The Guys From Toman Find Out You're A Girl (Tokyo Revengers)

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Summary: You've been a part of Toman for a while,on one of your gang fights you get yourself injured, soon enough they each find out that you're actually a girl.

This includes: Mikey x Reader, Drake x Reader, Mitsuya x Reader, Baji x Reader, Kazutora x Reader.

(This is way before The Bloody Halloween and before Takemichi is introduced, so he won't be mentioned here. More characters will be added soon too!!)

••••Manjiro Sano "Mikey"•••••••

"Let's beat their asses!"

Half of the guys exclaimed and began to get into their own bikes. I quickly got on mine and followed them shortly, I picked up on speed, adrenaline already filling my veins with excitement over another fight.

I parked my bike and eagerly joined the guys to fight our opponents, around my hip I had a couple of daggers hidden just in case if I were to used them.

"Hey look! It's those weaklings we beat up a few weeks back." the leader from our rival group said, laughing to see us again

"We aren't just any weakling, we're the Tokyo Manji Gang. You may have beaten us once, but we'll make sure you'll all eat those words." I grinned wanting them to get angry.

This seemed to do the job since their leader scowled. Draken had a smile on his face and gave me a thumbs up, "You sure are getting them all riled up."

"Now this will be a piece of cake, huh, Kenny?" Mikey absentmindedly said chewing on a pocky I had given him earlier, since I know he loves sweets.

Draken growled and looked down at Mikey. "I told ya to quit calling me that!"

"Are you guys seriously figuring over that?" Mitsuya said tilting his head staring at both of them.

"Sounds pretty dumb to be fighting over that when we have those guys asses to beat." I heard Baji say.

"Will you guys stop arguing for once." Kazutora sighed from behind me.

Mikey smirked to himself and I watched shin rest hold hands inside his pockets. "Alright alright. Say, (Y/N)." I hummed and looked over at Mikey who isn't that much taller than me.

He winked and smirked at me. "If you manage to not get yourself hurt you'll be treating us all to a meal."

"He better not order the kids meal again." I told to myself. I hummed and was ready to take on that challenge.

"Enough talkin' and more fighting!" The rival group said and began running towards us. We did the same and each of us began fighting a couple of different members.

Now being in a gang I knew I would get beaten up often, growing up I always had a habit of taking down boys but this was no where near the fights I had. Forts few times were extremely rough, on my first fight all we used were our fists. To say the least, that day I received a black eye and had almost broken my hand and rib.

And this fight we were having was to prove ourselves, we aren't like any other gang around. We don't always use violence and don't do unnecessary things like robbing people for fun like other useless gangs do.

Toman gave me a second chance at life when I thought things were over for me. Mikey was the one who accepted me without question.

Right now while fighting I easily began to dodge the rivals attack and held their first and head butted them hard making them fall to the ground unconscious.

I felt a sharp pain on my cheek and the taste of crimson in my mouth when I realized I was hit by someone's fists. I spit out some blood and glared at the guy who did it.

The guy began to shake when he saw my cold eyes on him, he shrieked and began to run away, but I had gotten easily distracted, from behind me s pair of arms held me tight and threw me against the pavement.

I groaned in pain and the guy was clearly stronger than me, i felt a tug on my hair and my face was met with the concrete beneath me. The man holding me down began to laugh. My face was stinging and i felt blood running down my face too.

"Not so strong now anymore are ya punk?"

My mind began to fill up with the many possibilities he had, my hand made it to my side and I realized my daggers were gone.

"Looking for this?" The man chuckled again and before I knew it I felt a sharp pain on my chest. Last thing I saw before blacking out was Mikey kicking the man down before he raced over to me.


I had refused to go to a hospital, which meant that Mikey was the one to take care of my wounds. Luckily, I was conscious right when he was about to take me through those doors leading to those awful white painted rooms. The look Mikey had given me when I begged him to not take me in was actually a bit scary.

