The Right Thing (Andrew, The Promised Neverland)

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(Based on The Promised Neverland manga since the season 2 ended and was a disaster but I wont go into details.)

You and Andrew have always had rough relationship. You two work for Peter Ratri, but only can be his right hand man, so you take action and decide to go on your own and find the Grace Field children, what you don't know is that Andrew is after you once you've had a change of heart on the kids.

"How did you let this happen?!"

"I take full responsibility for my actions Mr. Ratri. It was already too late when I reached them."

I look between Peter and Isabella who's the mother and one in charge of the Grace Field plant. It was already too late, but I was called out for emergency when the alarms went on and many soldiers and demons began running around the area. Isabella was called up almost immediately and taken into custody.

Peter ran his hand through his shoulder length almost white hair and smirked to himself before frowning and turning his back to us.

"Mr. Ratri. I don't believe that you should trust this woman-" the man next to me said without hesitation and seriousness in his voice.

Peter quickly responded back "But I do. Mrs. Isabella here has been the best Mother in all of the other Plants, surely she couldn't have known all of this, am I wrong?"

Peter glanced back at Isabella and the dark tall haired woman nodded. "I should have been more careful, like I said, i take responsibility for what I've done."

The man smirked and now turned his full attention on us. "I want every soldier and demon searching for them. Andrew, I want you to lead a team and bring them to me by tomorrow morning."

Our boss commanded and the tall white man with black streaks next to me nodded his head and left the room to prepare his team.

"I want you to take Mrs. Isabella here to her cell. You're one of the best soldiers I've had, you're no where near as good as my beloved Andrew, but pairing you two together will surely brings those pests back to their place." Peter waved us off and stared into one of the many screens.

Many people were running out and searching for the Grace Field children. I grab Isabella's shoulder and shove her so she can begin to walk. We walk past the many empty hallways and arrived at the cell she's staying in.

Isabella stripped out of Mother uniform and into a simple black dress. "Are you proud of what you've done?" I mutter coldy and glare at her when she's sitting down on her bed staring at the floor.

"My children will find a way to stop all of this, they're brave unlike me or all of us here."

"Still, you broke the rules, so now it's my job to fix your mess. We'll easily track them and take them back in."

"Didn't know you had it in you, (Y/N). Are you sure you aren't like this for a reason." I glare at her even harder when her violet eyes look up to mine.

"Grandma will be disappointed in you." Is all I day and turn to leave her. I stop and take a deep breath and clench my fists and punched the wall, not caring if my fists would get bruises.

Great, now all I have to do is find those kids and then I'm sure Mr. Ratri will choose me as his second in command.

"Pathetic." I raise my head and glare even harder at the tall man walking to my direction. Andrew.

The man stops and stares down at me, so I stand up straight. "This is something serious yet you decided to show up here dressed like that?" The man looks disgusted by my poor choice in clothes.

It was an emergency so I ran all the way here in my pajamas since I had no time to change. "Yeah, well at least I change clothes. I always see you dressed in the same thing."

Andrew stares at me, its tough to figure him out "Don't let me down." He ends up saying and quietly leaves.

It's been weeks and there's been no sigh of the children. Grandma was punished on behalf of Isabella's crime, so she's no longer around. Isabella is still locked up, and we're still sending people to find those kids.

Today had been a rough day. Peter kept composed but I could tell he was hiding how he felt inside. I rested my gun on top of the table and got rid of my bulletproof jacket.

"(Y/N), it has come to my attention that you obey every order given to you. Grace Field lacks a Mother figure, would you like to take care of those children for the time being until we find the right Mother of course."

My eyes got teary and I fought the urge to smile, so I tested my hand over my stomach and nodded my head firmly, I could feel Andrew's intense eyes on me.

"Very well, your uniform is in your room. You'll only be their temporary Mother for a month. I want you to pick up if any of them show any strange behavior. Once you time is up, you'll be returned back here."

"Thank you so much, boss. I won't let you down." I bowed my head and eagerly went to my room and got dressed up.

I stared at myself in the mirror and decided to let my hair down, the mother uniform looks weird on me. As soon as I walked out i was met by job other than Andrew, he was smoking a cigarette and looking uninterested as ever.

"Mr. Ratri told me to escort you. Let's go." I huffed when he began walking ahead of me. I had to carry my own bag, what a gentlemen he is.

Without any word being said between us, he left me by the gate and I was off to meet the children. All of the children stared at me surprised but smiled, do they no anything?

