Troubled Part 2-Haganezuka Hotaru x reader

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I had a smile on my face whike standing still and waiting for the infamous swordssmith to appear once more. Being a pillar meant that I was extremely busy so the last time we met each other was half a year ago. We had been busy looking for the demon king known as Muzan but my team and I had no luck, I was badly wounded and had my wrist broken and a lung when I finished my last mission and was forced to take a few weeks off.

Hotaru and I would exchange some messages. He would reply simply with a single sentence or be blunt telling me he was busy so I shouldn't bother him.

"You are annoying. As a Pillar just do your job and stop sending me letters." was the letter he sent me.

About a week ago I sent him another one asking for him to make me a sword. I got not reply. I could probably guess his eyes were burning and he ripped the paper to pieces when he saw yet another request from me. "I hope he doesn't kill me." I mutter to myself and heard the familiar sound.

I looked up and shrieked when I saw his figure growning closer and closer, running to me at full speed while shouting my name or insulting me. "You idiot what did I warn you!!" Hotaru shouted and attacked me.

"Hey hey it's not my fault! Be careful!" I shout back trying to get off of him but he held the back of my kimono tightly.

"I warned you and destroying my precious swords." I ignored the pain from my broken wrist and got him at his weak spot. Giving in he began to chuckle and tried to hide it while trying to swipe my hands off him.

Quickly I stood up and he did the same probably glaring down at me through his mask. I bow my head and smile, "It's been a while hasn't it? It's good to see you again."

The man stared down at me and huffed out annoyed. "Whatever let's get this over with." I followed him inside he quickly but gently took out my katana and handed it to me. "Hold on." he pulled his hands back before I could grab it. I tilted my head and stared at him.

"Something wrong?"

"This isn't your katana.." An irk mark appeared in the back of my head and we had a staring contest.

"Oh and why is that?" I ask him clencing my teeth together and fists against the fabric of my dress. He points at me furious, "This is the sixth sword i've done for you brat! You haven't care of any of them so I came here to tell you that I quit. I have a partner who specializes in them as well so he'll be taking of your work from now on."

What the hell? It tool me a few seconds to process what he said. "What are you saying?!" I shout as strong as I can and glared at the man who began getting his items back on. He looked at me and surprisingly I saw him jump back, since he's never seen me this angry.

"I am a pillar and I demand you to continue making my katanas."

"Sorry, kid, but that won't do."

"And who the hell are you calling a kid?! I'm almost the same age as you."

"I'm 27 so quit acting like a brat!" He shouted back with steam coming out of his mask. "What's going on in here?" The wisteria lady asked arriving at the room we were in.

 "Nothing!" He both shouted back which ended in her grabbing our ears and scolding us like kids.

I crossed my arms over my chest and angrily looked away from Hotaru who was also forced out by the lady. "You're so annoying." Hotaru muttered so I blinked the tears away.

"..I heard that today's your birthday, 22, right?" I remained my eyes elsewhere and stayed shut. "Here ya go brat." He took something and pushed it to my chest and I felt cold. I looked what he held in his hands and it was the most beautiful katana I had ever seen, it was entirely black with the edge red, the handle of a pale pink color and small flowers adorning it with a single wind chime on it.

"I created it with one of the finest metals I could find and it took me roughly two months to make it." Two months? So he planned on making this without I even asked for one. I took it from him and blushed when I held it.

"You did this without me-"

"Yes, now shut up!" He shouted and looked away.

I felt a slight breeze and couldn't help but stare up at him lovingly as cherry blossoms petals fell across gently to the grass. "Hotaru..thank you." I placed my newly katana gently on the grass and with both my hands I stretched them to grab his mask and straw hat taking them both off.

He looked annoyed with himself for letting me do this, he opened his dark green sharp eyes and looked down."What are you doing?""

"..I want to repay the favor." I looked away feeling more flustered than normal, and leaned up to kiss his lips. I rested my hands against his shoulders as I did. Quickly I stopped when he didn't kiss back but saw his cheeks also red.