Without any arguing he took me over to Draken's place to patch me up. Luckily Draken was out with the guys buying some more bandages and alcohol even if they all wanted to stay to help me out, Mikey convinced them to go.

Leaving me all confused until I felt a few buttons of my shirt which had been undone, my secret was already out to Mikey. I had no idea what to say, he's one of the coolest and most attractive guys I know.

If he kicks me out and doesn't want to be my friend then I'll be heartbroken, he gave me s proper home and made me feel like I finally belonged to a group...

We were on our own in Draken's room. I had looked down at my shirt again and did see that my wound was clean and stitched up, meaning he must've been the only one to see me.

"So..You're a girl?..." He questioned slowly.

Mikey looked down surprised at my already clean chest wrapped in bandages, i just stared back at him, his stare didn't made me uncomfortable at all.

I did the first thing I thought was the best. i bowed my head in both being grateful that he tended me but feeling ashamed at hiding my secret from him.

"Yes..please forgive me, Manjiro Sano." I said using his full not wanting to disrespect him in case he doesn't want me to use the name I've been calling his for months.

"My time of being member of Toman had been nothing but life changing. I am respectfully asking you to leave the group and no longer worry you or the team-"

"Cool!" Mikey gave me a closed eyed smile and gave me a thumbs up. His pale cheeks turned to a light shade of pink.

"Ehh?" I tilted my head confused. And here I thought he would be angry or somehow beat my ass.

Mikey patted my shoulder making me flinch just a bit. "I think it's badass to know that a girl can defend herself. You had me fooled for months, though I do say I had some speculations."

He hummed thinking back to whenever it was that I had acted weird, or maybe a bit feminine. "The guys did say you didn't have a masculine voice, the others began to say that maybe you were gay."

I stared at him deadpanned and pouted. "Just leave the rough fighting to us, okay? You're already family to us." Mikey said continuing to smile.

This time I smiled back and felt my stomach flutter, just like it did earlier when Mikey saw me bleeding on the ground and picked me up to quickly bring me in here on his bike. Mikey had his speculations back then yet he continued treating me the same, no one else did.

"I'm so happy to know that I've already made all of you feel comfortable around me. This truly means a lot, Mikey."

I took a sharp breath in when I felt him wrap his hand around my uninjured one, since I had broken my other hand. Mikey smiled genuinely at me.

"Don't ever lie to me again, okay? I'm looking forward to knowing the real you behind-" We both jumped up when the door was harshly kicked open.

We stared back at Kazutora, Baji, Mitsuya and Draken. We all continued to just stare for a few minutes when we knew I was fucked, they all know my secret now, and Mikey and I are still holding hands!!

"What the fuck?" They all said staring at us.

I shrieked and tried pulling my hand away but all Mikey did was hold his tighter until he joined me on the bed and protectively wrapped and arm around me and pouted, slowly doing hid best to cling to me.

Kazutora and Draken were the ones mostly surprised, "(Y/N) is-"

"Why the fuck were (Y/N) and Mikey holding hands?!" Correction Baji is the most surprised one.

We all stared at him weirdly since we figured out that he was extremely slow, he began questioning us on why we're holding hands, his mind didn't seem to register what was truly going on.

"You really are a lost case aren't you?" Mitsuya disappointedly said while Kazutora ashamed hid his face from us.

"Can someone explain to me what the hell is going on?!" He asked digging his fingers into his black long hair.

"You truly continue to surprise me." Draken all deadpanned muttered.

"(Y/N) is a girl. Mikey and her are dating now." Kazutora said it, putting it simple. I glanced over to my side and saw the biggest smile on Mikey's lips.

•••••••Ken Ryuguji "Draken"••••••••

Right when we made it to fight a rival team was when the weather thought that it was the perfect time to rain heavily alongside with thunder. I took my position next to Draken and Mikey, i was by no far the strongest of the team but I did my best to always remain strong and pretend to be for the team.

I don't want to disappoint the boys and if they find out in really a girl, well my whole life will turn to worse. They won't treat me equally and will most likely kick me out.

