500 Follower Celebration ~ Question Set 3

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Third question set!! You guys are asking some really great questions. (:



Both: ... yes.

Papyrus: NO

Gaster: well, I mean, aside from the whole "I'm free! On the surface!! With my family!!" bit...

Gaster: I like the stars.

Sans: ... so do i.

Sans: they just go on forever...

Papyrus: well, I like all the people! I've gotten to meet so many humans!

Gaster: funny you should say that, because that was going to be my least favorite thing...

Papyrus: but Dad!

Papyrus: humans-

Gaster: are despicable creatures that should have perished long ago.

Gaster: SANS quick what were you gonna say? (Quick distract him!!)

Sans: uh!

Sans: i don't like-

Sans: um--

Sans: -- how grillbz is so far away now! ...yeah. because it's all the way at the other side of town.

Papyrus: SANS!! You already just take a shortcut there anyway!

Sans: so? it's still farther away!

Papyrus: NYEH!!

Papyrus: MY least favorite thing is how even though we're on the surface, Sans is still just as lazy as he was before!!

Gaster: Ah, my, that is a lot of questions...!

Gaster: I suppose I shall have to answer them all, regardless.

Did your LOVE go away when you vanished into the Void?

Gaster: well, by the time I fell into the Void, my Lv was already about as low as it was going to get.

Gaster: So it's still just about there.

What's your favorite science to study? I personally love genetics.

Gaster: hm.

Gaster: Magic and Rune Theory.

Gaster: like genetics, but better.

What do you think of computer programming? Are you good at it, if you can do it?

Gaster: Good programming takes an incredible amount of patience and dedication.

Gaster: and you can do some pretty cool stuff with it...!

Gaster: It was never my strongest skill, but I've gotten a lot better at it since being in the Void and seeing the world code.

What is your most common trait with Paps? How about Sans?

Gaster: well, I suppose that, much like Papyrus, when I get set on a project, I will keep working on it until I finish.

Gaster: I will often completely forego sleep and rest and breaks...

Gaster: I am completely dedicated to my work.

Gaster: as for Sans...

Gaster: in between projects, I can be just as lazy as he!

What do you think of the name Dadster, referring to when you act super fatherly towards Sans and Papyrus?

Gaster: ...

Gaster: however accurate it may be, I still hate nicknames.

What do you think of the ships with your sons, Soriel (Sans x Toriel) and Papyton (Papyrus x Mettaton)?

Gaster: Sans and Toriel...

Gaster: I suppose...

Gaster: I guess I could see that working.

Gaster: It would be a little strange, though. My son and one of my closest friends.

Gaster: Not to mention there's quite an age gap between them! Toriel is even older than I would be if time were still relevant!

Gaster: As for Papyrus and Mettaton.

Gaster: K E E P   T H A T   F I L T H    A W A Y   F R O M   M Y   S O N .

Gaster: Understand?

Do you think you will ever, ever be able to tolerate Frisk? Beyond just for your sons' sake?

Gaster: Me, tolerate a human?

Gaster: Ridiculous.

Gaster: ... And of course you admire me.

Gaster: I'm the Royal Scientist.

Gaster: Everyone admires me.

Mouse: my wattpad goals are, in order:
1. Bring high-quality stories with good plots to readers
2. Kill my readers with feels
3. Make the death by feels worth it with the fluff

Gaster: It was a pain at first, but I got used to it.

Gaster: Mainly by slapping things more with my carpals or phalanges, rather than my missing metacarpals.

Gaster: But now, since being in the Void, if I really want to slap something...

Gaster: I can summon a bunch of Void-ooze to fill the holes.

UC!Sans: you mean to eat?

UC!Sans: human souls are definitely stronger.

UC!Sans: i wouldn't recommend you eating a human or monster one, though!

UC!Sans: it's kinda a corrupt thing. i dunno how well you would...

UC!Sans: uh. survive it.

UC!:Sans: ...

UC!Sans: on the other hand, go for it! while you're writing in agony as the energy burns you up from the inside out, i can come take your soul! so go for it!

Mouse: because even I don't have that kind of power! The 4th wall can only be broken so much!!

Gaster: chocolate is a very useful resource.

Gaster: it's particularly helpful when mixing it into hot chocolate for calming Sans down.

Gaster: And, hm...

