Troubled Part 3-Hotaru Haganezuka

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"Hotaru, are you all ready?" Huh? I look around our room and see my husband is no where to be seen, we just finished taking a bath and he decided to get out of the bathtub early since I wanted to stay longer and enjoy our time together.

After all these years of being married, Hotaru has continued being the same odd man I fell in love with ever since we met because of my broken sword. He continued being a strong headed easily angered man who always spends his time forging swords.

It's rare when he decided to spend some time with me alone, since he has many clients and our kids visit us often. The youngest one of our children is our son who is training to become a swordsmith like his father, he's only 8 but he's shown to have great skills at it.

I step out bare into his workplace behind our house and see him already beginning to make another sword. I frown and grab a kimono and tied it loosely to my body and slowly I made my way over to him and sat behind him, I rested my head against his back and wrapped my arms around him and blushed.

"Hotaru, don't forget what we planned for today. If you're nice we can have some more fun." I tease with a heavy blush on my face.

I lean forward to try and capture his face, see if he's flustered by this, but he isn't. He's deeply concentrated on his work.

"Hotaru! Listen to me!!" I shout angrily and this seemed to make him jump and glance back at me with angry eyes.

"What do you woman?! I'm working!" He quickly shuts up when he sees my angered expression and seems to be scared a bit. When I get angry all hell let's loose.

I smiled sweetly at him and hug him again, I hear his grown and try to get me off of him. "You've been too clingy to me lately, why's that?" He asks still staring at the metal in his hands.

"I want you to spend more time with me." I whine and hug him even tighter.

Hotaru scoffs at this and I feel him getting annoyed. "You've been keeping me up all night with wanting to have more sex. I think that's enough for you."

I blush at the events of the previous nights and earlier in the bathtub. "I just want to be with you..we are still young and I feel like we don't spend much time together as we should."

My husband sighs quietly and glances back at me and reached his hand out to pay my head and I blush even harder when I noticed he's smiling at me.

"I feel responsible for taking away your rights as a woman. Yes, you are young and I feel like we rushed into having children, still..that doesn't mean that I don't love you...I wouldn't change my life."

Oh, Hotaru. "This is why I love you so much!" I exclaim and begin to kiss his face.

"Get off of me!" I can't help but hear a slight chuckle to his words. He's still so angry and desperate but he's learned when to be serious of not around me.

"Okay! I'll go change into something nicer and we'll be off." I give him one last kiss on the cheek and see his now usual hard expression and continue making my way to my room again.

Everyone back then was reluctant of our relationship but nevertheless supported us..well him since he used to scare of women when they would try being nice to him.

Also, everyone including myself became worried when I got pregnant the first time and gave birth. I have five children.

Mei being the oldest daughter

Kyo and Rei a pair of twin boys who look very much like Hotaru except they gave my hair color.

Haru being the youngest who is an exact replica of his father and wants to join the swordsmith.

He's been asking about Tanjiro non-stop so I hope they meet someday whenever the young boy isn't busy hunting demons.

I quickly for dressed up and waited for Hotaru outside and grew impatient when he didn't appear and I continued to hear the sound of metal. "What did I say?" I mutter angrily when I stepped back inside.

"Can't you go on your own? I'm very busy-" I grabbed Hotaru's haori and he flinched at my words. I began to scold him and slowly he stood up without saying a word and went to clean himself up.

Once he joined me outside everyone we know wished us luck. I would wave and smile at them, Hotaru fue the opposite and would look away with a frown on his face. "Can't you just pretend to be happy for once?"

"Not really. I'm just doing this for you and no one else, even if I didn't feel like going."

I roll my eyes and reached to grab his hand, he isn't a fan of it but he does let me do it from time to time. "It's been a while since we've seen our daughter, I can't believe you've forgotten of her."

He sweat drops and looks away from me. "She rarely visits of course I'd forget about her." He doesn't even try to hide it. I also sweatdrop and try my best to not scold him even more.

I will say this, Hotaru is a loving father he doesn't quite show it, he used to play with the kids whenever he'd be free from work, but the kids do sometimes hold some sort of grudge to him because he did miss out part of their childhood. Nonetheless they've grown to love their father for the way he is and was raised.

We walked for about an hour and soon I noticed the Hashira building up ahead. "Mom! Dad!" We noticed our daughter up ahead waving at us.

I ran up ahead and embraced my daughter, "I missed you so much." We both end up saying at the same time and laugh.

"You've grown since we last saw you." I compliment and my daughter blushes easily.

"Glad to know you're doing well kid." Hotaru says with a very small smile on his lips and pats her head.

"Come on! I want everyone to see you've arrived." She grabs both our hands and behind to run ahead of us and soon everyone came out to greet us.

