Malaysian Mythology - Folktale #3: Legends of Chini Lake

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The Origin Myth

Long ago, there was a peaceful tribe of Jakun people who lived in harmony with nature. They respected the spirits of the land and the animals and never harmed them. One day, they decided to move to a new place, where they saw a vast and fertile field. They thought it was a perfect spot for planting crops and building houses. They didn't know it was actually the home of a giant serpent named Seri Gumum, who slept under a rotting log.

As they cleared the forest and dug holes, they disturbed the old woman who lived there. She was the guardian of the land, and she knew about Seri Gumum. She warned them not to touch her walking stick, which she planted in the middle of the field. She said it was a sacred object that kept the balance of the land. The Jakun people ignored her and continued their work.

One day, a dog barked at a log near the clearing. It smelled something strange and wanted to investigate. One of the men threw his stick at it, hoping to scare away the dog. To his horror, he saw blood spurt out from the log. He realized he had hit Seri Gumum, who woke up from his slumber. He screamed and alerted his fellow men, who came running with more sticks and spears. They attacked Seri Gumum, thinking he was a dangerous beast.

Seri Gumum roared in pain and anger. He tried to defend himself, but he was outnumbered and wounded. He bled profusely, and his blood soaked the ground. The sky turned dark, and thunder rumbled. The old woman's walking stick was knocked over by a gust of wind, and a fountain of water gushed out from the hole. The water flooded the field and mixed with Seri Gumum's blood.

The Jakun people ran for their lives, but it was too late. They were drowned by the rising water.

The water and blood formed a lake, which is now known as Chini Lake. Seri Gumum's body became an island in the middle of the lake. The old woman's walking stick became a lotus flower that blooms on the lake.

The lake is now a sacred place for the Jakun people, who believe that Seri Gumum's spirit still lives there.


The Love Story

Once upon a time, there was a cursed princess sealed away in a Forbidden Garden on Chini Lake. Her name was Seri Gumum, and she was cursed by a witch who envied her beauty. The witch locked her away from the world. Seri Gumum could only see the sky and the water but never touch them. She longed for freedom and love.

One day, a handsome prince named Seri Kemboja came to visit Chini Lake. He was from Cambodia, and he was curious about the legend of Seri Gumum. He sailed on a boat across the lake and saw a glimpse of her face among the lotus flowers. He was enchanted by her beauty and called out to her. She heard his voice and looked at him with wonder. They felt an instant connection and started to talk.

They soon fell in love and decided to escape together. They waited for the night when the witch was asleep. They crossed the boundary of the garden and felt a strange sensation. They looked at each other and saw that they had turned into dragons. They did not mind their new forms, as long as they were together.

Seri Gumum realized that she had forgotten her sash in the garden. It was a precious gift from her mother, and she wanted to take it with her. She told Seri Kemboja to wait for her at the mouth of the lake, while she went back to get it. He agreed and swam ahead to the open sea.

Seri Gumum retrieved her sash and followed him. However, as she reached an island near the lake, her sash got caught on a rock. She tried to pull it free, but it was too tight. She called out to Seri Kemboja for help, but he did not hear her.

Seri Kemboja waited for her at the sea, but she never came. He grew worried and sad and wondered what had happened to her. He searched for her everywhere, but could not find her. He missed her so much that he lost his will to live.

He turned into Tioman Island, which is shaped like a dragon lying on its side. Seri Gumum remained trapped on Lingga Island, which is shaped like a dragon's head. They are still separated by miles of water, but they can see each other from afar. They still love each other and hope to be reunited someday.


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