vi. Mostly Ghostly, Stilestastic

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Mostly Ghostly, 


Fanfiction (Teen Wolf)

Love Interest:

Isaac Lahey



Summary (from the fic)

"Sorry Lahey, but I'm more of a cat person."

Vera Pérez is no stranger to the supernatural. Growing up alongside the Hale family has kept her fairly well-informed about the creatures that lurk in the darkness. However, she didn't become one of those nighttime horrors until the end of her sophomore year - Derek had no choice but to turn her so she wouldn't die from her wounds after a kanima attack. The thing is, she didn't gain his fangs and claws.

They say that the bite turns you into the shape of your character. Vera still isn't sure what to make of becoming some sort of glorified ghost.

But with a pack of Alphas knocking on Derek's door and people disappearing left and right only to show up dead days later, she barely has time to think about anything else. It wouldn't be so terrible if not for four specific facts:

1. The Alpha leader killed her father and may or may not be coming to finish her off.

2. Nobody seems to be safe from the mass murders in the town.

3. She has to spend more time than usual with Isaac Lahey, with whom she shares a mutual disliking.

4. Isaac pushes her buttons, but soon starts to realise she likes it.

Reader's notes/rambles:

. Confession: I've never watched Teen Wolf. I went into this blind with no clue of what was happening and who these canon characters were, but sticking around because this was a Kristyn story, and a Kristyn story is always a good story. And really glad I did!!

. As always, the plot is really good! Despite not having any prior knowledge of the show's plot (and therefore learning about it via this fic), I think it works really well with it!! I think, if I ever did watch Teen Wolf, I'd forget that Vera and Dom aren't actually real characters and I'd be surprised they aren't there 😂

. And the characters!!! I love Vera with all my heart and soul. She is my badass queen, and I love her and her powers! They're really cool and unique, and I absolutely love her growth with them! I'd literally let her kick my ass and I'd thank her. And just like all the other characters of Kristyn's, she does feel like a real person (I'd think we'd be besties in real life)

. Of course, I can't talk about characters without talking about Dom! I love him so freaking much, he's my chaotic bisexual disaster of a son, and unfortunately, I can't talk much because of spoilers! (just in THOSE scenes, Kristyn, you brought me pain) But Dom is like... one of the best characters ever who I would literally die for, and his and Vera's friendship is also a friendship I love so, so much!! (again, PLATONIC BOY-GIRL FRIENDSHIP SUPREMACY!!!!)

. And the dynamics! Again, never watched Teen Wolf, but I absolutely LOVE Vera and Dominic's dynamics with the canon characters of Teen Wolf! I love Vera and Derek and Laura's sibling relationship with everything in me, and love love LOVE Vera's relationship with Isaac! (enemies to lovers my beloved) And the friendships Vera has with all the girls!!! They're all so wonderful and amazing and I love it SO MUCH!!! (in this house, we love women supporting other women!!!) And Vera and Scott's friendship is just... one of the best things ever. Same with her and Stiles. And speaking of Stiles... his and Dom's relationship is the best, especially when it might be more 👀

. Also, the dynamics between Vera and her mom and Dominic and his family! Vera and Mai's relationship is... complicated, but it's clear they both love each other and are improving on it. And the Shire family... I will literally die for all of them, I love them all so much!!

. And I can't go on without talking about the best character: HADES!!!!! He is the best fluffy boy, and anyone who hates Hades (and cats in general) will feel my wrath

. Once again, Kristyn does IMMACULATE research!!! She represents Vera's Dominican culture so freaking well, as she does in representing her ADHD! I've already gushed about how much her Stranger Things OC means to me as a neurodivergent woman, but Vera also means a lot to me as well. I don't have ADHD, but just seeing a neurodivergent character—and a neurodivergent woman at that!—makes me feel the happy chemicals, especially when Vera's written so well (again, she, like all of Kristyn's character, main or side, doesn't feel like a token character!!) So thank you, Kristyn!!! Also, just as Vera's culture is represented well, so is Dom's religion! He's Jewish, and Kristyn has once again done amazing research on it and is representing it so well. And, they're both absolute bicons 🩷💜💙

. And the writing!!! The writing is amazing, as always, even if it's bringing me pain, like in the latest chapter (WHY KIRTSYN?!?! I know that's what happened in canon, apparently, BUT WHY?!??!?!?!) and I am so amazed and jealous. Like, seriously, please spare some of your talent, Kristyn!!

. Anyway... if you haven't, please read this fic!!! If you haven't watched the show like me, you'll still really enjoy it!! It is literally so good, so please read it and send Kristyn all the support!!!

Signing off,

GhostWriterGirl out!

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