Get Back From the DEAD

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(3:55 PM)
Y/n's POV:

Blinking myself back to reality made me instantly regret leaving the safe space due to the headache that followed seconds later. My head pounded as I looked up and saw... nothing.

My eyes were shaded by a large object. Rustling my head against the surface made the object disappear suddenly, replacing it was a familiar sight.

"Y/n!" Saeko exclaimed rolling up a town map before helping me sit up.

Still dazed and shocked from my new surroundings it didn't take long before I understood; it was only the two of us.

Looking around I gasped. "The others? Rei!" I was cut off.

"They're fine, they just got away as you woke up. They've all been taken to Takagi Manor for safety. Rei is fine, we are all fine. Alice and Hirano are both on edge." She smiled.

I got onto my feet for the first time for hours although it felt like days. Taking another look around, I saw what seemed to be our old humvee in the background, a few of "them" were butting their heads against it in search of anything they can get their hands on.

"I gave Takashi and Rei my word that we'd meet up with them at Takagi Manor in the morning tomorrow. Right now we need to start moving." Saeko pulled a pistol out from behind her. "Can you walk?" She asked.

Grabbing the pistol and placed it in my waistband, I took a few steps forward before tripping over my own feet before catching myself on Saeko's frame to brace myself.

She giggled before helping me up again. "Lean on me, we have to get going." Following her lead, I stepped with her every single step. Although I ended up slowing her down more than helping her, she still didn't seem to care.

We eventually got to our first stairway. "This is gonna be embarrassing." I sighed.

Saeko hugged me closer. "I got you. Put one foot in front of the other." I nodded before turning to the stairs with more determination. "Maybe I'll give you some reward if you can do it right." She teased. "Anything you can think of?"

Taking one step, then another, and another, and finally I was on the last step, one more until we can move on and off towards finding the others. And of course my reward.

Finally stepping off and touching the ground with one foot and then the other. I felt proud even if I shouldn't be, Saeko seemed more happy than I was.

Instead of putting her arm around my shoulder she interlocked her hand with my own. They were rougher than Rei's, but that didn't bother me.

She looked at me waiting for some sort of positive reaction. Not getting one made her less confident and she pulled back.

"What is it?" I tried to reach out to her.

Saeko blushed. "It's nothing just didn't think you wanted to." She admitted.

'My numerous times with Rei teasing me has lead me to this moment, I wasn't going to waste it.' I smirked to myself before pulling her against me, hip to hip.

Saeko's face got even more red. "What are you?"

I shrugged. "I like this better than hand-holding. Besides who else am I gonna lean on?"

Cracking a small smile and taking a page out of Takagi's book. "Idiot, let's just get going." She muttered.

Takashi's POV:

Mrs. Takagi has packed our group into one of three SUVs. The group had been silent, Ms. Shizuoka especially fumbling with her thumbs. Alice hugged onto Ms. Shizuoka and looked at her, glossy eyed.

"Big brother Y/n is gonna be alright," before looking around the group. "Right?" Alice asked between tears. 

Rei and I shared a look but before we could chime in Ms. Shizuoka squeezed her to her chest. "He'll be fine, he's got Saeko to protect him. He'll be fine."

She sounded like she was trying to convince herself. Saya had held onto her hand reassuringly. "Your right, he's smart and Saeko is no pushover either. Trust me we'll see them in the morning."

Mrs. Takagi had turned around from the passenger seat. "Didn't know my daughter and her friends liked this Y/n."

And that's when Hirano and I slumped back in our seats not wanting to hear the rest of this conversation as the girls bickered back and forth about Y/n and his great feats.

Y/n's POV:

"Damnit this place too!" I hid behind a brick pillar. Every other block was littered by undead mobs.

"It doesn't look like we can make it to the next block." Saeko looked ahead.

Taking one last look I begrudgingly linked back up with her. "Let's go back the way we came. What I'd do for my bike right now. Hand me the map, I'll see what I can see."

Taking our time to make it around each and every bend we eventually got a good view of what I assumed was the iconic blue roof Takagi Manor.

Scanning the map for the big house with the azure blue roof. Pointing at the small caption that read: Takagi Family Estate

Taking our time up the steep incline, ironically named, Rāji Hiru was annoying but once up we proved that it was indeed the Takagi Mansion.

"Yeah that's the manor!" I practically skipped a few steps before my leg muscles tightened.

"Y/n, do you need help?" She asked.

"Nope I am an independent man!" I cried but she found it more than amusing.

While I was on the ground eating the pavement, Saeko scouted the perimeter. "Y/n, you said you wanted a new bike right?"

Eventually I got myself to sit up to find a local motor shop with motor bikes displayed on the outside. "You get the supplies; I'll get the ride." I smirked before accepting her help to get inside.

Takashi's POV:

'What is different from me and Y/n? What makes him special? Is it his looks? His confidence? His IQ?' I ruffled my head in frustration. 'Damnit he's my teammate! I shouldn't think about his shortcomings.' I internally sighed.

"Do you think that there will be any more of them at the Manor?" Hirano asked, breaking me from my silent trance.

"No, at least not that the group can't handle." Mrs. Takagi answered looking at him up and down. "So your the gun expert?"

"Y-Yeah— I mean yes ma'am!" He stammered.

'Damnit I hope he's alright, he's our leader. I look to him for advice on different things, like what formations and mapping. I'm supposed to do my part but all I can do is hit zombies with melee-style brute force.' I continued to think.

She chuckled. "Don't be so tense, you looked like you knew what you were doing, unlike Takashi over there."

I heard my name, immediately pulling me again from my thoughts. "Yeah, maybe your right." I sighed.