"Hey, (Y/N). Stay next to my side, alright kid?" Draken told me with a smile.

That almost made me feel weak to my feet. I shook the thought of since the guys will notice the quick blush rushing up to my cheeks.

"R-Right!" I agreed and gave him two thumbs up. This made Draken continue to smile.

"You're an odd one, kid, but I like you." I heard him tell to himself.

"Enough chatting! More fighting!" The rival leader said and we all ran towards each other to best the living crap our of them.

I punched and kicked several of them until I was now face to face with the gangs leader. There's no way I'm going to let him hurt Mikey since he was charging towards him first. The man looks at me surprised before grinning maniacally.

"Didn't expect for the shorter one to have guts. I was thinking if sparing ya for a second there, you're kinda my type if you know what I mean." He said and stuck his tongue out.

That made me scowl at him and glare harder as I held my fists up. "Such a shame, well, guess I'm gonna best the shit outta ya. Haaaa!!" The guy began running towards me.

I did a backflip and ended up easily knocking him down on his feet, guess those ballet lessons from back then worked for me. The man quickly got on his feet and didn't look like he was giving up easily.

Bodies of his team began to hit the ground, making him look back at them then at me. I noticed and saw Draken had his fists covered in blood alongside his nose, he must've punched those guys very hard.

"Oh, so you gotta a boyfriend." He exclaimed and laughed loudly, "Let's see how long the teams let will remain on it's feet then!"

The man began charging at me and this time I began to fight as we should. He landed a harsh punch on me but I stumbled back up on my feet and kicked the guys balls, suddenly arms were wrapped around me from behind.

I looked back and was surprised to see that it was the man I was knocked out just a minute ago. "He's all yours boss!" the guy from behind me said.

The man held me tight while his leader wiped blood off of himself and came over to punch my stomach but right before he did a figure appeared in front of me blocking the attack.

"Draken!" I said surprised to see him. The man behind me began to shake when he saw Draken's glare and started to let go of me.

Both of us pressed our backs to each other and held our fists up, him to fight the leader while I take care of the weaker one.

"Pssh. I thought I told ya to stay close to me!" Drake shouted.

"I got distracted!" I argued back once we began to fight these guys. Drake easily began to fight the man while I was now struggling feeling too weak.

As I stood behind Draken I didn't notice another guy rounding up behind me. I helped when the man lifted me and threw me on the ground. Both men held me down and I screamed in pain when I felt the man above me press something cold to me, a sharp sensation of a knife.

The man I noticed he was the one who held a knife and was ready to attack Draken earlier.

"Hearing your screams are making me feel exci-" I screamed again and with all my strength I raised my head up and headbutted the creep.

The guy immediately fell down unconscious. I tiredly looked up and saw everyone distracted, fighting on their own. Just up ahead I saw Draken grinning to himself and punching a guys face and easier avoiding the attacks.

Silently I began to cry and began to apply pressure to my wound when I noticed the other man was taken down.

I looked over and saw Mikey had easily kicked him, "You alright?" He asked.

I simply nodded my head and made sure none of the guys would noticed that they had stabbed me.

"Damn it." I muttered and saw my hand covered in blood.

Almost no men were left, only the one Drake was still beating up. From behind me i heard Baji wanting to fight the man himself and Mitsuya trying for him to not get even more hurt.

My vision began to get blurry when I looked back at Draken's figure. "Drake." I whispered fearing the worst, wanting to call him loudly but failed to do so. I felt myself growing weaker as I reached my hand out but gave in.

I fell down on the ground on a puddle of my own blood. "(Y/N)!" I heard the guys shout my name. This made all of them run over to me.

Baji and Kazutora gently turned me around and it was Draken who looked down at my open bleeding wound. "Shit! (Y/N)'s not gonna make up, he's barely conscious."

I began to shiver and felt my entire body grow cold. "Fuck, (Y/N). Did you really continue fighting like this?!" I heard Draken's voice.