I screwed this up didn't I? "I..this is wrong. I'm so sorry! I knlw I shouldn't have feelings for you but I did ever since the last time we saw each other-" he lifted his hand up and placed it on my mouth looking a bit irritated.

"You talk too much. I..I guess I felt the same, every time a letter of yours would arrive I couldn't fully concentrate on my precious swords, but when it came to making worse. I would stay all night making it sure it would be perfect. What I want to say is..." Ismiled at his words and grabbed his hand.

"I love you Hotaru." He looked down surprised but gently smiled.

"I love you too (Y/N)." Hotaru grabbed my waist and leaned down to kiss me once more.


I peeked my head out and glanced at Hotaru who was fully concentrated on his work, completly forgetting that it was noon and he hadn't eaten ever since I forced him to sit with me to have breakfast hours ago. He had his eyes glued on the newly formed weapon and sweat all over his body before he quickly cleaned his sweat with a towel and took just a sip of water and continued. I was growing annoyed that he could spend so many hours working here at our home.

"Hotaru." I called out. Nothing. I groaned annoyed and walked in carrying his favorite dessert with tea I prepared for us. In an instant he stopped what he was doing and happily ate his mitarashi dango. I smiled and sat across from him, "I see you still enjoy my cooking."

"What kind of husband would I be if I didn't enjoy this." It had been just a few years since we met and Hotaru quickly popped the question. So by the next day everyone in his village and mine prepared everything and we had our wedding.

"Hotaru. I just want you to take things easy and spend some time with me." He sighed out tiredly and gently smilsd taking my hand.

"I'm working extra hard for us you know? In a few weeks our little one will be born, so when the time comes i'll close up shop." I smiled and grabbed his hand puttinf it on my growing belly.Oh yes, few weeks into our wedding we found out I got pregnant.

So I retired as a pillar for now and began doing what was important to me, raising a family.Hotaru was with me everyday when I gave birth to a healthy girl and he wouldn't let her out of his sight. He'd get annoyed every once in a while but while I was recovering he kept an eye on her.

"Make sure to feed her properly-""

"I can do this just fine." He would snap at me but I tried to not laugh when I saw him struggle with holding a simple bottle. I never expected him to be such a great father.


"So that's the story." I smile at the young boy who stared at me and tilted his head looking at me and my husband. "I never thought mister Haganezuka was married and worse have offense." He sweatdropped and held onto his black katana.

"Don't worry about it! Everyone else gets surprised by the news too. My husband can be hard to handle and quite troublesome but please ignore that, just make sire to not constantly break your weapon, Tanjiro." I held onto my husbands sleeves when smoke came out of his mask and wanted to attack the young boy. It had been many years and I was oficially retired as a Pillar.

I have five beautiful kids to take care of. "I want to kill this kid." Hotaru said with anger. I grabbed his hand and slowly calmed down.

"You're lucky my wife is here kid, or I would've sliced you." I give Hotaru a look and he quickly stays silent.Tanjiro stares at me questionly and tilts his head.

"Wait..miss Haganezuka you said you retired as a Pillar snd have five children? Are any of them slayers?" The curious boy asks me excitedly and I see his eyes lit up.

I nod my head and smile. "One of them is, in fact they are a Pillar now!" I tell him and he begins to ask me a dozen of questions. "It is getting dark now, Tanjiro. We must leave." I tell him when Hotaru and I were outside of Urokudaki's home.

"But I-"

"I'll answer some of your questions once we see each other again. Just know this, the path to becoming isn't easy so try your best and you'll suceed maybe you can become the best demon slayer out there. Once you meet the Hashiras, tell my daughter we say hi." I bow to him and Urokodaki and they wish us luck.

"I will! Thank you for coming, Haganezuka, (Y/N)!" I look back and smile at a waving Tanjiro.

Hotaru sighs tiredly and annoyed. "That kid reminds me of you when you were young." I gently smack his arm and smirked at my husband.

"You know he's an adorable kid, why don't we adopt him-" "No way!"

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