Chapter 2

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You jolted awake at a sudden crash, still in Aarons arms.

But this time, he was holding the emerald you two had saw on the ground before.

Aaron noticed your eyes peek up and pocketed the jewel before turning his attention to you.

"You alright? How's your head?" "Mm...Be-Better. But what was that?" "It sounds like someone kicked threw the door..." Lucinda mumbled, gulping slightly as sweat appeared on her face.

"Someone's here?" You jumped, tail going stiff.

"eeeeEEEEE! It must be the murder coming to get us!" "Shush, Kim. Calm down!" "I-I'm going to go check it out." Aaron sighed, placing you on the ground.

"Right behind you." "Same here." "Are you guys crazy!? That's what he wants!"

"I wanna come to!" You nodded, "I can claw the person away!" Aaron sighed at your 'serious' face.

This was serious buisness, so you had to be serious!

"No, Y/n. You stay here where it's safe."

"What? No way! I wanna come too!"

"We don't have time to argue about this. You just got blown back by a boiler you're staying here."

"Garroth got blown back and he's going!"

"Garroth is an adult, you are a child."

You jolted slightly at Aarons words, ears sliding back as you bared your teeth, "Don't you dare start growling at me, young lady." "Watch. Me."

The three friends who had watched your argument exchanged a look, before Garroth tossed Scrouchy to you.

"Here, you've gotta protect Scrouchy. Alright? We'll be back soon." He smiled.


"End. Of. Discussion." You growled at Aaron, but sat down on the ground holding Scrouchy.

"Fine. Go away." You huffed.

Aaron sighed, but left with Kim, Garroth, and Lucinda.

Leaving you all by yourself in the smokey boiler room. But not without a small emerald in your pocket.

"Wow...I'm getting good at this pickpocketing stuff! Gotta thank Dante for that." You beamed, gazing at the item with fascination.

What was it?

It sparkled like a diamond.

But it was green like the grass.

"Is it..edible?" You bit your teeth into it and winced.

"Okay...Not edible."


"I-I'm not dumb! I was only curious...But still. What is this thing?"


"An emerald, you say?"


"Right, Asher told us about this stuff. So cool..!"


"Jealous? Of Asher? Why?"


"Oh, c'mon Scrouchy. You know you'll always be my first ever friend! Now back to the task at hand!...Why would this be here though?"


"Yeah, I dunno either...Huh? What's that Scrouchy?"

You placed the F/A close to your ear, "......................"

"..! That's an amazing idea! Let's go!" You grabbed Scrouchy and the jewel before creeping yourself back to the main area of the cabin.

You froze in your spot at the sight.


Real life wolves.

Prowling and sniffing at your things, wrecking the place when they were meant to be fixing it.

Wha...How did they get in here?

Knock down the door, maybe?

That must've been it.


"Where's Aaron?" You mumbled quietly, pulling Scrouchy almost impossibly close to your heart.

You sniffed the area, holding back a sneeze at all the senses. You turned your head when Aarons scent drifted into your nose.

He looked panicked as Garroth sneezed, attracting the wolves closer to your friends.

You jumped and looked around, out seeing the Emerald as something to throw.


...But for some reason.

You felt very compelled to not chuck it.

Almost like you couldn't.

Even if it was Scrouchys plan, Aaron must've wanted it for a reason.

Throwing it would mske him way more mad than he will be now, due to the fact you left the garage with his knowledge.

You picked up a rock instead and threw it on the other side of the cabin drawing the wolves away from the four.

They grew surprised at the noise, but their attention to you, who was slowly walking away and out of the wolves direction before spriting toward your family.


"Y/n!" Garroth cheered, hugging you.

You would've been happy had it not been for Aarons surprised face shifting into one of anger.

"Y/n..." He glared, making you cower in Garroths arms.

"It was Scrouchys idea!" You whispeared, holding the F/A infront of your face.

Aaron opened his mouth to speak again, but a figure came into veiw. But it wasn't a wolf, like the other two.

It...was a human.

With emerald green eyes and a red coat. She had darkish skin with a white streak going over her eyes.

But, the thing was...she didn't smell human.

She smelled almost exactly the same as the wolves.

It..was strange.

She wordlessly waved the wolves over, and..they obeyed without so much as a growl.

The wolves left without another noise, the woman following them.

But not without turning back to look over the cabin one more time.

It was like she was looking for something.

