Chapter 94: SCP-001 ''Last Ride of the Day''

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Here we see you and the girls at the meeting with the researchers and MTF soldiers.

(Y/N): "Everyone we have a crisis on our hands, we are facing a ΩK/A-class Augmented "End-of-Death" scenario."

Leshawna: "What does that mean?"

(Y/N): "It means any form of injury or illness you have will experience a regenerative effect. Like so."

You then shot Heather in the shoulder as she screamed in pain as her injury then healed up as the bullet came out of her shoulder.

Heather: "Why would you shoot me?!"

(Y/N): "I needed a demonstrator, plus let's be honest, Leshawna would have done it to you too."

Leshawna: *About to speak but realizes your right* "Touche."

(Y/N): "And that's not all, look at the news feed."

You then turn on the TV and it shows the current news report.

TV: "Breaking news, we have sight of a pale white humanoid creature of some kind that is on a rampage at this time. It appears it's attacking people without warning or any reason."

Leshawna: "Well that rules out Dee."

(Y/N): "Ever since the appearance of SCP-UBU, the event coincided with other phenomena. We lost function and cessation of SCP-2922 communications, the Wanderer's Library has been cut off from Earth, a representative from MC&D gained contact to the O5 Council desperately tried to sell stocks to the foundation, SCP-4000 lost all of it's anomalous properties with a small note that said Good Luck on it, and finally SCP-3008 has been bought out by an unknown proprietor and has been converted into a shelter."

Courtney: "Is there any way to contain or stop it?"

(Y/N): "That's the thing, UBU is forcing us to lift the Veil so that we get everyone's help and support on this. The O5 Council has made the decision to reveal our existence to the world at the United Nations HQ."

Chicago: "Is that a good idea?"

Heather: "Can't believe I'm saying this but, Chicago is right, is that a good idea."

(Y/N): "You want the rampaging monster to lift the veil for us or should we do it ourselves?"

Gwen: "Better than everyone pointing the blame finger on us if it lifts the veil first."

(Y/N): "Yeah, O5-1 will be attending the UN Meeting, one of you will be attending with him as backup."*to Leshawna*"You and Eva will go since you're pretty much the muscle of the group."

Leshawna: "Alright, but the next time the new O5 pulls another shady stunt like last time, I'm gonna open a can of whoopass on all 13 of them."

Clover: "Yeah, I mean me, Sammy, and Alex work for WOOHP but at least we're not shady about it, well I mean we're spies but at least we're not shady." *to you* "No offense."

(Y/N): "I understand you're concern but since the New O5s replaced the previous ones. We're under new management."

Leshawna: *to Eva*"Hey macho mama, we're on bodyguard duty for a new O5."

Eva: "Fine."

We see Leshawna and Eva leave the room as the girls turn to you.

Gwen: "So what does UBU look like?"

(Y/N): "Well it's 4.3 meters in height with unknown mass but at minimum it's 15399 kilograms. It's an obese androgynous humanoid. It's covered in a hairless pure white skin with the texture similar to that of a dolphin or other small whales. It doesn't have eyes, ears, or nose but is fully capable of sight, smell, and hearing. It has a .5 meter wide mouth with a prehensile tongue of intermediate length."

Chicago then pictured SCP-UBU in her head and then realized it's an anomaly that would possibly fall for her given her experience with other marine life.

Chicago: "I don't think it should see me."

Lindsay: "Why?"

Chicago: "The last time I was with an orca it got a little... too friendly.

(Y/N): "The orca had sex with her."

Heather: "Tell me you're joking."

Chicago: "No it's true, and before you say anything that orca came onto me."

Leshawna: "Dang, I hope that thing doesn't come after you."

(Y/N): "We observed its behavior, UBU can make vocalizations but it doesn't use it to communicate with anyone, ever since its arrival it's causing as much destruction as possible and eats humans indiscriminately and it prefers to play with its victims."

Chicago: "And it looks like a human and a whale had a baby."

(Y/N): "I'm heading to MTF Nu-7 "Hammer Down" to tackle UBU head on."

Courtney: "And what about us?"

(Y/N): "Come up with a solution for UBU while Nu-7 holds UBU off in St. John's, Newfoundland."

You then leave the room as the girls look at each other as they begin looking through the files. Meanwhile with you, we see you and the rest of Nu-7 waiting for SCP-UBU to appear.

(Y/N): "Hm, got everything we need."

Soldier: "We got all the guns and bombs we need to fight this thing sir."

(Y/N): "Good."*hears UBU's roars*"Here it comes!"

We then see UBU come at the soldiers and attack them as we see it dominating the soldiers with minimal effort as the weapons aren't doing any damage on it.

Soldier 2: "Our weapons ain't doing anything to it!"

You then fire pistol shots at UBU as you are out of weapons and ammo and then you summon the power of the Hulk to fight UBU head on as we see you tried to fight UBU but both you and the anomaly were evenly matched in strength. No matter what power or skill you have, you and UBU are evenly matched. 2 years later, you were exhausted and you passed out on the ground as 90% of Nu-7 was mutilated and regenerated 5 times.

Soldier 2: "Nothing is working!"

Soldier 3: "Retreat!"

We see the troops pick you up and they take you on the helicopter as they make a retreat. Sometime later, we see you wake up and you were hurt pretty bad from your fight with SCP-UBU.

(Y/N): "Ugh, I feel like shit."

Sam: "Hey (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "Hey Sam, I've been fighting SCP-UBU for 5 years."

Sam: "5 years? (Y/N) it's only been 2 years."

(Y/N): "I must've lost track of time...from all the head trauma I got from UBU."

Sam: "Yeah, anyways I have to ask but... how did you contain UBU the first time?"

(Y/N): "We didn't contain it, we are trying to neutralize it, Nu-7 has regenerated 5 times trying to stop UBU."

Sam: "Is there a way to distract it?"

(Y/N): "We kept it busy for 2 years."

Sam: "There's gotta be a way to keep it distracted, someone who's good with Marine life."

(Y/N): "Well we gotta see what the O5 has planned."

We then see GOC soldiers come into the room and they help you up.

GOC soldier: "Easy buddy, easy."

(Y/N): *sees the GOC insignia*" "GOC? What are you doing here?"

GOC soldier: "The Global Occult Coalition and the SCP Foundation are forming an alliance to fund Project Beluga."

(Y/N): "Alright, I'll be there."*to Sam*"Better find someone or something that can take UBU down."

Sam: "But who?"

Meanwhile in Columbus, Ohio we see UBU drinking squeezed juices of 2.9 million people into its mouth using a water fountain as a cup as we see Chicago was hiding behind a trash can

Chicago: "Oh man, I gotta get out of here."

Chicago then tries to sneak her way around SCP-UBU while it's drinking liquefied people until Chicago stepped on a soda can by accident and SCP-UBU then stops drinking and sees Chicago.

Chicago: "Oh crap." *Gets an idea* "Oh wait, I can seduce it."

We see UBU look at Chicago and she looks up to see the 14 foot tall behemoth that is SCP-UBU and it picks her up with its bare hands and begins to lick her all over with it's prehensile tongue.

Chicago: "Easy big... uh girl? Guy? How do I know what gender you are?"

SCP-UBU then puts Chicago on it's shoulder and begins to jump away from Columbus, Ohio to Lake Erie. We see UBU put Chicago on a boat and we see it throw 20 cargo ships out of Earth's gravitational pull, and Chicago see that two of them landed on the moon.

Chicago: "Now hang on, there's people on those boats, you can't hurt them, I mean I know you can't understand me but-"*gets licked in the face by SCP-UBU as UBU's way of a kiss* "Ooh okay I guess you can understand me, sort of. Um, okay how about this, why don't you stop and-"*UBU licks her face again* "Okay easy, how about you stop destroying stop, and... you can look at me in my birthday suit."

UBU was confused until it just rips Chicago's clothes off anyways and then it carries her around and continues it's rampage and making out with Chicago while Chicago kinda figured out that UBU doesn't understand a single word from her.

Chicago: "Oh duh, it doesn't understand me, I better tell (Y/N)."

Chicago then pulls out her phone and texts you and she keeps her phone in her cleavage in case of emergency. 78 years later, we see that none of you and the others aged due to the effects of the End of Death scenario since aging can cause death to people and SCP-UBU is contained in Site-59 and you were talking to Chicago.

Chicago: "For the past 78 years, UBU has been carrying me around while causing a rampage all over the world." *To you* "But at least it's contained."

(Y/N): "Let's just hope it holds."

Lindsay: " But for now, let's hear it for Chicago!"

Everyone cheers for Chicago as we see UBU burst out of containment and grab Chicago and then jump off to who knows where.

(Y/N): "Wow, not even 2 minutes in containment and it just breached containment."

Lindsay: "And it took Chicago with it!"

Meanwhile with SCP-UBU and Chicago, we see UBU howling at the Statue of Liberty as we see Chicago sitting on its shoulder pretty angry about being along for the ride with UBU.

Chicago: "It was fun at first but now it's just getting rude that you're just taking me with you wherever you go." *takes her clothes off* "And don't bother ripping my clothes off, I know the drill by now for the past 78 years."

UBU then begins to lick Chicago all over once it's down howling at the Statue of Liberty and then it carries her on it's shoulder and jumps away as Chicago sees nuclear weapons being targeted at UBU. 1 year later, the Schenectady Agreement was signed by NATO Powers, Russian Federation, Republic of China, the SCP Foundation, and the GOC due to environmental concerns about nuclear strikes against UBU as you and Leshawna were there for the signing.

(Y/N): "This is getting out of hand."

We then see UBU burst into the room and you see that Chicago was still with it and she was covered head to toe in UBU's drool from UBU's kisses.

Chicago: "(Y/N) is there an anomaly that can duplicate people?"

(Y/N): "We do but the clone will last for a week."

Chicago: "Darn it!"

We then see UBU grab some rebar and then started making a bead necklace out of the foreign dignitaries as you tried to get to Chicago but UBU grabbed your hand and throws you to the side as UBU shows off the necklace to Chicago and Chicago sees that the people on the necklace were still alive.

Chicago: "Um....nice necklace."

Chicago then pulls out her phone and texts you what UBU is doing as we see UBU grab Chicago's phone and swallow it and then takes Chicago and jumps away.

Chicago: *offscreen*"Hey! My phone!"*gets picked up by UBU*"Give me my phone back!"

Sometime later, we see UBU burst into Site-19 and crushed a woman with its weight, the woman was SCP-AFF and UBU still has Chicago with it and she sees SCP-682 in the room.

Chicago: "Um nice giant lizard."

UBU then place Chicago on the ground behind it and then turn its attention to SCP-682 and then spat out some random vocalizations as SCP-682 understood what UBU said and was pissed off of what UBU said.

SCP-682: "Take that back!"

SCP-682 then charge at SCP-UBU as UBU slapped 682's cheek and 682 was in pain as Chicago sees a green glowing mark as it spreads all over 682's body and reduce him to toxic bodily fluids as we see UBU and Chicago swim in the toxic remains of 682 and we see UBU put Chicago on it's chest while UBU just floats while Chicago was on top of it.

Chicago: "I don't want to know what you said to 682."

Later on, we see SCP-UBU and Chicago at Armed Containment Area-179 and we see the both of them going into SCP-2317 door and we see UBU went into the ground and pulled out SCP-2317-K and holds it up in the air for Chicago to see.

Chicago: "Um....what are you gonna do with that?"*sees UBU eats the entire creature and swallow it whole* "Oh, you were hungry."

UBU then licks Chicago all over and then begins to feel her bare, yet covered in drool, bottom.

Chicago: "Okay I guess I can stay with you for awhile, you know this will be temporary right." *gets licked all over again by UBU* "Bleh, but I guess you knew that."

64 years later, we see you and the girls still brainstorming ways to stop UBU as we see Leshawna watching the new Dee and Vee Show which was made a year ago considering that both Dee and Victoria joined forces to find ways to help people cope with the new immortality and UBU's rampages.

TV: *Dee's voice*"Today on Dee and Vee."*announcer voice*"Zonk Solution!"

Leshawna: "Huh, 142 years later and they joined forces."

TV: *Victoria's voice*"We have Former film star Nash De Groot with his new book."*Dee's Voice*"The Zonk Manifesto, as the title says on the book, now tell us Nash what makes you come up with such a book?"*nash's voice*"Well since UBU's rampage and the fact that we can't die for 124 years, I made this book to be the solution for finding our final resting place. We can't die but we can put ourselves in an eternal coma through guided mediation and hard drugs."

You and the girls: "Drugs?!"

Heather: "They're joking right?"

TV: *Dee's voice*"It's no joke, people all over the world are making a social movement called "The International Zonk"."*Victoria's voice*"Well if you ask me, someone has to be here to keep our audience in the loop."*Dee's Voice*"I'm with you all the way, Victoria."

(Y/N): "First SCP-2000 gets neutralized and now this."

Heather: "What's next? Women becoming futas after most of the guys, minus you, die off?"

Leshawna: "We can't die, remember?"

Heather: "Oh yeah..."

Leshawna: "But the futa thing, I don't think it would be possible."

Heather: "Not with that attitude."

(Y/N): "But humanity to evolve like that will take millions of years."

Heather: "Well it's only been 124 years since that thing has been around, what could SCP-UBU be doing now?"

Meanwhile with SCP-UBU, we see it licking Chicago's privates as Chicago was moaning a bit but at the same time since she was so used to this by now.

Chicago: *moans*"As much as this is enjoyable, I think all of this lost its spark."

UBU then stick's tongue into Chicago's mouth as she starts to enjoy this as well and then UBU pulls it's tongue out of Chicago as Chicago was gasping for air.

Chicago: "Okay, this is a change of pace."

Later, after the making out, we see Chicago exhausted from the making out as we see her on UBU's shoulder as it was wandering around somewhere in Asia.

Chicago: *panting*"Where...are we...going now?"

Chicago then sees that she and UBU are now in Siberia and she would be freezing if UBU's saliva wasn't keeping her warm.

Chicago: "I guess we would be expecting some company soon huh?"

40 years later, we see the soldiers of Project Beluga fighting UBU as we see you carrying Chicago out of the fight and bringing her to safety.

(Y/N): "Stay here, I'll be right back!"

You then access the power of the Hulk and you charge at UBU and when both of you were fighting each other the result didn't change from last time and you're still evenly matched.

Chicago: "I better get going before UBU gets me."

Chicago then sees you get thrown to the side again as we see UBU jump in front of Chicago and it looks at her and she sees that it has gotten bored of the situation and then jumps into the Bay of Bengal. We see you get up and you were ready for round two but you see that UBU just left.

(Y/N): "Damn it! Where did it go?!"