I put up on a cheerful smile and waved my hand. "Hello children, my name is (Y/N) and I'll be your mother for the remaining of the time. Now, I won't be your official new mother so let's have some fun while I'm here okay? I promise we'll have lots of fun together."

Keep on smiling. I've never been one to smile or laugh, not after all I've been through, I feel like I don't even deserve to feel those things, happiness, love, I don't deserve them.

One by one the small children introduced themselves to me until one was left, "And what is your name?" I asked in a gentle voice and knelt down to the boy.

"My..My name is Phil." The small boy smiled wide and gripped my dress. "Let's get along together."

Something is wrong.

I continued smiling and patted his head. "Let's be best friends, Phil. So that means so hiding secrets, okay?" I watched his ever move and expression. He didn't seem show much like all the other kids.

Days went by and I was surprised when someone knocked on the door and I opened up to see, "Andrew? What are you doing here?"

I could hear the children in the background finishing their lunch and running around the house getting ready to play outside.

"Boss wants me to keep a close eye on you." He's lying. Andrew fixes his glasses and I noticed he was now wearing a nice suit and tie. I frown and feel just a bit weird seeing him like this.

"Come in then." I open the door wide and everyone is surprised to see a man here since it isn't common. Half of the kids were already outside playing while the others were inside.

"I just finished cooking their meal so their own any for you." I bitterly tell him.

"I'm not much for your cooking anyways, so I'm not missing out on it " he bitterly tells me back and looks around the house. I fight the urge to yell at him again, but I cant.

Andrew begins to walk around the place so I watch his every move. "Any reports?" I ask when I see all of her children away.

"We've had no luck so far."

Andrew stayed that says less than half an hour. But that didn't stop his unexpected visits, he started off by visiting once a week to now two days a week.

I had everything cleaned up by the time he would arrive. I hate to say this, but I started to enjoy the children's company and Andrew being here changed a bit at how I'd see him.

He's still cold, calculated and selfish but he seems a bit more relaxed and has opened up a bit more. Andrew and I have known each other for many years, unfortunately since teenagers when we met.

I grew up here in Grace Field and he was in another Plant. I was to become a Mother until Isabella won the title, but not only that, she gave birth to a son, Ray, who is my nephew.

I was incapable of having children so I've always hated her because she has it easier than me. I wanted to become a Mother but after so many tries, I never could.

Andrew was sitting down on the table drinking some coffee I had prepared for us. We were alone in the house and we could hear the childrend laughter from the inside, I was a bit tired especially since I was holding one of the babies who was falling asleep.

I tiredly held her in my arms and has her small head resting on my chest, I could hear her lightly breathing in and out.

"You look different." I titled my head at his words.

"Different how?"

"You seem calmer, almost happier being here than in the labs. This Mother look suits you."

I felt a shiver up my spine and felt my cheeks warm up and blood rushing up to my face. Is that a compliment? Who is this man because this certainly isn't the Andrew I know.

"I felt at peace here, yes. You know how much-"

"You wanted to be a Mother, I already know of that. If things would've gone as plan you should've been here with our child." His sharp eyes now look at mine from his spot on the chair.

"Maybe, maybe not. We never could've known. And it wasn't your problem it was mine." I refer to what happened back in the day.

Andrew and I decided to give it a shot and see if I could bare children, we've never had feelings for each other but we did it because was desperate, I wanted to be what Isabella was, few months in I had a complication and my dream didn't come true.

Since then he's been even colder to me and pushes me off, saying how I can never finish a job. I paid no mind to his words and would follow Peter's orders.

This is my last day here in Grace Field and I'll surely miss these children. Phil is the number one suspect on my list, but I've said nothing to the small boy.

"I'll put her up to sleep." I excused myself and began to carry the little Carol to her crib. So when I walked back down my blood froze when I saw Andrew looking at Phil from his spot.

"And who is he?"

I hurried to their side and placed both hands on Phil's shoulder when Andrew got up and knelt down to reach the small boys level. "His name is Phil. He's one of the nicest boys here and smartest."

Andrew didn't even look at me, he had his stare on Phil. "I noticed all of your siblings playing tag while you sat there on your own."

Shit. I shouldn't have said anything. "Yes, well Phil had been having a stomachache all day, so that's the reason why he hasn't been able to play with the other kids. I told him to come in and take a bit more of medicine."

I could feel the poor boy almost shaking in his spot. "I see. If you say so." I fake a smile and look down at Phil again.

"Come on, let's go to the kitchen and give you that medicine." We turned out backs and I felt myself holding onto my breath since Andrew had his eyes on us both.

