Issues With The DEAD

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(??? AM)
Y/n's POV:

'Why am I so cold?' I looked around what seemed to be the shrine, but more worn and homey. Looking over at the clock it was shattered, the hand had stopped on 7:34. Judging by the light that lit up the room around me, it had been morning.

'We slept in, that isn't too bad.' I smiled to myself as I laid back down looking up at the ceiling. 'We needed this.'

My hand reached out for Saeko's hand but all that was there was a cold liquid. I immediately recoiled back my hand and blinked a few times at the blood dripping from my fingers.

Finally looking over at her, I saw why I'd been so cold, cuts, bruises, and blood. A pool of blood had left Saeko lifeless on the ground, her body was limp and cold. The bruises on her face and underneath her chest made me wince, and gashes all along her abdomen. "Saeko?" I shook her. "Wake up... why, no wake up." I felt her pulse, but there was nothing.

"She won't wake." A sadistic voice echoed behind me. Looking back at figure, it finally appeared before me.

She wielded a long hatchet, dripping with blood. "Goodnight Y/n." She giggled before taking one long swing at my head.

(1:34 AM)
(Y/n's POV:)

"NO!" I shot up, feeling around my body for different damages and gashes. "She didn't—she didn't get me this time." I panted, turning myself to the clock which read: 1:34.

Sighing and gulping down my worries, I felt a hand on mine. Turning back I see her, still undressed, she had no cuts or bruises, she had no pool of blood, Saeko was still my Saeko.

"Are you alright?" She rubbed her eyes. "I heard a scream." She brought her hand to my cheek to wipe away a tear that I didn't know fell.

I didn't say anything, in a single motion I launched myself at her hugging her tightly in my arms. My head buried itself on her shoulder while her chest pierced my own.

She rubbed the center of my back. "Shhh Y/n, don't keep it in, let it out."

Removing myself from her shoulder, I embraced her with my lips next. Kissing her hard enough to try tackling her down, but she was strong enough to keep upright.

Finally breaking the kiss, she looked even more worried, feeling my head for a temperature. When she didn't find anything wrong her usual stoic expression changed to her being worried. 

"Did you have a nightmare?" She asked.

"Yes." I shivered.

She sat upright trying to cover herself up as much as she could. "About what?" I stayed silent. "Please tell me... I told you about my past struggles. I want to help you."

"If I tell you I'd relive it." Shuddering at the cold chill that entered my body.

"Theres no silver lining to the hell I've seen." I sighed, turning away from her gaze.

Saeko seemed unfazed by the gesture, instead pulling me into a warm embrace. My head was directly above her chest as she rubbed my back.

"It felt good for me to tell you. It felt like a weight lifted off of my chest. Now I can be myself with you, no more hiding, so please, Y/n, if you truly love me like I love you, let it out." Then she rubbed my shoulders before kissing the back of my head. "Let me help you."

Letting me out of her warm embrace we say there face to face, I didn't know how to begin, should I start with the beginning of the story, or the beginning of the nightmare? I believed that it would be best to start from the very beginning, tell her about the good times, and of course the bad ones.

"It all started a few years ago, when my family were high ranking nobility in the mountain village tribes. We had power and influence and some families worked as our maids and butlers. One of the middle class families that was a minor nobility, the Tsuyoshi family, we had been starting to merge with them over the past decade." I explained.

"Merging? Meaning marrying in?" Saeko asked.

I nodded. "Yes and I was promised to the eldest daughter Ayana who was 5 years older than I was but I loved someone else. Her sister, the middle sister, Mina who was being saved for my 16 year old cousin, Daichi. Mina and I were childhood friends, she was my first kiss, my first best friend, my first girlfriend... but then I betrayed her," I continued. "A colder night in December during one of the Christmas festivals they had tried to marry me off then and there with Ayana, who wasn't pleased either, so I ran off. Not before I asked Mina to run away with me."

"Did you bring anything of importance? Clothes? Food?" Saeko frowned.

"No we brought jackets and that was all. We got all the way to the Ryugi river but when we tried to cross— Mina she— fell right through. As she pounded on the glassy ice, I was sitting there in fear contemplating what I should do, the current was too strong, she couldn't swim back to the hole to grab onto me. That's when she— well, you know the rest." I choked up. "We were stupid, she was brave, I wasn't. When I hit my head on the pavement I was brought to a dream like state where I saw Mina. She brought me around the village landmarks and it was all going well until." I averted my eyes.

Saeko grabbed onto my shoulder. "It wasn't real, your doing great, keep going."

I nodded again. "Okay! She then kept torturing me and torturing me, it seemed like days but it was only minutes. She shot me, stabbed me, whipped me, mentally fucked me up." I clenched my fists. "But then— I fought back, realized that I had as much power as she did, it was my own mind it was all in my head so I fought back." I averted my eyes again. "Then I woke up."

The room was silent, neither one of us knew what to say to the other. I could tell that she was trying to think of something to break this uncomfortable silence, but didn't know how. She almost killed someone; meanwhile— I actually did.

"We all have sins, Y/n. Both of us. All of us in the group." Saeko laid back down. "The best part about living life, is to make mistakes and learn from them. What happened just now? When you woke up."

I stared at the clock. "I woke up and saw that you were dead, Mina was over your body with a hatchet, then she swung at me, I woke up before anything else." Shivering again like I had when I awoke. "I'm such a pussy... I've had nightmares before but this time it was different. It was unbearable." Laying back down ignoring anything else Saeko was about to say, instead closing my eyes and attempting to drift back to sleep for at least another hour, only to hear the rustling beside me.