Chicago: "It went into the Bay of Bengal."

(Y/N): "Why?"

Chicago: "I think it was just bored of the situation."

(Y/N): "Bored of the fight with Project Beluga and me, but not you since it has a thing for you for the past 164 years. I don't think you're it's lover or mate, more like a plaything since it fights like a child and treats his enemies like they're toys. By the looks of it, it seems like it's gonna be there for 3 years."

Chicago: "And we're gonna make a plan to keep it contained for good?"

(Y/N): "At this point it's too dangerous to be contained. We have to neutralize it, that would be easy, the question is how?"*to Chicago*"What did that thing do to you for the past 40 years?"

Chicago: "Licked all over and it licked me in the mouth and privates."

(Y/N): "And yet you're completely intact from the whole thing? If you have to pick, me or this thing?"

Chicago: "You, UBU is too big and it doesn't have any private parts. And I've gone through a lot of showers just to get it's slobber off me."

(Y/N): "I think it's trying to get all of the germs off of you since you've been all over the world. Well anyways, time for you to get debriefed on what you missed."

Chicago: "UBU already did that, and by that I mean it ripped all my panties off. But yeah you're right."

(Y/N): "I meant what events you missed, not what clothes you missed."

Chicago: "Oh."

(Y/N): "How can you be so light in the head after 164 years? Come on, let's go."

2 years later, in a nearby town, we see that you and the girls got Chicago all up to date with current events as she is surprised by the International Zonk movement's method of putting everyone in an eternal coma.

Chicago: "What?!"

We then see Rick and the Smith family walk into the room and Rick set up a com link to Project Beluga and we see them sit on the couch and then they have a mental breakdown as we see Morty starting to cry and Rick screamed in pain.


Morty: "Why do I want that stupid promotion!?!"

Rick: "That was seriously fucked up! I need to die Morty!"

Morty: "YOU DO!?!"


Morty: "To tell you the truth I didn't even want the promotion! I just wanted to be with the cool guys, I was just tired of being in Low risk containment! And I asked for your help Rick! I'm so sorry I trapped you all here, this is my fault!!!"*crying and screaming again*

(Y/N): "Morty if you wanted a promotion you could've signed the paperwork for it. Tell you what, I'm promoting you to be part of Project Beluga."

Summer: "Oh god it took almost 200 years for Morty to get a promotion!?!"

Chicago: "Wait so it's all that little kid's fault I was UBU's sex toy?!"

Summer: "Look, just because he was there when UBU showed up doesn't mean he's the cause of it."

Chicago: "Fair enough."

Summer: "But uh, Chicago was it? Why are you still naked?"

The camera zoomed out a bit to show that Chicago was buck naked.

Chicago: "I've gotten used to having no clothes for over a century and because UBU keeps ripping my dresses off."

Summer: "Ah, that explains it."

Beth: "How many people followed the Zonk Movement?"

Summer: "According to the Internet, Cuddletopia has a population of 5 million people and counting."*to Rick*"If you want to join the Zonk pile, go for it."

Rick: "You do realize I don't give up that easily right?"

Summer: "Just giving you some options."

Chicago: *To Rick* "Soo, now what? UBU is impossible to contain for more like... a couple of years."

Rick: "And we can't bail out of this reality, trust me we tried. We tried using a portal out of this dump, we tried resetting portal travelers, I tried mixing portal fluids from Evil Morty's gun-"

Chicago: "Who's Evil Morty?"

Morty: "Rick doesn't want to explain about an evil version of me cause... it's too personal for Rick. Honestly I want to keep that guy out of my head for as long as possible."

Rick: "Anyways, I tried mixing my portal fluid with Evil Morty's and it didn't do shit."

(Y/N): "Well I tried to get reinforcements from other realities but even with the 3 Moons brand on my chest, I'm stuck here."

Leshawna: *to Chicago*"(Y/N) is a dimension hopper."

Summer: "It's kinda like having a portal gun except you use your mind to go to places in the multiverse. So we're basically stuck in this reality with UBU."

Chicago: *To you* "Isn't there a reality where UBU can't go? Or doesn't exist?"

(Y/N): "That was literally the first thing I tried but no luck."

Summer: "You fought this thing before (Y/N), why can't you beat it? You have more powers than that."

(YN): "Its strength is formidable, we're evenly matched no matter what power I use. It just got bored with me and just left the fight. I'm sorry Chicago, but I guess you have to get used to having a 14 foot tall behemoth with skin of a whale as a boyfriend by next year."

Chicago: "Aw man..."

1 year later, we see Chicago waiting in a chair for the inevitable arrival of SCP-UBU as she sees SCP-3000 being thrown from the ocean and she saw it get beached on Indian Soil and she sees UBU pointing and laughing at SCP-3000 as Chicago sees that several cities were destroyed in the process.

Chicago: "Ugh...let's get this over with."

Chicago then took off all of her clothes and she climbed up onto UBU's shoulder and she was not too happy about being UBU's sex toy again. After one week, we see UBU dragging 3000 all across Asia and Chicago was not amused.

Chicago: "I know you're strong and gigantic, but do you have to take your energy out on a giant eel?"

UBU didn't respond to Chicago's comment and continued to drag 3000. After sometime, we see UBU and Chicago in the middle of the desert and UBU took a break from dragging 3000 around and decided to make out with Chicago with its long tongue.

Chicago: *moans*"I can't believe I'm just a sex toy to you, you creep. Be glad I'm enjoying this, nothing can't kill you, and that (Y/N) is evenly matched against you."

UBU pulled back, and then UBU then started to shove its tongue down in Chicago's pussy and Chicago moaned in pleasure.

Chicago: *Moans* "Your-"*moans*"tongue is the only-"*moans*-thing to a penis for you! Be glad I am enjoying this!"

Chicago then came and is now panting from the tongue sex from UBU sings UBU has made techniques to please Chicago now as we see UBU put her limp body on it's shoulder and starts dragging SCP-3000 again crossing the Bering Strait and into Alaska. Later, at the Eastern coast of Brazil we see Chicago wake up and she sees UBU drag SCP-3000 into the water.

Chicago: "Oh great, I've been out for so long, I ended up in Brazil."

Chicago then sees SCP-UBU use SCP-3000 to strangle SCP-169's neck by tying 3000 around 169's neck and both UBU and 169 battle each other in the water. 227 years later, UBU and 169 were battling against each other as Chicago was watching this as she was on a boat due to the Earth's surface being uninhabitable and entirely underwater and once 169 has been neutralized we see UBU come out of the surface and it picked up the boat Chicago was on.

Chicago: "I hope you're happy, the whole world is now all water."*gets licked in the face by UBU*" Ugh, gross." *Feels her bladder tingling* "Speaking of water."

Chicago then squats and shoots a stream of hot urine due to holding it for over 200 years because most people can't hold it that long mostly due to the health risk but since global immortality is a thing nowadays it's not a problem. Some of the urine hit UBU, and since it was very acidic proof, it didn't mind since UBU is virtually indestructible and invincible. Once Chicago is done, UBU doesn't flinch at this and it then grabs Chicago and has her on its chest while it floats for a while and starts a 10 year period of inactivity with Chicago as company. Meanwhile, at a makeshift archipelago made from ships and debris, we see you and the girls were eating nothing but fish for centuries now.

Heather: "I'm sick of fish..."

(Y/N): "At least we have something to keep our strength up since immortality keeps the fish alive and they regenerate, we can have these for years."

Girls: "Ugh!"

Lindsay: "There's gotta be something else to eat, this is just like Cloudy with a chance of meatballs where everyone had to eat sardines."

(Y/N): "Well UBU has been inactive for a while."

Leshawna: "Probably making out with Chicago for all of eternity."

(Y/N): "I wish I could help her, but I can't beat that thing without getting tired and passing out in the water. It has the stamina to fight 169 for 227 years. I can only do so much against UBU until I pass out. Chicago is on her own at this point. She is stuck with a 14 foot tall behemoth for a boyfriend for all of eternity."

Leshawna: "That sucks."

Later on, after 8 years, we see you and the 140 remaining people who haven't moved to New Zonkland as we see the girls still with you.

(Y/N): "You all could have joined the rest of New Zonkland, you know that right?"

Leshawna: "We are not going anywhere without you babycakes."

Lindsay: "Yeah, drugged or not."

(Y/N): "I'm pretty sure by now Chicago has gotten used to being UBU's sex toy for so long that if she's gonna choose between me and UBU, and her answer might be UBU."

Leshawna: "You can't give up on her, there's gotta be a way to get rid of UBU."

Lindsay: "Yeah, like a magic stick or something."

Gwen: "Adam's old Lance, we can use that right?"

(Y/N): "How? All of the landmass in the world has sunken underwater and Adam lost it looking for a stupid crown. We have dwindling supplies, limited ammunition, people are considering joining New Zonkland, and we have no contact with Heaven, Hell, or Corbenic. In short we have dwindling supplies and no support."

Lindsay: "Well there's always traveling back in time and experimenting with things until you get it right."

(Y/N): "Okay but where are we supposed to get a time machine? Project Beluga is still on and it's up to the O5 Council to make a decision."

Gwen: "Well they're bound to say yes considering the world is almost water because of UBU."

(Y/N): "I just hope that Chicago won't fall for UBU just yet."

Meanwhile with Chicago, we see her annoyed with UBU with the fact that UBU is gonna be her boyfriend forever.

Chicago: "Believe me, UBU is my least favorite thing here. And at this point, I have no choice then to have UBU as my boyfriend since (Y/N) can't last forever in a fight against him."*to UBU*"You understand me, I am your girlfriend for eternity because you're evenly matched against (Y/N) and the only reason why you win against him is because you have better stamina than him." *cries* "I am with a giant monster for a boyfriend!"

We see UBU continue to lick Chicago all over as Chicago accepts that this is her life now. 2 years later, we see the girls waiting for you outside of the meeting and we see you come out of the room with O-11 aka Dr. Laurence Michaud.

Lindsay: "So...? What's the plan?"

(Y/N): "I'm going with O5-11."

Heather: "Where?"

(Y/N): "Wherever Southeast is from here."

Dr. Michaud: "And we're going to take down UBU once and for all for what that thing did to me and my wife."

(Y/N): "And I'm going with him."

Leshawna: "What about us?"

(Y/N): "You should join the rest of New Zonkland cause I know you all wanted out of this and I don't blame you."

Clover: "But-"

(Y/N): "I know you wanted to help, but this is personal for O5-11."

Dr. Michaud: "(Y/N), call me Dr. Michaud, I am no longer an O5."

(Y/N): "I refuse to call you by your name sir, you're my superior."

Morty: *comes in*"I'm coming too!"

The girls all groaned knowing Morty was in the room.

Morty: "Look, I know I'm the last person to rely on now but-"

Leshawna: "Kid get out of here."

Morty: *to Leshawna*"Shut the fuck up I'm pushing through 450 right now!"*to you*"It's my fault that my family got stuck in this mess, normally Rick helps me clean up all the messes I made and now I'm gonna clean this up too."

Rick: *comes into the room*"And you need a set of brains to figure out this UBU bullshit. Cause now Summer, Beth, Jerry, and Space Beth are now part of New Zonkland. And this becomes personal for both me and Morty. And for once I'm gonna do an SCP adventure with Morty."

(Y/N): "Glad you can join us."*to the girls*"If anyone else who wants to join, is welcomed."

???(Chicago): *offscreen*"I'm coming too."

You and the girls are surprised to see Chicago come into the room naked and covered in UBU's drool.

(Y/N): "Chicago. Wait, how did you get away from UBU aka your monster sized boyfriend?"

Chicago: "First of all, he's not my boyfriend, second of all it was mocking you guys long enough for me to go underwater and stayed there long enough until UBU went off to New Zonkland."

(Y/N): "Look Chicago, I'm sorry I was not much help for you because I can't beat UBU either because it was holding back it's punches just to mess with me or because it wants to be entertained, either way. I can't protect you from UBU, so I thought after spending so many centuries with it you accepted it as your boyfriend rather than have a weakling like me as your lover."

Chicago: "Babe, it was like babysitting a toddler forever, plus I never thought of it as my boyfriend, I only thought of you."

(Y/N): "How? It has a longer tongue than me, it's 14 feet tall and weighs 17 tons, it probably developed skills to please you in every way possible, and it took out 682, 2317-K, 3000, and 169. How can I beat something that has the muscle to do all of that, I was fighting at my limit against all the times I was fighting UBU and nothing I have was enough to beat it."

Chicago: "Well maybe instead of using your muscles, why not use your brain?"

(Y/N): "And how can a brain be useful if brawn fails against UBU?"

Lindsay: "Maybe think of a way to weaken UBU."

Dr. Michaud: "Which is why we need to go to Southeast to the SCPS Corncrake."

Heather: "How is a corn cake gonna help? Give it indigestion?"

(Y/N): "No it's a ship, it might have something that can help us."

Leshawna: "Okay you go and (Y/N)."*kisses you on the cheek*"Be safe baby."

Chicago: *Kisses you on the cheek* "And try not to die."

(Y/N): "Noted, not that we can die."

Chicago: "Right."

Gwen: "Chicago, you should go as well, since you said you want to get rid of UBU."

Chicago: "Right I forgot."

Rick: "Four guys and 1 girl, that doesn't sound sexist at all."

Leshawna: "Guess I'm coming along, anyone want to come?"

Clover: "Alex and Sam converted to New Zonkland so I'm avenging their....well I wouldn't say deaths but closest thing to death."

Lindsay: "Maybe MK would come, she's smart and crafty."

MK: "Hey I'm smart but not that smart, but alright beats living with a 14 foot giant."

(Y/N): "You're not coming, Lindsay?"

Lindsay: "Someone has to take Chicago's place as UBU's sex toy unfortunately. Who knows having a 14 foot tall monster with a long tongue as a temporary boyfriend would be fun?"

Chicago: "Trust me, it's not."

Sometime later, we see you and the others on life boats heading southeast as we see you following a compass.

Chicago: "How far until we reach the ship?"

(Y/N): "I don't know."

Morty was holding a telescope and he looks into it and he sees the Corncrake.

Morty: "Guys I found it!"

Rick: "Good job Morty! Hell yeah Rick and Morty we're back in business baby! Let's row our boats there!"

Morty: "I am finally tasting victory right now Rick!"

We then see Rick and Morty's boat get split in half as you and the others see a pale white creature swimming around them.

Morty: "Oh fuck!"

Rick: "It's UBU!"

(Y/N): *sees something odd about it* "Wait a second."*sees that it's a injured narwhal*"False alarm everyone, it's just an injured narwhal."

Morty: "Oh god, for second there I thought we would be done for."

