The Babysitter-Souichi Tsujii x Reader

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Summary: You remember the times when you used to babysit one of your odd neighbors, now you revisit your town for a while and get an offer for a job.

I got myself off the train and was greeted by my family and their neighbors the Tsuji's. I placed my suitcase down and greeted every single one of them, I tiredly smiled back and was reminded of the many memories I created here when I was just a child. "Mother, Father it is so great to see you again. I'm sorry I couldn't visit earlier." I said feeling ashamed at being so focused on my job.

"Don't you worry about it, job comes first after all." My mother dismissed my apology and gave me another smile.

"My my (Y/N)! You've into such a beautiful lady." Mother Tsuji said and hugged me right after my mother did. Since I was little I used to call the neighbors Mother and Father Tsuji, they didn't minded at all.

Mother and Father Tsuji came in with their two kids, now an adult like me. Koichi and Sayuri. "It's been years since we last hung out!" They both said with smiles on their faces.

"We gotta hang out later tonight for drinks, our cousins Michina and Yuusuke visited us just a week ago. It would've been nice for all of us to be together." Sayuri told me.

Mother Tsuji smiled and quickly glanced at her side and shouted her third child's name. "Souichi! Don't be rude and come out here."

Now I truly remember him. Souichi was the odd kid at our school and within his own family, he used to be fascinated by voodoo and would always outside late at night nailing dolls onto trees, he was always sucking on nails too. I wonder if he changed.

He used to be so whiny and deep down was scared at random things and myself, since I was his babysitter he would have to obey me and let's say I kinda was a bully to him back in the day.

Souichi came out from wherever he was and stepped forward, I was surprised that I had to look up at him. He was definitely taller than anyone here, so that's the only thing that changed from him, he's still pale and has messy black hair but he turned out to be a bit.. attractive?

Mother Tsuji pinched him making him jump up a bit. "(Y/N)'s nice to have you again." He said looking at me for a second before looking away. "Alright! Let's go to our home, I prepared a meal for us all." His mother said quickly before things got awkward.

"Hey, don't be rude and help (Y/N) and with her luggage." Koichi scolded his younger brother which was funny since Souichi was taller.

In less than 10 minutes we were at our neighbors home. I got rid of my shoes and sat down on the tatami floor with the rest of the family and friends, all of us joking around and remembering our childhood.

"I remember when you used to hang out here often, Souichi just wouldn't leave you alone so you'd always beat him up..well sorta." Sayuri said and I remembered the few times I hit Souichi.

"His entire face would turn red, but I don't think it was because he was crying." Koichi said smirking. "Seriously, when people bully each other it's because they find the other individual attractive."

I nearly choked on my tea when Koichi was that. "Well it wasnt l-like that for me!" I defended myself and hoped they wouldn't believe that. Truth me told i kinda liked Souichi but couldn't stand his creepiness deep down.

"Well, you're getting defensive." Sayuri said and sighed right after. "But seriously, you have a nice job and are pretty, any guy would kill to be with you."

My parents hummed affirming what Sayuri said. "Our (Y/N) will be here for about a month, so please treat her nicely." My father said and my mom who patted my head. I smiled and tried swatting her hand away since I'm not a child anymore.

Mother Tsuji looked at her husband and looked back at me. "Actually, my dear. I know you probably don't babysit anymore but we have a job for you." Souichi's mother tiredly says with a small smile on her face.

Souichi keeps eyeing us from the corner of the room, he's standing right beside the door now smoking a cigarette. His almost black eyes looking at me which was making me feel nervous.

"Do I have to babysit your son again?" I scoff and bit the inside of my cheek to try and not laugh.

Everyone looked at each other concerned, I'd say they were the only ones who knew of my crush on Souichi back in the day. "No, my dear. You see our son Souichi has a son."

I spit out my tea once Father Tsuji said those very words. I started coughing and tried calming down, "Are you okay?" His wife asked me. I nodded a couple of times.

