Update 28.09.2022

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Hey guys! 

I know its been a long time since I've posted/interacted with anyone, a lot has been going on and I haven't been able to find the time to sit down and work on my WIPs or any of my other upcoming works. So after a lot of contemplation I have a few announcements to make. 

First things first, I am done writing on India Forums, mainly because I find Wattpad much more convenient and flexible with the content that one can share, I am grateful for all the OG's on IF, y'all were/are some of the nicest people I've interacted with! Love y'all. 

Another things is that, as of now, once I am done wrapping up all my incomplete stories, I would not be writing on Pandya Store/ ShiVi anymore. There are a lot of reasons for this, one of the main ones being the fact I cannot connect with the characters anymore. when I had first started writing on ShiVi, their bond was very different, and in my opinion much more healthy, as of now I can't say.

As an author I am not able to connect with these characters, which makes it very difficult to be able to write on them, considering the fact that all of my works are pretty emotionally intense, I don't think I would be able to have consistency that I used to, simply because I feel so out of place with what has happened to ShiVi's storyline/character arcs. 

This is in no way meant to offend any fans of the couple/show, I was once one myself but I don't have it in me to ship/stan them anymore, simply because the storyline, the things the characters have done are things that I don't find healthy, be it fictional/irl, these are my boundaries and I hope y'all respect them.

As for my works, I will finishing Arcane and Little Do You Know, along with the 3rd and final part to the Cross My Heart series. 

Although I am done writing on ShiVi, as an author my ventures won't stop and I will be writing on a few other ITV couples and other couples, I would also be working on my original works, not pertaining to a fandom/show. If y'all are interested in that do keep track of my Wattpad page. 



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