Rick: "I wouldn't say the same thing about our boat."

We see Rick and Morty's boat sink as they are now in the water.

(Y/N): "Can you girls fish out the scientist and his grandson?"

We then see Clover grab Rick and we see Leshawna grab Morty and pull them onto their boat as Morty was feeling one of Leshawna's breasts.

Leshawna: "Hey!"

Morty: "Sorry! I haven't seen women in a long time cause UBU forced me to have underaged sex with Chicago. And I hate to admit it but it was awesome!"

(Y/N): *to Chicago*"Is this true?"

Chicago: "Yes, first an underaged Orca and now an underaged human boy."

MK: "You think that's bad, my pelvis was broken 20 times while having lesbian sex with Leshawna when she's the top for 10 years."*to you*"How can you manage to have sex with a girl who is just as heavy as an elephant?"

(Y/N): "Missionary position, and strong bones I guess?"

Leshawna: "He's right."

Rick: "Less sex talk more mission talk. Let's go to that ship."

You and the others arrive on the ship and we see you all on it.

Morty: "What makes this ship so special?"

(Y/N): "It holds anomalies that are on the ganymede list, which are anomalies too dangerous to be left uncontained even in the apocalypse."

Dr. Michaud: "Let's look around and find something."

Everyone looked on the ship for something and you all saw that the crew were gone.

(Y/N): "The crew are gone."

MK: "Let's hope their stuff is still here."

(Y/N): "I wonder if Lindsay is okay."

Meanwhile with Lindsay, we see her enjoying the licking from UBU and we see UBU fondling Lindsay's breasts.

Lindsay: *moans*"I guess this isn't so bad." *to UBU* "Hey you don't mind if I take a tinkle do you?"*remembers*"Oh right you can't understand me."

Lindsay grunts and softly sighs as she then pees into the ocean while UBU fondles her breasts and butt.

Lindsay: *While peeing* "Wow you are handsy, I can see why (Y/N) can't beat ya. You have gotten better at pleasing a girl for over 400 years I guess."*finishes peeing*"Ah."

We then see Lindsay flipped upside down and we see UBU using it's tongue to clean up Lindsay's private parts and then start sticking it into her pussy as she begins to moan loudly.

Lindsay: *moans*"Oh are amazing...."*cums*"Ah~."*cums again*"Ah~."

After several minutes, Lindsay came 10 times as she was taking a breather on UBU's belly.

Lindsay: "Wow...that was amazing.... But I have a boyfriend, so you and I are not dating."

Meanwhile, we see you and the others find some SCPs on the ship as you feel sad about what's happening to Lindsay at the moment.

(Y/N): "I can't believe Lindsay volunteered to be in your place Chicago, she's a real trooper. But I think Lindsay found a better man than me, he's not a real human."

Chicago: "Don't say that, Lindsay is still with you, she's just distracting UBU, that's all."

(Y/N): "You're just saying that to make me feel better. I'm always facing facts all the time since UBU got here. The girls lost faith in me as a soldier and a lover by telling them to join New Zonkland, you had the time of your life with UBU, and now Lindsay is probably gonna marry that thing."

Chicago: "Enough with your doubt, we all knew what was gonna happen when we started dating you, and we're not gonna leave you so quit feeling sorry for yourself and act like the man you are."

(Y/N): "How? I can't beat UBU head on, it's been holding back it's punches on purpose just to mess with me and the only thing that can injure it is itself just to show that it's better than me in every way possible. That's reality."

Chicago: "Well why didn't you use that special ritual that weakens it."

(Y/N): "Because there isn't one, if there is we would've used it a long time ago."

Dr. Michaud: "He's right, but right now this is the time you and I battle UBU with the tools we have here."

Morty: *sees the bones of 2845*"Yeah 2845 isn't gonna help us."

Rick: *sees the bones of 2845*"Christ this thing is all bones now."

(Y/N): "See, even SCP-2845 can't beat UBU and it fought alongside the Gate Guardian in 1730. Face it girls, you're all better off with UBU."

Girls: "No, we're not."

MK: "If I ever had a boyfriend, I would prefer you."

Clover: "I'm with you."

Leshawna: "Like yin and yang, we're together forever."

Chicago: "So just shut up and do what you do best!"

(Y/N): *inhales and exhales*"Right, I need a full inventory of all the supplies we have on hand. Weapons, supplies, anything that can be useful for Project Beluga."

Everyone went to work and we saw Morty hand you a clipboard.

Morty: "I found a clipboard with all the SCPs that are on board."

(Y/N): *reads the list*"10 hominid replicators from SCP-2000, caged remains of 2845, SCP-YEZ aka the Crowd control for the practical optimist, SCP-319 a curious device that can blow up the universe, SCP-FNA a portable warehouse, and SCP-001 a prototype time machine from Prometheus Labs code named the Last Ride of the Day."

Rick: "Oh fuck!"

(Y/N): "What's wrong?"

Rick: "We are doing a mix of Dr. Who and Back to the Future."

Chicago: "Uh Morty, translation?"

Morty: "There's a time machine and a pocket space that makes the said time machine bigger on the inside than the outside."*to Rick*"What makes you think that this is gonna be a mix of Back to the Future and Dr. Who?"

Rick: "My least favorite sci-fi adventure, time travel. You'll see it soon, Morty."

MK: "I found a working forklift and someone else on board."

We then see Able come into the room and you all see him.

(Y/N): "Able?"

Able: "Hello (Y/N), old friend."

MK: "I found him on deck and he's pretty depressed about the fact that everyone can't die."

Chicago: "Who wouldn't be?"

Able: *Notices Chicago naked* "Why is that female naked?"

(Y/N): "She was UBU's sex toy for centuries."

Able: *Winces* "Ooohh..."

Chicago: "Yeah it was not fun at all, it was the orca all over again." *Buries her face in her hands*

Leshawna: *Comforts Chicago* "We're here for ya."

(Y/N): "MK, load the Hominid replicators onto SCP-FNA using the forklift if it works."*to Leshawna and Clover*"Carry any supplies into FNA that we have on hand."*to Rick, Michaud, and Morty*"You three get 001 online."*to Chicago and Able*"You two keep an eye out for UBU, if it comes here and you see it, run like hell and get to 001 for safety."

Chicago: "Right."

Everyone gets to their tasks as you head into SCP-001 and you see Dr. Michaud and Rick looking through the machine.

(Y/N): "How does it work?"

Rick: "Alright, here's how this time machine works according to these wet papers."*reads through the papers*"SCP-001 is capable of temporally relocating to its relative position 15,000 years prior to activation. This temporal displacement is divergent/paradox-irrelevant; in other words, a separate timeline is created as a landing point. For example: if an occupant from timeline x were to murder their parents in utero in timeline y, the y iteration of the occupant would no longer exist; but the occupant themselves, being from x, would be unharmed.

When in a fully active state, SCP-001 deploys a five-meter-high telescopic antenna that functions as a Koloko wave energy sink. This will harness the energy required to temporally displace, and...blah blah blah long story short we need Koloko waves to power this thing up."

Morty: "What are Koloko Waves and how do we get them?"

Rick: "We have to blow up the universe."

Morty: "Wait, we have to blow the universe just to get the Koloko Waves."*remembers*"Oh yeah, the car from Back to the Future needs a bolt of lighting to travel through time and blowing up the universe is the bolt of lightning I get it now."

Rick: "I told you this is gonna be a Doctor Who mixed with Back to the Future thing."

(Y/N): "Well everyone here is pretty much made out of New Zonkland, let's blow this popsicle stand. Rick, get everyone in here so we can go over the plan."

Rick: "I'm on it."

We see Rick get out of SCP-001 and he turns to the others.

Rick: "Hey get your asses in here, (Y/N) is gonna go over the plan."

MK: "Alright, (Y/N) is the boss."

Leshawna: "I hope Lindsay is having a better time than us right now."

Meanwhile with Lindsay, we see UBU still fondling her breasts as she moans incredibly loudly.

Lindsay: "It was fun at first but now it's just annoying."*feels UBU's massive index finger in her pussy*"Mmm, okay this is a nice change of pace but it's too big."

After some fingering Lindsay was moaning until she came multiple times due to UBU's technique.

Lindsay: *moans*"Ah~."

Back to you, we see you and the others going over the plan for Project Beluga.

(Y/N): "Alright for the time machine to work, we need to blow up the universe. Now I know this is gonna be hard for all of you to stomach this but-"

MK: "We're in."

Morty: "Wait, you have no problem with blowing up the universe?"

MK: "Earth is a mess no thanks to UBU so blow it up."

Clover: "Well if it means saving my friends so be it."

Leshawna: "Can't fly a rocket without burning a candle."

Chicago: "Ditto."

Rick: "Wow, you all took this pretty well."*sees you pretty down again*"What's with you asshole?"

(Y/N): "Am I really cut out for a job of taking down UBU?"

Chicago: "Yes you are (Y/N), we talked about this."

(Y/N): "I don't know how these talks can help me keep my head above water."

MK: "They're supposed to keep you motivated and from doubting yourself and ending up like Jerry Smith." *To Rick* "No offense."

Rick: "None taken, and to be honest, Jerry was the first of the Smith family to be part of New Zonkland since day 1 of the Zonk movement."

Morty: "Dad always takes the easy way out of things, that's his way of living."

MK: "Seriously? Is he that cowardly?"

Rick: "I would say he's like dirt but even my own daughter would like to date a person made out of dirt."

MK: "Not to be rude, but has your daughter been smoking weed?"

Rick: "No and even if she did, I genetically modified her to be immune to the side effects of drugs like how Captain America can't get drunk no matter how many beers he chugs down. Same goes for Morty."

Morty: "Wait what?"

(Y/N): "O5-11, you're in charge of the operation, I'm staying behind."

Dr. Michaud."What?"

(Y/N): "My will to fight is on its last thread, the more I fight the more I forget what I'm fighting for. I've been fighting UBU for 441 years and I was never close to beating it then and I'm no closer to beating it now. This is your fight, I only came along cause you told me to, along with everyone else here. We help you get ready so you can fight it on your own, O5-11."

MK: "Seriously, you're giving up that easily?"

(Y/N): "What choice do I have?"

Leshawna "You always have a choice, you know that right?"

(Y/N): "I used everything I had to beat UBU on my own, and nothing worked. You girls are better off with UBU than with me."

Clover: "Why are you quitting when you're still top dog right now?"

(Y/N): "You think I don't have another reason to quit."

You then pull out a binder of SCP files and you hand them to the others to look at. They read of the files that most of the files that were part of your line of work were all meant to kill you because the O5 feared your ever growing power.

(Y/N): "They quit on me, by the time I got access to these files I was expecting everyone to trust me with a plan of attack and you know what they said: If it weren't for UBU's power, you would've been history. If you think the previous O5s were bad, the new batch were even worse."*saddened*"There's a lot I can do that I didn't get a chance to show."*with an angered glare*"I kept that file folder as a reminder that I am at the end of the line."

Leshawna: "....We....we had no idea."

Chicago: "I refuse to believe this..."

(Y/N): "Well it's proof, they treated me no better than 682 only they made it look like missions for me to go on."

Dr. Michaud: "I'm sorry (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "Don't be doc, don't be."*to Dr. Michaud*"I've been in service with the Foundation for many years and you are trying to get rid of me like you're trying to get rid of 682. Does my loyalty to the Foundation mean anything to you?"

Dr. Michaud: "We thought we knew what was best."

Rick: "God damn it (Y/N)! Snap the fuck out it!"*punches you in the face*"I was in a similar situation with Rick Prime and I never gave up on searching for him, sure it destroyed my life but in the end I got that asshole, and he got what he deserved so if I can beat Rick Prime then you can beat UBU. Are you a man or a Jerry?"

Morty: "Don't you mean mouse?"*realizes*"Oh wait, a mouse has more bravery than dad I get it."

You thought for a second and then you clenched your fist and you punched the wall hard enough to make a dent in it.

(Y/N): "You son of a bitch, I'm in!"

Rick: "Alright welcome back! Wubba Lubba dub dub!"

Leshawna: "That's our man!"

Chicago: "Hooray!"

(Y/N): "Alright team, let's blow this popsicle stand."*to MK*"Found any explosives?"

MK: "Enough to blow up a cargo ship."

(Y/N): "Then let's get ready."

Meanwhile we see Lindsay is hiding from UBU as she pulls out her phone and texted you but she can't get a signal cause the Internet is destroyed.

Lindsay: "No internet connection! Great!"

Lindsay was grabbed from above as we see UBU carry her on its shoulder and jump somewhere else. Meanwhile with you, we see you grab the bones of 2845 and you make armor out of the bones and the ring from 2845 was floating 15 cm from your head since The Deer's skull was now part of your headgear for your Project Beluga suit as the girls see it.

Leshawna: "What kind of suit is that?"

(Y/N): "Project Beluga uniform for the commanding officer made from the bones of 2845, what do you think?"

Rick: *comes in*"Alright the dynamite is around 319's vacuum chamber, just say the word and we'll be ready to go."*sees what you're wearing*"Holy shit that's a badass suit, did you make that from 2845's bones?"

(Y/N): "Yeah."*puts on war paint*"Just for the finishing touch."

You and the others went into SCP-001 and you all started up the Koloko Sink antenna.

Chicago: "I hope this thing works."

(Y/N): "Once the device reaches 100%, kick the tires and light the fires."

Then you all heard something from outside and you both heard the screaming of UBU and Lindsay.

Clover: "Oh gosh that's Lindsay! And if she's here."

(Y/N): "UBU is here too."

Meanwhile outside of 001, we see UBU bashing it's fists on the door of SCP-001 as Lindsay watches it helplessly.

Lindsay: "I'm sorry guys, but I can't distract it anymore, I'm just along for the ride."

???: "Stop you beast!"

UBU then stops and both UBU and Lindsay sees Able with his sword drawn and ready to fight.

Lindsay: "Able! You can't fight this thing, it will destroy you!"

Able: "I don't have to win, but I will buy you all time. Go human, go with the others!"

We see Able and UBU fight each other as we see you open the door and grab and pull in Lindsay at the last second as she hugged you.

Lindsay: "Thank you thank you thank you!" *to you* "It was like dealing with Heather all over again!"*sees what you're wearing*"Ooo I like the outfit, scary yet fashionable."

(Y/N): "I made it from the bones of 2845."

Lindsay: "Is it weird that I'm getting turned on by your dead deer suit?"

Rick: "Time travel now! Fuck earlier! Because this thing comes with an express module. And away we go!"

Then the express module was activated and you activated the detonator as the universe was destroyed and you all were sent 15,000 years back in time. By the time you arrived in the past, you all got up and you all were out of the experience.

