The Babysitter 2-Souichi Tsujii x Reader

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Summary: You finally for yourself a job! Taking care of Souichi's odd son, but soon you find yourself babysitting another older man child.


"Congratulations to your both!"

"You may kiss the bride now."

The room was full of cheers and laughter, I felt a presence in front of me and I looked up to see Souichi, tall and proud, wearing a full white suit and a single rose adorning his coat.

"I never thought they would end up together." One of the guests said.

"Huh? So the freak got himself a bride." Another one said,that being one of our old classmates.

I felt warm hands gently caressing my cheeks, I placed my hands on Souichi's larger ones and felt him leaning down closer to my lips-


I screamed waking up from the awful nightmare and tripping over my feet when I heard my name being called again. "(Y/N)! You'll be late for your work." My mom spoke from behind the door while I reached out for my blanket and went back to sit by a corner.

"There's no way I'm working as a babysitter!" I fought back still fearing what I saw yesterday.

Right after I was scared I ran past Souichi's brothers and went back to my parents home to hide in my room, I remained hidden by the corner all night and even blocked the door do no one would enter.

"Dear, bur Souichi really needs help. The poor man must be desperate to find someone who can look out for his son, not to mention he might be working all day with no time to spend with his family." My mother began to say.

Slowly she slid the door open and got surprised by the many things blocking my path. She smiled nonetheless, "You're father went out to have a word with the boy yesterday, he accept the job on your behalf."

My blood began to boil. How can they accept a job for me when I don't even want it?!

My mother brought in some tea once she got through the mess. Her tired eyes looking at mine. "Your father and I aren't getting younger, (Y/N). We want you be reconnect with your friends and not be lonely. This is an opportunity for you to move forward."

I hummed unsatisfied with her words so she continued, "You have experience as a babysitter, so this will be easy for you."

I used to babysit many small children back in the day because my parents would force me to work. One of those would be the babysit Souichi as well, his parents aren't the brightest so they would tell me look after him.

Souichi of course being himself would look away rather upset or would escape from the house, that would mean I would have to chase after him to bring him back before his parents would get home.

I used to babysit Souichi and now I'm going to babysit his son.

This'll be completely weird since our of school I never expected him to be the first to have a family.

"I'll give it a try I suppose." I muttered. I'd rather babysit a kid than have that awful nightmare again. With that being said I finished my tea, got myself bathed and changed and I headed off to Souichi's place.


His place was almost in the middle of nowhere with many trees, a forest, surrounding his property. There was a small house behind me and another one ahead, the haunted house Souichi made to earn some cash.

All confidence I had was already gone. I pouted and my legs began to tremble the closer I got to the scary place.

"So, you showed up."

I let out a loud scream making a few birds fly away that were nearby. Souichi's smirk seemed to grow bigger when he saw my scared expression.

"Easily scared as always."

I regained my posture quick and went back to glaring up at him. Since when did he grow so tall?!

"I never got scared so easily, I remember you being the scaredy cat." I bluntly remembered him the many times he had gotten scared.

His dark eyes bored into mine looking extremely tired and uninterested. "I don't recall." He quickly said now taking out a cigarette to smoke.

It was my time to smirk. "The time when Koichi scared you with a spider. The times I dressed up as a ghost for Halloween, oh and the time our puppet teacher chased you around the school and got you naked."

I continued to smirk and crossed my arms over my chest. I could feel his cold eyes now giving me a menacing look to which I looked away feeling the temperature get colder.

"Did you come here to continue making fun of me or to take care of my kid." He couldn't said stopping to say the sentence slowly.

Maybe I shouldn't remind him of his embarrassing childhood..

"T-To work." I tried to put a smile without stuttering but failed.

Souichi smirked again and made me follow him inside the haunted house. "You're lucky I have no customers or I would've sent you in here alone."

The place was eerily silent and almost completely dark except for a few candles. I remained close behind Souichi who didn't seem to mind the empty and cold place, he continued to smoke while resting s hand inside his pockets.

My eyes noticed something by a corner, it seemed to be a bundle of clothes with stains on them and a single hand?

"Umm do y-you like to have props a-around?" I muttered now my voice stuttering for sure.

I noticed Souichi glancing back at me to smirk now with one of his nails on his mouth replacing the cigarette he had.

"Nah I just like to have human parts lying around."

This made me stop to glance at hand laying on the clothes. "That had to be a're j-joking right?"

I ran forward to keep up with his quick pace. He opened a door and ahead of us lied a large cage with a dimly lit room. His customers would surely run away once they reach this place. "That is Binzo." Souichi simply said.

He doesn't refer to his son as a "he" but as "that"?!

"Please tell me you didn't steal that weird kid."

"I wish."

I tilted my head not quite understanding him. "So..who's the mother? If he really yours?" I was almost afraid to ask.

"That's not important!" Souichi clapped loudly which startled Binzo.

I jumped back a bit when he growled and began to grab onto the cage and bite on it with it's large sharp teeth. The only thing he had inside a cage was a bowl of water and a voodoo doll.

