Part 1

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" talking "

Anti's POV

I was laying in my bed sleeping when my alarm clock woke me up. I picked it up and threw it across the room breaking it then hearing a loud scream. I jolt up in my bed and look around and my eyes land on a small borrower boy, I smiled at him got up out of my bed and walked to the borrower. "Hi... Don't be afraid" I said as innocent as I could, he relaxed visibly and I smirked wrapping my hand around his tiny frame and brought him up to my eyes "Be terrified" I whispered as menacingly as I could, I lifted up the tiny boy above my head and a growl came from my stomach and he had sheer terror in his face. "Well, I'm a monster and you're a borrower soooooooo." I smiled wickedly at him and he whimpered a little.

I plopped him in my mouth and swallowed, satisfied that I had a meal. Although I was still hungry so I made my way to the kitchen passing Jack on my way out of my room, he had a disgusted look on his face. I ignored him though and walked into the kitchen, when a hand was placed on my shoulder. I turned around and it was Jack. "He was mine" He growled out I had no idea what he meant "You are not a predator" "No, I mean I bought him so he would have a place to live!" "It's not my fault he wandered into my room and you didn't tell me about him" I opened the fridge and Jack just walked away.

Jack's POV

I went into Marvin's room to see if he could help me with something. Anti has no idea what it is like to be a borrower so I wanted him to see for himself. "That DICK just ate my new borrower that I was telling you about." Marvin looked at me "What did you expect? Anti is a predator" I sighed "look I need your help with something. I want Anti to see what it's like to be a borrower. I need him to shrink but he has powers to be able to grow back. I need those taken away too" Marvin stared at me "Look Marvin don't you want revenge for all the pranks he's pulled on you?

For all the times he stole things from you" Marvin nodded his head and turned around and poofed  something. It was a syringe filled with some type of liquid that was septic green, "This should shrink him and take away his powers" I took it from him and watched as Anti was about to go into his room and I jabbed him with the syringe and he screamed and fell over. Huh, powerful stuff,I walked away leaving him there to shrink away into nothingness and get my revenge on him later.

Anti's POV

Something jabbed me and I passed out on the ground in front of my room. When I woke up everything was huge compared to me Great I'm the size of a borrower I tried using my powers to grow back but nothing happened, I tried to glitch around but nothing happened either. I started to panic How am I going to get bigger?" Is this what it feels like? To be the borrower? The meek prey? I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and it was Marvin, I quickly dove into my room and tried my best to hide. I found some books on the ground that I never read because reading is for loooooosers so I hid behind those and hoped that Marvin didn't come into my room but he did. "Anti? You in here? I don't want to hurt you...."

He looked right at me and I tried to hide even more, I could only see Marvin's shoes that he was wearing and I got a pit in my stomach. He reached his hand down and picked me up gently in a fist, I was suddenly scared for some reason. He smiled warmly at me and walked out of my room, and walked into...... Oh god Jacks room. Jack turned around in his wheelie chair slowly, like in those movies with the bad guys, and Marvin just whispered to me "I'm so sorry" Jack just smirked at me and Marvin handed me over to him and left closing the door. Jack placed me on his desk and I started backing up, he smirked even harder then before.

"Anti. How does it feel? To be this size" D did Jack do this to me? He seemed to read my mind "You see I shrunk you because you need to see what it is like to be a borrower" Something wasn't right here "And for me to be a predator" He smiled showing fangs and I got a pit in my stomach I started backing up even more. He placed his hand next to me "And you are the scum of the earth..." He started pushing me to the edge of the desk, at this point my heart was beating faster and faster. I tried to stop his hand but it wasn't any use, he just laughed at my attempts.

Then I noticed something, he had a mini garbage can that he would use to throw papers in that he didn't need. "And you're not only scum but garbage" And with that he flicked me off the desk and into the garbage can I landed on a bunch of papers and I heard his chair move and then the door open and then close. I started hyperventilating, he just left me in here, is this his way of pay back for eating his tiny?" I heard a dark chuckle come from above me and I looked up to see my ex friend Darkiplier.

Jacks POV

I was teasing Anti, I didn't have any real intentions to harm him, just some fun I even got Marvin to act as well. I had walked out of my room and went to the bathroom to remove my fake fangs I had put in to scare Anti. I walked back into my room but Anti wasn't in the garbage can that I had, I started panicking "Marvin!!" He poofed in here "Anti's not here anymore! I I don't know where he went!!" Marvin now looked concerned and afraid at the same time, "Jack we have to find him" He said to me "And grow him back too" I added in. Marvin just looked at me sadly.... Uh oh.

Marvin's POV

There is no cure for this. I wanted to find one so bad but there is literally  nothing..... I should've warned Jack that it was a possibility of happening, but I didn't for some reason, I should've never agreed to this this is all my fault.

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