"Mr and Mrs Haganezuka! It's an honor to have you both here!" I smile at the newest flame Hashira as he bows. He is definitely the opposite of his father when he was a Pillar, I knew his father very well back then.

Hotaru doesn't like to admit it, but he became quite jealous when he knew I had a big crush on Shinjuro and even dated him for a bit back then when we started training as Pillars. Now, Shinjuro has handsome sons.

"The honor is ours, young Kyojuro."

We look around and see everyone else and spoke for a bit as we went inside of the house and began to talk to everyone some more and have lunch.

Hotaru was somewhere talking to the other males while I was outside with my daughter. "Is that the boy you mentioned in your letters?" I whisper when we made it to a wisteria tree.

"N-No! I-I mean..yes." she stuttered and looked down at her feet. She took so much from me, she's too adorable.

"How is Haru doing?"

"Just fine! He's roen between training to become a demon slayer or swordsmith."

"Ah he'll decide sooner or later."

"He's been constantly talking about a young boy named Tanjiro Kamado."

"Tanjiro?! He's here along with his friends." My daughter said and we looked up when a door slid open and Tanjiro came out with two friends.

His eyes widened and he waves excitedly when he saw me. "Mrs Haganezuka!" The blonde boy looked at the other one confused, he had on a boar head and was wearing pajamas in the middle of the day.

"You!!" We heard someone shout. It was none other than my husband.

Tanjiro screamed and ran to where I was and I made him hide behind me. "Wanna fight?! No one but me fights Kamaboko Gompachiro!" The boar headed kid screamed as the blonde one held him down.


I glanced back and assumed he was referring to Tanjiro. He's a weird one. "I didn't expect to see you two so soon!" Tanjiro blushed and i knew he was wondering which exact pillar was my child.

"It's nice to see you again, Tanjiro. This is Mitsuri my daughter." Tanjiro's mouth fell open and he looked between me and her and then Hotaru who suddenly appeared next to me.

"What's with the face?"

" don't look similar." Tanjiro pointed it out to him.

"Are you calling my daughter ugly?!" Hotaru shouted and managed to hold onto Tanjiro's collar making him almost choke.

"Hey hey!" The boar head kid tried getting Tanjiro off of my husband and I did the same.

How many times is he gonna attack this young boy?! I pulled Hotaru off of him and ran to make sure Tanjiro is alright. "Are you alright my boy?"

"He's gonna be fine." The blonde headed kid now said.

I gave Hotaru an angry look but he didn't even react to it and just rolled his eyes. I sometimes forgets he's a full grown adult.

"Father quit it." Mitsuri begged and held onto his sleeve.

"You're both too alike." Hotaru muttered mostly to himself.

"Tell me about it." Another voice said above to where he was and there was Obanai, Mitsuri's crush.

Mitsuri and I exchanged looks and stared at them both. "They are both similar" we thought and looked at their bored looks.


Afternoon quickly came and the sun was now setting quickly, I didn't want the day to end but there's nothing to be done. Everyone of us were talking in a group and Mitsuri even showed me some of her new moves and would get nervous whenever Obanai would look her way.

Hotaru kept glaring at Tanjiro so the poor boy was already getting traumatized so I decided to help him out.

"Tanjiro if there's anything you need just let me know, you're welcome to our home anytime." I said and grabbed his hands tight and he blushed harder now.

I heard Hotaru behind me gasp and ran over to me and held my close to his chest. "Now you wanna steal my wife?!"

Giyuu who was by a tree eating a bread by himself looked over and rolled his eyes. Mitsuri hid her face and boar head kid continued to try and figure my husband.

I smacked Hotaru's hand away and glared at him. "Don't make me get angry, or I won't cook anymore dango!" I smiled and he couldn't help but walk away and scowl.

"I do hope you come and visit us again, mother." Mitsuri said hugging me and her father.

"We will soon, let's just hope your father agrees to it again since he's difficult to deal with." I said with a smile and Mitsuri giggled.

Kyojuro, Mitsuri and Shinobu again thanked us for arriving today. We bowed our heads and slowly began walking away and waved back at them.

"I'm gonna kill the boy.."

I ignored Hotaru's words and smiled at earlier events and how much I'm gonna miss Mitsuri and her friends. "There's no need to be jealous, my love." I grabbed his hand and I looked up and saw Hotaru genuinely smile.

Hotaru reached down and kissed my lips as he caressed my cheek and leaned closer to my ear, "How about we give Mitsuri another sister or brother?"

I shivered at his words but agreed nonetheless and I laughed when I began running ahead of Hotaru to our house and we quickly followed right after me.

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