And for a moment, a split second, you thought you had locked eyes with her.

You thought your E/c eyes were peircing into her green ones.

But that couldn't be the case, right?

Cause she left without saying a word.

Once she was out of sight, you all let out a vreath of relief.

"That was..way too close." "Tell me about it..." "I'm sorry...I was so close to turning us into dog food."

"It's okay Garroth. Cause I led them away from you with a rock, cool plan right?...Dad?" You turned to Aaron, who had a furious expression on his face.


"I told you to stay in the garage. Don't you ever do as you're told?"

Oh. He seemed really mad.

"S-Sorry! I just wanted to help. I thought you said I could!"

"That..doesn't mean you can just throw yourself into danger, like that. What if that distraction didn't work? What if the wolves went after you instead!"

Your ears fell against your head.

"I-I'm sorry..I jus'..."

"Aaron," Lucinda started, "All Y/n wanted to do was make sure her Dad was safe. Can't you tell she's obviously shaken up? Yelling isn't going to do anything."

Aaron turned to argue with Lucinda but felt his heart ache when he saw the way your small hands were trembling as your tail frizzed up with fear.

Your ears were also acutely raised in the air, as if trying to sense anymore danger.

But what really hurt Aaron, was the tears in your eyes.

So, with a heavy sigh, he lifted you up and into his arms. "I'm sorry, sweetpea. It wasn't right for me to yell at you like that. You're just as scared as we were, aren't you?"

"..A little bit, yeah."

"It's alright. I'm safe, and so are you. But hey, when I tell you to do something you have to do it. It's all to keep you safe."

"Okay. I'm sorry..."

"Don't apologize. You saved our skin. Lets make a deal." "Okay!" Lucinda smiled as Aaron set you down and bent to your level.

"I'll trust you and let you go off on your own when you want and with my permission from now on if you listen to me when I tell you to do something and stay by my side when I need to you to. How's that sound?"

"Hm....Okay! Just don't leave me by myself anymore if I don't wanna be by mself. Deal?"

"Deal." You and Aaron shook hands, as you felt your body begin to relax again.

"You break this deal, I'll never forgive you Aaron. It's like a promise!"

"Heh...Got it." Aaron raised back up to his full height while taking your hand in his.

"Awwww...I love your father-daughter bonding moments! What about you Kim?...Uhh..Kim?" You turned to face the woman, only to grow worried at her paled and fearful expression.

"Kim!" Garroth quickly ran to her side, a worried look on his face.

"We...We-We could've...died..?" The woman then fainted, catching Garroth by surprise.

"Kim? KIM!" "I..think we all need a moment to recollect ourselves after that." "Riight...Lets close to door." "Y/n, stay with Kim and Garroth. Mkay?"

"Kay'!" You smiled.

You sat next to Garroth who was frantically calling Kims name in worry while you only You felt a bit better knowing that the door would be closed and that the wolves are gone.

Even if you were curious about the mysterious woman leading them.

But...even with everything calming down now. Why..why were your hands still shaking?

...It's probably nothing.


You watched over Kim with slight worry.

She was placed on the couch now, comfortably resting, but it didn't ease you and Garroths worry at all.

"How's Kim doing?"

"I uhh...Think she'a fine? I've been poking her to see if she wakes up." "What's that gonna do!" "Wake her up?" You mumbled.

"Why are you yelling at me!" "I just..!...Sorry, I dunno. I'm just kinda shaken up after the whole wolf thing.."

"Aaron, are you sure the doors are locked?" "I-I think so. But i'll check again, hon'."

You smiled, a bit tightly, and turned back to Kim.

As worried as you were, your mind was elsewhere.

You've never seen wolves before.

You could've died from those things.

And yet, you managed to lead them away.

You didn't know whether to feel impressed with yourself or terrified.

You shook off the feeling, and hugged Scrouchy.

He always made you feel better.

You've just gotta clean the cabin, and leave.

Besides, your friends will find it awesome you saw wolves! Ethan would probably be jealous, if anything.

You smiled at the thought of your friends before watching Kim stir around in her sleep.

"Guys'! I think she's coming to!" Garroth called. Your tail wagged as you crouched beside Kim, gently poking her cheek.

"Please be okay, Kimmy.." You whined. Suddenly, she sat up with a groan making you grin. "Kim! You're okay!"

The woman was taken aback by your sudden show of affection but quickly reciprocated without a second thought.