"Now's not the time for arguments, Ken. My bike is faster, take him to the hospital right now." I heard Mikey's voice.

I groaned in pain when I was lifted from the ground and was in Draken's arms, he easily had lifted me up and in a hurry was driving us down our way to the nearest hospital.

Drake told me to keep hold onto him righting while he was driving, my head lazily on his shoulder and i felt my breathing behind to shorten.

"(Y/N)! You better keep your eyes open, don't fall asleep!" He ordered me. I tried to do as told but it was too hard.

"I'm sorry.." I whispered and that's when I closed my eyes. The last thing I heard was Draken cursing to himself and swearing to kick my ass if I were to die.


"(Y/N), is completely stable. She's a lucky girl to have someone like you, if not who knows what would have happen." I furrowed my eyebrows when I heard the doctor speak.

I'm not dead then? That'd s huge relief.

Not wanting to have s confrontation I continued to have my eyes shut. Are any of the guys here? What time is it?

"Quit faking that your asleep, brat." I opened my eyes and saw Draken glaring at me. "Pssh you idiot! Did you seriously want to get yourself killed?!" He angrily shouted glaring down at my injured self.

I looked up and saw his eyes beginning to water. I looked down at myself and realized that the nurses had gotten rid of my blood shirt, meaning Draken must've figured it out that I'm a girl by now.

"Do you have any idea how much of a fool I looked when the doctor told me you're not a guy?!"

The door bursted open and in came Mikey. "Yo!" I shrieked beginning to rise the sheets up and Draken who quickly raised his hand up to try and cover me.

Mikey hummed and stared at us weirdly. "What's up with that look, Kenny?" He asked holding onto a bag of clothes.

"How'd you get in here?!" Draken shouted annoyed by him. "Don't you know of knocking before entering?!"

Mikey stared at him and smiled at him then turned to me. "(Y/N), I brought you some clean clothes for you to wear." Mikey said rodding me the bag.

I opened it up and took the article of clothing out, a dress. I stared at it surprised and so did Draken both of us with our face completely turned red.

"You know about this?!" We both shouted at him surprised.

Mikey didn't even seemed fazed by it. "Of course. I mean the signs were there all along, maybe I'm just the only smart one of the group along with Mitsuya."

What?! Is Mitsuya the one responsible for this dress then?!!

"Pssh bastard." Draken muttered under his breath and glared at me. "You better not have anymore secrets from me, (Y/N)." He said would s clear blush across his pale face.

I held my hands up and made sure to let him know that I don't have anymore secrets. He hummed nodding his head, "Good."

Draken held his hand out for me to grab, I gently held his hand and felt how warm they actually feel. "Glad to know I wasn't actually losing my mind thinking I might've been attracted to a guy..."

I tilted my head and stared at him weirdly, "What?!"

•••••••Takashi Mitsuya•••••••

Ever since I had gotten into Toman we've had to get our uniforms fixed or updated in just minor things, but I always refused to have Mitsuya take my measurements.

"He's just shy that's all!" Mikey would say with a smile. I have a feeling that he secretly knew that I'm a girl, since he's the one who's always spoken gently to me and has made some hints.

School has ended for the day but we decided to join Mitsuya to watch him sew, the guys would make dumb comments and fool around while I always kept to myself only talking when necessary.

A girl who was helping Mitsuya with a few things sweat dropped and forced a smile on her lips. "You know I have seen (Y/N), wearing skirts before."

The room fell silent and I felt all eyes on me. I felt my throat getting tighter and felt my legs shaking.

"Fighting the system, nice! It's the 21st century after all." Baji smirked to himself and roughly smacked my back.

The girl continued to smile and hummed to herself. "I'm not against it..but I have heard some classmates right about it. What's your opinion, Mitsuya?" She asked him.

My heart leapt growing nervous of his answer. Would he be fine with it? Even if he doesn't know that i am actually a girl disguised as a boy?!