Lindsay: "Um what's our whereabouts?"

Rick: "You mean whenabouts?"

Lindsay: "Huh?"

(Y/N): "Long story short we're in a time machine and we were sent back in time by 15,000 years into the past."

Clover: "And why are we 15,000 years into the past?"

Rick: "It's kinda what we need for finding ways to kill UBU."

(Y/N): *reads the monitors*"Today is February 14th, 11970 BCE."

Girls: "IT'S VALENTINE'S DAY?!!?!"

Rick: "It's not even invented yet so no it's not Valentine's day."

Clover: "D'oh man, I was gonna prepare something nice for (Y/N) on Valentine's Day."

Morty: "I mean if you want you can do Valentine's day, we have the stuff to make us technically immortal thanks to the Hominid Replicators from SCP-2000, FNA, and YEZ."

Rick: "And I can make from 10 replicators to 5000 thanks to my mini-replicator and 2845's bones if (Y/N) can use 2845's powers."

You then hold out your hand and you concentrate and transmute a bouquet of chocolate flowers and them to Clover.

(Y/N): "I knew these bones would come in handy."

Morty: "Damn like that Firestorm guy from DC comics or Atom Eve."

Rick: "Yeah, that will come in handy and thanks to my watch, I analyzed the atomic structure of the Hominid Replicators so that we can have unlimited amounts of Hominid Replicators in case they wear down over time."

Clover: *sniffs the flowers*"Mmmm chocolate."

Lindsay: "Uh guys, what about UBU?"

Rick: "Were way before UBU showed up, so the chances of it showing up in this time is absolutely zero. It's basically a pale hulk, sure he can bench press 500 cargo ships but he can't travel through time."

Morty: "Yeah it's just a giant wrecking ball with legs."

Rick: "Okay first we need to make more Hominid replicators in case the 10 we got wears out, then the fearless leader and his fuck toys can do whatever the fuck you all want while Dr. Michaud and I work on Project Beluga."

Sometime later, after making the Hominid replicators, you made a private quarters in SCP-FNA and we saw the girls with you in it.

Clover: "I can't believe you made this, a private quarters from 2845's powers."

(Y/N): "Yeah and I made bunk beds for you girls while the rest of the crew get their own places in here."

MK: *lays on one of the beds*"Now this is even better than first class."

Clover: "Okay we have plenty of food and water and we are immortal now thanks to all the stuff here but how are we gonna take down UBU if it does show up?"

(Y/N): "Rick told me it's a science, just use the scientific method and see what works and doesn't work."

Clover: "Soo, just use different stuff and find out what works and doesn't work?"

(Y/N): "Yeah and in the meantime, let's not worry about it for the moment."

Chicago: "Well in that case, let's have some fun while we're in the far past."

Leshawna: "You don't have to tell me twice. But what the heck are we supposed to do since nothing modern has been invented?"

MK: "Well there's one thing we can do on Valentine's Day."

Several hours later, we see you and the girls on your large bed and the girls were exhausted from the sex they had with you.

Chicago: "Finally, something other than a large tongue or a giant finger."

Leshawna: "That... was so worth it..."

Lindsay: "Yeah....I missed you so much (Y/N)."

MK: "Man.... no wonder.... you girls like this guy."

Clover: "I...wish my friends were here to see this."

(Y/N): "Glad you all still think of me as your boyfriend, even though UBU had centuries of developing techniques of pleasing you girls."

MK: "Well all the hot steaming sex we had killed a few hours."

Lindsay: "What if UBU was prevented from creating sex techniques?"

MK: "Well that thing doesn't have any genitals."

(Y/N): "Well we better wait awhile until we get discovered by the Foundation and ask them for help against UBU."

Clover: "Okay."

Later on, after 20 years, we see that you and the girls have aged and some of the girls are pregnant with your children as we see you, Dr. Michaud, Rick, and Morty come up with weapons and tools to beat UBU.

MK: *rubs her pregnant belly*"You think it's weird to have kids way before christianity was invented? Or any laws at all?"

Chicago: "It's not our fault that we didn't bring any condoms or birth control cause all the stuff for protected sex has been destroyed years ago and Rick said that the Deer Suit is only for Project Beluga. Besides, don't you want children?"

MK: "Point taken."*feels her water is broken*"And my water broke."*to the girls*"You know the drill."

We see the girls take MK to a bed and we see MK doing some breathing like she has done it before as we see your children wait around to wait for MK's new baby on her side of the family.

Lindsay: "Okay MK. I hope you're ready."

Linda: "Mama Lindsay, do you think that our family would be able to beat the big bad whale man?"

Lindsay: "Well (Y/N) doesn't want you kids to go through the pain of fighting the big bad whale man, so he wants you all to have a nice future in the outside world."

Carlos: "Okay mama Lindsay."

MK: *feels a contraction* "Gah! Less yapping, more childbirth!"

Lindsay: *to MK*"Okay MK you're doing great, get ready and push!"

MK screamed and tried to push the baby out as we see Leshawna sit in the bed next to MK's.

Leshawna: "Hope you have time to help out with two child births cause mama is giving birth right now!"

Sometime later, we see MK and Leshawna holding their babies while breast feeding them.

MK: "Man if Julia was here, she would flip to see this."

Leshawna: "I'm naming my baby girl Leshi, after her own mama bear."

MK: "Nice, I'm calling mine MK the second cause she's like me but as a baby."

We see the eldest sibling and your son among the children in your family named Ken after your sister Kendyl walk up to you and you look at him and you know he's ready to guide his family to the outside world.

Ken: "Dad, I think I'm ready."

(Y/N): "Alright."

After some time, we see Ken lead his siblings out of SCP-001 and he looks back at you and the others.

Ken: "May the power protect you all."

(Y/N): "And remember, if you don't say goodbye."

Ken: "It means you never left."

You see your children go into the outside world on their own as the girls cry missing their children as they hug you and cry in tears.

Leshawna: "I missed my babies already!"

(Y/N): "Come on girls, let's get back inside."

We see a flash forward sequence of you and the girls having a family and letting them venture out in the world and at the same time working on Project Beluga as the years go by and so are your bodies until the day the foundation discovered you and the others.

???(Digger): "Hey over here."

The camera then pan to reveal you and the others at the ages you all have at the first time you entered SCP-001.

(Y/N): "They found us at last."

Clover: "About time." *Looks around* "Huh, it feels so empty without our kids running around."

MK: "If we ever get back home in our own time, then a lot of our gal pals are gonna be so mad when we had lots of kids with (Y/N) before they did."

Rick: "Alright doc, this is your time to shine. So go for it, we'll be here not becoming our own grandparents."*to Morty*"Morty."

Morty: "Yeah?"

Rick: "Don't fuck with your grandmother or anyone from either side of the family cause we are not gonna do a Futurama."

Morty: "Alright."

(Y/N): "If anyone in the foundation is gonna listen to an O5 it's Dr. Michaud."

Clover: "The same guy that tried to kill you by getting you on missions?"

(Y/N): "Michaud, by gones be by gones."*to Dr. Michaud*"Doc, you're gonna talk to them."

Dr. Michaud: "Alright, I'll go talk to them."

Sometime later, we see you and the girls playing a game of cards as we see a man who looks like an O5.

(Y/N): "Uh who are you?"

O5-4: "It's me, Dr. Michaud, the Foundation refused our plans for Project Beluga."

(Y/N): "Guess we're on our own."

MK: *writes down notes*"Cycle 2 is a bust."

Clover: "Great, just great."

Chicago: "We have to do this on our own."

(Y/N): "How about we hit it with all the firepower we have to hit it hard at where it is before it starts fighting?"

Leshawna: "Ain't that thing indestructible?"

(Y/N): "Not if we make powerful weapons."

Rick: "Time to make bigger guns."

Sometime later, we see you and the others with a wide arsenal of weapons.

(Y/N): "What are the weapons Rick?"

Rick: "100 high-yield nuclear weapons, heat amplification runes copied from SCP-NSF, targeting beacon for SCP-DAG, and 5 antimatter-gathering SCP-HNM. All of this makes up Beluga-1."

Clover: "Wow."

Rick: "Plus if we can, we can recruit additional help since we are in a time before the Zonk thing."

(Y/N): "How about on the day UBU arrives we can get more help."

Later, in Kangaatsiaq, Greenland, we saw the other girls in your group and you explained what's going on and why you called them to Greenland.

Heather: "I can't believe you guys are time travelers."

Gwen: "I can't believe you didn't take us with you."

Izzy: *holds up a tub of butter*"I can't believe it's not butter."

Gwen: "Izzy, not the time."

(Y/N): "What I'm saying is true."

Gwen: "I can't believe you all went back into the past and had babies without us."

(Y/N): "Well we didn't have protection and protected sex hadn't been invented yet and the 2845 bones have to be used for making stuff that we don't have."

Gwen: "Then you need all the help you can get, count us in."

(Y/N): "Alright."

Courtney: "So what's the plan?"

Gwen: "Get reinforcements."*calls Sierra*"Sierra, get the girls, the gang is getting back together to save the world."

Sierra: *over the phone*"You son of a bitch I'm in!"

We later see all the girls from Total Drama getting people evacuated from the city as we see Erotica and Kim with you.

(Y/N): "Once the people have been evacuated, we set Beluga-1 to blow."

Erotica: "Yeah."

We then see Kyouka put in the last bomb in Beluga-1 and then leave immediately and head back with the futa idols in SCP-001.

Kyouka: "We're ready!"

The others see you and Dr. Michaud where SCP-UBU is gonna manifest and it manifests and it sees you and Dr. Michaud.

Michaud and You: "UBUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!"

We see you and Michaud teleport out of the area along with the others into SCP-001 as Beluga-1 has gone off and blew up in UBU's face. Meanwhile in SCP-001, we see you and the others together and you see UBU has continued it's rampage like last time and was intact from the blast.

(Y/N): "Fuck!"

Chicago: "It didn't work?"

Rick: "Nope, the bastard is alive."*to everyone*"Okay not to be sexiest but let the men do all the planning and the women do the heavy lifting cause most of you are more man than woman."

Everyone then turns to Axel, Sky, Jo, and Eva as they see they are looking at them.

Eva: "Fair enough."

Riko: "What about futanari?"

Rick: "Since you two are a special case, you both will be doing both jobs of both men and women."*to Morty*"Morty, you got 319?"

Morty: *while holding 319*"Yep right here."

(Y/N): "Any last minute recruits before we kick the tires and light the fires?"

S. Beth: "We can take Jerry."

Everyone in the room laughed out loud all at once as you hear sudden crying and you open a box and you see it's Jerry.

(Y/N): "How long have you been in there?"

Jerry: "I was looking for a place to hide so sue me!"

Gwen: "Can we sue him?"

S. Beth: "After what he did to us?"

(Y/N): "Well where we're going we don't need lawyers."

Morty: "Maybe we can bring the Cognitoinc crew with us?"

Rick: "On it."

Rick then makes a portal and the Cognito Inc crew fell out of it and they were on the ground.

Glenn: "What the hell is going on here?"

Reagan: *to you*"You better have an explanation for this!"

(Y/N): "Sure, right after we blow up the universe again."

Reagan: "Wait what?"

We see Morty throw 319 outside and closes the door and he turns to the others with the detonator.

Morty: "Fire in the hole!"

Morty detonates the explosives and the universe was destroyed again as we see the time machine going back in time back to the same spot as last time as everyone got up.

(Y/N): "Okay long story short, there's a giant 14 foot tall monster with skin of a whale on the loose causing chaos in the future."

Reagan: "Wait what? Didn't the universe get destroyed? Wait this is a time machine and you need-"*realizes*"Oh great it's a Back to the Future thing."

Rick: "Unfortunately, yeah it is."

Reagan: "So have you tried getting help from the Foundation?"

(Y/N): "That plan failed."

Gigi: "Blowing that thing up?"

(Y/N): "Bombed."

Brett: "So what's the plan now?"

(Y/N): "We'll think of something and in the meantime, we're 15000 years in the past and it's Valentine's Day."

Myc: "Yeah I got a question, how can you celebrate a holiday when it's not invented yet?"

Clover: "We celebrated by having sex."

Reagan: "Before people invented protected sex?"

Andre: "So what do you do with the kids when you get pregnant."

(Y/N): "Don't have them involved in Project Beluga, let them have their own futures in the outside world."

Reagan: "Nice, so what should we do until that thing, what do you call it?"

(Y/N): "SCP-UBU."

Reagan: "SCP-UBU gets to Earth?"

(Y/N): "Well we have a system, the men will do the planning while the women will do the heavy lifting cause some of the girls are more muscular than they look."

Reagan: "And what about the futas?"

(Y/N): "They do both jobs."

Glenn: "Son, none of us have the lifespan to last over 15000 years."

(Y/N): "We got that covered, this isn't the first time we went back in time."

Reagan: "And I bet that suit made out of space deer remains can help us give us infinite lives."

Morty: "Yep, his suit is our Konami Code."

(Y/N): "Let's make a schedule for the time being until the mission is finished with UBU's head on a platter."

Rick: "We all have a 15 minute break, a lunch break, and a final 15 break. And when the hour hits 10 or later everyone gets to bed. If you girls need stress relief, you know who to turn to."

Dr. Michaud: "Dismiss everyone."

We later see everyone working in SCP-001 and we see that you and the girls made an indoor garden to make healthy fruits and vegetables.

(Y/N): "Well the garden is made thanks to finding nearby edible plants."

Courtney: "And most of them are not poisonous."

(Y/N): "And if we don't find a solution to our UBU problem then guess we have to make this our life now."

MK: "Eh, I don't mind it but I do hope we get to go home before we make this our home."

(Y/N): "Yeah."

Several years later, we see the spy trio pregnant with their children and they are sitting and they are having hunger cravings and they are eating large amounts of salad and snacks.

Clover: "Man who knew having a baby can make you very hungry."

Sam: "Yeah, it happens when you're eating for two."

Alex: "But this pregnancy gives us a nice glow right?"

Clover: "Oh yeah, though..." *sighs* "I do miss Jerry."

Sam: "The loser on board?"

Clover: "No I mean our Jerry."

Alex and Sam: "Ooooooh."

Alex: "Well maybe once all of this is over we can go back to our old lives with Jerry."

Clover: "And our boyfriend gives us a chance to be moms. And on the plus side, he doesn't want our kids to ruin their futures with that UBU thing."

Alex: "Yeah, well my mom told me I would end up in a warehouse someday, and now we're living in a warehouse."

Sam: "Your mom said that?"

Alex: "Yeah pretty much."

Clover: "Wow, when parents say stuff we never expect the stuff to happen."