"Woah there Takashi don't get so down, I'll teach you how to fire any gun you wanna learn about." Mrs. Takagi smiled sweetly at me. "You we're always a fast learner." She leaned forward, almost teasingly showing off her assets.

"Oh my god you perv!" Saya gave a long, loud, speech about how if her father found out, yatta, yatta, yatta.

'Fuck it, that's the most I've gotten in a while anyway.' I smiled internally, going back to thinking. This time about Mrs. Takagi.

Y/n's POV:

Saeko slowly walked up to me ogling the girl on the bike with the man. "You know Y/n, if you wanted to do that pose on the bike all you have to do is ask. I do owe you a reward remember?" Before brushing past me towards the gloves.

"Woah how about this?" Saeko asked before flipping the switch to the back room.

I followed her into the back room and picked up the manual. "Damn this hasn't been stolen yet? What are people doing?"

"Shock absorbers, good gas mileage, and it can float! Damn you people are all idiots!" I looked over at the manual.

Getting to the drivers side and hoisting myself up before sinking down into the chair. "Seats are sturdy, seatbelt functional, keys?"

She flipped them over to me and hopped in with a backpack full of different gear. "You look so confident behind the wheel for someone so young." She teased.

I snickered. "Well there are no rules in the mountains all we had was horses and mopeds."

She held onto safety bar. "Hit it."

Turning the ignition on and slowly accelerating before crashing through the nearby window. Climbing the hill and finding ourselves on the main roads.

"This is the hard part." Saeko said looking at the hordes in front of us. "Don't suppose you have a plan?" She questioned.

Scanning around for some opening. 'Not too many, can we bash through? No... too risky, maybe we just sharply turn, no we might end up in the water... the water? That's it!'

I smirked. "Good thing this can float."

Saeko looked out at the river, then back to me. "I'll hold on." Before bracing herself. "The force won't hurt your back even more right?"

I shook my head. "Nope shock absorbers in the seat I'll be able to brace, it's meant for all types of driving."

"What about me though?" She asked. "Where do I sit?"

I was too busy looking at the road and the river for intelligence answer. "My lap." So I came up with what my penis thought of.

Without any protests she sunk herself into my lap. "Tell me where I'm going." I held onto the wheel as she took over pressing the gas.

Holding onto my hands as I steered, she adjusted them slightly before hitting a few of "them" into the water. "Hang on!" She yelled before recoiling herself while I wrapped my arms around her.




Watching the undead that we knocked down try to claw their way back up was satisfying yet also terrifying due to their amazing recovery time.

'Oh yeah I'm holding Saeko!' I finally let go of her. Checking that everything was okay began to shake with excitement, turning to Saeko. "Woah that worked? Are you alright Saek-"

"D-Don't look!" She mumbled as I quickly turning back around. "You gonna thank me?" She still avoided my gaze.

"F-For what?" I turned back around but began to nosebleed.

"FOR SHIELDING YOU!" She began to shudder. "I-It's c-cold!"

I still stared, maybe a little too obviously because soon she covered up with her arms. "I said don't look! Idiot!" Before trying to shoo me off by kicking her legs.

"Right!" Trying to keep my eyes on the road, or well water trying to get far enough away. Both of us looking back at the undead seeing if our experience with water and "them" wasn't a fluke the first time we've encountered this.

Seeing them all turn back around, I let out a long sigh. "Don't tell me that your all finished?" Saeko teasingly whispered in my ear.

I looked right at her. 'I won't let her keep teasing me!' I gulped before throwing on a confident smile. "Well for you I can go at least two more times."

Then came the silence. Followed by her overzealous laughter that would wake any undead from their spots. "Your so weird! Was that your attempt of trying to make me embarrassed?"

I didn't saw anything which made her laugh all the way to the upcoming sandbar where we docked the vehicle. "Are you done laughing?" I blushed.

She stopped for a second before looking at me again... then laughing some more. "Get it all out." I sighed.

Surveying the land was simple, I had rich people to the west and poor people to the east, the two bridges were north and south. 'This sunset reminds me of home, or what used to be home.'

"Achew!" I turned around as my thoughts were interrupted. "I told you it's c-cold!"

Walking over to the nearby bag unfortunately I found nothing, fortunately however, I was wearing a jacket. Slowly sliding it off leaving me in a white t-shirt.

Holding it out for her to take it she tried to refuse, but she was still shivering and sneezing so I basically forced her to have it. It may have been closer to summer than winter, but the spring air was still cold and balmy.

Her entire torso didn't fit in due to her height but the jacket covered all the wet clothes spots. Zipping it up she buried her face into the collar.

"You all set?" I asked.

She nodded. "Yes." There was a thick silence again, neither of us broke it with conversation or laughter. Hopping back inside of the vehicle, Saeko tugged on my shirt. "Y/n?"

"Yeah?" I asked.

She blushed. "Do you like someone besides Rei?"

It was my turn to blush. "W-Well of course!"

"Do you mind me asking who?" She blushed deeper.

'This was it! This was the moment!' I thought before I cleared my throat. "Takashi."

Her eyes widened. "What? You like Takashi?"

I nodded. "Yeah he's a great friend."

Smirking at her. Her face got angrier as I probably regret teasing her like this. Throwing up my hands to stop a incoming bokken attack, I acted quickly. "But if your talking about love? I love Rei, I also love Ms. Shizuoka, and I also love... well... you."

She frowned before turning her head away from the conversation, before I started driving however, I heard a small, almost silent, whisper. "Was that so hard?"

I smiled to myself as we got on the road to our next destination. Takagi Manor.

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