I've grown feelings for Mitsuya for months now and I would hate to hear him feel disgusted in the slightest by me.

When this whole journey started I grew nervous thinking everyone would hate me, elementary school was when I dressed up in the usual dress for girls, middle school happened and I decided to wear the boys uniform.

Because it was more comfortable and because my parents couldn't afford another uniform, do they made me wear the one my older brother left before heading to college. Not to mention having long hair was such a drag to have and maintain.

"W-Why don't we change the subject!" I tried to say clinging to the new and improved uniform Mitsuya patched up for me.

He remained deep in though before speaking up, "I don't think there's nothing wrong with, (Y/N)." He answered shrugging his shoulders.

"Maybe he's just one of those guys who are too self conscious because of their body."

"There's nothing to be ashamed of, (Y/N)." Drake said joining in.

"Even if he does have the body of a noodle." Baji absentmindedly said making me glare daggers at him. How dare you call me that.

I fought back with myself to not say anything and I simply sighed to myself and defeatedly went to get myself changed.

"I still don't get why, (Y/N). Liked their clothes to be a bit too baggy."

"They look like a bag of potatoes." Draken said glancing back at me.

"You're right. I'll make some adjustments since there's no way (Y/N) will properly be able to fight." Mitsuya said making his way closer to me until I started to take a step back.

Baji tilted his weird looking at me weirdly. "Dude what's gotten in ya all of the sudden?"

"Nothing! I'm just tired. We can do this tomorrow I got an important..umm meeting! See ya!" I shouted and ran past all of them and out of the school building.

"Look who we have here Tomans pet."

"Huh?!" I scowled and froze when I saw one of the rival groups whom we had beaten their asses last week.

"And he's on his own too!" Crap! I'm gonna die. "Grab him boys!!" I screamed and started running as fast as I could


It was the next morning and I was all bruised up and felt extremely weak. I made it earlier to school to be able to talk to Mitsuya, I put on my best smile and stepped into the empty classroom, i dont want him or any of the guys to know I was beaten up yesterday.

"(Y/N)? What are you doing up do early?" Of course thank god Mitsuya was here.

I smiled wide at him. "Is that anyway to speak to a friend?"

Mitsuya sighed and smiled looking back at me. "Sorry, didn't mean to sound rude. It's just surprising to see you up since usually the guys and I have to pull you out of bed."

That's usually right. I stepped closer and saw him putting his needles down and a piece of black material he had.

"What can I do for you then?" He yawned but a smile remained on his face.

"I would like to get my measurements done correctly."

This seemed to surprise Mitsuya since I don't let the guys touch me, only when necessary. "This is something, are you sure you didn't bump your head?" He joked.

I shook my head and decided to tell him the truth. "Well, you see. Ask soon as I left the building I was attacked, it my fault I tripped because of the long pants." I began to chuckle do he wouldn't feel bad.

When I looked back I saw a frown on his face, he seemed a bit scary when all serious. "This isn't funny, (Y/N). What would've happened if this were something more serious."

He sighed stepping out of his chair and told me to step closer, he took out his measuring tape and got a notebook to right down.

For the first time I let Mitsuya take my measurements, he began to measure my legs and arms. "If I would've known this earlier, i myself would've had a talk with those guys who hurt you."

I shivered when I realized that only my chest area was missing from being measured. I decided to speak some more to distract him. "S-So, Mitsuya. How are your sister doing?"

He hummed surprised and went back to smiling. "They are growing each day, they never stop surprising me."

Mitsuya had always been an amazing older brother to hid sisters, he cleans the house, washed the dishes, makes them dinner and leaves them at school since his mother is always busy.

He'll genuinely make an amazing and adoring father. I blush at the image in my head and once again him him chuckle.

"You know? They always ask me about you. For some reason they seem to really like you, it's like you understand them."

His sister's weren't dumb at all, from the very minute they say me they said I was a girl, and asked why I was dressing up all funny. That was out small little secret.