Sam: "So where are the futa idols?"

Alex: "Giving birth."

Meanwhile with the futa idols, we see them breathing heavily because they are ready to give birth.

Courtney: "Come on you're almost there Riko and Mizuho."

Julia: "Okay, 1, 2, 3 push!"

When Jerry enters the room he sees the heads of the babies coming out and then he faints onto the ground. Sometime later, Riko and Mizuho are holding their babies and breastfeeding them and the babies were futas.

Riko: "Thank goodness our children are born."

Mizuho: "And they have our dicks."

Courtney: "Wait so who's the father?"

Riko: "I'm the father of Mizuho's baby and Mizuho is the father of my baby."

Courtney: "Soo... you're both moms and dads?"

Riko: "Yeah, we are making a world full of futas since we're in the BCE era of the Earth."

Courtney: "But what about (Y/N)?"

Riko: "We are taking turns with him, and now we get to having babies with (Y/N)."

Mizuho: "Yeah."

Courtney: "Oh well guess you girls err futas have figured it out then."

Riko: "Yep."

Meanwhile with Kyouka, Erotica, and Kim, we see the 3 girls sitting with each other and Kyouka was seen rubbing her pregnant belly.

Kim: "Congrats, on the baby Ky."

Kyouka: "Yeah, I hope my kid doesn't end up as a prostitute."

Erotica: "Well if you're happy with the baby then so am I. Cause I tested myself and I found out I was pregnant."

Kim: "Nice, I bet Pam Anderson would be one of your descendants."

Erotica: "Probably, it's very unlikely though."

Meanwhile with you, we see you and the others are coming up with a plan to take down SCP-UBU.

Morty: "So what's your plan Dr. Michaud?"

Dr. Michaud: "Hmmm, we can take over the SCP Foundation and the Global Occult Coalition with our replicas and convince SCP-2803-A that UBU is gonna destroy the economy."

Morty: "And that's gonna work?"

Dr. Michaud: "If they won't accept our help, we'll take over the organizations ourselves."

(Y/N): "The last time we asked the Foundation for help they shot Michaud and said no, asking for help from the Global Occult Coalition would be suicide, so the next best thing is taking over both the Foundation and the GOC and get the help from SCP-2803-A."

Morty: "I hope this works."

Many years later, we see replicas of you and the others attacking both the Foundation and the Coalition and we see you taking down the researchers and you knock Amelia onto the ground and she looks up to you.

(Y/N): "Sorry babe!"

We see you and the others fight off the guards as we see Amelia get up and she joined you in taking over the foundation herself along with Dr. Collingwood and Dr. Rights. A few years later, we see Dr. Michaud talking to SCP-2803-A aka P. Hudson Gock via email.

Ameila: "So you think this would work?"

Rick: "It's a Keter class, those guys are like heavy weights of the SCP world."

Morty: *sees the email*"Well his spelling is off but he's in to save the consumer electronics market from UBU."

Rick: "Fuck yes! Okay everyone, let's get him do the work for us from the comfort of 001. Morty got 319?"

Morty: *holds up 319*"It's literally the first thing I grabbed since I got to the Foundation."

Sometime later, in SCP-001, we see you and the others watching the events unfold and you see that 2803-A and 169 had fused together and they became 1.5x bigger with multiple heads.

Riko: "It's Godzilla!"

Mizuho: "It's not Godzilla."

You and the others then see UBU and the creature battle each other for many centuries. After many, many centuries, you all see that UBU defeated the creature and you all groaned.

Summer: "Dang it..."

(Y/N): "Rick, got any ideas?"

Rick: "Let's go back in time first. Blow the popsicle stand Morty."

The universe blows up and you all go back in time and you see the date and time.

(Y/N): "Valentine's Day again."

Clover: "Should we...?"

(Y/N): "Should we what?"

Summer: "Have sex and have a million babies?"

Erotica: "I can be a mother again."

Dr. Rights: *hugs your arm*"Ooh me too, you know I had a thing for you since you arrived at the Foundation."

Dr. Collingwood: "Hate to admit it, but I did have a crush on you (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "Well let's get to work on Project Beluga."

Girls: "Okay."

Later, 15,000 years in the past, we see baby showers for most of the girls as we see Erotica open her baby shower gift for her baby and both Kelly and Taylor did the same.

Kelly: "Oh a baby rattle, that's nice."

Taylor: "Ooo Gucci baby bottles, nice."

Erotica: "It's nice to have a baby blanket. I just wish (Y/N) was here to see this."

Meanwhile with you, we see you and the others working on a plan and it's Rick's time to shine.

(Y/N): "This has to work this time." *To Rick* "And before you say anything, that was not a time pun."

Rick: "I know, which is why I came up with a plan. Let's see if UBU can fight the forces of Heaven and Hell and somehow mold Charlie into a battle hardened warrior."

Morty: "Rick!"

Rick: "What you know Charlie was a badass when she was forced to fight, we need to get her to be a fighter."

Jerry: "Alright, how are we supposed to do that?"

Rick: "Well Hell and Heaven are separate worlds, but they do follow the same flow of time as our universe."

Dr. Michaud: "You think that would work?"

Rick: "One way to find out."

Several centuries later, we see Lucifer and Lilith from the side of Hell and Adam and Sera from the side of Heaven and both you and Rick explain what's gonna happen in the future. Morty turns to see Vaggie and he sees that she is still a novice soldier with the exorcist angel forces.

Rick: "Okay in conclusion, put your differences aside and help us out."

Lilith: "I can't fight."*rubs her pregnant belly*"Our first child hasn't been born yet."*to Sera*"Do you have any chocolates or cake on you? Or some fruit?"

Sera: "Sorry Ms. Morningstar."

Lilith: "Well if you ask me, I helped you before and it backfired on both of us. Me and my wife have been kicked out of Heaven, most of you will go to hell, and Adam is up in Heaven somehow."

Adam: "Suck it Lucifer!" *sees Lilith glaring at him* "Uh, um... is she going through a moodswing right now?"

Lute: "I think she's just pissed off at you."

(Y/N): "Okay let me put this in words that both of you will understand. What's the point of having Heaven and Hell if people are immortal forever because of UBU?"

Both the rulers of Heaven and Hell then think for a second and then they come to the realization that UBU is a serious problem for both of them.

Adam: "Oh... oh shit, can't believe I'm saying this... but he's right..."

Lute: "Sir you can't be-"

Adam: "Lute they live forever like us, what's the point in Heaven and Hell if people don't die? We'll be out of the job!"

Vaggie: "He's right Lute, if humans are immortal, then what's the point in Heaven and Hell?"

Lute: "...I get it."

Lucifer: "Okay humans, what's your plan?"

(Y/N): "You both make propaganda against UBU across all of Heaven and Hell, build a hotel that is made specifically for soldiers ready to fight UBU, and gather all of your heaviest hitters. Overlords, Powers, Seraphim, The Seven Deadly Sins, anyone and anything that can do the most damage can be pointed at UBU."

Lucifer and Sera: "Deal!"

You shake hands with Lucifer and Sera as Adam turns to Lute and Vaggie.

Adam: "Alright girls, let's train like hell to beat this thing."*looks at his gut*" Ugh, crap, I need to get in shape."

Rick: "Yeah, and uh FYI, even if you prove redemption is impossible, it's possible."

Adam: "Huh?"

Many years later, we see the forces of Heaven and Hell in a war meeting with Lucifer and Adam.

Lucifer: "Can't believe I'm working with you after I stole your first wife."*whispered to himself*"And your second...."

Adam: "What?"

Lucifer: "Never mind."

Asmodeus: "Soo, does anyone have a plan to take down a kaiju whale?"

Satan: "It's 14 feet tall, it's a giant so it doesn't count as a kaiju."

We then see you come into the room and you turn to the demons and angels.

(Y/N): "Alright everyone we'll be split into several teams."*points to the Exorcists and the Sinners*"Team Alpha cover the ground and provide air support."*points to the Overlords*"Team Bravo hit UBU on all sides with everything you got, no holding back."*points to the lessor angels and demons*"Team Gamma, provide weapons and backup garrisons of troops."*points to Lucifer and Adam*"Team Sigma, give out the orders and tactics."

Adam: "How come we're Sigma?"*points the overlords*"Make them sigma."

Lucifer: "Adam, shut up."

(Y/N): "Rest of us will get you all out of there if the plan fails because Rick made a portal back to your worlds, it's only one way and it's the only plan we have, if the plan fails..."

Bee: "Then all of us will be home either way."

(Y/N): "Remember, if the plan fails, make a full retreat."

While you are going over your plan, we see Rosie whispering to Camilla Carmine.

Rosie: *whispering*"I know he's going over a plan but he looks so good with that soldier deer boy look."

Camilia: *whispers back*"You should listen to him and not your stomach Rosie."

Rosie: *whispering*"Eh you're right, his muscle meat might go down to the hips and ruin my figure anyways."

Later, 10 minutes before UBU's manifestation, we see the forces of Heaven and Hell ready to attack and they see the green light and they see UBU.


Rosie: "Ooh my, that is a boy one to eat for days."*makes a meat chart of UBU*"I bet his corpse alone will feed cannibal town for years."

We see both the Sinners and Exorcists attack UBU from all sides as their powers, weapons, and spears aren't doing any damage on UBU as we see UBU overpowers both the Sinners and the exorcists with minimal effort.

(Y/N): "Team Bravo go!"

We see the Overlords attack UBU on all sides and we see Vox try to hypnotize UBU with his powers but UBU just punched him straight in the screen as we see tendrils come around UBU and restrain him as we see Camilia attack UBU with her angelic steel boots and all of the Overlords' attacks are not doing any damage on UBU as we see UBU swing it's tongue around and sliced Alastor's cane.

Alastor: "What just happened?"*sees his cane is broken*"Fuck."

We then see UBU punch Alastor straight in the chest and launch him into the Vs.

(Y/N): "Team Gamma deploy!"

We see Team Gamma throws the sinners and exorcists some weapons as we see Millie take UBU head on as Moxxie gives her some cover fire.

Millie: "There's gotta be a weak spot on that thing!"

We then see Blitzo slide under UBU's legs and then shoot it in the crotch with a shotgun as we see it didn't do any damage on UBU.

Blitzo: "Well shooting it in the dick didn't work."

Blitzo then pulls a pin out of a grenade and shoves it up UBU's cloaca and then gets away and when the grenade went off it didn't even hurt UBU.

Blitzo: "Or blowing it up from the ass didn't work either!"

We see UBU knock back Blitzo with a kick as UBU sees Rosie and begins to charge at her until you access the power of the Hulk and then tackle UBU with all of your might and then both of you rolled around until UBU pushed you off and throw you into a car. Rosie was surprised that you saved her life.

Rosie: "My hero~!"

We then see UBU grab a stop sign and then jump into the air and then knock Adam down to the ground with a single strike as you see his battle ax guitar land in front of you. You the access the power of Thor and summon Stormbreaker and then you grab Adam's ax and you combine Stormbreaker's power and the ax's power to create a powerful beam of Holy Lightning bolts and when UBU was about to strike Camilla, it was knocked back by the combined power of a thunder god and an exorcist angel and she saw it was you who saved her.

Camilla: "Thank you."

You then throw Mjolnir at UBU as UBU tried to catch the hammer but it made it fall backward and then UBU crashed to the ground and then tried to pick up the hammer but can't because UBU is not worthy of mjolnir. You then summon Mjolnir back to you and then you knock UBU back and you place the hammer on UBU's chest to hold it down as we see the Deadly sins and Lucifer beating UBU senselessly then surprisingly UBU used all of it's strength it could to knock back the sins and pick up Mjolnir and struggles to keep it in it's hand and then it throws it at Vaggie as you then take the hit for her and the bow knocked you out.

Lucifer: "I think we should make a retreat."

Adam: "Oh thank god, for a second there I thought we would be fighting this thing forever."

We see the forces of Heaven and Hell make a retreat as we see Rosie and Camilla pick you up and make a run for it. Sometime later, we see you in a medical bed and when you wake up you see a lot of demons and angels hurt, injured, and covered in a cast and you see that Rosie was nursing you.

Rosie: "That thing was tough... how are we gonna kill it?"

(Y/N): "Well the forces of Heaven and Hell plan didn't work, we need a new plan. You have already done enough."*sees BBQ sauce and a grill*"You were making sure that I was dead so you can have ribs tonight weren't you?"

Rosie: "Well a girl needs to eat doesn't she?"

(Y/N): "I saved your life!"

Rosie: "I'm a cannibal, what do you expect?"

(Y/N): "Fair enough."

Lute: "... What do we do now?"

(Y/N): "Back to the drawing board I guess."

Alastor: *Thinking* "Hmm..."

Rosie: "Something wrong Al?"

Alastor: "What about something that is undead?"

(Y/N): *gets an idea*"That's it! Alastor, you're a genius!"

Alastor: "Of course I am deer boy, and I do like that little costume you had on during the fight. Very creative if I do say so myself."

(Y/N): "Get me to SCP-001!"

Rosie: "What are you gonna do?"

(Y/N): "The zombie apocalypse!"

Later, in SCP-001, we see you all destroy the universe and go back in time 15,000 years in the past, where we see you and the others make a plan of attack.

(Y/N): "Guys, thanks to Alastor, I have a plan."

Everyone: "What's the plan?"

(Y/N): "We bring the zombie apocalypse, what are your thoughts?"

Rick: "That depends, what kind of Zombie Apocalypse?"

(Y/N): "How about Marvel Zombies?"

Rick: "That's crazy enough to work."

Later, in Earth-2149, we see the Marvel Zombies rampaging New York and we see you, Rick, and Morty come out of a portal as the Marvel Zombies see you and Rick then put up a zombie proof shield as they try to get into the shield.

Rick: "Alright you zombie mother fuckers listen to (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "Okay may everyone be quiet?"

We see the Marvel Zombies quiet down as we see Zombie Scarlet Witch walk up to the bubble and look at you and she growls in a zombie language.

Morty: "Um Rick, I think they have their own language."

Rick: "Well I don't have an english to zombie dictionary Morty."

(Y/N): "She said: What do you want, meat?"

Morty: "You understand what they're saying?"

Rick: "Oh wow, you must be an anomalous linguistics expert. Sounds like a new power."

You then make zombie noises to Zombie Scarlet Witch and both of you talk to each other about your agreements.

Morty: "What is she saying?"

(Y/N): "She's saying: You know of a universe where people can regenerate from anything and not die. And I said yes and I told them that we will give them what they want in exchange for killing SCP-UBU."

Morty: "Okay that was Jumanji level of Linguistics."

Rick: "Yeah, you said it Morty."