"Phil now I want-" I stopped when we reached the kitchen and I saw him crying. Oh no. I knelt down and placr my finger to my lips. "I know what you're hiding, you're brave for holding it all in. Andrew is a dangerous man so I need you to stay as calm as you can be."

Why am I saying this? I should be threatening the boy to tell me where the rest of his siblings left.

I reached out and wiped away his tears. The boy seemed hopeful, surprised yet scared of all of this. "I want you to go to your room and stay there until we leave okay? I'm sorry we wouldn't have more time together, but I'll find your siblings."

Maybe dead or alive. Make up your mind (Y/N)"

Phil jumped forward and wrapped his small arms around me. Making me lean back a bit and stare at him surprised. No kid had ever hugged me like this.

"Thank you." Phil whispered in my ear. I genuinely smiled and patted his back.

"Everything will be alright." That's right. I'll make sure of it.


That same evening I got replaced by an official Mother. I was silently walking next to Andrew who for the first time offered to carry my bags back to the labs. I examined my surroundings and noticed that after all these years, nothing had changed, only the people who've gotten crueler than before.

"Something on your mind?"

Andrew began to make conversations again. I shook my head and could feel his stare on me as we walked.

"Just concerned for the children."

To that I heard the tall man scoff and smirking a bit. "Dont tell me you've grown find of them." He says it like it's a joke.

"I haven't and you know it. I'm just doing at Mr. Ratri orders-"

I stopped talking when we reached the gates and he pushed me against the wall. I felt my heart beating faster and my palms getting sweaty, what is he planning?

"What about what I want?"

Huh? I gave him an odd look but remained silent when slowly he peeled himself off of me and ran his hands over his white hair.

"Those eyes won't fool no one. I want you to back off from Mr. Ratri and quit on trying to be his second in command, I'll continue to be it."


Andrew smirks again when he sees my normal unreadable face turn to confusion. "This is why I've been keeping an eye on you, he decided to keep me as his second hand man. There's no way a girl like you could have won the spot."

I grit my teeth and push his hard so he'd stay away from me. "Gotta admit. You look kinda cute when you let your emotions out, especially when you decide to hit me."

"Sick bastard." I mutter lowly and decide to hold my feelings in and made it into the labs with him behind me.

Our of all men in this facility. Peter and Andrew are the toughest to read. One small mistake and you'll get killed, I learned that when I heard Peter killed his brother.

Andrew thinks he's so clever but I'm one step forward than he is. I've seen the way he acts and looks at me. Even if I don't want to admit it he's continued to hold those strong feelings for me.

I headed into my room with Andrew unfortunately following me back in. "Get rid of that dress. We're heading out tonight to continue searching for them."

He placed my bags down and like that he left my room. It didn't take long for me to get properly dressed and grab my weapons to defend myself.

It was dark and I was blaming Ratri for this. It'll be impossible to spot the group of children at night. I adjusted the documents I secretly grabbed and shoved them inside of my bulletproof vest and slowly followed the team of men.

In these types of missions. Andrew would get even more unbearable to deal with. He began searching around the area and telling us to head in deeper in the forest and search for any type of evidence.

"There's a footprint here." I kneel down and sense Andrew coming to where I am.

"The kids must be nearby. Everyone go right!"

I furrow my eyebrows and keep looking at the footprint. This is to confuse the rest of us. They aren't heading right but to the left, East to be exact.

The ground suddenly began to shake and all I remembered was a huge demon making its way towards us. I ran opposite to the rest of the team and threw myself by a cliff and was lucky I stopped my fall by grabbing onto a bunch of vines, but I slipped and fell down knocking me unconscious.


"I want you all to find her!"

I opened my eyes and held my head when I heard voices nearby. I noticed it had gotten even darker. I felt something wet and noticed I was bleeding a bit from the fall, I had an idea.

There's nothing left for me to do at the labs, so I'll find the children and warn them about everything I know. I ripped a piece of my pants that had blood on it and left it on the ground.

That'll buy us more time. Andrew and his team will think that the demon devoured me so I'll have an even greater chance at saving the kids. I began running away when I heard those voices nearby, I made sure to not trip or get close to bushes so they wouldn't hear me.

The Grace Field children. I need to find them quick


"All the information is there! Is there any more evidence you need to believe me." I growl angry that the dark haired man who tied me up. He scanned the documents with another guy with red hair who's missing an arm.

It's been a day since I reached their bunker and the man known as Yuugo knocked me unconscious, the other man known as Lucas seemed to be more reasonable.

