Help! We Need Help To Get Away From the DEAD

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(8:45 AM)
Y/n's POV:

Takagi walked past us with a pair of binoculars. "I guess the river didn't stop them huh?"

"I don't see why any of us thought it would be any on the other side." Saeko replied.

Rei however held onto hope. "But if the police are still on the job them maybe."

Takagi turned to her and smiled. "Yeah your right! And maybe curbside recycling is still running weekly."

Rei nodded happily. "Yeah!" Before looking at Takagi who sighed in annoyance. "Wait-"

Shizuoka poked her head out of the hummer. "Where will we go now?"

I walked around with a map that looked larger than I was. But before I could say anything Takashi spoke to Takagi first. "Your house is in the Higashi Sakka district."

"That's right." She nodded.

"Then that's where we go first. Since your house is the closest one." He said before averting his gaze. "But they're... well you know."

"I know and I'm not expecting anything. But still," she was stopped abruptly by him.

"It'll be fine." His nod seemed to fill her with a different type of confidence and it showed in the first genuine smile I've seen form on her face ever.

(9:15 AM)

Riding on top of the humvee with Rei was some of the only time the two of us have talked (besides her drunken stupor) in a few hours. I understand how that sounds self centered and narcissistic but understand that she has been the rock that kept me going and it will continue like this.

Just because I think all the girls are attractive doesn't mean I don't forget my first love at Fujimi. Rei has been with me the longest, she's the first friend I've had in this specific group, and from my own mouth... she's my girl.

"Whatcha thinking Y/n?" She poked my shoulder.

"Thinking about you." I replied.

She scooted closer. "Oh really?"

"50 percent of the time it's you up there." I respond. "The other 50 is the other girls." Sticking out my tongue, teasing her.

Rei punched my shoulder playfully which made the both of us laugh. Feeling confident enough I placed my head on her shoulder and she quickly reciprocated it with her own.

"Thank you Y/n." We were sitting there for a few seconds before she broke the silence. "I remember last night, when we were on the staircase. I almost kissed you and I'm sorry."

Taking her hand into my own. "If you weren't drunk I'd do it. I was afraid though." I admitted.

"Afraid? Afraid of me?" She asked clearly confused before breaking into another joke. "I don't bite." She and I giggled before I rubbed my thumb over her own.

"I've only kissed one girl before you attempted. I'm afraid for someone who's experienced, like you, I won't satisfy." Hanging my head shamefully.

Rei removed from her head from atop my own and grabbed both of my hands and held onto them. "Your going to be fine— I-I mean if we ever get to that step we'll be fine."

I stared at her, almost piercing through her soul, but she tried to avoided my intense gaze.

Her reddish brown eyes that I loved to get lost in found my own for a moment, until she got red and averted my gazed again.

My heart thumped harder and faster, my brain lost all thoughts of contradiction and I got red as well before leaning in. She closed her eyes trying to meet me halfway but I finally placed a simple peck onto Rei's cheek.

She seemed to not mind the gesture instead sweetly smiling at me. "Once we're out of all this. Once we're safe and everyone's family is safe I wanna start some place new." Rei, this time, placing her head onto my shoulder. "I want to go wherever you go." She finished simply.

I put my arm around her and pulled her closer. "We're a team. Your my partner." I gulped. "A-And your my girl."

"I like it when when you say that." She and I looked out at the sun that was now almost fully awake. The orange orb that beat on both of us and seemed to smile. Rei backed away suddenly and looked around. "Did you hear that?"

I listened and couldn't hear a thing. "Nope, just silence. Not even the choppers are out."

The wind as we went around a sharp turn blew the blossoms into her hair and made her hold a few locks behind her ear.

"It means we're alone." She gleefully smiled at me. Looking back at the sun I breathed easy for what seemed like the first time in a months.

"Looks like we are." I smiled back.

Finishing my gaze at the sun I returned my attention back to Rei who still tried to fix the lock of hair that was still bothering her. I suppressed a laugh with my hand while she continued to work the same spot of hair.

Her frustration was cute to watch but she caught me silently snigger. She gave my shoulder a light punch. Making me laugh louder before I extended my hands. "Here let me try." I gently turned her chin towards my face as I got closer. Before twisting her and tucking it behind her ear. "See-"

I was interrupted by the hair coming undone again and flying right into both of our faces. She and I couldn't contain our laughter.

"Keep it down!" Takagi screeched from the inside the humvee. "Your supposed to be on watch!"

I frowned and turned back to the street. Rei held onto her new Springfield with pride and kicked her feet like a child. Taking out my firearm while still peering at Rei and her beauty. If I hadn't been hesitant maybe instead of sitting here, looking for dead beings that smelled like dirt and looked like shit, we could've been holding onto each other and not our guns.

In reality, thinking of the different situations has been my lifeline. Like what if I had been with Choi at the start of this, or if I was sick that night, what if I was with Miku and her gang, or what if I had just stayed in the mountains with her.

It originally bothered me that I was the youngest of the group. I can never admit this to anyone because they'd call it foolish considering that I am leading this hydra head of democracy we've created.