Later, in Greenland on the day where UBU manifests, we see UBU manifests and you and the Marvel Zombies were ready to fight UBU as we see Rosie, Camilia, and Velvette watching from a distance out of curiosity.

Velvette: "Are you sure this is gonna work? Cause that fucker is industructable."

Carmila: "Zombies are more relentless than cannibals."*to rosie*" No offense."

Rosie: "Eh it's true, between them and us cannibals. Zombies are hungrier than us."

Meanwhile with you and the others, we see UBU manifests and you all look at them.

You and Michaud: "UBUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!"

We see the Marvel Zombies charge at UBU and attack and try to bite into UBU's flesh but they aren't piercing UBU's skin as we see that UBU's skin is as thick as a whale and durable enough to withstand any weapon on Earth as we see Zombie Wolverine try cutting through it's skin with his claws but his adamantium claws shattered upon impact and we see UBU burst out of the zombie pile as we see UBU jump into the air and then stomp all of the zombies at once into pulp with the exception of Zombie Scarlet Witch since you saved her in the last second.

Z. Scarlet Witch: *In zombie* "You saved me, thank you."

(Y/N): "You're welcome, and the zombie plan didn't work as well. Back to the drawing board I guess."

Later, after going back in time again, we see you and the others thinking of a plan.

Scarlett: "If you ask me, I think the best course of action is to use SCP-914 on SCP-682 and then unleash it on UBU."

Morty: "Um are you sure about that?"

Scarlett: "Well with (Y/N)'s linguistics, he can persuade 682 to help us considering the rampaging reptile sees (Y/N) the most tolerable human to him."

Courtney: "Okay and what if that doesn't work? UBU's skin is invincible and 682 lost his fight with that thing."

(Y/N): "343 told me that 682 went from the hard to destroy reptile to the impossible to destroy reptile thanks to 914 on the very fine setting."

Gwen: "And that's gonna... work?"

(Y/N): "One way to find out."

Many years later, we saw you talking to 682 and you told him everything about UBU.

SCP-682: "It called me a what?!"

(Y/N): "His words not mine."

SCP-682: "Fine, I will join your Project Beluga. What do you want me to do?"

(Y/N): "Follow me."

Sometime later, we see you bring in SCP-682 into where sCP-914 is and 682 sees the others and growed at them.

SCP-682: "Just because I'm working with you doesn't mean you are nothing but parasites to me."

(Y/N): "We know, you hate humans. Now squeeze into the intake box of 914."

We see SCP-682 crawl into 914 and then squeeze his whole body into it as you set 914 to Very Fine and you start the machine as the machine then starts to shake and tremble as you and the others get out of the room and then 914 explodes. You and the others then turn to the pile of rubble of what used to be 914 and see no sign of 682 as we see Rosie come into the room picking her teeth with a toothpick after eating the flesh of some guards.

Rosie: "What did I miss?"

Courtney: "Another plan to kill UBU."

We then see a monster burst out of the pile of scraps and you all see it was a newly refined SCP-682 now the Impossible to destroy reptile.

Courtney: "He's ready."

Sometime later, we see you next to 682 at Greenland and we see UBU manifest again.


SCP-682 then walks up to UBU and they look at each other as Roise was curious about 682's upgrades.

Rosie: "What kind of new powers would he get?"

(Y/N): "Instead of reactive adaptation, he has pre-emptive adaptation."

Rosie: "Which is...?"

(Y/N): "If you shoot a bullet at 682, the gun will stop working because he saw it coming."

We see 682 and UBU battle each other as we see UBU is being beaten but it was more like a tickle than a feeling of pain as 682 was confused by UBU's reaction. 682 then gets angry and then punched UBU in the stomach as we see UBU was knocked backward and then retaliated with a thunder clap to the head as we see green chemicals on 682's head, even with 682's new powers it was not enough to beat UBU as 682 was now dissolved into a puddle of green goo and UBU sees you and the others.

(Y/N): "Back to the drawing board."

Later, back in time, we see you and Dr. Michaud looking for anything that can hurt UBU. We then see a montage of plans to kill UBU failing such as enlisting the help of the Viltrum Empire, using Compound V enhanced soldiers, having Kratos fight the monster, use memetic kill agents to kill UBU, and so much more. Until the final plan on Cycle 272, was getting help from Dr. Strange Supreme and his army of universe killers in his Sanctum Infinitum and we see you and Rick talking to Strange Supreme.

S. Supreme: "You want me to do what?"

(Y/N): "You have the army, can we borrow your universe killers and help us fight it?"

S. Supreme: "I spent a lot of trouble getting these people so no."

(Y/N): "Okay UBU has the power to end death, which means everyone on Earth is immortal including Chrstine Palmer aka your girlfriend. How would you feel that UBU would use Christime as a scrub brush to scrub toxic waste and she can't die at all?"

Strange Supreme then thinks about it and then he realizes the horror of that happening to the woman he loves.

S. Supreme: "Alright, what do you need us to do?"

Sometime later, we see all the universe killers and Strange Supreme around the spot where UBU is gonna manifest.

Courtney: "This has to work right?"

(Y/N): "One way to find out."

We then see UBU manifested and it sees you and the others.


We then see the universe killers attack UBU all at once including Strange Supreme. UBU was starting to feel it but it actually makes it laugh as we see UBU overpower the universe killers and then it beat up Strange Supreme despite all the power he has and his mastery of the mystic arts and then Strange Supreme then holds down UBU and then tries to absorb UBU's power and then UBU became one with Strange Supreme.

Strange S.: "Okay, that wasn't an issue."*feels something pounding inside of him*"Oh that was weird."

Then Strange Supreme then starts expanding like a balloon and then explodes into a million pieces as we see UBU was in the center of the blast and it survived the absorption.

(Y/N): "Well that plan failed horribly."

Later, back in time, we see another point for UBU on the white board being drawn there and at this point everyone is just accepting any idea.

Jerry: *talks like Patrick Star*"Maybe we should take all of Greenland, and send it somewhere else?"

(Y/N): "That idea may just be crazy enough to get all of us killed, or at least make us wish we would be killed."

Everyone then screamed at Jerry as you then headed somewhere else to clear your head as we see Chicago follow you.

Chicago: "Feeling a bit better?"

(Y/N): "No."

Chicago: *place your hand on her butt*"How about now?"

(Y/N): "How does feeling your butt make me feel better?"

Chicago: "Helps you relax and I thought you need some time off from work hun."

(Y/N): *feels Chicago's butt*"It does help me relax a bit."

Chicago: "That's nice to hear, I have been told my butt has been a go to stress ball back when I worked for Parker."


Here we see Parker is working hard and is incredibly stressed out that not even Dee wanted to piss her off as Chicago walked by and saw everyone hiding.

Chicago: "What's everyone hiding from?"

Simon: "Parker, she's so stressed out, even Dee is afraid of her."

Dee: "...He's right."

We see Chicago knock on Parker's door and we see Parker answer it.

Parker: "What!?"

Chicago: "You seem a bit stressed." *Turns around and shows Parker her butt* "Would squeezing my butt help?"

Parker then squeeze's Chicago's butt without hesitating and uses it like a stressball and then Parker suddenly calms down.

Parker: "Oh... oh wow uh... this actually works. But I'm not gay just so you know."

End of flashback.

(Y/N): "You are a woman with many talents, Chicago."

Chicago: "I get that a lot. So what's the next plan that's not gonna work?"

(Y/N): "Was that sarcasm?"

Chicago: "No, it's just that each plan wasn't working and it's been going in a loop. I don't understand why our plans don't work?"

(Y/N): "I don't know either."

Chicago: "Well how did UBU get beat the first time?"

(Y/N): "It wasn't beaten the first time around, remember?"

Chicago: "Oh yeah, UBU used me as a sex toy during the whole thing, but wasn't it trapped or something before?"

(Y/N): "Well it was contained for 2 minutes and it only stopped when it's bored."

Chicago: "Well what if it's bored for all of eternity?"

(Y/N): "No, no that wouldn't work. Let's go talk to the others."

You and Chicago then go back to the group and you turn to Jerry.

(Y/N): "What was your idea?"

Years later, we see you and the others teleport all of Greenland into another dimension as both Rosie and Camilia were impressed by Jerry's plan.

Rick: "Rosie, if Jerry's plan doesn't work then you have my full permission to eat Jerry."

Rosie: "Hey I may be a cannibal, but honey, even I have standards." *Points to Leshawna* "Why do you think I didn't eat her?"

(Y/N): "Because you want to save her for thanksgiving?"

Rosie: "Nah, too gammie."

Leshawna: "What's wrong with Thanksgiving, also why am I offended by this?"

Rosie: "Look it's nothing personal, I'm sure you're popular with other cannibals, you're just not my type."

(Y/N): "But she's not a cannibal, she doesn't even live with other cannibals. Wait, are you saying you don't eat women?"

Jerry: "What about (Y/N), his muscles give him plenty of meat on his bones."

(Y/N): "What?"

Rosie: "I do like some legs or some ribs from women from time to time, but I like men because they're leaner and don't go to my hips." *looks at Jerry* "But not you, I bet you taste awful."

Rick: "He has been injecting himself with chemicals on accident or on purpose that I made myself so I don't blame you."

Rosie: "As for (Y/N), he saved my life so as a token of my gratitude towards him, I won't eat him."*rubs your arm*"No matter how tasty he looks."

Summer: *to you*"I think you should draw the line at women who are cannibals."

Rosie: "Well that's offensive."

Camilia: "What's the status of UBU?"

(Y/N): *looks on the dashboard*"Apparently UBU manifested as usual."

Jerry: "Fuck!"*bangs his head on the wall*

(Y/N): "Welp back to the drawing board again."

Later, in Cycle 274, we see a portal open in the Invincible universe and we see you and the others talking to the Guardians of the Globe.

Immortal: "You're dealing with a creature that's impossible to kill?"

(Y/N): "And we need your help cause it has the power to make everyone just as immortal as you are."

Immortal: "So?"

(Y/N): "So that means it will sadistically play with you for eternity and it makes you beg for the sweet release of death."

War Woman: "That's awful!"

Immortal: "I'm the only one who can bear the burden of such a curse, no one but me can handle such a curse. We'll help."

Courtney: "Good luck, cause UBU is unbeatable."

(Y/N): "Hold on, while we're here, we need to pick up a few things."

Later, in Greenland, we see the Guardians of the Globe, the old and new roster along with the Ranimen, the New Darkwing, the Flaxxans, and the Hail Mary ready to fight UBU and we see Omni-man standing with you and Dr. Michaud.

You and Dr. Michaud: "UBUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!"

We then see UBU manifest and we see the Reanimen and the flaxxans go in for the first attack and we see UBU overpower both armies as we see Red Rush using hit and run tactics as we see Martian Man restrain UBU as we see Omni-man, Monster Girl, Immortal, War Woman, Bulletproof, and Invincible attack UBU all at once. We then see UBU burst out of the restraints and then grab Invincible and Omniman and use them as weapons to beat up the Guardians of the Globe and then throw them to the side and then jump into the air and land on the Hail Mary so hard that it was knocked out.

We then see UBU was surrounded by Duplikate's clones and Atom Eve was leading the army as we see Deplikate's clones attack UBU from all sides and then UBU then overpowers the army all by itself and then Atom Eve then try to crush UBU to death with her powers by making a forcefield and then UBU broke out of the forcefield and then jumps at Atom Eve and then starts licking all over her with it's long tongue.

Atom Eve: "What the fuck is it doing!?!"*feels its hands feeling her butt*" Ah! Don't do that!!!"

Later, back in time, we see Atom Eve pissed off about being raped and sexually harrassed by UBU for several centuries.

Atom Eve: "That monster needs to die."

Invincible: "I wish we could have saved you from being sexually harassed by a monster, but it was too strong and unpredictable for us to get to you."

Heather: "We've all been there."

Atom Eve: "Really? How many of you got raped by that thing?"

(Y/N): "Those of you got raped by UBU raise your hand."

We see all the girls in the room, except for Atom Eve, raise their hands as Atom Eve was shocked to see this.

Atom Eve: "... Okay that is so bad."*sees the futa idols' hands up*"It got you two as well?"

Riko: "Yeah, it made us jizz each other until we shot blanks..."

Atom Eve: *Winces* "Ooh wow... That is rough."

Mizuho: "It made us do that to each other for 300 years."

Atom Eve: "Yikes."

Rex: "Can't we fight fire with fire?"

Rick: "Holy shit that's a good idea!"

Later, in the Ben 10 universe, we see a portal open and we see you and Invincible come out of it and you two see Ben and Rook on their lunch break.

(Y/N): "Sorry for the intrusion, do you know where Albedo is? We need his help."

Ben: "Why do you need Albedo?"

Invincible: "We'll explain on the way."

Later, on Galvan Prime, we see you and Invincible talking to Albedo.

(Y/N): "So with the DNA scanner on your Ultimatrix, you can transform into a hyper evolved version of UBU. Does that sound like a good idea?"

Invincible: "And in return, Rick will give you back your Galvan body back."

Albedo: "Alright, I'll do it, once I get my Galvan form back. I'm done with Ben Tennyson forever cause the last time I got my galvan form back and tried to get revenge on Tennyson, I ended up transforming back into Tennyson again."

Years later, we see you, Dr. Michaud, and Albedo in Greenland and you all see UBU manifest into the area.

(Y/N) and Dr. Michaud: "UBUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!"

Albedo's Ultimatrix then scans UBU's genetics and then once the scan is complete we see Albedo transform into a hyper evolved version of UBU with an extra set of arms, the tongue having razor sharp spikes on it, having the colors of a orca whale, claws on the hands, and is much stronger and faster.

Albedo: "Now to destroy this brute!"

We then see Albedo and UBU charge at each other at the same time and we see Albedo tackle UBU as we see you and Michaud leave the area via teleportation. Both Albedo and UBU fought each other for centuries and they were still fighting each other as we see UBU defeated Albedo and it was at its limit during the whole fight and it rested for several centuries until it get and resume it's rampages and you all saw it happen on the cameras.

(Y/N): "Welp, it did push UBU to the very limit that time."

Albedo: *teleports into the room by Rick*"So, any more bright ideas?"

We then see another montage of plans of killing UBU such as get Godzilla and other titans to fight UBU, have Doomsday fight UBU, have Saitama fight UBU, Create a Nomu that has every quirk on Earth including One For All and put it though 914 on the Very Fine setting, have it be trapped in the Ghost Zone, have all the Avatars from the Avatar World fight UBU and have them master Blood bending as a precaution, and even Ghost Rider use the Penance Stare to kill UBU, use the Weeping Angels from the Doctor Who Verse and make all the statues in the world into Weeping Angels to kill UBU, but to no avail, nothing could damage the beast. And then you all were on Cycle 529 and you all are in Equestria and you are explaining to Discord and the alicorn princesses on why you need their help.