Gaster: well.

Gaster: Logically, ten zombie-sized chickens.

Gaster: because you never specified what kind of zombie we're talking about here. So they could be zombie-chicken sized chickens.

Gaster: and on top of that, they are merely zombie sized, so not actually zombies, and therefore defeatable.

Gaster: I think nothing that weed says should be taken seriously.

Gaster: and I believe we've already established that I can't go beyond the fourth wall. Unfortunately.

Gaster: I would love to kill some humans.

Flowey: of course, you idiot!

Flowey: you think being a flower is fun?

UC!Sans: they ARE tasty.

UC!Sans: a͕̱̻͓͎̱͎̥̖͓̦̜̕͜n̷̷̸̳̞̙͇̠̮͎̻̘̯̲̣̕͞ͅḑ̴̻̘̗̟̣̩̦̬̲̙͖̯͎̯̤̬͘ͅͅ ̢҉̜̳̮̯͕͙͇̺͎̬̼̲͎̪͍͍ͅẃ̡҉̲̟͕̭̳̗͞ͅh̵̢͏͉̟̩̦͕͍͇͔̥͓͙̹ͅa̷̸̡͇̱̜͎̩͚̻͓͓̯̱͞͡ͅḑ̴̗̬̲̝̼͔̦̲̻̹̠̯̗̭̘͜͞͝d̸̛͕̳͈̗͇͕̠̮̺͔̲͔͙̟̤̣̱̻́̕ỳ͍͓͙̜̤̞͎̥̭͍̳͈͍̬̖̕͞a͜͢͞҉̗̱͖̮̳̙͕͈͓͈͕̣̭̥͖̝͢ͅ ̷̫̯̮͢m̵̀҉̻̥̥̭̗̝̘̟̣̝̫̹͙ȩ̨̗̠̘̮͇̭̝͎̣̗̖̪͞a̧͓͕͍͓̥̜͚̱͚̤̗͓̜͜͡ͅn͏̙͖̣͕̯̞̜̀ͅ ̢̢̛͖̫͙͕̣̕i̵̧͖̜̮̩̖̮̬͔'̸̨̜͎̹̲̣̳̞͙͍̩̗̥̝͔̞͉̯͈͞͞m̡͔̖̦̙̳͈̤͇̫̺͟ ̶̷͔̱̬̼̖͚͇̦̕͘͡n̸̩͕͓̼̦͈͖͔͚͖̻̪̭̺͘͜ͅo҉͏̸̨̲̥̣ͅ ̛̰͇͍̦͕̼̭̳̀́t҉҉͙̳̯̙̬̖̮̭̰͚̜̫̯͚̦̳̞̹̥́͞h̴̸̶̪̫̠̗̖̣̘̩ͅe̴̼̬̩̹̣̯̰͘ ̢̘͕̫̼̯͎̭̖́́̕ͅv̖̼̳̩̻̜̯̺͍̬̤̟͝͡e̵̡̬̝̭̫̲̙̘͇͓r͢҉̷̹͖̪̳̠͇̳͎͈̭̗͖̲͠y̦̼͈̼̠͎̻̤̰̹̜̟͟͢ ̸̧͈̗̜͓͓͙̙̞̜̖͘ḅ̸̵̶̛̥̜͢e̴͠҉̨̩͈͇̗͔̘͇̮̞͓̞̙̟ͅs̪͙͈̘̩͇̰̳̦͔̯̹̺̯̮͡t̶̼̭̝̦͖̘̲͙̰̜͟ͅ?!

Gaster: It's alright. I'm partial to dark chocolate, myself.

Sans: eh, i mean, it's good, but h'dogs are better.

Papyrus: Chocolate is rather good!

1. (Mouse: you can ask any of my characters, so yeah, go ahead and question Firhaur!)

Firhaur: It's a little surprising, honestly.

Firhaur: I never would've expected anything of the sort from him!

Firhaur: But I'm sure he's an excellent dad. He's very caring, when he wants to be.

Firhaur: (and for the record, I would make the BEST uncle.)


Gaster: ... Yes. I miss him.


Mouse: I don't think so?? I dunno! XD

Mouse: Mashed potatoes with a little garlic salt are the best.

This wraps up question set 3!! Remember, you guys have until next Monday to ask any questions, so ask away!!

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