All in all have grown to feel more selfless by the day. It used to be how I could get myself and Rei to safety. But now I want us to all get to an island and maybe just stay there as long as we can until this all blows over.

'There are plans I have that I haven't let anyone in on. Maybe I should just tell Takashi or maybe it's time to go public with my vision.' I thought before turning to Rei.

"Have you ever thought about the future? Like what will we do when we get control and link up with our families?" I asked.

She stopped kicking her legs. "No—to be honest I don't even think about tomorrow. I stay focused in the present." She answered before continuing to play footsies with the air. "What do you think we should do?"

I slid over to her until we were tied at the hip laying my head on her shoulder. She smirked and rested her head on my own. For a moment I forgot to answer her own question, I was caught up in the rising sun and the consistent moments we catch ourselves in.

"I want to build a little society-" I was cut off.

"A society?" Rei interrupted.

"-Yes before you cut me off further I think that if this doesn't end soon then we'll need numbers. If we build something that is fair and large people will find it and come to join it. That's how we get people to join. You, Saeko, Takagi, Takashi, Hirano, Ms. Shizuoka, and I will be the leaders of a different search and destroy party. We'll also all be voting members." I explained.

She didn't move from my shoulder. "You didn't add Alice because she's too young?"

I nodded and interlocked my right hand to her left. Leaving us to our own thoughts. The silence made me forget about the proposal. Before Rei turned her head to look into my e/c eyes.

"I like it. Because if we do that then not only will we control the decisions but we'll also get more numbers. Those gangs lunatics," she shuddered. "They're not people anymore just a hybrid between us and "them". We need to one day stop their spread. Most importantly I believe in your judgement and I would be happy to serve."

I breathed a little easier, but she didn't turn back to the sun. Instead her eyes went from my own to my lips. There was a silence that broke with nothing but words but we couldn't find them.

Her reddish brown eyes got my own e/c's lost. Instead of breaking the silence she just leaned in. Once we were mere inches away her face that was usual teasing me or smiling brightly; got flustered.

Giving a small smirked before catching my eyes again. She inched closer until we were an inch apart now her face was almost resembled a sunburn. Her breathing quickened and we could hear each other's heartbeat.

"Can I kiss you?" She licked in between her lips nervously.

With a mere head nod she closed the distance completely locking our lips together. At first it was simple and pure her lips were soft and I'd hoped that I would meet her standards. Inching closer to deepen the exchange our hands that we previously interlocked, ran out of room to deep the kiss. Finally after the simple kiss she begged me to let her tongue inside to join in which obliged.

Our lips locked as our tongues danced creating something beautiful but sloppier. When we pulled apart a little string of saliva pulled with us. Though not satisfied we still did not collide together again. Just locking eyes again and giggling to ourselves.

"That was—" we said at the same time.

"Amazing?" I asked.

"Passionate?" Rei asked.

I shrugged. "Amazingly Passionate. What about the second time?"

"What second, oh!" She smirked at me. "Well there's one way to find out huh?"

We leaned in again this time barely touching before-

"ITS THEM!" Hirano exclaimed pointing out at a horde in front of the car. "300 meters out!"

Suddenly the car bends right causing Rei and I to hold on for our lives... for only a split second... then banking left. Although we were trying to escape from the different hordes the more we turned, it seemed the more "they" grew in numbers.

"Ten, fifteen, twenty," I started to count until I landed on a number. "Thirty-five!"

"But why! We haven't seen any of them for miles! Not to mention we haven't seen any since this morning!" Rei cries before we hit the deck and laid there, gripping the top rail of the hummer.

"Don't stop! Straight forward!" Takagi ordered.

The vehicle accelerated faster and faster until we collided with the growing number of "them". I shuffled my body closer to Rei inch by inch to help shield her from the undead bodies melee toward us.

I slowly opened my eyes and went back to bracing myself but what was in front of me completely stunned me.

"Oh no! No no no no! Stop the car! Stop!" Rei pleaded.

"Jesus Christ there's a wire! To the side! Turn to the side!" Saeko cried.

The hummer drifted leaving Rei and I to hold on tight once again. The car jolted forward again as I threw my arm around Rei again. Pulling her as close with my free arm and pressing our bodies together.

"Hold onto me Rei!" I shielded the top on her head.

She wrapped both arms around my neck and my back interlocking at the center of my back.

"BREAK! BREEAKK!" Takashi yelled.

"Hold on everybody!" Shizuoka exclaimed.

My eyes flew open realizing the situation I let go of the handle. As the car broke, we flew off the top and I cradle her, shifting myself to brace her. The inevitable came into my mind.

We were falling.

We were together..

We were entering the lions den...

We landed..

I land directly on my back.

"Y/N! REI!" The group yelled collectively.

My eyes crept open and I craned my neck, my ears were hurting my legs were twitching, but my head was foggy. Rei stood up over me seemingly to protect me from something.

"Y/n we have to move." Rei shook me, pleading for me to move. "Please," I heard a bang echo in the background. "I can't lose you too... please Y/n wake up."

Wake up...

Wake... up...


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