Survival-Yuugo x reader

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A/N: I don't give a damn if people might not read this or if they do and don't vote. I work hard on these but I love anime and writing these characters so I don't care if it doesnt get the views I want. I'll continue writing and period. This is a Yugo x reader since he's highly underrated and underappreciated.

Season 2 has been delayed for next year😢😭 so I couldn't help it so I began reading the manga. Yugo deserves father of the year award for protecting the kids. Also there is barely one shots and the ones i've read are way too little or short. Trust me once Season 2 comes out then people will recognize the poor man and write more of him. Also this ones a long one for you Yugo lovers out there to enjoy..


I woke up alone in bed and feeling colder since he wasn't here next to me. Groggily I got up and cursed when I held my stomach and groaned in pain, "Damn you, Yugo." He wasn't the softest last night, might as well give him a piece of my mind after I take a quick shower. Quickly I ran to the showers and enjoyed the water while it lasted when I shrieked and felt arms around my bare waist.

"You scared me old man!" I yelled but giggled when he began tickling my neck as he left kisses there.

"I went to make some breakfast and saw you weren't in bed." He whispered but didn't stop what he was doing.

After finishing up I got dressed and grabbed my rifle before looking back at Yugo who was busy eating cookies. "I'll be right back. Don't do anything stupid, Yugo." I warn him and point my finger at the tall guy.

Yugo boredly stared back at me. "Love ya too."

I huffed and closed the bunker behind me and took in the cold breeze from the outside and admired the tall green trees around me once I walked further. I was cautious of mu surroundings cause no where in hell would I want to give our secret location, the bunker which Minerva left abandoned for 13 years.

13 years have passed since I escaped and life hasn't been easy at all. It's been full of despair, emptiness and sadness. Yugo and I are the only survivors, we needed each other so we started out as friends. We were normal teenagers trying to search for a way out into the real world, full of innocence and wonder.

We abandoned those thoughts once we had to mature must faster than we thought. Childness and wonder were long gone, they were replaced by lust, love and rage. Together we explored everything we never knew and learned most things on our own. I felt myself get flustered by the mere thought of him.

We needed each other for suvival.

"Get it together." I told myself and sat down by a river and waited to catch some fish. I was concentrates on this and the area around me, i don't want one of those demons to surprise and jump on me.

It took me a while since and had captured us a few fishes so I could prepare for dinner. I heard some demons in the distance and hurriedly I ran back to our location and I grinned ready to show my boyfriend what I got.

"My beloved look what I got-"

I teased since he hates me calling him by those sweet names. I opened my eyes and dropped the bag I held when I saw about 10 kids here at our spot! They all looked at me surprised not expecting another adult to show up, I never thought I would ever see a child again.

Looking ahead I saw Yugo with the same boring expression and was sitting down with his feet on the table. We exchanged looks but he gave me one knowing full well how I would react to seeing these unknown child visitors.

"They are so adorable!" I couldn't help but stare at them in awe and pinched a girls cheek who awkwardly smiled and her orange bright hair was all messy.

"N-Nice to meet you." She managed to say so I let her go and saw some kids lower their fists when they thought I was a threat.

"It's nice to meet both of you. Are you by any chance William Minerva?" She asks looking at Yugo who just glared at the girl. They began to discuss some things and I was about to say some things when Yugo told me to shut up and not enterfere with them.

Suddenly he grabbed the girl and began to choke her. "Now now let's calm down." I nervously said since this side of Yugo has always worried me and scared me to be honest. 

"She's just a kid. They are kids, they need a place to stay and maybe we can-"

"You know damn well that if these brats stay, they'll just be a pain in our asses. The food will run out, the water will too along with the energy. I was the first to find this bunker so I make the rules." Yugo warned and took out a pistol aiming at the orange haired girl.

"We won't do such things, we just want to know where Minerva is." A boy with black hair said glaring at Yugo who continued ignoring what they said.

"You're the kids who escaped Gracefield." From there the kids intently listened to him but thats until Emma took out something out of her pocket and stabbed Yugo's..lower regions.

We all gasped and shriekd when that happened. "Not the crotch!!" I worriedly shouted and could feel his pain when he fell onto the desk and held his parts.

I sweatdropped and tried moving towards him until he shot his gun and he bullet past right next to the girl."We are not leaving until we get answers." The girl confidently said Yugo still hurt stared at her and then began to freak out.

"Stop..that's not it, John...You shut the hell up Lucas!!" He shouted holding his head until he collapsed and blacked out on top of the table. Not this again. I ran to his side and pushed his messy black and graying hair to see his eyes shut. I touched his cheek and worriedly stared back at him.

"Let's tie him up." The boy with black hair said a boy with brown hair got some and began walking to where I was, "Do we tie her also, Ray?" I quickly took a steo back ready to defend myself if necessary. They are cute kids though.


"No." The girl said which made the boys stop.

"If she were to attack us she would've already like him. She can show us the place and don't worry he'll be fine." She reassured when she saw my worried expression.Her bright green eyes stared at mine.

I nodded my head and extended my hand, "My name is (Y/N). Welcome to Minerva's secret location."The girl smiled and took my hand. "I'm Emma and these are my siblings! That one is Ray, Don, Gilda, Lani-" and she mentioned all of their names.

"Make yourselves at home. Come on follow me." The children followed behind me as I showed them around, I showed them their room and they helped me with taking out some futons and laying them on the floor with some warm blankets and pillows.

"Children here's some hot water if you'd like a bath." I said lowering myself to test the waters and in a hurry the younger boys took their clothes off and splashed the water. Don stared at me still not trusting me, but thanked me nonetheless.I for one didn't expect to have kids tonight.

