Chapter Twenty-Six, Zyra's POV

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Rose sent me back to the orphanage so I could get some sleep. When I got there Mrs. Anderson was waiting for me at the front door. Her arms are crossed against her chest and she looks angry yet saddened to see me here. I walk up to her quickly, ready to explain where I was and how I am sorry that I got here past curfew, but she cuts me off.

"I know you were seeing your sister at her orphanage and that's not why I am angry, I am not even angry at you my child, it's about Dawn" She says to me and sniffles as if she was about to cry, and I can see by the tear stains on her face that she was crying.

I stiffen when I hear her name. While I was with my sister, what happened to her? I know I said I wanted her to leave me alone but what if she took that too far?

"Dawn is leaving tomorrow to go to New York with Ora, Ora saw how good she is at percussion and saw the music she wrote so she wants to make her into the next rock star of our generation, she thinks she can do whatever she wants just because her dad has money, Ora is taking Dawn away from us and to New York, even if you go to New York and find out where she is, she will be too busy with Ora, I am so sorry dear" She says quietly and then wraps me into a hug.

I stand there in shock. A huge wave of emptiness hits me head on and I start to shake. Tears start to form in my eyes and I let them spill over. I can't believe that Dawn would leave me to go become a rockstar. I know it's selfish to hope that she wouldn't go when the opportunity striked but I just hoped she wouldn't leave me. Now she will be gone tomorrow and I will never see her again. Our relationship is ending, our love or whatever we had, it has now ended. My heart now feels hollow and dismal. I pull away from the hug and walk inside the orphanage. I try to take my mind off of Dawn, so my mind then switches to books. I remember about the book Jori gave me about her troubles, I need to read it, it will help me focus on something other than my own life. I run as fast as I can down the hallway and up the stairs while sobbing violently. Who knew that someone that can bring you the most happiness in the world can also bring an equal amount of pain. I run into my run and crash into my bed. I reach up to turn on the lights and grab the book of the dresser. I look at the cover again. The girl on the cover looks young and seems to be struggling to look out the window. She has Jori's slim body structure yet in a smaller package. I open the book to the first page and begin to read. Then I read for hours on end, I forget about Dawn and my sister and I read. I read until the next day and when I say that the book was amazing, it was. But now Dawn will leave me, and I will be stranded by myself for a couple of years. This book Jori gave me, away, gives me hope that Dawn and I will reunite. Yesterday I saw Jori and Austin together, so that must mean they got back together somehow, right? That means me and Dawn will find a way to make our love last, right? Right? I put down the book and lay back on my bed. Morning light creeps through the window and I sigh. My life will never be happy again, ever. My heart feels broken down and my body feels like it's made of stone. I lay there and stare at the ceiling. My eyelids slowly start to close, exhausted from the lack of sleep, and I fall into a deep slumber without getting to say goodbye to Dawn. 

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