Feeling the weight of another person I opened my eyes, only for my E/c to be met with Saeko's azure blue eyes. We were only inches apart, making deep eye contact while she pressed herself against me.

"What are you doing?" I asked as she laid her head onto my chest making it hard to focus on anything besides her.

Still only watching her body rise and fall with every inhale and exhale, she was drifting off to sleep. "I'm making sure you can't ignore me." Saeko placed her forehead against my own. "I don't know what we are, but I know that what you and I did last night was special. I want to be one of the people you hold dear, I want to be your girlfriend, lover if you want."

She kissed the tip of my nose, then coiled back to sleeping on my chest, allowing me to sleep and think about what she just said. 'Girlfriend isn't out of question but how can a man that loves three women choose one from the other.'

Saeko's snores broke me out of my thoughts, as she sniffled and smiled at whatever she was seeing in her dreams, part of me hopes that she is seeing a better world with me and the others by her side.

Closing my eyes I forgot all about Mina and my nightmares, there was no reason to shiver and tear because now I have Saeko and the others to watch my back to protect me as I will them.

"Okay, let's do it." I whispered to no one, the only verification I got was a simple smirk from her as she was sleeping. I wrapped my arms around her before falling asleep with her.

(6:17 A.M.)
(Y/n's POV)

"Get up. It's time to get moving." Saeko pinched and twisted my cheeks in order to awake me.

"Gah! OW! Jeez alright I'm up." I opened my eyes to see her straddling me. Her uniform wasn't buttoned and she was still fixing her hair.

There was a sword that she was carrying instead of her usual bokken that she must've found when I gave her time to think last night.  "What time is it?"

She leaped off me as I stretched myself out, yawning while Saeko threw over my clothes from the night before. "6:22, we promised we'd be at the mansion by 8:00 we need to move." Hurrying by me with the backpack and her bokken. "Your bat is outside, the pistol is on the nightstand by the door, come on come on!" She spun back around to tinker with, and out the final touches on the bag.

Seeing that she turned around, I laid back down but not for long as she started to pull me up and onto my feet. Still being exposed from the night before, I covered up out of instinct.

Saeko rolled her eyes. "Put the clothes on let's go." She walked past me to throw me my underwear. "Nothing I haven't seen before." Smirking flirtatiously while leaving the room swaying her hips as she did.

My face fell as the sight was gone with a sliding door that snapped shut, leaving me back to the reality that it was time to leave our shrine and back into the fire.

Sliding the door back open, immediately there was a strong flash of before me. It was due to the strong sun. The light quickly turned back into the usual smoggy air that filled my nostrils.

It was peaceful, something that was uncommon now but even then we are still on edge. It's engraved in us by now. "We should be able to go around back, according to the map, see?" Saeko called me over and pointed at the map.

Nodding, while still looking over the map. "Yeah about 20 to 30 minutes from now we should be there."

"Hrrrrr..." Looking up from the map I saw one of "them" tumble up the stairs.

This only seemed to open the floodgates for more of "them" to sprint towards us. Frantically looking around but to no avail, we were surrounded.

"How the hell are there this many! We didn't even make that much noise last night!" I exclaimed. "Or this morning when we woke up!"

I backed up holding onto my pistol tightly. "I don't understand!" Looking back at Saeko I frowned. "Let's just run! Huh—Saeko? Saeko!" My voice echoed, just drawing more attention on us.

Her bottom lip trembled, her new sword was between her arms that were crossed tightly, propping up her chest as she squirmed in fear. From what we just experienced the previous night, the long conversation that we had, she is still hesitant to show me that she enjoys this, she gets off to it.

I ran up behind her and firmly clung onto her left breast with my hand. My mind wasn't really thinking in that moment, I had acted on instinct. Gripping onto the soft mound with authority I whispered into her ear.

"Just because you showed me the real you, doesn't mean I don't love what I see," Gripping tighter.

"B-But why should I what purpose should I have!" She cried breathlessly.

I glared at her. "Because there are people out there who I want to save! My mom, my dad, my best friend... please I can't do this without you." I stared into her eyes and started to loosen my glare. "So fight. Fight with me. Fight for your boyfriend—NO—With your boyfriend." Kissing her gently on the cheek, snapping her back to reality.

Breaking away from my embrace she looked as if she was going to slap me but before that she jolted forward at me. Pushing me away and off to the side at the right moment. One of them slipped behind me during my monologue, in one swift slice with the blade she cut off "it's" head.

Once she looked up at me again, I saw her mouth twitch into a satisfied smirk. She walked back up to me, our eyes meeting again, this time her eyes were filled with passion and fire.

"Boob grabbing now, babe? That'll cost you." Offering me a hand up which I gladly accepted.

Raising an eyebrow. "Oh yeah, name your price."

Her eyes gleefully looked at the sea of undead in front of us. "I'll tell you after we're done with all the fun!" Without another word between us we ran off into "their" dog pile.

Saeko would slice up anything in her way and whatever she hadn't killed would be met with a bat to their skull or a bullet in their head's.

Looking out at the horizon and seeing her all alone with nothing around her but bloodied undead made me smile aloofly. In a matter of minutes we cleared out the entire horde surrounding us.

Saeko saw me staring at her in awe, while she blushed and looked away from me, I still trotted up next to her, holding onto her hand, and squeezing it reassuringly. This surprised her as she looked down at my hand, her face grew even more red.

"Let's go find our friends." I said, before pulling her back near the shrine to get our equipment, and to get back to the others.

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