Yugo and I already had plans for dinner..and other things..but that can wait for now. I got a pot ready and began to make some fish soup since I wasn't wasting the ones I got today, the bunker was for the first time filled with genuine laughter and childhood innocence once more. Peeking my head I saw most of the little once having fun and forgetting of the horrible world outside.

I miss being a kid maybe its the reason why I adore kids.I continued peeling some potatoes when Emma came by and stood next to me. "Here we have some food with us, we don't want you to quickly run out of yours." I looked down at her and smiled when she handed me a few more.

"Thank you, Emma. How did you manage to escape Gracefield?" Emma's eyes lit up as she told me her plan but quickly she stopped when she mention someone named, Norman.Emma stopped helping me and stares down at the floor. I grabbed few slices left and placed the pot above the fire and hugged her.

She stood still but she hugged me back with so much love despite knowing a lot of me. A child needs their mother and unfortunately in a world like this, it isn't possible.

"I'm sorry about your friend, Emma." Behind me I saw the eldest kids coming to support Emma. It's a food thing they are all alive. "I am genuinely happy you all the man you tied up said, we are the only survivors. Our entire team..friends died.."

"That's what he said." The girl known as Gilda said, "He showed us his code he got from Glory Bell." They are smart kids. I nodded and sadly smiled when I lowered my turtle neck and showed them mine.

Emma gasped as she stared, "A-Are you? You escaped Gracefield?!" I fixed my collar and stared down at their surprised faces.

"First and only. Well until you all did..It wasn't easy at all it took a lot of planning and it was only me. I did all the job on my own...Mama was a horrible woman. I listened to her one night talking to those demons and how she was preparing me, I was the smartest of her children so she wanted me to replace her once she left her role as Mom."

The kids continued to listen. "My best friend was going to leave with me, join me, but she never did..we got our best friend taken from us and fed to those creatures. Isabella was never the same." I heard their breaths hitch and looked down at them.

"Isabella was our Mama..." Emma sadly replies.

"She was my biological one..but if it weren't for Emma, then we wouldn't be here alive and safe. Thank you." Ray suddenly said.

"Your welcome. You'll all be safe here."


Checking the clock I saw that it was pretty late. I couldn't sleep at all despite myself getting very busy with kids around, I washed their clothes, gave them their food and even found a small time to read the little ones a bed time story, since their mama, Isabella would read to them. I can't imagine these younger ones sleeping in the cold dirt for three months straight.

I stared up at the ceiling and huffed out annoyed when I remembered that Yugo wasn't sleeping with me. If he hadn't been such a reckless man he could've been here.

Clearly I wasn't going to sleep right now so I got up passed the room Yugo was locked in and without making noise I opened the door and peeked inside to see all the children asleep but a figure sat up and looked at me.

"Emma! Go back to sleel sorry for waking you up, I was just checking up on you all." I whispered and a small smile spread across her face.

"Don't worry I was already awake." Emma patted her futon making me understand to join her for a small talk. I grabbed an extra futon to not bother her own and gently placed it next to hers. "Couldn't sleep also huh?" I ask and tiredly she nods.

"I just have so much on my mind. Being the oldest isn't easy especially when you have half of your siblings to look after."

"There are more children left?" Emma nodded and rested her back against the wall and her blanket covering her body. "Phil is looking after the rest. He's the cutest and one of the smallest but he's very smart. It would've been nice if you'd met him..Mama..I mean Isabella was so cold towards us. Maybe if you would've been our Mama then you wouldnt have been lile her.." she tells herself.

"No." Emma stares at me surprised. "I'm sorry, Emma, but things don't work like that. The demons and the people working behind this whole thing train you for these things. I'm sure that if I could've been a Mama..then I would hve been the same as the others."

I look down at Emma who slightly frowns. These kids are on their own without a Mom..or a Dad. I move my hand and run my fingers down her short hair. "I'm sorry you kids have to live in such a horrible world."

Emma stays silent so I decide to tell her a bit about me. "After escaping Gracefield, I was lost on my own that was until a few weeks later I met him and his friends who made it out from Glory Bell. We didn't fully trusted each other and had our fights but we decided to stay together, since none of us knew the place and knew that we would survive just a bit longer.."

"Yugo lost his friends and it was just him and me. We didn't get along that much but little by little he started trusting me." and we became a couple and did things no kids should know. I try not to laugh at that.

"We were dreamers and one by one we had to grow up. We lost our childhood and quickly had to mature to face the real world. Maybe that's why I love children." maybe I would've been a good Mama? I wouldn't have let them take my children away if I were working for such farms.

How I wish I could be a mother. Have many kids running around a house, telling the, bed time stories, make tjem their favorite food, play with them..but in a society like this having a baby is impossible

Yugo fully well knows weakpoint which are children. He expressed having kids, but he said "In another life maybe." That hurt me even more. I can't have a baby knowing well that supplies wouldn't last and demons would easily find us.

I love Yugo but he isn't the nicest man around and it's clesr to everyone that he doesn't like kids. I want nothing more than to be a mom which is the reason why I've also been intimate with him....but nothing. I knew the truth but couldn't accept it. I can't have kids.

Meaning I'll never know how it feels like give birth and love that someone you made...Yugo and I can't and never will be parents.

"I can't have kids." I mutter once more and heard a small snore.

Gently without moving a lot I glanced down and saw Emma already sleeping from the tired trip. I suddenly felt the need to protct her and these kids.Is this was real mothers feel like towards their littles ones?I stared down at her lovingly and felt a tear slip from my eyes.

I adjusted my blanket and smiled as I closed my eyes and felt her head resting on my shoulder.

Emma, Ray, Gilda, Don, little ones..I swear I'll do everything to protect you from those awful demons and even if Yugo doesn't show it. I know he feels the same. Yugo and I will become your next guardians and we'll protect you all.

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