Unknown Feelings-Alphonse Elric x reader

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"Wow! Guys look it's snowing!"

I race behind Ed and stare around the town admiring everything covered in snow, "It's so beautiful!" i carefully walk down the slippery stairs but Ed slipped and whined as he rubbed his butt. "Ow ow that hurt!" he whined and I laughed helping him up.

"Come on big boy. There's no way you're whining about that little fall."

"Not my fault!"

I blushed when his golden eyes met mine and I looked away quickly to embarrassed to say anything else. "Come on i'll race you to the ice rink!" Ed began to run and I giggled, he's so cute. "Are you okay (Y/N)?" i heard Alphonse ask next to me and i looked up at his armor. "You're cheeks are pink and you seem nervous."

I wave my hands around and deny that i'm nervous, "It's nothing Al, come on let's go and have some fun." I began to run with Al behind me, we reached the ice rink to see many people there either skating, building a snowman or throwing snowballs.

"Come on don't get scared now." I laugh as I see Ed trying to not fall on the ice.

"I'm not scared!" he defends as he shouts and i grabbed both his hands and blush when he smiles seeing that he's now skating but with my help. "Wow, here Al check this out i'm skating!"

Al gives him a thumbs up and I helped him some more. We took a break and sat down on a bench, "Ed..I have something to tell you."

Ed smiles and snaps his finger, "Now that I remember I also have something to tell you too. I've been feelings this way for a while."

I look at him and feel my cheeks warm up "Really? me too!"

"I'm so happy that i'm finally dating Winry."

Wait what! I stare at him as he rambles on about it and I frown, "I guess it was time to put our childish behavior aside. What were you gonna say?" i shake my head and stood up. I'm so stupid to think he would like me.

I wiped my tears and hear footsteps behind me "You okay (Y/N)?" i looked back to see Al looking at me with concern. He's so kind to everyone. "Have you ever fallen in love Al?"

"Hmm? I have actually."

"Ooh little Al has been in love?!" I giggle and stopped crying. I can't imagine Alphonse being younger than me already in love,he's fourteen and i'm three years older and haven't even had a boyfriend yet.

"So has your heart been broken?"

"I can't say for sure..the girl I like lives far away but she doesn't know i'm in love with her. I think she has a crush on Edward instead."

"What?! No fair you deserve to be loved by her, know what? once this is all over you'll introduce me to her and she'll have to date you."

I smile looking up at Alphonse "Maybe we will..she has the most beautiful eyes i've ever seen,she's very kind and protective of others."

"She must be someone special then."

"Yes she is."

Al responds and I can't help but blush..what's this feeling? i feel my heart beating faster as I place my hand over my chest, am I falling in love with the younger Elric brother? It was never Ed I was truly in love after all.


It's been months and i've been closer to Alphonse like he has with me. We always fight next to each other and this time I was even more determined to getting his body back, I need to see him again, i need to feel him. It's been years since i've seen his real body and I kept on wondering how he must look like, probably a lot like Edward.

I promised to cook for him every meal he had planned to eat once he had his body back, since Alphonse can't at nights I would spend time with him and he would sneak in cats from inside his armor, i'm more of a dog person but it was nice to see him all protective of these innocent animals.

"You bough another cat?!" Edward screeches and points at the small fur ball in Al's arms. "I told you to bring a dog instead." i whisper and Al gasps.

"No way! Cat's are better."

"No dogs since they are a lot more loving and are always wagging it's tail when they see their owners unlike cats who only sleep and scratches people's faces."

"Will you both shut up!" Ed says ready to grab Alphone's stray cat, but we would keep him from doing so with our discussion. We would only fight over that, cats or dogs..it's such a stupid thing to fight about...but seriously dogs are better.


Ed and Al have still been on the look out for the philosopher's stone and they've had no luck in finding one, Ling or should I say GreedLing have been helping them out from what I last heard, Scar has been with them and the doctor. I was going to desperately continue off with them or anywhere else but Alphonse insisted on me to stay with Winry and her grandmother, he was worried if any of the remaining deadly sins were to come after me and he'd be no where near to save me.

So I was forced to stay in Winry's home helping her with some auto mail cause she warned me she'd chase me ass down if I'd try to escape. My feelings for the younger Elric only grew over time I missed him so much, it has been months since we last have seen each other and the last thing I remember was the events with Kimblee and how Winry and I had to leave the capitol for our safety.

Over these months Winry and I have grown a lot from learn new thing's to our physical appearance it makes me wonder if Ed has even grown, how Alphonse must look like now. I envy how their relationship has only grown they've always been their for one another not matter what happens to one another.

 I was busy preparing lunch while Winry was finishing on her shop when I heard Den barking non stop, this made me wonder if something was wrong. I opened the door to only reveal Den barking and wagging her tail happily at the sight of Edward and Alphonse. I had to step back against the wall from preventing me from falling, my eyes were filled with happy tears at the sight of the Elric brothers.

Ed has grown taller and Alphonse got his human body back!

"Nice to see you again. (Y/N)." Ed smiled over to me and nudged his brother.

"H-Hello,(Y/N)..sorry I never-"

I raced towards him and I carefully wrapped my arms around him as I smiled wide and tears continued to fall down my cheeks, "Alphonse,you had no idea how much I missed you!" i tell him and felt his arms wrapped around my waist. "

"I'm so glad to finally feel you and see your face again!' i blush as I continue to tell him how much I missed him. I wrapped my arms aound both brothers and shouted out Winry's name.

Alphonse is the same height now as his older brother and he had that same innocent smile i've known since we were kids. Winry and Edward began to talk about all that happened while I hurried and prepared finishing lunch, everybody was at the table when I placed all the dishes and Al's mouth was watering at the sight of my cooking which improved a lot over the years.

"Alright, Alphonse, this is for you."

I brought in a cake which used to be his favorite since his mother once cooked it for him and I got the exact ingredients, "(Y/N)..t-this is amazing! t-thank you so much for everything." I looked over and saw Alphonse crying and Ed patting his shoulder.

I knew how much Al wanted to taste it when he has his body armor still on, I smiled and sat down next to him before kissing his cheek and wrapping my arms around him.

"Don't you worry,Alphonse. I'll try my best on making you happy for the rest of our lives." I promised Al and held onto him tight.

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