"Ugh...uhh...Huh? What happened?" Kim questioned tiredly, as you rubbed your cheek against hers.


Kim suddenly let out a shriek, making you flinch back ever so sligtly, "I totally forgot!"

"Hey! It's okay, Kim. The door is shut sound and we're safe..." "Is-Is that true Lucinda?"


"I'm sorry, Garroth. But Lucinda seems to know what she's dealing with." "Hey, wait a second." "Ah, and Y/n." "ahEm."

"Oh! You too Aaron! It's just..Lucinda, you seem to know a lot more about otherwordly stuff."

"Uhm...You're not wrong. I do know a lot. And from what I knooow...we're perfectly fine!"

"Really?" You and Kim smiled.

"Yes - uhh - One of us probably just left the door open." Your smile fell at the small tremor in Lucindas voice.

For some reason, you couldn't help but feel like she was lying. But it seemed to ease everyone elses tension, so you attempted to calm yourself down too and kept quiet.

"Whoo...That's a relief to hear..." "Yeah...Oo! I was going to say, this is a huge fire place." "The kind that runs on gas?" "Mhm!" "I can help! Lets find a switch." Kim smiled.

It would seem Lucindas words made her just a little more easygoing.

"Ughhhhh...More looking?" You complained.

"Come on, Y/n. You came here for a job, so lets do the job!" "Alright. Watch my things Scrouch'." You winked.

You grabbed Garroths hand as he lead you snd Kim over the the fireplace, the three of you beginning to look for the switch.

But while you guys' were doing that, you couldn't help but notice Aaron take Lucinda away from the three of you, as if trying to have a private conversation.

And you being the curious little girl you are, you tilted your werewolf ear in their direction to listen in.

"Lucinda, are you sure about what you said?" Aaron questioned. Lucinda had paused before sighing, "No...I'm not."

Wait, guys' might not actually be safe? You decided to listen more.

"Then what was that about?"

"Kim seems like the really jumpy type. I didn't want to scare her more than she needed to be. And Y/n...She's just a kid. She was sitting right there too, I couldn't do that to either if them. Besides, I'm...I'm not really sure what we're dealing with."

"What do you mean?"

"Aaron...Those wolves seemed a little more intelligent than your average wolf. They seemed a lot more coordinated. What's even more intresting was that there was a human with them."

'A human guiding them.' You added mentally.

"Now that you mention it, that was odd." "Yeah...I think we're dealing with a pack of werewolves."

'Werewolves..? Like me..!' You thought.

Your tail couldn't help but wag slightly. You've never met another werewolf before. And when you did, it was never a pleasent experience.

Maybe...maybe you could meet one, as crazy as it may be.

You've been told many times not to judge anyone by their actions. Maybe these werewolves were nice ones.

"But...werewolves don't act like that. Traveling in packs? That's something their ancestors did. Werewolves today don't do that."

"Yeah, but...we don't know what we're dealing with here Aaron." You would have listened some more had it not been for the constant clicks of a button.

You turned to look at whoever was making the noise but yelped when the fireplace sparked to life.

Whoa..! It released flames from just a button. It was so warm now!

"So cool..!" You gasped. "I did it!" "Yay!"

"Wooow! The fire just popped up! So amazing. I didn't know fire could do that! Can I touch it?" "No." Kim glared, smacking your hand slightly.


"Alright guys," Kim started, approaching Lucinda and Aaron with you holding her hand, "I think we should clean this place up a bit!"

"Wow...Talk about a mood change." Garroth chuckled.

"Eheh..well this place isn't so spooky anymore with the lights on! Plus, Lucinda just cleared my mind." You frowned and opened your mouth to speak, but quickly clamped it shut.

Kim seemed to much more calm now.

Just because you were worried, doesn't mean that she needed to be too.

But Aaron didn't miss the knowing look you gave Lucinda. He would have to talk to you about it later.

The witch, however, just smiled Kims way, "Ehehe..I'm glad! But! Let's at least make sure that broken windows are boarded and this place is locked tight. I want to make sure we're hundred percent safe."

"I agree! Ooh! How about on our first night here, we have a sleepover right her in front of the fireplace! That way no one is lonely and scared of the dark." Kim laughed. The suggestion made you brighten up ever so slightly.

"I'm in! I love sleepovers!"