Twilight: "And this thing is indestructible?"

(Y/N): "Well almost, it bit itself on the thumb and chewed it off to show how tough it is."

AJ: "Yikes."

(Y/N): "Which is why we need your help."

Discord: "What's the plan, have all of Equestria fight this thing, cause if that's the plan then let me call a friend."

Discord then stretches his arm to the right and then comes back from the lift with a telephone and he calls someone on the phone with his other hand.

Discord: "Would you like to help us with a small one monster infestation? Splendid, I'll open the door."*hangs up*"I called a Euclidean friend over."

Discord then snaps his fingers as we see a portal open and we see Bill Cipher come out of it.

RD: "Who's the corn chip with a top hat?"

Bill: *to Discord*"They don't remember what I did to the place don't they?"

Discord: "Well of course, it's part of the never mind all that act in Gravity Falls remember?"

Bill: "Make sense."

Discord: *to the others*"Leave it to us everyone."

We then see Discord and Bill open doors out of nowhere and we see duplicates of both Bill and Discord.

Discord clone: "So what are your orders chief?"

Discord: *opens up a list*"Here is a list of things we need for our part in this battle against our whale friend."

Bill: "Grab what's on the list and get back, simple as that."

Discord clone: *to the other clones*"You heard him, let's get the stuff on the list."

Years later, in Greenland, we see you, Dr. Michaud, the forces of Equestria, the Equestria girls, sentinels from Days of Future Past, Transformers, Bobbies from Unlondon, The Staff from the Infinite IKEA, the freelancers from Project Freelancer, the Avengers, and the mechanical soldiers from Atlas. We then see UBU manifested in it's usual spot and you all are ready for it.


Pinkie: *to Rick*"That's a reference from when you fought the Pope."

Rick: "Yep."

EG Pinkie: "How many times did he say it?"

Morty: "529 times now."

Rick: "And it's a good thing I made a device that can allow the princesses to use their magic outside of Equestria."

Sci-Twi: "Really?"

Rick: "Yep."

We then see everyone attack UBU from all sides and we see UBU fighting off all of them with brute strength. We then see Bill Cipher move everyone out of the way and then make a giant fist and then adjust his tie a bit and then slam it on UBU and then UBU lift up Bill's fist and then use Bill as a fly swatter and then swat half of the army on the ground as we see the alicorn princesses attack UBU on all sides and we see the Pillars of Equestria, the Mane 6, and the Humane 7 try to use the Magic of Friendship to beat UBU but UBU overpower the combined magic of the 3 groups and then knock them all back as we see Tirek absorb all of the magic from the fallen soldiers and then unleash all of the power at UBU as UBU then power though the beam and punched Tirek hard enough to knock him out. We then see Discord teleport in front of UBU and was holding a literal cherry bomb.

Discord: "Did someone say papaya?"

We see Discord throw the bomb at UBU and it blows up in it's face as it shakes it off and then grabs Discord by the neck and she squeezes it tight enough to make Discord scream like a noisemaker. We then Discord teleport out of UBU's hand and then grab it's tongue and then use UBU like a paddle with UBU as the ball and then use it like a yo-yo as we see slap Discord in the face as Discord then feels something dissolving him as he dissolves like the Wicked Witch form the West.

Discord: "I'm meeeeeelting, meeeeeeeltiiiiiiiiiiing! Oh what a wooooooooorld!!! What a woooooooooooorld!!! What a woooooooooooooooooorld!!!"

We see Discord dissolve into a puddle of green sludge as we see Fluttershy wake up and see what UBU did to Discord.


Fluttershy then gets angry and then she tries to use The Stare to stop UBU as we see UBU just backhanded Fluttershy in the face and launched her into her friends. Centuries later, we see all of the forces of Equestria defeated by UBU and we see you help up the Humane 7 and the Mane 6.

(Y/N): "Well that plan failed horribly."

Fluttershy: "Discord....."

(Y/N): "I'm sure he's fine, he will walk it off."

The Equestria girls all looked at the destruction caused by UBU and for the first time ever, not even the Magic of Friendship can beat SCP-UBU as Twilight Sparkle herself realized this.

Twilight: ""

Fluttershy: "What can we do now?"

Rick: "Back to the drawing board, again."

Later, back in time, we see you and the others coming up with a plan to make a giant robot of your own out of SCP-2406.

Sci-Twi: *To Chicago* "So how many plans have you all gone through?"

Chicago: "Honestly, I lost count."

Pinkie: "It's 529 plans silly."

Chicago: "How-"

RD: "It's best you don't ask, believe me I know."

AJ: "How's Discord doing?"

Twilight: "He's doing fine."

We see the camera turn to a bucket of green liquid of what used to be Discord as we see Discord's head come out of it and the gets out of the bucket and then he hits head and we see Bill Cipher fall out of his ear.

Bill C: *Sarcastically* "Oh yeah I'm fine too by the way."

EG RD: "Okay we've seen some weird things but..." *points to Discord* "He takes the cake."

Discord: *holds up a cake*"This cake?"

EG Rarity: "How did he-"

FIM Rarity: "Chaos magic darling, try to keep up."

Sci-Twi: "Fascinating, he's a hybrid of several creatures with cosmic power."

FIM RD: "Wait, you guys don't have a Discord in your world?"

EG Rarity: "Are you referring to our theater teacher?"

EG AJ: "Oh dang, I thought he looked familiar, he looks like him alright."

Discord: "I always picture myself as more of a Dean of the school."

EG Pinkie: "Noo that's principal Celestia, silly."

Twilight: "Wow."

Bill C: *looks at the Foundation insignia on your shoulder*"Why does that look familiar?"

(Y/N): "Oh yeah, SCP-343 trapped you in a tv show called Gravity Falls for all of eternity."

Bill C: "Oh yeah, now I remember why I recognize that, now if you excuse me. It's payback pal!"

We then Bill unleash a powerful blast of energy at you as you were unharmed by it.

(Y/N): "What was that for? What did I do to you?"

Bill C: "You trapped me in a TV with 343's help you 3 dimensional, 1 lifespan, 5 sense skin puppet! And I don't understand why that laser didn't kill you?"

(Y/N): "Maybe I have a firewall against godly powers?"

Bill C: "In that case."

We then see Bill sprout out 1 billion arms and then rapidly punch you as you didn't feel any of the punches he throws at you until he stops.

Bill C: "That time was just for stress relief."

Discord: "That creature is impossible to destroy, honestly how have you not killed it by now?"

Fluttershy: "What can we use now?"

EG Pinkie: "Well....I don't know."

You then see a picture of The Colossus or SCP-2406 and you get an idea.

(Y/N): "How about a giant robot?"

Many years later, we see you and the others now running the Church of the Broken God and the robot codenamed Beluga-X is finished.

(Y/N): "It cost us damage in Eastern Europe and it was worth it."

Courtney: "Is it gonna work?"

(Y/N): "One way to find out."

Many years later, we see you and the others ready to fight UBU with Beluga-X and Dr. Michaud.

You and Dr. Michaud: "UBUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!"

We see UBU manifest and then Dr. MIchaud was ready to fight as UBU recognized you and the others.

SCP-UBU: "(Y/N)?"

Once it said your name, you realized that this UBU was the same UBU from the past cycles.

Clover: "Did... did that thing just talk?"

Chicago: "And recognize us?"

(Y/N): "Something tells me this UBU is the same UBU in Cycle 1."

Gwen: "Oh great, it remembers everything we did to try to kill it."

We see Beluga-X charge in to attack UBU but it then slipped on a banana peel as you all see it struggling to get up.

(Y/N): "Welp, that was embarrassing."

SCP-UBU: "Ha! Beaten by a banana peel of that's fucking hilarious!"

(Y/N): "Back to the drawing board."

UBU then sees that you and the others just left and then you all went back in time and the universe was destroyed again. Later, in the Past, we see you all try to come up with a plan to deal with UBU, again.

Gwen: "So not only does it talk, it recognizes us even though it just met us now."

(Y/N): "Okay here's an idea."

Sometime later, we see a portal open into another universe and both you and Rick see the Queen of Melromarc herself Miriella.

(Y/N): "Your majesty, we need to borrow your heroes and their parties to fight a monster that we can't beat."

Miriella: "And why do you want our heroes?"

Rick: "I'll explain in scientific detail how dangerous the monster is and why we need your heroes."

One explanation later.

Rick: "That's why we need your heroes and their parties."

Miriella: "Hm."

(Y/N): "Okay let's put it into words you understand. Imagine UBU in your world?"

Miriella then thinks about it and then realizes the atrocities it will cause and no one in the world is able to die.

Miriella: "Okay we'll help."

Years later, in Greenland, we see the four cardinal heroes along with their parties and Malty as well as she has a feeling that she has seen you somewhere before.

Malty: "You look familiar, have I met you somewhere?"

Melty: "In fact, most of us met you somewhere but we don't know."

(Y/N): "I'll explain later."

We then see UBU manifest and it sees you and the others.

You and Dr. Michaud: "UBUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!"

We then see the four heroes attack UBU and we see their party members attack UBU on all sides as well and we see UBU then knock them all back and we see Itsuki, Motoyassu, and Ren attack UBU and then UBU knock them all out with a single slap.

Naofumi: "Morons."

We see Naofumi's party charge in to attack UBU. Sometime later, we see all four heroes including their party members injured and in casts a you are explaining to Malty and Melty about where they met you.


(Y/N): "Yeah, and I helped you girls get along with each other and I made sure none of you make the same mistakes you or your parents made in the past."

Melty: " Well it's nice to meet you again, but how come we don't remember any of that?"

(Y/N): "I administered you with amnestics."

Malty: "Oh, now it's coming back to me. Man Motoyasu was really jealous of your base back in that canyon."

(Y/N): "It has to be big because there are a lot of survivors."

Melty: "True, but you helped me and my sister be closer to one another."

(Y/N): "You are welcome."*to the others*"Now to come up with a new plan."

We later see you and the others coming with a new plan to take down UBU, and we see a montage of plans like have Night Raid and the Jaegers fight UBU, infect UBU with all of the anomalous diseases refined by 914, have an army of Hulks fight UBU, have Samus Aran fight UBU. Many plans were made and all of them failed and now you were all in Cycle 675.

Chicago: "Now what?"

Jerry then looks at Leshawna's butt and gets an idea.

Jerry: "Drop the moon on UBU?"

Years later, we see the Moon's gravity has been increased and when it collided with the Moon it was destroyed.

Beth S: "Jerry, how does this solve anything?"

Jerry: "The moon is bigger than UBU so crushing it with the moon would be the solution right?"

Beth S: "In a weird way, you're right."

Rick: *checks the scanner*"Bad news guys, UBU is still alive."

Jerry: "Damn it."

(Y/N): "Where did you even get this idea?"

Jerry: "I got it from looking at Leshawna's butt."

Leshawna: "Excuse me?!"

S Beth: "Your plan failed and you're a pervert, guess we know where Morty got that from."

Morty: "Hey!"

Rick: "Morty you know that's true right?"

Morty: "I know...."

(Y/N): "Jerry, how did you get this idea by looking at Leshawna's butt?"

Jerry: "She drops her butt on you all the time doesn't she? You were all thinking about it too!"

Almost all the girls then turn to Leshawna in confusion and then glare at Jerry as you turn to Leshawna.

(Y/N): "Wait, do people think you drop your butt on me?"

Leshawna: "Even I didn't know this, but I don't really drop my butt on ya."

(Y/N): "How do you drop a butt on someone? Do women just fall butt first onto people?"

Leshawna: "I guess so but in the end, my booty is for you babycakes."

(Y/N): "Well for 89 years, Riko was going at it on your butt while Mizuho was dominating Jasmine and Jasmine is the tallest out of all of us."

Jasmine: "True."

Lindsay: "Why did you let Mizuho be on top?"

Jasmine: "I just want to feel dominated, that's all."

(Y/N): "And what about your time with UBU?"


We see Jasmine exiting a store and then bumps into something and when she looks up, she sees SCP-UBU towering over her, a 14 foot monster towering over a 7 foot woman.

Jasmine: "Oh man..."

We then see UBU grab Jasmine and it rips her clothes off of her and then begins to lick all over her body with its long tongue and then fondles her butt.

Jasmine: "Gah! Get off of me!!!"

End of flashback

Jasmine: "I never how I was treated by that overgrown brute, but it felt nice to look up to someone taller than me. But at the same time I did not enjoy getting manhandled by UBU."

(Y/N): "Any other ideas?"

Dr.Michaud: "We are open for any ideas."

Chicago: "Isn't there a special ritual that can banish UBU?"

(Y/N): "If there is, we would've used it by now."

Dr. Michaud: "How about we form a religion made specifically to kill UBU."

Gwen: "How can that help?"

(Y/N): "Well it would motivate people to kill UBU out of religious reasons."

Rick: "And we can make (Y/N) the Jesus Christ of this religion and I'm gonna add women having sex with (Y/N) is not a sin to the bible or whatever religious book you want to call it."

Later, in the past, we see Rick putting in the final touches of the religious book for Spade of Triumph or Spadism which Rick calls the Spade Bible.

Rick: "And done."

(Y/N): *reads the Spade Bible*"You made me sound like I'm a sex god in this."

Rick: "Wanna know why?"*to the girls*"Raise your hand if you want to have sex with (Y/N) right now."

All the girls raised their hands feeling a bit horny at the moment.

(Y/N): "Fair enough."

Years later, with the religion Spadism, 90% of the human population of Earth has been converted to Spadism, and were all bent on killing UBU as we see a lot of women from the Spadism congregation in your room and they were into you.

(Y/N): "Okay girls, you can go back to your rooms now."

We then see the women leave the room as we see Leshawna come into the room.

Leshawna: "Hey babe, have you been through another orgy again?"

(Y/N): "Not really, well I've been through like 10 orgies last week already."

Leshawna: "Can't believe Rick would make a bible that has you be a sex god in the religion."

(Y/N): "Yeah, and before you say anything, I am not enjoying the whole sex god thing."

Leshawna: "Yeah, say why don't you have sex with a girl that is not in the congregation?"*bounces her breasts*"Like your plus size chocolate queen~?"

(Y/N): "Eh what the hey, come on over here."

Leshawna: "Alright, I've been waiting for this for a long time."

Sometime later, we see Leshawna still having sex with you and while she's moving her hips, she ends up shaking the bed in the process.

Leshawna: *while moving her hips and moaning* "Ahh~! Mmm~! Oh yeah~! I can see why you're a sex god in the Spade Bible~!"