"Yeah..I wonder why." I said not wanting to talk about this now. Damn it.

I blushed when I met Mitsuya's lavender colored eyes. "Do you mind me doing the last measurement, since I know you hate people touching you."

That's not it at all.

I stared at him and slowly nodded my head. Good thing I'm all covered up as usual. I confidently stood up straight and let the man do his own work.

Mitsuya wrapped the measuring tape around me and froze, he looked down at the tape in his hands and saw the numbers. "...(Y/N), you're secretly a girl aren't you?"

Shit. I forgot to wrap my chest up...

We stared at each other not knowing what to say, that's until I noticed his pale face turn red like a strawberry.

He quickly moved back and hid his face in his notebook and scribbled down something. "Umm..I guess your uniform will be ready in a few hours or so. Do take care, (Y/N)."

Suddenly the classroom started to fill up and i stood by the door just watching Mitsuya being hidden behind his book. He looks adorable.

"Thank you for understanding, Mitsuya!" I waved. I watched him slowly lower his notebook until he looked at me again, he shakily raised his hand up and smiled.

•••••••Keisuke Baji•••••••••

"Pssh can't believe we're the ones having to pick up some gasoline." Once again I heard Baji complaining, through months I learned to not complain if he were to give me orders or argue with him, not like the first time.

I shiver at the memory that I almost had my ass beaten by Baji when I muttered how much of an ass he was. Mitsuya was the one to step in and calm him down.

"He's the new guy he doesn't know what he's saying!" The guys began to defend me, since I am way shorter than them and no where near as strong.

Baji scowled and glared at me. "Can't believe you guys would recruit a pipsqueak."

And that did it for me, I began to tell him off which lead to me to run away from the meeting and back safely into my home. Those were done good times.

"Hey, where's your head at today kid." Baji voice sounded making me turn my full attention to him when he handed me the gasoline.

"Sorry I just got distracted." I admit and yelped when Baji got down a bit and stared at my face, nerves got the best of me by how close he was to my face. Seeing him this close only makes him look more handsome! His long black hair really suits him too.

I pushed those thoughts aside and looked to my side, he seems like a wolf ready to pounce on its prey, literally.

I groaned in pain when he had poked my head a bit too hard. "Come one, we don't want Mikey complain on why his treats are taking so long." I did notice Baji grabbing a couple of candies for Mikey along with a few chips, which he didn't pay.

"Umm soooo...did you finish today's homework?" I asked not knowing what to say to not make out walk awkward.

Baji hummed with his hands in his pockets. "Are you joking?" He sounded so serious.

"R-Right! I should know better. The great Baji doesn't do homework."....I do it for him..I sigh remember on why I slept so late yesterday too.

"You're a really weird guy, ya know? Sometimes you act too cherry like a girl."

"You mean cheery." I corrected him.

He blushed hard and shouted, "That's what I meant now shut up!"

Now that made me laugh hard completely ignoring the heavy gasoline I was carrying, he's stronger than me I don't get why he isn't carrying anything.

Our relationship did eventually grow a bit, he hated me but started getting used to me whenever Toman would have meetings or to simply hang out. Thing is I knew Baji before back in my first year of middle school, he doesn't recognize me because I used to wear the normal girl school uniform and he kept to himself in class.

I would simply stare at him from time to time and admire how handsome he looked.

He used to talk to my brother who also shared the same class, so because my brother had to transfer from school, Baji wasn't there to say his goodbye so in a way I decided to take my brother's place to try and be friends with him.

I was afraid I still looked feminine but Baji was oblivious as ever and didn't notice.

"Look at these punks having a good time." Baji and I stopped to see a random biker gang laughing at us who were just passing by.

This made me look up at Baji who didn't seem happy at all, already having his fists clenched. "What the fuck did you just say?"

"Damn it not another fight." I mutter to myself. Just half an hour ago he picked up a fight on someone who simply stared at us weirdly, on s guy who complimented on my clothes. The poor guy was left unconscious but not badly hurt.

