39. Real man shows his girl, how much she means to him....

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When I lay my head on his chest,
I don't hear his heart beats... All I can hear is that his heart saying, I'm his life....

Happiness lies in the tickle I get, when he kisses my forehead with full of love....

He is my perfect man... He makes me laugh... He kisses my forehead... He asks sorry and regrets for whatever happens... He holds my hand and makes me to understand the situation, he is in... He never lose his attempts and tries really hard until he gets my apologies for the mistakes happened unknowingly....


Abhi is completely restless and walking to and forth.. He is looking at the clock again and again for the time to run off soon, so that he can reach his mansion and explain his verdict on the issue...

But he knows very well that Pragya has purposely asked him to come to the home after two hours, as per the instructions of her brothers Purab and Arjun.. He is hell nervous thinking that a big discussion would have been done in the home to punish him..

Abhi gulps hard as he doesn't know what's coming up on his way.. Though Abhi is angry and bold in nature, he is always scared of dadi's stick and dasi's ears twisting a lot.. More than that, Abhi fears and prays to god that his fuggy shouldn't  ask him to sleep in couch at all..


Abhi's pov.:

God.. Why everything is happening in reverse gear... huh.. what a terrific and horrible day.,, Why on earth these two idiots have to go outside and why the hell that stupid Purab asked me to come to office.. 😡😡😡😡😡...

Grrr.. I just want to trash Arjun jiju and purab, as hard as I can.. I'm keeping quiet only for my two sister's sake or else, I would have buried them in the grave already.. These two idiots are the root cause of everything but these heartless duo are planning against me and are pouring barrels of acid on my fuggy's anger and making it to grow bigger and bigger..

Oh god!!!! Im damn sure, these two would have screwed up everything and made my sisters, dadi and dasi are also to stand and fight against me.. Phew..  Really so sad of you Abhi.. Feeling pity on you, as no one will support you and all will pounce on you, as if you are their prey..

Don't lose hope Abhi.. You are an one man army.. Stay strong Abhi.. Just you need to hit the bull's-eye correctly... The only chit to corner everyone in your family is your fuggy only.. Only your love on your fuggy is going to save you today.. All the best Abhi.. Take deep breath and face the war..

Abhi consoles himself a lot and sits in his chair and closes his eyes.. The sad crying of pragya, her breathless state, her panicked and helpless situation, the bad words she heard, the moment she is struggling for life, flashes before Abhi's eyes repeatedly...

Abhi is hell furious and want to kill Tanu at that instant itself for bad mouthing about his fuggy and for behaving rudely with her... Abhi's blood boiled knowing that some of his staffs too talked a lot to his fuggy....

But he kept calm as he want his fuggy only to punish Tanu and whoever bad mouthed about her.. Abhi want to give this happiness to Pragya as only she has all the right to do anything with Tanu and other staffs , as they messed up with her...

Abhi thinks how to convince Pragya and ask her to punish Tanu on her own style... He shrinks his brows and shakes his head to find out is there is any possibilities to bring Pragya to the office but he knows very well that she is not interested to work there....

Abhi is in deep thoughts and is finding ways to trap Pragya and wants her to accept his wish... But he is not aware that a serious discussion is going on in his house and a big game plan is cleverly made by Pragya to trap Tanu and to punish her to her heartfelt content...


Tanu is fuming in anger and is hardly punching the keyboard and ripping the mouse mercilessly as the system is showing some sort of errors again and again... She grits her teeth in anger and is cursing the system for troubling her that much....

Tanu is hell tired as she is not a person who does her works properly... Most of the time, she seduces her male subordinates and hands over the work cleverly to them... But, she can't do anything as Arjun has clearly instructed that only Tanu has to do the work and within the time limit..

In frustration and anger, Tanu bangs her hand on the table and yelps in pain as her fingers are paining too much... She cries and blows air in her fingers as it's hurted very badly and seems like it can bleed anytime... 

Tanu is completely annoyed and irked as she heard a giggling sound near by.... She fumes in anger as she spots Abhi's PA Uma uma_krish06 standing there with a teasing smile lingering on her face....

Uma smirks and comes near Tanu and pulls a chair... Uma sits in the chair and bursts out into laughter as if she is feeling happy on seeing Tanu's cry...

Tanu: Dont irritate me Uma... Why are you laughing like this??? Get out from here, before I kill you...

Uma: May I know who gave you permission to ask me to go out and to kill me... Don't you know who I'm Tanu ( Uma's pov.: white witch dipped in maida flour...  Wait and watch... I will trash you today for ill treating my pragya bhabhi )... Better keep quiet okay and never dare to talk like this to me..

Tanu: Oh... Just shut up... Stop bossing and don't behave as if you are our boss' own sister.... You are just his PA only...

