Chapter Ten, Zyra's POV,

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Chapter Ten, Everything's Different Now,

My dreams are short and to the point like little comics running through my head. They string together and they are mostly about my life before we lost all of our money. Their mostly short memories of all three of us together laughing happily. Then there are even shorter memories of Dawn. Dawn. Just thinking about her makes me want to wake up and hold her hand. But I can't, the pull between life and death is strong in my head and is keeping me in a coma. I can't hear, I can't see. I remember Dawn's beautiful face and her blue/brown hair, I just want to see her again. Then I remember, I need to hold onto life for her. I have to, I promised her I would. I don't know why I feel this away about her, it's not a way I have ever felt before. Dawn's face then begins to swamp my mind and I feel like I am pulling back towards life instead of death. So I keep thinking about her. I feel lighter and lighter until I finally awake. When I do, everything around me is different. Doctors are smiling at me and I see a man in a police uniform at the door. All I remember is getting shot then waking up, not being able to do anything, then choking on air. I remember that Dawn was there for all of it. She really cares about me. The doctors in blue uniforms look down at me with their smiling faces, then, one of them goes to monitor my vitals and the other one starts talking.

"You survived a lot of things girly, you survived your father attacks, you're mother's bullet to the arm, major blood loss, and a heart attack, you're lucky," The doctor says to me then walks past the policeman at the door, and out of the room.

I stare at the other doctor who's checking my vitals. I have no idea what to do now. All I know is that I have to see Dawn, I have to.

"Where is Dawn?" I say in a raspy voice.

The doctor replies without looking up, "I sent her home after you had your heart attack, she was freaking out and I wanted her to calm down, she was very worried for you, you guys must be like best friends am I right?"

"Yeah," I say quietly and then I notice something, there's a window next to my hospital bed, "How did I get to this wing of the hospital and why is their a policeman here?"

The policeman answers sarcastically, "Just in case any of your cousins or aunts and uncles think it's a good time to shoot you again"

He was trying to lighten up the mood, but it wasn't working. I look out the window and realize I can't feel any pain. They probably just gave me anti-pain meds or something. My window is overlooking a fabulously made garden, I can see it so brightly that I know it must be the middle of the day, there are leaves and the wind, plus flowers of every color and shape, even some of them are rainbow colored! As I look at the flowers I feel as if I wanted to show Dawn them. I want her to be here, I need her to be here. I cough.

"Can you call Dawn and ask her to come?" I ask the doctor who is still looking at my vitals.

Dawn gives me this feeling of being free in a vast wilderness and being on cloud nine. She makes me exhilarated every time she touches me. I don't know what this means. The doctor looks over her shoulder at me.

"No, sorry, but you need to recover without her for a little while, I will call her and tell her that you're alright," She says brightly and I feel as if I want to smash that bright head of hers into a wall.

"No, I want to text her, can you bring me my phone?" I say as politely as I can.

She nods her head towards the policeman who comes towards me with my phone in his hand. He places it next to me and I pick it up tentatively. Fifty new messages, it reads. Probably all of them are from Dawn. I get onto my phone and go onto iMessage. Yep, she's the one who sent me all those messages. Zyra are you okay? Zyra, are you alive? Someone, please tell me if she is alive? I look over these messages and my heart twinges, she cares a lot about me. Hey, It's me Zyra, Sorry I couldn't text, I was still in my coma, but please hear me out, they won't let me see you in the hospital, they won't tell me how I am either, all they told me was that I am lucky. I hit send. Ten seconds later she replies back. Zyra, I am so glad you're alive. My heart twinges again. I really wish I could see you but they won't let me, I type this, then hit send. She responded right away. I don't care what they say, I am coming over right now. I laugh and don't try to stop her. I want to see her, I really do. I want to touch her and hold her hand, maybe even kiss her. Wait..........did I just really think that? Then the other doctor comes back into the room with a tray of food for me. She places it on my lap and takes my phone from me. I start to argue but decide it's not worth my time. I look at my tray and see some mac and cheese, a bread roll, some pills, a dixie cup filled with water, a little cup of fruit, and a fork. I forget about Dawn for a few minutes and enjoy actually being able to eat food. The policeman who is supposed to be looking out for me is playing on his phone and both of the doctors have left the room. I sit and look out the window while I eat some apples. About a minute later Dawn comes bursting into the room. She looks horrible. Her eyes have huge bags under them and she is out of breath and sweaty. My guard looks at her in awe, then he glances at me.

"Hey, Dawn," I say.

She looks so happy to see me. She runs over to me and gives me a big hug. It feels so right, both of us hugging. Her arms are wrapped around my waist and it feels natural. But of course, it also feels as if I am on cloud nine. She is breathing quickly as if she just ran a mile.

"I am so glad you're alive," She says and her voice strains, "I don't know what I would do if I would have lost you"

Then she pulls away and we are staring at each other, both of us with silly grins on our face. She grips the side of my bed as if she were angry but her face shows general happiness.

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