I placed the set of gasoline aside knowing where this would be going. "Baji, why don't we sit this one out." I whispered getting closer to him and had grabbed his arm.

Baji shivered and glared down at me. The other biker gang began laughing at us, "They almost look adorable!"

"Yeah, notice how the smaller dude is clinging onto the other one."

I jumped back when Baji without a word began attacking the rivals, i noticed his long hair tied up to not get it in the way. Quickly he began punching them one by one having his fists already covered in blood, grinning like a maniac. He really is bloodthirsty.

"Damn it, Baji! will you stop picking up on fights!" I complained and only heard him tell me to stop being a pussy and right alongside him.

I did as told and ran forward to join him on the fight. I held my fists up and didn't hesitate to punch one of the guys mouth, while I punched the other guys balls and kicked one in the stomach.

It's still surprising for me to know that Baji and the rest of the team are between 14 to 16 years old. These idiots grow like trees and love to fight older men.

"Damn, for being small this one has fire!" I heard one of them day making Baji smirk when he spit a bit of blood out.

"Just how we like it at Toman. He's our most valuable member."

My eyes widened since I never expected to hear that from Baji. He was the only one to complain on how small and fragile I looked to be a member of their team, I proved them otherwise. But since them he started joking that I was Tomans pet since I looked like a chihuahua.

I was never the one to like picking up fights and getting hurt but with Baji I started feeling an adrenaline to it, making my life a bit more exciting.

I was confident in my moves and did my best to hit hard and make the other rival members fear us, but not everything goes as planned. Right when I turned around to punch the other guy was when I felt a sharp pain, my shirt being sliced and blood drawing from it.

"(Y/N)!" I stood still and my eyes widened when I realized I'm bleeding. My hand began shaking at the sight of my own blood.

Baji ran towards me and easily knocked the guy who sliced me down. "Shit! You alright, kid?!"

Tests began to fill my eyes until they started flaking down my face. "Am I gonna die?!" I whined and began to cry loudly.

Which made everyone stop fighting and stared at me weirdly. "The guy had a weird cry." I heard then mutter between themselves. I couldn't help but begin to cry, I'm still young and don't want to die.

"Hey, quit moving you're fine it's not a deep wound!" Baji began shouting so I could hear him. "If we stay any longer I know Mikey will have my head, let's go."

Baji grabbed onto my wrist and we both began running away with the guys behind us calling us cowards, even thought Baji knocked their lesfer unconscious.

"Quit crying! We'll patch up your wound and you won't feel a thing right after." Baji continued to say.

We made it to what I assume was his place, thankfully no one was home. He made me sit on his bed and left some alcohol and bandages, he ran downstairs to get some cold water.

I looked around and knew that he would take his time. I was ready to tend to my own wounds before he could get here.

Getting rid my black long sleeve shirt was wheb I saw the door was pushed wide open. "I already got some-"

Baji stopped talking and simply stared down at me, I stared back feeling no emotions at the moment the shirt I had on was now past my shoulders, showering my chest all wrapped up.

Few moments of silence passed until Baji began to stutter, "What the h-hell?"

It took him a long while to process what was happening at the moment. "You're a-a..a.." he couldn't finish the sentence. He covered his mouth making the tools he had fall down along with the water

His once worried and angered face changed completely. Baji was now a stuttering mess and his face had gotten completely red.

I opened my mouth to speak but he bets me to it. "No one will know about this, okay?" He bit his lip and I still noticed a blush across his lips.

"Sit your ass on the bed, I'll clean ya up." The entire time he began to do so he looked away to not look at me or my chest.

I couldn't help but smile and began to laugh at his unexpected reaction. "Hey! Quit moving or I'm gonna make this worse."

"You're a great friend, Baji." I blushed as well and saw his eyes widen before he muttered a few things to himself and gave me a new pair of shirt to put on.