Uma: 😂😂😂😂😂... I think your top floor is completely empty Tanu... Did you sold your brain to buy your make up kits??? Oops... Im so sorry..

I'm completely wrong na... You are selling more than that right... You are a shameless, disgusting and yucky creature... You are after men for their money but you are thinking high of yourself haan.... That's your personal problem and I don't care a damn about that...

You can very well go and ask our boss who I'm to him, if you have any doubt... Leave that... I don't have the mood to talk about what my relationship is with Abhishek bhai...

Listen Tanu... Better pray to god to give you immense strength to bear all pains okay... I'm really feeling so sad on seeing your state... Just a small teaser is given by Purab bhai and Arjun bhai... For that itself, you are crying like this and hurted your hands too....

Your make ups are wiped away Tanu... How will you go out Tanu with your yucky look??? Yewww... You look so horrible like an old, ugly witch... Wait... Not a word... Let me finish off, what I wish to say...

What you did today is very very wrong Tanu... You messed up with a wrong person... You have digged your own grave... No one can save you and you are going to get a life long punishment... May your soul rest in peace.. Don't spoil hell too with your bad behaviours okay... Bye bye old witch....

Uma smirks and moves away from there irking Tanu to the core.... Tanu stomps her feet angrily but unknowingly her heels got broken and she fells down hurting her legs too....

To add to her misery, she has mistakenly moved the paper weight and it rolls and falls exactly in her twisted legs making her to scream aloud in pain and tears too are overflowing mercilessly from her  eyes, as her legs are swollen and turned blood red...


Abhi parks the car and slowly peeps through the car window to see any movements inside the house... He feels some unusual calmness inside the house, as if no one is inside...

The silence atmosphere is bringing all sorts of negative vibes inside Abhi and he keeps on repeating that all will be fine soon, if his fuggy is with him... Gathering up all his courage, Abhi steps down from his car very slowly...

Abhi takes deep breaths to control his tension and he takes slow steps like a cat, which is going to steal the milk, without the knowledge of the inmates of the house... Abhi looks here and there in the living hall and he felt relieved as no one is there....

All Abhi want at that time is to run to his room and to hide away from his dadi and dasi and he wished to come down only after convincing his fuggy... When Abhi takes a step inside the house, he shrieks in horror and jumps up , as Dadi's stick came out of nowhere and blocks his way...

Abhi gulps hard and is shivering in fear as he spot Dadi and dasi are marching towards him angrily... Abhi takes deep breath to compose himself and try to behave as normal as he can, as if nothing has happened...

Abhi: Wow... What a grand welcome my darling grannies... I'm super impressed... My lovely darlus... Where is my fuggy??? Fuggy darling... Come here... Your Abhi is back  to home...

Dadi yells: Indu take that stick soon and give it to me... Let me beat this Abhi, as hardly as I can... How dare he to behave very cool and normal, as if nothing has happened...

Abhi... Don't move from your place... Stop running and Come here... If I throw this stick, you will get beatings, mercilessly from me... So, be a good boy and come near me....

Abhi is running here and there and tries to be away from the clutches of dadi and dasi...

Abhi: Dadi... You are my sweetie and cutie na... Don't you know, we have to practice only non-violence and it's a big sin to punish a married man... Please dadi... I'm not only your grand son and I'm a husband to my wife Pragya too...

Indu dasi: Haan haan... Here comes the great husband in this whole world, who didn't do anything to those idiots who did wrong to his wife and begging to his dadi and dasi to forgive him... Great going Abhi... Didn't expect this from you..

Abhi: Dadi, dasi please try to understand my situation... I'm not aware of anything as that incident happened in a different floor... Moreover, Im not aware that it's my fuggy who got into trouble...

Before I reach there, everything happened which shouldn't have happened... But, I reached in correct time... Thank god... Or else... What would have happened to my fuggy??? 😱😱😱😱

Dadi: Seriously saying... I didn't expect such things happens in our office, Abhi... What sort of people are working under you... How can they behave so rudely to anyone coming to your office....

Abhi... Just kick that Tanu out and whoever laughed on seeing my bahu's state... Don't irritate me by keeping quiet, Abhi... Pragya is the queen of this house and she has all rights in that office as that of you...

Abhi whispers: Dadi... No one knows, Pragya is my wife and I'm married too.... It's a misunderstanding...

Let me handle that issue tommorow dadi, along with my fuggy... I have to maintain our marriage secret too... So only, I'm keeping calm and waiting to hear my fuggy's wish in this regard...

Dasi: How long you are going to hide your marriage, beta??? I couldn't understand why are you doing all these.... Pragya is your legally wedded wife, the bahu of this house, your lofe of life and your soulmate...

Yet you are not willing to reveal her identity thinking that no harm should reach her... Isn't Abhi???