"YEAHHH! SLEEPOVERS!...Oo, this place has an...ECHO!" You laughed as your voice bounced all around the room, making Lucinda chuckle.

"Sounds like a plan! Let's get to work." You nodded, as the four of you began to clean up the place.

Even if you were just a little uneasy, you can still safely say you were having a nice time.


"KABOOM!" You cheered, slapping Garroth ontop of the head with a pillow.

"Hey! I wasn't prepared for it that time."

"I said 'Kaboom' how'd you not hear it?"

"Just cause you said 'Kaboom' doesn't mean I know that 'Kaboom' was directed towards me." "Fine. Next time I'll say, 'Garroth Kaboom'." "Thank you."



You laughed as Garroth hung you up side down by your legs as punishment, and Kim couldn't help but smile.

"This is going to be so cool!" "You enjoy sleepovers?" "No, this is my first one."

"Wait, whaaat?" "How have you never been to a sleepover?"

"Garroth, Y/n. Hush. Really? Wow, well, maybe we'll have a more proper one when we actually get internet."

"Internet! I forgot about that!" Garroth shouted, dropping you ontop of the pillows.

"Hey..!" "Yeah we need to get that on soon." Aaron chuckled, sitting you upright, "Y/n, can I talk to you for a second?"

"Hm? Yeah, okay." You raised your arms out to Aaron who lifted you into his arms and away from the others for a moment.

When you both were successfully out of earshot, Aaron got down to your level again.

"What's up?" "Are you okay?" "Yeah, I'm cool. Why?" "It's just...Were you listening to me and Lucindas conversation earlier?"

You paused, staring at Aaron.

He was looking deep into your eyes, as if staring into your very soul.

You sighed and looked away, "Yeaah...Am I in trouble?"

"No, not at all. But now you know that we may not be completely safe."

"Yeah, I know. But..I'm not scared. Not too much anyway. Cause I know I have you to protect me! Right?" Aarons eyes went just a touch wide, that fimilar fuzzy feeling filling his chest again.

Like when you called him Dad for the first time.

"Yeah right," Aaron started placing a hand on your head, "I'll be here to protect you. Always. I promise."


Aaron smiled before taking your hand in his.

"Lets get back to the others." "Okay!...Buut, I do have a question." "What is it?" "Are we really dealing with werewolves. People like me?" You grinned.

Aaron paused to think slightly before looking down at you,

"I don't know. Like Lucinda said, we don't know what we're dealing with here. If they are wolves, we can't say for sure they'll be like you. They may be mean werewolves. Werewolves we can't trust. Or they might not even be werewolves. Lets just stay on our toes and stick together."

"Yes sir'!" You beamed. You then heard a wolves howl, tail wagging at the new sound. "Whoa..." "Yeah. Definitely stick together."

"Those wolves kinda scare me..!" You heard Kim whine, quickly going to her side.

"Don't worry about it, Kim." "Yeah! They could be friendly wolves!" "Uh...H-Hey! Maybe we should have cuddle buddies!"

"Cuddle buddies?"

"Cuddle Buddies! Me and Sophia are cuddle buddies! Just hug someone in the middle of the night, it's so nice!" You beamed.

"Mhm! A-And also so we aren't lonely! Plus the wolves can't eat us both..."

"Kim, it's fine! The wolves won't get you..." Lucinda laughed, making the girl frown just a touch.

"Aww I'll be your cuddle buddy, Kim!" Garroth beamed, holding his arms out to the girl.

"Uhhh..." Kim mumbled to herself.


Kim ended up being all cuddled close with Lucinda while Aaron and Garroth simply slept together.

You hopped onto the sleeping bag that was in between the four adults, a yawn raising in the back of your throat.

"Goodnight, guys." "Night, Y/n."

"Goodnight, Y/n." "So you are awake! Aaron, come on! Be my cuddle buddy!"


"Aw, but Lucinda and Kim are!"




"...Y/n-" "Sorry, Garroth. Scrouchy is my cuddle buddy!"

"Awh...Is this because I snore when I sleep?"

"Ugh, gah! I forgot about that!" Aaron groaned, grabbing his hair as if he was about to pull it out. You laughed at his exasperated expression. Then it clicked.

You were in here too.



You groaned inwardly and turned away from the boys. It was going to be a long night.

Suddenly, you heard a werewolf call, a shiver running down your spine.

Though intrested in the noise, you were still nervous.

Yeah. A very long night indeed.

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