••••••Kazutora Hanemiya••••••

I was wincing in pain and held onto my leg, one of the idiots we were fighting grabbed me and seemed to have snapped my leg. The guys had finished up beating the other guys asses and were calling for an ambulance.

I was beyond excited earlier to fight a rival gang stronger than us, since I had gotten quite strong and hsd practiced a lot with Mikey and Draken. But I'm still a girl so there's no way I was walking out of this unharmed

"This is stupid! I wanted to beat his ass!" I cried more of not being able to fight than my leg.

Kazutora sighed as he stood above and patiently we waited for the ambulance to arrive. "He hasn't even the leader, he was the weakest on the team."

Well, Kazutora did just hit his neck and the man fell.

I pouted and looked up at the completely uninjured man. "How come you always are unharmed?!"

"Because I know when exactly to strike, you're always rushing things, (Y/N). You gotta learn to know when."

"Hey! Come back here!" We looked up ahead and saw Baki chasing someone who was running from him. Kazutora smiled to himself and fought back a laughter.

His golden eyes seemed to look down at my tired ones due to amount of training I did which worked for nothing. "Once you are all healed up, i can maybe teach you a few things. Look."

Kazutora pointed out at Mikey who wasn't even doing much and easily knocked down a couple of guys. "You'll never be like Mikey, let's be honest. But you gotta have the same mentality as him when the time is right."

We watched Mikey easily knock a guy out with his famous kick, his dark eyes met ours and gave me a thumbs up before he went back to fighting. Draken always remaining by his side.

I heard a yawn behind me and looked back up since I was sitting on the ground. "And here I thought we would today get your famous dinner. It's a shame, I was looking forward to it."

Whenever the guys would have a major victory I would volunteer and prepare many tasty things got dinner, they each really seemed to love it when I cook.

"Now this is how you properly cook! Whoever marries, (Y/N) will be a lucky girl." One of them said while I was cooking. That made me spit the bit of wine I had in my mouth.

"H-Hey don't say things like that!" I felt extremely embarrassed. Kazutora remained quiet and watched me and Bajos argue about it. He simply smiled to himself and continued eating while Mikey began leaning onto his shoulder almost falling asleep.

The guys screaming in anger made me look back at Kazutora in an apologetic way. "I'm sorry, I promise to cook you your favorite once I'm all healed."

He huffed and smirked down, "You better."

We heard the ambulance arrive so Kazutora helped me up to my feet until we reached the car and he accompanied me all the way.


About a week later I started feeling a lot better, i could do s few minor things but not much since my leg was indeed broken. Kazutora volunteered to look after me in the time being since my parents weren't home. They work outside of Japan which means I'm always home alone.

The guys were watching tv but not really paying attention since they kept joking around. I was cooking up what I had promised them and saw Kazutora walk into the kitchen with me and brought in the bottle of wine I told him to cook up the meat.

"You sure you can do this?" He asked crossing his arms over his chest and looking at me in the eye, not happy that i wasn't completely recovered.

"Of course! I'm feeling a lot better and want all of you to have a great time. Now go out and have some fun!" I tried waving him off.

"(Y/N), there's no need for you to wear those many layers of clothing, it's hot in here."

"O-Oh but I'm feeling a bit chilly." I continued to lie.

I heard a sigh come from him until he stepped closer. "I know your a girl."

My eyes widened and the bottle of wine almost fell from my grasp, thankfully Kazutora easily grabbed it. I looked back and didn't see him angry at all, he had his eyebrows furrowed and genuinely seemed worried.

"You could've gotten yourself killed out there."

I gulped and couldn't believe that he knows about this. "W-When did you figure it out?"

"A long while ago, when you got flustered over that marriage stuff. I had my speculations, but I was proven right when I saw your top button was undone when I helped you up to get to the ambulance."

The fuck?! I looked back and saw him looking away from me with a very faint blush on his cheeks. "You almost fooled me there, (Y/N)." He smiled back to me and patted my head.

"Just take things easy alright? Whatever you need don't hesitate to ask me."

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