"H-How? He has a son? A real son, not a voodoo doll?" I asked genuinely curious and hoped it wasn't true. His mother shook her head and sighed, "I'm afraid not."

Huh? I looked over at Souichi and felt a chill down my spine when I saw him still intently looking at me, wanting to know what I'd say. "Who's the mother?" I said after looking away.

"She's not in the picture at the moment." His father answered.

"So you want me to babysit his son?" I questioned. They all nodded except Sayuri and Koichi.

"(Y/N), can we speak outside?" Both siblings asked me. I nodded my head and followed both brother and sister outside of the house.

I looked at them both and saw them share a concern look on their faces. "We should warn you about our brothers son. He's not like most kids. Normal should I say." Koichi nervously told me.

"Does he have special needs?" Again they both shared concerned looks.

"It's hard to say.."

Something about their behavior worried me, weird things did indeed happen here in the past and most things around in Tokyo. A group of teenagers claimed to have seen a beautiful man who told them their future...weird shaped figures on mountains...and other terrifying things I once used to believe..or still do a bit.

"Well I think-" I tensed up when I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. It was Souichi. "So what do you say, (Y/N)." Souichi smiled wide and I saw he had a single nail in his mouth.

"You were always good with kids." I made it out of his embrace and now stood between his brothers. He is messing with me, he hasn't forgiven me for the many times I bullied him.

I tried to keep my distance from him, "I-I wouldn't say I'm the best at it." I tried saying. I was about to ask his brother and sister to help me for unfortunately my mother called them from inside the house.

I was now alone with Souichi. I felt my palms getting sweaty and my knees getting weak. Back then, I wasn't afraid of him but now I am.

"Y-You do know I apologize for the things I did back then. We were just kids messing with each other."

Souichi stares at me with dead eyes, "You pulled my pants down in front of everyone in gym class."

They weren't missing on much anyways. I try to not laugh at the memory and remained calm. I bowed my head and apologized again. "I had problems with myself so I took them on those I thought weaker than me. I truly am sorry, Souichi."

I felt a hand on my head and slowly stood back up and stared up at him. I guess he accepted my apology. "I'm just, still surprised you out of all of us have a kid already. I certainly never took you to be a father..H-How old is your son?"

"About eight."

My brain had to process that for a second. "Eight years old? But you're just twenty seven year old. We share the same age." I was having trouble comprehending him.

Souichi lit up another cigarette and he certainly looked tired but smirked nonetheless. "Are you jealous or something? Hmm in a way you confirmed you're a virgin."

"A-Am not!"

Souichi frowned and tossed his cigarette to the ground and stepper on it slowly getting closer to me. "How would you like to meet my son right now? He adores getting visits."

Souichi placed his hand behind my back and began guiding me behind his parents home. "We live just behind my parents home, so babysitting will be easier."

I said nothing, I glanced up at him and saw him smiling almost wickedly and chuckling to himself like he did back then. "He's just behind the door, do be careful he is eating right now, though he doesn't bite too hard."

Gently he started pushing me forward to the door to his small home. I knew I should've turned back, but didnt.

Slowly I made it inside and saw that it was pitch black. Quietly I stepped in further until I was in the kitchen and saw a some sort of cage, does Souichi have a dog? Just when I was getting closer I let out a chilling scream and started running back to the front door.

I ran past Souichi still screaming and heard him chuckling behind me. I made it back inside his parents home and everyone saw the look on my face, his brother wasn't happy at all when I saw him going outside to scold his brother

"Souichi! You have a weird way of showing your affection to her!!"

I certainly am not ready to babysit that weird monster I saw inside the small home. This is some sort of revenge for what I did to Souichi, I know it.

I heard footsteps and stared back at Souichi afraid and saw him clap his hands together and smile wide. "Congratulations, my dear (Y/N). Your job starts tomorrow."

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