Chapter Twenty-One, Zyra's POV,

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I have been sitting, trembling, alert, awake, scared, for the last three days in this white padded room. I haven't moved from my hospital bed for fear of the unknown. The unknown people that have brought me here have provided me with little food and water each day. They gave me a blanket and pillow as well, they both smell like medicine and soap. I have no idea how this happened or what has happened to me. My mind has kept replaying the scene of when those people hologram ghost things were here. They looked and felt so life like but easily disappeared. I don't want to be here at all and my body is paralyzed with fear. Then I begin to hear loud noises. Bang! Bang! Crack! Shout! Scream! Bang! I hear bullets and people screaming behind the walls. I curl myself up into a ball. I don't cry because the ration of water makes it impossible. Bang! I see the wall next to me fall backward. People in firefighter type suits with guns come at me. I scream through all the noise. Behind the wall is a long hallway that looks like it never stops. The people come around me in their scary costumes.

"Don't worry Zyra, we are here to save you from the government" A man in the suit who is picking me up says, "Hold on tight, we are getting you out of here"

I hold on tightly to this man's back. I hope these people are not tricking me. I hope they are actually here to save me. The other people are holding their guns out in front of them, searching for bad people, the people who put me here. The guy I am holding onto starts to run down the hall. The others run through the debris in front of us and get ahead of us. People in heavily armed iron suits come running down the hallway. They look like knights from a medieval dream, but the people saving me shoot them and they fall down. We are running again, I am bouncing up and down, not able to comprehend what is happening to me. I close my eyes when I hear shooting again. I don't want to listen to my rescue, nor see it. I just want to get out of here. I just want to be free. I just want to be anywhere but here.

When we get out of the building, I realize the building I was in was a bunker in the middle of a forest. We are out in a clearing now, all of us running towards a helicopter with the words police force written on the side. I sigh in relief when I see these words. I really am being rescued, I really am being saved. The guy holding me runs up to the helicopter, opens the door, and lifts me up over his head. Three pairs of hands grab me and pull me inside the helicopter. They place me on a stretcher. I am paralyzed with shock. The three figures stand over me and begin to put IV's in me to give me nutrition and food. They keep talking to me but my brain blocks them out. My brain blocks out everything. My eyelids start to close just as I feel the helicopter take off. I try to open my eyes but I can't. I can't move or control myself at all. My brain is shutting down because I am safe now. My brain thinks that because I am safe, it's time to put me in a coma so I can think everything through. I try to resist going under the wave of exhaustion but the wave hits hard and I fall under. I fall into a deep slumber. 

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