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Annabelle Scotch


Annabelle is one of the sweetest people you could ever know. She's kind and caring and doesn't mind lending a hand.
Annabelle is shy around strangers and big groups, she's working on it though.
Even though she can be shy, she is very friendly. When in an environment she's comfortable and familiar with, she'll be fine meeting strangers.
Annabelle can be very sensitive sometimes, it depends on how she's feeling and what's going on personally.

Annabelle enjoys writing, it's a hobby of hers. It's actually how she started writing letters to you. She loves writing to you, reading old letters between you two cheers her up.
Annabelle enjoys her job, it's how she got inspired to work towards her own business. She works hard to be where she is and to be better.
Annabelle loves flowers, daisy the most. So if your name is Daisy, then you're in luck. She'll love you more.
Annabelle loves strawberries. She loves how they taste and how they look. She thinks they're really cute and yummy.
Annabelle likes to grow her own fruit and veggies. She enjoys it because it gives her a real reason other than wasting time on flowers.

Annabelle doesn't like wasting space. She'll buy what she likes within reason. She kinda wants everything to have a bit of a reason to it.
Annabelle doesn't like sexism. She gets a lot of that while she works. No one believes in her and they joke about her ever having her own business.
Homophobia is definitely something she can't stand. Annabelle doesn't like any of that. She won't deal with any of that. She thinks everyone should mind their own business if they don't like it.
Annabelle doesn't like the winter. She loves it but then again she doesn't. She dislikes winter because then she can't garden. 


Back Story
[She grew up pretty normal so there's not much to her]
Annabelle was born into a decent family. They had a good home, good jobs, decent money.
Annabelle grew up being great and kind and wanting everyone wanting to be happy.
Annabelle did great in school and now she's in college for a business degree.
Annabelle while in the process of all that she's faced a lot of sexism and such.

°Annabelle prefers not to drink
°She has her own garden
°She is working on making her own business
°Annabelle has a pet duck name Freddy
°She has an older sister [Abby] and a younger sister [Connie]
°Dead Dad- Robert
°Living Mom- Jennie

Scenario 1
You met Annabelle while you were on a trip. You met her on your last day there. You both agreed to write letter to each other. You didn't want to. You just wanted her number but she convinced you to write letters.
You wrote her a letter saying you were coming. She didn't write you back but when you got there she was so happy to see you. She welcomed you in.

Scenario 2
Annabelle and you Have been writing letter for years. You were writing about how you two want to meet up. She said she couldn't leave her place but could get a few days off of work. She ended up surprising you by knocking on your door.

Scenario 3
You and Annabelle have been writing letters to each other for a few months now. You two decided that you should meet up once you found out you live in the same town. When you met up you realized that you two have already met in class. When you met in class you both butted heads and haven't really talked unless you had to. "Oh wow...this is awkward..." Annabelle said with a nervous laugh

Scenario 4
~Whatever You Want~


Edited 11:42PM

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