away from the god's who kept looking at us like they want to murder us.

"And who is that woman?" They continued to ask making me want to hide in a hole and escape with Qi Shi Huang and the rest of humanity, we need a second chance to live.

"This darling woman is my wife." The tall man above me smiled and rested his head on top of mine while he hugged me.

"Pff these humans always like to show off." Some unknown god behind us said crossing their arms.

Why must they be so hateful towards humans? I really don't get it, most humans aren't as bad as they think. Humanity deserves another chance. Hopefully Qi Shi Huang will win this round.

"It's time. We better not be late." Brunhilde appeared with her younger sister and told us to follow them.

"Qi Huang..You b-better win this round you hear me! O-Or I'll fight the Gods myself." I confidently said putting aside my fears and wanting for him to be proud of me.

The man next to me looked down at me and smirked, not hesitating to wrap his arm around me again pulling me close to him, "I never get tired of you acting all tough. Okay! I look forward to you avenging me then, if things were to go badly."

I wrapped my arms around him and noticed the Valkyrie looking at us with a soft and understanding expression. "I'm sure he'll become the victor, (Y/N). Let us continue."

The tall woman said walking with Qi Shi Huang by her side now to introduce him to her sister for him to fight on the battle field.

*****Nikola Tesla******

"So you see, my dear! This is why Science is superior!" I nodded my head while yawning and continuing to rest my head on the table which is filled with equations and many blueprints. I feel bad for the assistants who couldn't keep up and remain awake due to Nikola being persistent.

I opened my tired eyes once again and saw his figure sitting in front of a chalk board and writing down away.

"My love, I really want you to win this fight but I want you to rest too! You won't be able to win if you get yourself tired up, you will just-"

"Don't worry about me! (Y/N), you'll see that I'll win. Look, I even wrote down all the probabilities and as the smartest man that's ever lived, I'll be on top!" He exclaimed showing me everything he wrote on the board.

I forced a smile on my face before I could say anything else he turned around quick and continued his work, occasionally sharing a few words with me since he was deep in his thoughts.

"Have you finished your work yet?" He asked when he noticed me standing next to him. I hummed and nodded my head.

"Everything is perfect just as you said."

"That's my (Y/N)!" He smiled warmly and began to rub my head. The action made me blush and want to hide my face from him.

"Brunhilde will be here soon...Nikola. I'm afraid of what will happen." I heard a rumor that Beelzebub is the God he'll be up against. So far the human side have won the last two fights, I'm not against his theories and probability of him winning.

But I know that whenever one side is winning the other will surprise with a surprise attack and win.

"I'm afraid that I might lost you.." I looked back and furrowed my eyebrows when I realized he wasn't listening to me. "And once again you left me talking to myself!!" I screamed and began to tug his sleeve, he wasn't even flinching or paying attention as usual.

"You're still one time! We can still leave and live these days in peace." I poured when he made no comment and kept his eyes on the board. There's no use then. My vision began to blue itself up with tears.

"Nik..I just don't want to lose you that's all. Why out of all humans did you decide to take on her offer." I tell this mostly to myself remembering when the Valkyrie arrived and told us of the battle of Ragnarok. Without talking to me Nikola agreed.

"So beautiful the laws of physics in this world are clearly the most beautiful thing there is..."

I frowned and looked back with tears in my eyes at the Valkyrie who just walked in with her sister. "I see he's the same as ever." She said standing next to me.

"The enigmatic man is known at the mad scientist of the century. Humanity praised Tesla by saying 'His research is just as if it were magic."

"Magic? No. Non. Nein. It's science!"

"Indeed he has. He's been at it for weeks now. It's all up in here." I say pointing to my head and going to stand next to Nik. He placed his hand on my shoulder and started to walk down until he was by my side.

"My lovely assistant and significant other, (Y/N) has helped me non-stop, all I need are the material's."

"I've got you covered." The Valkyrie said summoning one of her remaining sisters.

The time has come then. I lowered my head and began to sniff feeling bad at myself for showing weakness to others. "(Y/N). No other person has made me feel the way I did for you. I'll return to you as soon as this is over."

Nik wasn't much for affection but he quickly leaned down to kiss my cheek and held both my hands.

"Well then, time has come for Science to surpass God."

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