Abhi: Haan dasi... Pragya is my life and my everything dadi and dasi... I won't forgive myself, if any harm reaches her because of our relationship status... Please dadi and dasi... Try to understand and I'm willing to make Pragya to do the needful to punish those heartless people...

In a second, I can send them even to jail too... But, all I want to show to the world is that my fuggy has all the right and authority in the office, ahead of anyone... I'm willing to shout to the world that I, Abhishek mehra, is a slave of my fuggy, when the right time comes...

No one can understand what I'm going through... I've seen my life is about to move away from me... Thank goodness, no one watched my fuggy's state... I almost died on seeing her condition, dadi... I can't even cry too, on seeing my fuggy's life less state...

Still the images are running before my eyes... I understand, all of you love my fuggy so much... But, ahead of you all, I love my fuggy dearly... Abhi can't even survive a single second too without his fuggy....

Think whatever you want and plan anything against me... But, I know very well that my fuggy will understand me... I'm happy as the whole family is giving such immense love to my fuggy... She deserves happiness and I will do anything to make her smile...

Abhi pours out what's in his heart to dadi and dasi and walked to his room... He throws his coat and pulls out his tie... He is highly disappointed as Pragya is not in the room... Tired and exhausted, Abhi slumps in the bed and buries his face in the pillow which is full of his fuggy's fragrance....


After sometime, Pragya enters the room and spots Abhi sleeping in the bed... She spots Abhi's face is completely swollen and blood red and she sees the traces of tears in his face and the pillow too is wet with his tears..,.

Pragya slowly wipes his tears, without disturbing his sleep... She switches on the a/c and covers him with duvet.... Pragya caress Abhi's head and kisses on his forehead and moves out of the room....


Abhi wakes up from his sleep and he sees the room is lit only with night lamp... He gets up and picks his mobile and sees the time to be night
8 o' clock... He sighs and gets up from the bed to freshen up and go down to face everyone ..

After freshening up, Abhi comes down wearing a tee shirt and a track pant... He spots his whole family is chit chatting happily and having their dinner... But he is highly disappointed as no one cared even to call him too...

No one speaks to Abhi, when he nears the table and no one intend to serve him too... Abhi angrily picks the plate and kept it near him with a big thud to gain everyone's attention, but none cared about that too....

All Abhi want at that time is his fuggy beside him... He longingly looks here and there, but Pragya is nowhere to be found... Abhi gets up from the table and walks inside the kitchen to find out Pragya and she is not there too...

Abhi completely loses his appetite and he moves to the couch as he is not in a mood to eat anything, without his fuggy...  He closes his eyes and is keep on thinking where might his fuggy be and he couldn't understand why she is playing hide and seek with him...

Just then, Abhi's eyes widen in shock as he hears the convo...

Purab: Haan dadi..  As Abhi has instructed us, me and bulbul stayed here for a long time... Now, we need to go and please allow us to go...

Before Abhi stop Purab, dadi nods her head accepting for his wish... Abhi is twisting his hands as he doesn't know how to stop purab and bulbul from stepping out from his mansion, as they all are in a dangerous situation and it will be hard for Abhi to protect Purab and Bulbul, if they are away from him....

But Abhi's world collapsed and he is completely broken down, as he spots Purab and Bulbul are walking along with his fuggy and the trio are stepping down from the stairs with their suitcase in their hands....

Abhi's eyes welled up uncontrollably as he didn't expect this at all... Each step taken by his fuggy is like a living hell for him... Abhi looks at his fuggy and he didn't moved his gaze away from her....

Pragya comes near dadi and dasi and ask for their blessings... They too blessed her and asked her to take care of her properly... Though dadi and dasi understand what Abhi is going through, they kept quiet as they want both Abhi and Pragya to settle their issues on their own...

Purab and Bulbul bids adeiu to everyone and walks ahead... Pragya takes slow steps and she walks near by to Abhi... She moves away without saying a word to him too...

But, she halts her steps as Abhi pulled her closer in his embrace and cried aloud.... He caress her head, kisses her forehead and whispers "Take care fuggy" in her ears and moves away from her....


So, what's going to happen next????

Will Pragya move away from Abhi???

Will it be possible for Abhi to be away from his fuggy???

Will pragya accept to come to Abhi's office???

How is Tanu going to get punished???

Keep guessing and stay tuned...


A very long update, I have given irrespective of my busy schedule and ill health too.... Almost written 3125+ words...

You all know what I expect from you all.... Your votes are the way to reward my hardwork and I think, just a
click on the 🌟 once is not a big deal...

Don't forget to pen down your valuable views, comments and reviews , as they are the boosting energy for me....

So, let me fix a target for the next update....

A minimum of 135-140 and a maximum of 150 will fetch you the updates soon....

See you all...

Yours cliffy buddy,


Signing off...

Will meet you all, after the targets gets completed....

Until then miss me...


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