500 Follower Celebration ~ Question Set 5

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Question set 5! Here we go!

Papyrus: Always do today what you could do tomorrow!

Papyrus: That's my motto.

Papyrus: Sans, though...

Sans: i procrastinate to avoid procrastination.

Gaster: And I just do whatever the heck I want.

Mouse: yup!

Mouse: I try to always get at least six hours of sleep, though.

Gaster: That is a difficult question indeed.

Gaster: But I don't think you can possibly go wrong with a good steak.

Sans: ...

Sans: the possibility that at any moment, we could all be forced back into the underground with no memory of it.

???: I have not personally encountered Toriel as I do not exist to experience such an encounter.

???: However, if I wanted, I could learn whatever about her I desired.

???: I have access to view the world code.

Toriel: That is a difficult question for a bossmonster...

Toriel: Though I do believe I am somewhere in my 200s.

Toriel: As for Frisk...

Toriel: I do not really understand what exactly they are able to do, but they assure me that it means they cannot die.

Toriel: So it is okay...??

Frisk: Red.

Frisk: the color of Determination!

Mouse: Favorite food...?

Mouse: I dunno, there are too many!

Mouse: Color, though, would be blue.

Gaster: ... There were multiple classes.

Gaster: Nope.

Gaster: Don't do it. It's a waste of time.

Gaster: ...

Gaster: But, if you're actually going to do it...

Gaster: Just do everything they tell you to.

Gaster: If you're really trying to stay in, typically, it's better to try to do what your professors want, rather than actually trying to prove your intelligence.

Gaster: yes, yes I am. Thank you for noticing.

Mouse: XD yeah, I've heard of it.

Mouse: I haven't actually seen it, but I've listened to a few of the songs on YouTube.

Mouse: I think my favorite is "You'll Be Back," just because before we knew what it was from, my friend and I heard it and thought it was funny, so we memorized the lines.

Mouse: I'm not really a big musical person.

Mouse: But I do have to say, I think my favorite (if it counts,) is Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog.

Gaster: If you are speaking in regards to having a significant other, I have no interest in romance.

Firhaur: Ah, haha, thank you!

Firhaur: ... I think it fits him, and can imagine him saying it quite frequently.

Sans: ... no??

Sans: again, no, not really.

Sans: it kinda fits, i guess...!

Sans: but no. i call him dad.

Gaster: actually, I said I never selected them because they never existed, not the other way around.

Gaster: so they don't exist as my assistants, simply because they never existed in the first place.

Gaster: as for why they are not like me, I suspect it is because I still have a couple of pieces that remained in space and time even while I was cast into the Void.

Gaster: As for works of literature...

Gaster: I have to say, I do tend to enjoy sci-fi novels, and other similar books.

Gaster: The well done ones, at least, where the author actually thought about what they were doing.

Gaster: Take Jurassic Park for example. The author actually had a logical-seeming explanation on how the dinosaurs in the were created. I have no doubt that, with a little rune-work, such a method could actually be possible.

Sans: hey, you know me.

Sans: shoer i'm a socker for a good prank!

Sans: but i'm a little too lazy to be afoot so much to put socks all over the place.

Sans: and flowey...

Sans: ... he's killed papyrus before.

Sans: i don't like him.

Gaster: Hmm.

Gaster: I feel a little hypocritical saying this, since I don't really like people using my first name...

Gaster: But in the end, so long as the font fits the skeleton's voice and personality, it works.

Gaster: (but for Annoying Dog's sake, don't name a child after the hobo font or something of the like!)

Gaster: and no. I do not plan on making any more clone children ever.

Gaster: I'm happy with just the two.

Gaster: (and besides, I don't know if I could even make more. Technically, my body doesn't exist, so I don't know if I would be able to use it to create clones.)

Gaster: well, I've already been discussing the potential of alternate dimensions.

Gaster: But I think you mean, as in, more in our dimension, our world.

Gaster: and the answer is no. I know for certain there are not.

Gaster: I've read over the world code. There was only one monster imprisonment.

Toriel: Yes, we remember Firhaur.

Toriel: he was a very good monster.

Asgore: Not to mention an excellent Royal Scientist!

Flowey: He's just as annoying as the rest of his trashbag family.

Gaster: I suppose just as much of an effect as it has on anything else- I can no more tell if I am real or a character in a story there than anywhere else.

Gaster: These "advancements" are laughable.

Gaster: I mean, come on!

Gaster: touchscreens?

Gaster: Had I existed, we would've had holographic displays by now.

Papyrus: Spaghetti!

Sans: h'dogs

Gaster: I'm good with spaghetti or hotdogs.

Frisk: uhhh... all of them!

Toriel: ... Chara always enjoyed chocolate...

Asgore: Hmm... I would enjoy a nice cup of tea.

Undyne: What, are we just saying our favorite foods?

Alphys: I l-like ramen.

Undyne: hey! So do I!!

Undyne: Wanna go get some with me?

Alphys: yeah! L-let's go!

Mouse: ...

Mouse: "Falling Underground"??

Mouse: ...


Gaster: I'd just be with them.

Gaster: And I can do that, because I'm the Royal Scientist, and I can do whatever the heck I want, dangit!

Gaster: but I suppose you'll just keep pestering me until I give you a real answer.

Gaster: So...

Gaster: stargazing or cooking.

Gaster: All the same stupid, but bigger!!

Frisk: Heck yeah!

Gaster: ... Fine. If the demon can't die...

Gaster: Then I'll just torture it for the rest of eternity.

Gaster: All in the world is as it should be.

Gaster: ...

Gaster: If-...

Gaster: If you could really do that...

Gaster: ...

Gaster: I would not be able to thank you enough.


Gaster: Your words only serve to prove your argument wrong. Humanity is a race completely filled with violent, disgusting being.

Gaster: You, specifically, deserve to die, just for that.

Aaaaand that's question set five!! You have only until Monday to get all your questions in, so ask as much as you like!

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