Both you and Leshawna came at the same time as we see Leshawna lay on top of you with your head between her DDD breasts.

Leshawna: *Smirks a bit* "Never seen triple Ds before?"

(Y/N): "I have, dozens of times Leshawna, you always hug me between your boobs every night for the past millions of years. And in this situation, literally."

Leshawna: "I know, most men don't go for a woman that is queen size, they go for women that are thin as a twig. But enough about my Triple Ds."*gets up and sits on your face*"What do you think of my booty~? Big enough for a Queen and it's as lucious as an apple."

(Y/N): *Muffled* "Your bottom is luscious and really heavy."

Leshawna: *rubs her butt on your face*"Well your head makes a great pillow for this booty~. Give it some love baby~."*feels your tongue licking her pussy* *Moans* "Mmmm, ooh~ looks like someone likes the Queen's pussy near her booty~."*cums instantly*"Ah~!"

Leshawna then gets off of your head and then lies next to you in bed.

(Y/N): "Leshawna, we've been having sex for millions of years ever since UBU came around and at this point, I pretty much have more ways to do sex than the Sin of Lust himself, Asmodeus. Now that I've said that outloud, I don't want to ruin his career."

Leshawna: "Yeah I know, and I've been popping out babies that came from you and those futa girls and everytime I get a new body, my pussy gets back to factory settings. I lost my virginity dozens of times thanks to you and each time is even more amazing than the last.

(Y/N): "Yeah, but have you grown numb to that kind of thing?"

Leshawna: "Getting my V-Card punched by you, never. Same goes for the other girls."

(Y/N): "Yeah you're right."

Leshawna: "Yeah, especially Lindsay, she likes to snuggle your head with her J Cup size boobies of hers."

(Y/N): "I know, she's been doing that for millions of years. She thought it would help me think."


We see you thinking of a plan on the couch and Lindsay sits with you.

Lindsay: "Hey you okay?"

(Y/N): "I am thinking of a plan but no luck."

Lindsay: "Would this help?"

We see Lindsay bring your head into her breasts and she snuggles your head in her breasts.

Lindsay: "Feeling better?"

(Y/N): "I feel better now."

End of flashback

(Y/N): "I still can't believe that it actually worked, even after millions of literal years."

Leshawna: "That's boob power for ya." *feels you suckling on her left boob* "Mmm now this is the other effect of boob power. These can make grown men feel like babies again. Babe, even if we are stuck going back and forth in time trying to beat UBU, I want to let you know I'm glad I get to spend eternity with ya babycakes."

(Y/N): *Muffled* "And I'm glad to spend eternity with you babe."

Leshawna: "And not only you would spend eternity with me but the other girls you dragged along on the quest of beating UBU into the dirt."

(Y/N): *Muffled* "And it'll be worth it when we do take down UBU."

Leshawna: "Considering what that thing did to me and the other girls. UBU made my booty Niagara Falls of slobber when I bumped into it, and believe me I did not enjoy the slobber."

(Y/N): *muffled*"Yeah."

Later, in Cycle 678, you and the others see that all the Hominid replicators are beyond repair, your deer armor is out of power, and there is no way to cause the destruction of the universe.

Rick: "God fucking damn it!"

(Y/N): "Supplies are low, the Hominid replicators are beyond repair, and my deer armor is out of power. We only have enough power to make one more jump back in time."


(Y/N): "We better find a way to get rid of UBU quickly before Dr. Michaud does something he would regret."

Rick: "Trust me I wish I would torture Rick Prime for all of eternity instead of killing him just as much as the next Rick but Dr. Michaud has lost it."

Morty: "Can't we call up evil me? He probably has a plan."

Rick: "Morty that's suicide, we can't call that prick over. If we don't leave him alone, he will kill us without any hesitation. Don't you remember what he did to the Citadel?"

Morty: "Yeah I remember, but we're running out of options here."

(Y/N): "I got an idea, but we need help."

Gwen: "The last time we asked for help from the Foundation they didn't give us any help."

(Y/N): "Actually, I'm talking about these guys."

You then show your bare chest and the others see the 3 Moons brand of the 3 Moons Initiative.

Rick: "Okay how does showing us your rock hard abs be a plan?"

Courtney: "Not that most of us mind."

Morty: "I think (Y/N) is referring to the brand he got from the 3 Moons Initiative."

Beth S: "How are we gonna call these guys without going to war with the Foundation again."

(Y/N): "We won't."*picks up a clipboard*"But he will."

You then put the clipboard on the table and we see Amelia look through it.

Amelia: *reads the clipboard*"Researcher Aaron Gualtieri?"*stops reading*"Why him?"

(Y/N): "Read his medical records."

Amelia: *reads the clipboard*"Exposed to Fafnir-class infohazard."*stops reading*"Why is that-"*realizes*"He's gonna be our messenger to the 3 Moon Initiative."

(Y/N): "Yep."

Lindsay: "But how does being exposed to fafnir infohazard make him dangerous?"

(Y/N): "He has a limited amount of time before he dies, so here's my plan. We play along with Dr. Michaud's plan and tell the higher ups to send in Researcher Gualtieri, then we'll let the 3 Moons Initiative do all the work."

Lindsay: "And that'll get rid of UBU? For good?"

(Y/N): "Yep."

Gwen: "Alright let's do it."

Years later, we see you and the others in an invisible force field made by Rick to keep you all out of sight.

Beth S: "This is gonna hold right dad?"

Rick: "I made it didn't I? "

S Beth: "Don't you trust our dad?"

Beth S: "Oh that's rich coming from the clone who came back just to kill dad because she thought she had a bomb in her neck. Yeah that's right, I know you're the clone and I regret that discovery for the past 300 or so years."

S. Beth: "Okay that was ages ago."

Beth S: "Bitch I've seen you making plans to kill dad, so you should get some therapy after this. And if you kill dad, it won't make your life better or give you any satisfaction."

Rick: "Yeah I killed Rick Prime and it did not do any favors for me."

S. Beth: "Alright."

(Y/N): "Everyone shut up, the Foundation has taken note of the 57 or so people Michaud made and he made a robot body to talk to Aaron. We just need to wait."

You and the others see Michaud in a robot body come into the room and you all see Researcher Aaron come into the room and sees Michaud and you all see that they are having a conversation.

(Y/N): "They're talking to each other, that's good."

Lindsay: "How long does it take to get him to agree with our demands?"

(Y/N): "It looks like Michaud is using SCP-YEZ to share consciousness with Aaron."

You and the others then see Researcher Aaron collapse on the ground and Rick uses his prosthetic eye to check his vitals.

Rick: "Yep he's dead."

Beth S: " Wow, that was fast."

(Y/N): "Now let's go to Greenland and see what they are doing."

We later see everyone go to Greenland where they see 2 soldiers of the 3 moons initiative soldiers and they bring a child along with them.

(Y/N): "Seems like you guys got our messenger."

Gwen: "Wait what's with the kid?"

(Y/N): "That's no kid, that's SCP-5298, it's a 3 Moons Initiative remote controlled drone that takes the form of a child."

We then see an object fly down from the sky and then crash land on the ground and when the dust cleared it revealed to be a blue and orange variant of Kermit the Frog.

Gwen: "And that is?"

(Y/N): "SCP-4922 instance, they are sentient muppets made as soldiers of the 3 Moons Initiative."

Karma: "Hi yo! Karma the frog here, ready to dispense swift and brutal justice to the enemies of JALAKÅRA and President Niang."

(Y/N): "Okay everyone, what's the plan here?"

Tamino: "We take out the Lambda waves using our military drone."

Karma: "can someone get me the kill vehicle, my hands are too thin."

You then open up the bag and pull out a stick with the word Cleansing engraved on it 200 times and you hand it to Karma.

(Y/N): "Is this it?"

Karma: "Yep that's the one."

Tamino: "Everyone, get behind the barrier."

You and the others then get into the barrier as we see 5298 then sing a hymn in an unknown language until it explodes and we see pieces of 5298 fly everywhere as we see the head land in Lindsay's handstand she screams in a panic.

Lindsay: "Poor kid!"

(Y/N): "Rick?"

Rick: *looks on his watch*"Lambda waves are gone and no end of death scenario."

You and Leshawna then see UBU come out of the snow and then looks around until it sees Chicago coming to the area and it walks to her as she sees it.

SCP-UBU: "Chicago!"

Chicago: "Oh not again."

Before UBU picks up Chicago, it felt a tap on the leg and turns its attention to Karma.

Karma: "Hey excuse me, did you order death with a side of salt?"

We then see Karma stab UBU in the belly with the spear as it didn't hurt UBU and it was confused until it transmuted into a pile of salt.

Karma: "Target successfully neutralized!'*Flails arms*"Yaaaaaaaay!"

Everyone looked at the salty remains of UBU and all of you cheered.

Rick: "We won!! Wubba Lubba Dub dub!!!!!"

Morty: "Fuck yes!"

Rick: *takes the stick from Karma*"Just to make sure."

We then see Niffty take the spear from Rick and then stab the salt pile like a psychopath.

Nifty: "STAB! STAB! STAB! STAB! STAB! STAB!"*laughing and stabbing at the same time*

Meanwhile in Hell, they saw the whole thing in their camera drones.

Vox: "Holy shit..."

Velvette: "UBU has beaten the forces of Heaven and Hell at the same time and it got killed by a stick?"

Valentino: *Sighs* "I... I can't even think about..." *groans* "I'm already getting a hangover here..."

Velvette: "That reminds me, you owe Alastor your soul if a stick can kill UBU, Vox."


Lute: "A stick... all it took... was a stick to kill something that was... indestructible?"

Adam: "How....?"

Sometime later, we see you and the others back home and we see two versions of both your group and you both look at each other.

Alt. (Y/N): "Um, what's going on here?"

Alt. Rick: "God damn it, time travel adventure again, let me guess it involves a group of time traveling moms forcing humanity into a time out spot?"

Alt. Morty: "Has to be."

OG (Y/N): "Nope, SCP-001."

OG Rick: "Once we merge our timelines together the same way as Batgirl did, you'll understand."

Rick then pulls out a remote and then presses the button on it and we see both groups merge together and you both have two sets of memories from both timelines.

(Y/N): "What was that?"

Rick: "I merged our timelines, now we can go back to our regular old lives while at the same time having memories of our SCP-001 adventure."

Chicago: "Neat."

We later see you, Lindsay, and Chicago on the couch watching TV relaxing and now you all are no longer in SCP-001 in a war against UBU.

Lindsay: "No more UBU."

(Y/N): "Well UBU was part of a species native to Corbenic called Pantagruel and UBU was the runt of the litter among its kind and NAZHDAk gave it the Rite of World-Sealing and Eternal Hunt. If something like that happens again, grab a stick and turn it into a spear, carve cleansing 200x on it and put in Nai Faduzh Jalakara anywhere if there's free space and then stab it anywhere on the creature's body."

Lindsay: "Good to know."

Chicago: "But why didn't we do that the first time it came around?"

(Y/N): "We lost communication with the 3 Moons Initiative, remember?"

Lindsay: "Oh yeah, that makes sense."

(Y/N): "Also small question, why are you both naked?"

The camera panned out to show both Lindsay and Chicago naked.

Chicago: "(Y/N) it's been a long day, we deserve some RnR."

Lindsay: "Yeah, but it felt like-"

(Y/N): "9,492,687 years, yeah I know."

Courtney: *Comes in* "So what will happen when-"*sees Lindsay and Chicago naked*" Really?"

Chicago: "It's been a long time Courtney, we earned this."

Lindsay: "And it feels amazing."

Courtney: *Sighs* "Well when in rome."

Courtney then takes off her clothes and sits next to Lindsay and you were the only one wearing clothes.

(Y/N): "I'll let it slide today, you girls earned it, and sorry for putting you through that really really long adventure and got you all raped by a 14 foot monster."

Courtney: "It's okay (Y/N), besides we all went through worse when me and Lindsay were on total drama."

Chicago: "And dealing with Dee's tantrums."

(Y/N): "True, Speaking of Dee, I did some persuasion and now both her and Victoria Lafayette are now partners. They were a good duo when UBU was doing its rampages so I figured they would be a good duo now."

Chicago: "That's nice of you."

(Y/N): "Yeah, I'm gonna go out with them for dinner at a restaurant soon and see what they've been up to recently." *notices Courtney's bush* "And Courtney you need to shave."

Courtney: "I know, I haven't shaved in 9,492,687 years, I just let it grew until UBU is dead."

(Y/N): *sees how big Courtney's bush is* "I can see why Rick made you a pair of pocket dimension panties."

Courtney: "Yeah... I'm gonna need some help."

You then pull out a hedge cutter and then you start it up and then start cutting her bush as large amounts of hair then fall to the floor as the girls see that Courtney's bush is now fully shaved.

Lindsay: "Huh, this reminds me of that movie in that one scene that movie I saw once."

Chicago: " Was it Scary Movie?"

Lindsay: "Yeah I think so."

Sometime later, we see you at a restaurant and you are sharing a table with Dee and Victoria.

(Y/N): "So how are things now that you're both working together."

Dee: "Pretty good now that we're getting along thanks to you."

Victoria: "And we thank you."

(Y/N): "Glad to hear it."

Victoria: "Yeah and now with that big giant... uh whatever that thing was is gone, we can finally get back to our Victoria and Dee show."

(Y/N): "Can't you call it the Dee and Victoria Show cause most people would like it if you put the show's title in alphabetical order."

Dee: "That's what I said."

Victoria: "And you told us the craziest stories in your career, too bad we can't get you on our show cause-"

(Y/N): "Cause we don't want to lift the veil of secrecy of the anomalous world."

Victoria: "Exactly."

Dee: "By the way, how's Chicago doing?"

(Y/N): "Oh she's doing fine, since she was raped by UBU for millions of years now, litterally during our adventure."

Dee: "She always has a way with sea creatures."

(Y/N): "Wait, this isn't the first time this happened? I know a orca raped her but this happened before?"

Dee: "Oh yeah lots, I had Parker not invite any guests that deal with sea life, especially the... sea lion incident." *Shudders in discomfort*

Victoria: "Dang, do not even go there Dee, just don't go there."

(Y/N): "What happened?"

Victoria: "That is a story for another day."

(Y/N): "Well given Chicago's experience in aquatic sea life."*looks around to see if no one is looking* "She's gonna be dealing with a much smaller yet more sociable aquatic species of manta rays."

Dee: "She once used some manta rays as pasties, or the other way around I can never remember."

(Y/N): "She won't interact with them."

Next: Chapter 95: SCP-1340 "The Fraternal Order of Cave Mantas"

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