"Quiet! I know how you bastard soldiers play games." Yuugo said handing the documents over to a bit with dark hair.

"I believe she's telling the truth." A girl with orange hair said stepping into the room where many screens are. "She's from the labs and has plenty of information on how to get out and in. Mr. Minerva isn't here so she's the closest we have to him. She knows of Peter Ratri, his brother who killed him in cold blood."

"I agree with, Emma. She's all we got, we need to trust her if we want to survive." Lucas says looking at Yuugo who continued to frown and looks extremely annoyed.

I feel hands beginning to untie me and I notice that it's Emma. "Thanks, Emma. I'll tell you all I know of the other Plants and Ratri." I stretch and took my bulletproof vest off and began to tell them everything I knew.

Yuugo wasn't happy about it but I don't blame him. Our people behind all of this killed his own family. My mother and father worked inside this labs as well, I was lucky enough to meet them when I was chosen to work.

I decided to not join in their weird religious ways and secretly planned from the start on betraying them. Its been too long since this has been happening, living in a world with dangerous demons and not being permitted in the real world.

"I don't know how long they'll fall for my trick back there in the forest, so we better hurry up and leave before they arrive." I walk past them and ignore Yuugo who is chasing me when he noticed me grab onto a rifle of his.

I stop and look back at him and Lucas who are concerned. "I may not know much of you two or how long you've been taking care of the kids, but if you want them to survive then I want you to follow my plan. You may not like it..but it's the only way to get rid of them."

Blow up the bunker. That's the only way to get those soldiers off of us, I've made my mind. In a world like this there's no such thing as falling in love and helplessly reaching out to them.

I've done nothing but harm people back then, the least I can do us this.


Yuugo, Lucas and I were ready in case of an attack. Seven days have passed since I arrived and here we were running for our lives. One of the kids had gotten shot so I stepped between them and the shooter and urged the kid to run, I ignored the sharp pain on my shoulder and continued to aim my rifle up and hitting one of the gunmen to the head.

"I had a feeling you'd do this. Betray us for these beats who are nothing but demon food. (Y/N), where are you hiding?"

Andrew was inside the building looking for any of us and surely he was going to shoot me if he found me. Yuugo and Lucas got separated from me so I don't know where they are.

The man I once grew to love began saying my name repeatedly, i held my weapon tight ready to fire. Just when I was about to call out to him I heard Lucas calling his name.

"What is he doing?" I got up to my feet and began to chase Andrew until I saw Yuugo and Lucas holding a bomb. They gave me one last look and I knew what that meant, they left me out of that part of the plan.

I gave them a simple nod and looked at them one last time before running as fast as I could. The bunker exploded just in time when I got out, th massive bomb threw me off and left my ear ringing.

I groaned in pain and my vision was a bit blurry, I raised my head up and saw the silhouettes of the kids then someone close to where I was laying on my stomach.


Someone held onto my hair roughly and turned me around and sat down on my stomach and wrapped both hands around my neck. This isn't my friends, this is Andrew!

I began gasping for air and digging my fingers into his hands. I never felt more scared in my life and..his was melted off a bit. The scene was horrifying and he had eyes like a mad man.

"You thought you could get away from me, (Y/N)? You belong to me and always have!" He shouted and I cried when I felt something sharp inside of me.

Andrew stabbed my chest. "Not..anymore." I whispered and smiled when I saw something coming near us. A demon.

I punched him and raised both legs and kicked him back. All I heard was his screams when I turned around and began running along with the kids to a safe place. I looked around and smiled when I noticed all of them made it back alive, I felt tired. I fell down to my knees and felt my breathing slow down. I heard the kids shout my name and surround to where I was.

All I ever wanted was to become a Mother.

I felt Emma holding onto my hand tightly, the blood coming out of my wound wasn't stopping. I'm gonna die. Andrew stabbed me close to my heart.

Tears began to rush down to the sides of my face. I've always been afraid to die..but now I see that I'm not alone. My vision began to get blurry, I saw most kids with tears in their eyes but I couldn't hear anything.

Lucas..Yuugo..Emma..Ray...Phil. Thank you for giving me a chance to redeem myself. I know these kids are going to put and end to this.

I rested my other hand across my stomach and I had a vision or a dream. I was looking down at someone a lot smaller than me, reaching down to my knees and I was smiling at a child...

I closed my eyes and smiled at that dream. Someday in another life I'll meet you all again and this time I won't commit the same mistakes.

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