"Binzo this is (Y/N), be nice of whatever. Anyways, if he misbehaves use this." Souichi boredly told me and handing me something.

My entire body shook when I noticed a large whip placed in my hands.

"Why do you even have a whip for?!" I shouted at him which he covered his ears since I was so loud.

"Just make sure he stays out of trouble." Souichi waved his hand and left the room with a dark chuckle.

I felt cold sweat running down my forehead when I glanced at my right to see Binzo biting on the cage and trying to reach for me.

This place is too creepy. I reached into my bag I brought with me and began to light up candles around the room making this place brighter and less creepy looking.

I awkwardly took a seat and started checking the place out with my vision, there doesn't seem to be around. I continued to listen to Binzo's growls while I remained still and remembered other thing I brought.

"Your father left this year's ago at my parents p-place. I figured it should be yours since he isn't fond of these anymore."

I took out a weird voodoo like doll Souichi had left at my house before when he was lazy in finishing it up. I tossed it closer to the cage and saw Binzo ripping the dolls head off.

Souichi better be working hard to pay me well. I sighed and felt my heart going back to it's normal pace once I had relaxed. As long as I stay away from the cage I'll be fine.

I reached into my bag and took out a kids book, one my father used to read to me before bed. Maybe this will work on him? He is a kid after all.

In order for him to trust me I need to gain his trust.

I whispered a small short prayer and I got down on the floor and sat down. "I have no idea if Souichi has read to you, but I think you'll like it." I flipped through some pages and landed on one of many innocent stories that were in the book."

"Aha! Maybe you'll like this one." I began to read the story while ignoring Binzo's growls and banging on the cage.

My eyes continued to focus on letters until I looked at Binzo. He kinda resembles Souichi but in a weirder and creepier way.

"You know the more I look at you, I think I understand why you act like this. Souichi doesn't love you and a father should and uses you as s form to earn money. I think you aren't t-that dangerous." I stuttered the last bit when Binzo clawed out trying to reach me.

My eyebrows furrowed together and I irked when I noticed the doll closer that was inside Binzo's cage. It was a voodoo doll of me ripped almost to pieces.


"Umm don't you think w-w should be getting out of here?"

"No way! I'm not letting that man have our money without us completing this stupid haunted house."

A door slid open and a loud scream could be heard throughout the haunted house. I opened my eyes and saw a pair of boys screaming as soon as they saw me on the floor with candles around me.

"Let's get our of here!" I watched both boys running away.

Kids these days are so weird.

I rub my eyes and slowly opened them back when I felt someone tugging my hair, i looked back and let out a loud scream when I noticed Binzo biting on a couple of strands of my black hair.

I pulled away and tripped over my own feet, quickly I crawled back and noticed something staining the wooden floor.

The door was slid open once more and I noticed Souichi looking around until his dark eyes landed on Binzo and the huge stain on the floor. "What did you do now?!"

He began to lash onto the cage. My hands quickly went back touch the back of my head, nothing was bitten off. Oh! The juice I brought in today must've spilt and must've scared the boys in thinking that it is blood.

"S-Souichi! He didn't do anything!" I tried to say until I raced forward and stopped him by grabbing his wrist..

It's been a few days since I've been looking after Binzo and I like to say that he's been less aggressive lately.

Souichi stopped hitting the cage and furrowed his eyebrows together to look at me. "This is all just a m-misunderstanding."

Souichi's dark tired eyes continued to look down at me until I noticed his very pale cheeks turning pink.

He looked away and huffed while fixing his crooked bowtie. "Whatever..I thought I had saved myself from paying you."

Souichi turned to leave and called me before he headed out the door. I eagerly followed him until we reached outside which was bright and sunny. "I was hoping for a dark and gloomy day. Anyways, here's what I promised."

I hummed and looked in front of me and noticed Souichi taking out a couple of money ready to pay me for these couple of days. "Umm S-Souichi.." I reached out to tug onto his suit.

"Yeah, yeah don't get too excited. The reason why I offered you the job wasn't just to look after's been years since we've seen each other and- What?!"

Souichi being annoyed at my tugging had already made him angry. He looked at my scared expression and saw my pointing up ahead.

"Binzo's out."

It seems that because of the constant lashing on the cage it must've broken the lock. I felt his hand on my shoulder when we saw Binzo growling with drool running down his sharp teeth.

When was the last time he ate again?!

We saw Binzo crawling his way over to us fast. I squeezed my eyes shut ready to feel a sharpe pain. I heard another growl now close to me, i slowly opened my eyes and jumped back. I realized Souichi had been holding me, protecting me from Binzo biting me.

"Souichi! Are you a-alright?!" I asked concerned when I noticed Binzo on Souichi's shoulders biting down on his head drawing a bit of blood.

"I'm.. alright." Souichi pouted and whined a bit when Binzo dug his teeth in deeper.

"I'll be r-right back! I'll call your brother to help me handle Binzo." I said panicking at the more sight of blood. I began to run off until I heard s loud thud and I saw Souichi fall to the ground unconscious with a small puddle of blood surrounding him.

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