Worthless-Peter Ratri x reader

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I was forced to go out and inspect the area with a few soldiers to keep me safe, I held my weapon up, ready to fire if any one else other than us were nearby. The plantation we visited was abandoned clearly no one was hiding inside since there was no food or power in the building.

I glared up ahead and scoffed to myself. Mr. Ratri won't be pleased when he finds out we've found nothing on them yet.

My fingers began to shake when I held the phone I had in my hands and I dialed him, it rang once and the man picked it up.

"Have you found them?"

"N-Nothing sir. Not a trace from the Gracefield children." I replied and glared at the tall man who was nexy to me, Andrew. He always kept an eye on me for whatever reason, probably so he could complain me to his boss.

The man on the other line stayed silent and I could tell he was getting annoyed by all of this or maybe because I wasn't working hard enough for him. He wasn't fond of me joining the demons to find the children out here in the forest.

"Just get back here and dont disappoint me by coming back late." The man angrily barked at me and hung up the call.

So rude. I tiredly starts walking ahead and called the rest of my team to go back to headquarters. It would take us an hour or two to walk back, I don't want this to go wrong.

It's been a few months since half of the children at Gracefiled escaped by Isabella doing a terrible job at keeping them. This world has changed so much and we've all done our best to stay alive side by side with demons, giving them what they want.

My home back then when I was a little girl was back at Gracefield, when Grandma was my Mom and my once friend was Isabella, we all trained to become a Mother or Sister.

I was none of those. I studied harder than anyone else and got a job at headquarters and some would consider me as Mr. Ratri's assistant.

I frowned and touched my stomach when I slowly started walking ahead the trees and started remembering my past.


"What seems to be the problem here?" I heard the voice of a man on the other side of the door. He was talking to a doctor, the one who came to inspect me and seemed almost annoyed at me for not being able to do one job.

I wiped my single tear and rested my head against the pillow and tightly held the warm blankets covering my face and the once growing belly.

"Show me her papers." The man demanded from the doctor. I assumed he was looking through them since the doctor began to speak.

"She is one of the best we've had. She had been selected to become a Mom but this is the third time this has happened."

"How many months was she?"

"6 months sir.."

Both men stayed silent. I felt numb at the situation, I couldn't have kids, the first two times were unsuccessful but by this last time I successfully got pregnant in order to become a Mom..but the baby wasn't strong enough.

"Who was chosen at Gracefield?"

"A woman named Isabella, sir. She gave birth yesterday."

"...let me see her." The man sternly told the doctor who was heard to be surprised. "Y-Yes sir."

I closed my eyes and was ready for whatever punishment the boss would give to me. "You're (Y/N), correct?"

The man asked getting to the point, I opened my tired eyes and didn't expect to see a young man here. The man was tall with a simple yet elegant white outfit and matching hair reaching to his shoulders.

I tiredly nodded at his answer and his green cold eyes pierced my own. "I've heard from you, normally woman who cannot deliver children are to be placed as Sisters. But I see you have strength in you, from your first pregnancy you could have given up but you didn't knowing well you can't have children. Mrs. (L/N), will you work for me once you've recovered."


From that moment on I started working for Peter Ratri one of the most powerful men at headquarters. The Ratri clan were known to have strong members but Peter became even colder when his brother betrayed him, he played along with James but ended up killing him before Jame's plan could take over.

I remained by his side and followed every order not wanting to upset him. The boss was pleased when I did what he told and that follow me with pride and joy.

Peter has always been cold to anyone even with me but somehow feelings began to grow between us..

As soon as I arrived Peter was by the gates and he had a stern look on his face, but I could see the tiniest of smirk on his lips when he saw me arrive back home. Both of us went back to his office and I told him everything.

"This was all we found." I held my palm up and showed him a simple bullet.

His eyes remain on my palm and he didn't look happy. "So they are armed, just as I expected. Any new reports, (Y/N)?"

"None at all, sir."

Peter slowly walked towards me and grabbed my head in his hands and leaned down to kiss my lips. He's been really affectionate lately and very clingy to me, "You would never leave me would you?" He whispered shoving me on the couch and beginning to take off my clothes.

I felt my cheeks turn pink at his cold gaze filled with lust, I nodded my head and Peter continued his task to undress me.

Forgetting about covering myself up from feeling embarrassed again, my hands gripped Peter's hair for dear life as he played with his tongue inside me and occasionally his fingers, almost never withdrawing to breathe.

I didn't care about how loud I was when he zipped his pants down and gripped my waist tight when he entered me. I cried out and held onto his shoulder tight when he continued thrusting into me.

I gripped Peter tight and kissed him deeply when we finished, he gave me a small smile and kissed me one last time before pulling out and fixing himself back up to look presentable as always.


Few weeks went by and Peter would always take his stress out on me whether it was screaming or going at it with me. I continue doing my best to impress my boss and lover. Today I wasn't feeling well so I headed to check myself up with with doctor.

Could it be that I am finally pregnant? I never wanted to become pregnant, I would only wish to be so I could become a Mom at any district but I felt different now.

The Ratri clan were also known to have powerful and strong children, could it be that Peter was the one for me?

"Negative." The doctor said and I slowly repeated the results. "Negative..again?" I got on my knees and began to silently cried.


"Join me for a walk." Peter calmly told me once I told him the results. The both of us silently walked side by side to a grassy meadow.

I was sad that this was my result again, I guess I'll never become a mother. I rested my hands against my empty stomach and yearned to someday have a kid and deliver them into the world, to protect them.

Peter stopped and so did I. He stood still and wouldn't face me. "I thought my genes would work, i guess I was wrong about you."

The slowly turned to face me with the same cold expression on his face. "You are at fault here for not being able to get pregnant. Do you not know what this world needs? This world needs woman to deliver so we can deliver children to the farms and have them delivered when they are ready to be eaten."

I stayed silent, confused to what he was saying. "(Y/N), you have no place here and you only had one job and you couldn't do it. Which means you are worthless and having to be with you was a waste of my valuable time."

I stopped breathing when Peter pulled out a gun from his coat and stared at me, not feeling a bit of remorse for me. "W-What? I did everything you asked of me, Peter. How can you say I'm worthless?! I've worked almost as hard as you on my own with no emotional support from any. I've gone through so much without you so how dare you say that about me."

Petee stayed quiet at my words. "I trusted you and loved you with trying to find the Grace Field children, and this is how you repay me? Peter Ratri. You used me, you abused me, but you will not destroy me." I said finally standing up to myself.

Peter shrugged his shoulder and before i could react he pulled the trigger and I fell to the ground. He shot again and I winced in pain but tried not to move, hoping he would leave thinking I was dead.

 I cried and began shaking from the impact and the blood quickly pouring out of me. I looked up and saw Peter kneeling down and saying a few words, I however could not comprehend what he was saying because slowly I started losing my vision and my eyes closed.

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