500 Follower Celebration ~ Question Set 4

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Question set 4! Here we go!

Mouse: Shh, Shh!

Mouse: No spoilers!

Sans: work.

Papyrus: laziness.

Gaster: humans.

Mouse: homework.


Gaster: Okay, just because my food is rarely on caliber with Papyrus's does not mean it's always inedible! I am perfectly capable of cooking edible foods when need be!

Gaster: ... I'm just not good with pancakes.

Papyrus: NYEH!! He leaves them EVERYWHERE!

Papyrus: I've found them at the grocery store before!

Undyne: Are you sure those weren't just socks for sale?

Papyrus: Yes!

Undyne: ... Papyrus, your brother is weird.

Papyrus: I know!

Undyne: I mean, how does he even get them there? I've found his socks in our microwave oven before!

Flowey: ... That's nothing.

Flowey: That smiley trashbag somehow got one buried in my flower pot without me noticing!

Flowey: I hate Sans.

Papyrus: Flowey! That's not very nice!

Gaster: ... As long as Sans and Papyrus are safe, I'm happy.

Firhaur: I haven't exactly had much contact with them- in fact, I haven't had any at all- what with us living in different time periods.

Firhaur: But they seem very nice.

Firhaur: I can see a lot of Gaster in them!

Firhaur: All the best parts, of course.

Firhaur: ... No.

Firhaur: I mean... I suppose there was a part of me that always realized he was capable of it.

Firhaur: But I had always thought he would resist it better.

Firhaur: I am glad that he let go of his Lv, though!

UC!Sans: nah, i'm pretty sure the majority of the whimsuns that were captured just had their souls eaten.

UC!Sans: because yeah, you've got the right idea, there.

UC!Sans: corruption doesn't truly affect your basic personality. it pretty much just blankets the whole thing in hate.

UC!Sans: so you'd pretty much have just a bundle of shy, awkward angriness that would burst into tears every time it thought about its enemies.

UC!Sans: so not too useful for an army.

Gaster: I believe it is because they find some convoluted sense of amusement in it.

Gaster: I, personally, look on these nicknames only with disdain.

Mouse: mmmmnnnhhh...

Mouse: Can't say I have, actually..!

Mouse: Sorry for your morning, though. ):

Gaster: For as annoying as Mettaton is...

Gaster: He is still a monster.

Gaster: So even though I would appreciate it if he disappeared for, you know, ever or something

Gaster: I cannot condone his murder.

Gaster: Ducktape is pressure sensitive tape usually made from various commonly found fibers woven into a thin sheet called "scrim".

Gaster: the scrim is typically coated polyethylene, a common variant of plastic, making it waterproof.

Gaster: One side of this is then coated in some version of a rubber-based adhesive, turning it into the tape we all know and love.

Toriel: well, I will admit I was a little nervous at first.

Toriel: But Flowey is quite harmless in a flower pot, and Frisk did make it through the entire Underground without me!

Toriel: So even though I may worry about it, I am sure Frisk is fine with Flowey.

Flowey: and I care because...?

Gaster: well, I suppose I would be quite interested. The interaction of different dimensions has long been an interest of mine.

Gaster: As for meeting specifically alternate versions of myself, it depends.

Gaster: If they are generally decent people, than I suppose I am alright with it.

Gaster: But...

Gaster: I am quite aware of the possibility that there are alternate dimensions where versions of myself never accepted Sans and Papyrus as sons.

Gaster: I would have a thing or two to say to these alternate versions of myself.

Gaster: Some very violent things.

Gaster: A creator of another dimension?

Gaster: I've only one thing to say to such a person.

Gaster: if you hurt my sons...

Gaster: I will hunt you down and spread your dust across the very world you've created.

Gaster: Understand?

Gaster: Good.

Gaster: So let me understand.

Gaster: there is an alternate dimension known as "Glitchtale".

Gaster: and in this dimension, some demon known as "Betty" killed Sans.

Gaster: and the Gaster belonging to this world has gone to take vengeance?

Gaster: ...

Gaster: I would assist him in any way I could.

Gaster: Including ripping out that demon's throat myself.

Gaster: No, you may not hug me.

Gaster: and even if there was not a 4th wall between us

Gaster: I would still not allow you to hug me.

Gaster: ...I only accept hugs from my family.

Mouse: don't worry, you can ask as many questions as you like!

Gaster: Personally, my favorite is Magic and Rune Theory.

Gaster: If you are advanced enough in such, you can do practically anything.

Gaster: However, very few, if any, universities teach this particular branch (the idiots.)

Gaster: So in it's absence, I would recommend chemistry. Or Biology.

Gaster: And of course I would recommend studying my research. I do believe that, if most of it had not been erased by the Void, it would be the most comprehensive account of its kind.

Gaster: As for following your dreams...

Gaster: Honestly, that depends on how logical your dream is.

Gaster: For example, I would advise against following your dream if it were something simply impossible, such as becoming a different species or something.

Gaster: however, if your dream is something truly attainable...

Gaster: Well. I can't guarantee your success, but the only thing you'll gain from a lack of trying is regret.

Sans: dad. totally dad.

Sans: if his motto weren't "because i'm the royal scientist"

Sans: then it would probably be something like...

Sans: "let's do this very dangerous thing that no one's ever done before just to see what happens!"

Gaster: Pfff, no, Sans, it would be

Gaster: "Let's go learn something new while also having fun via abrupt and unexpected combustions!"

Mouse: They're usually around 800 to 1200 words, and can take anywhere from thirty minutes to two hours to write, depending on how motivated I am, how well I know what I want to happen in the chapter, and how tired I am. XP

Gaster: No. Heat does not exist in the Void. It is always cold.

Gaster: No.

Gaster: He calls me Dad.

Gaster: I like that.

(Mouse: you can ask as many questions as you want! (: )

Toriel: I do not know if I could forgive him.

Toriel: I understand what he was trying to do, yes.

Toriel: But the blame must go to him. He did not listen to all of my counsel against it, and even my leaving him was of no affect.

Toriel: Not to mention that he had seven opportunities to repent, but did not until he was forced into submission.

Gaster: How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood, you ask?

Gaster: Why, the same amount of straw a strawberry could berry if a strawberry could berry straw.

Gaster: and how much straw, you ask, could a strawberry berry if a strawberry could berry straw?

Gaster: Why, the same amount of light a lighthouse could house if a lighthouse could house light.

Gaster: and how much light, you ask, could a lighthouse house if a lighthouse could house light?

Gaster: Why, the same amount of water a watershed could shed if a watershed could shed water.

Gaster: and how much water, you ask, could a watershed shed if a watershed could shed water?

Gaster: Why, the same amount of wood a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood.

Sans: eh. honestly, i stopped keepin' track around thirty, since, y'know, monsters typically hit maturity at twenty.

Sans: i know pap is about 15 years younger, though.

Sans: and... uh... no.

Gaster: Scream.

Gaster: also look at the world code to keep up with the timelines

Gaster: and eventually learn to manipulate the Void into Void-ooze

Gaster: and expand my magic capacity to something quite frankly ridiculous.

Gaster: but mostly?

Gaster: I did a lot of screaming.

Papyrus: Me, mostly!

Papyrus: I do a lot of housecleaning.

Papyrus: And then I do more when Sans gets everything messy again!

Asgore: Thank you, my friend...

And that wraps up question set four! You have until Monday to ask as many questions as you like!

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