Chapter 5》apprenticeship at last!

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      Applekit smiled wide looking over at his friends. Reedkit caught his eye, and she seemed equally as excited and bounded forwards towards Applekit.
      "We're becoming apprentices!" she whispered, her bright blue eyes sparkled her tabby-striped tail high up.
      Spikekit and Beekit followed from behind, the clan gave excited murmurs. One warrior in particular, Shellskip, a large silver tabby tom, was looking at him and smiled as he turned back towards his clanmates.

The group of four had made it to the middle of the clearing, and Applekit, the sandy-brown tom-kit looked up at Birchstar as she stood proud and strong.

"Leaf-bare will bring rough times, and apprentices made in the very beginning of leaf-bare is very risky but it will also make our clan strong!" the RiverClan leader yowled, Applekit's clanmates erupted into excited and prideful yowls in reply.
Applekit looked over at his brother, Spikekit's dark green eyes seemed wide and sparkled as if he imagined himself repeating the same thing.

Birchstar looked back down at the kits, a inviting smile on her face, "these kits have reached six moons which means they are ready to become apprentices." The pale tabby looked down a the four kits. "Beekit, step forward."

The dark brown tabby tom-kit seemed surprised, but he raced forward and stood in front of the high-stones that Birchstar stood upon. Her long tail twitched behind her as Beekit scanned the crowd for his new mentor.

"Beekit, you have grown to the age of six moons, which means you are most definitely ready to become a warrior apprentice, until you receive your warrior name you shall be known as Beepaw and your mentor will be... Mintface." The fluffy black she-cat seemed surprised, as she looked around at her fellow clanmates.
"Mintface, this will be your first apprentice. I expect for you to pass down your compassion and smarts down to this young tom."
Mintface blinked and smiled as got to her paws and made her way towards the dark brown–nearly black– tom. Her new apprentice.

She bent down and touched noses with the dark apprentice, forming their new bond as mentor and apprentice.

Birchstar nodded, looking back at the group of now three kits.

"Reedkit, it is time for you to be apprenticed," The dark orange tabby she-kit smiled wide, her blue eyes sparkled brighter, if that was even possible, and quietly stamped her paws to the ground in excitement. Birchstar smirked, and welcomed the kit forward.

"You have reached the age of six moons, and until you receive your warrior name you shall be known as Reedpaw. Your mentor will be Shellskip."
Shellskip blinked and walked over, "Shellskip, this will be your second apprentice, you taught Frostfoot well and I expect for you to share your loyalty and honesty with this young apprentice." Shellskip dipped his broad head and touched noses with the new, bouncing apprentice.

      Sighing, the leader looked at Spikekit, his brother seemed nervous as Birchstar stepped down to face the kit.
      "Spikekit, you have reached the age of six moons." The clan seemed quiet as Birchstar twitched her whiskers, "you have grown strong and I, Birchstar, leader of RiverClan, will be your mentor. I hope to pass everything I know to you. Until you receive your warrior name you shall be known as Spikepaw." the clan gasped as Birchstar touched noses with the shocked apprentice.

The only three cats who weren't surprised were Russetstorm, Creeknose, and Icewhisker. The medicine cat had padded to sit beside his parents.
Applekit's pelt rippled with unease as the white tom's gaze rested on him.

Leaping back onto high stones, her amber gaze landed on Applekit. Spikepaw had hesitated before rushing to sit beside Beepaw and Mintface.

      "Applekit," she purred, "like your brother and former nurserymates, you have grown big and strong and have reached the age of six moons." Applekit seemed fixated on the leader, the sun seemed to be in the perfect spot. She covered the sun and Applekit opened his mouth a bit. She looked like a StarClan cat! Birchstar continued, "I expect nothing but the best from you, so, your mentor will be Rainwhisker."

      The clan gasped, and so did Applekit, Rainwhisker was the most talented warrior in all of RiverClan! He was brave, smart, an amazing fighter according to his dad, and he was excellent with the she-cats.

Rainwhisker seemed unfazed as he walked to the front of the clearing to meet Applekit in front of the clearing.
Rainwhisker purred at Applekit, his icy-blue eyes seemed to pop from his snow white pelt. His nicked ear twitched as the RiverClan lead spoke. "From this day forth, until you receive your warrior name, you shall be known as, Applepaw. Rainwhisker, Applepaw will be your third apprentice, you have taught Leafsplash and Honeytail both, very well and I hope you can teach this young apprentice everything you know."

Rainwhisker smirked and looked over his shoulder at a group of she-cats, Applepaw noticed Honeytail and Leafsplash in the group, the she-cats seemed to melt as he winked at them. High-pitched, lovesick whispers erupting from the group of she-cats.

The clan yowled as they began to chant the four new apprentices' names, "Beepaw, Reedpaw, Spikepaw, Applepaw!"

Applepaw looked over at his fellow clanmates, and then his parents. Creeknose smiled warmlu as Russetstorm rested her head on Creeknose's shoulder. Icewhisker dipped his head. Applepaw felt like this was his moment, looking over at his brother who was looked at him in turn.
From the corner of his eyes, he noticed Reedpaw, Beepaw, and Darkshadow's parents, Harethroat and Frostfoot, arguing quietly near the Elders' Den.
Beepaw didn't seem to notice, talking to his new mentor excitedly, but Applepaw was most certain Reedpaw did, but she had chose to ignore them.

Applepaw strained his ears, their argument became clearer.

      "I swear! if you didn't want kits, then you shouldn't have mated with me! or did you just want your legacy to go on while you chased after Petalfoot?!"
      Harethroat looked down at Frostfoot, anger flared in his dark blue gaze as it landed on the striped she-cat.
      "Don't you dare bring Petalfoot into this." he growled, "she did nothing."
      "She did nothing, but you did something!" Frostfoot retorted, her amber-yellow eyes flashing with fury. "Our kits have just had their apprentice ceremony and you're trying to go after a she-cat who's still a new warrior! you disgust me, Harethroat."
      Harethroat stiffened and unsheathed his claws. "Watch yourself," he sneered, "unless you wanna be cut again..."

The former queens ears went back as fear filled her face, her eyes clouding with fear. "N-no!" she begged quietly, looking around to make sure no cat heard or saw her.
Applepaw just stared as Frostfoot locked eyes with the small tom for a moment, before she blinked and looked away.

Applepaw stopped straining his ears after that, trying to process what he had just heard. He imagined if his parents fought. 'But they'd never. They love each other.'

Reedpaw walked over towards him and sat down, her tail curling over her paws. "You saw?" she asked.
Applepaw shuffled his paws, "with your..."
"parents." Reedpaw finished, "I don't think they like each other. After Beepaw and I were born, Harethroat seemed... distant..." Applepaw sighed, "let's talk about this after the ceremony!" he mewed, Reedpaw nodded and flicked her striped tail.
"Thanks, Applepaw." Applepaw blinked, a warm feeling bubbled inside of him, the way she said his name seemed... oddly calming...


     Applepaw was curled up in his new nest in the Apprentices Den. He shuffled, not used to sleeping by himself, but by his mother side. He lifted his head and looked over at his brother and their friends.
      Spikepaw was sleeping quietly his flank rising and falling. 'How can he sleep alone?' Applepaw thought with silent sigh.
      He looked over towards Reedpaw, she was surely asleep, her flank doing the same rising and falling as his brother.

He looked around the den, but Beepaw was nowhere to be seen.
Panic set in as he carefully got to his paws making sure not to tread on any cats long tails as he walked out of the Apprentices' Den.

He flicked his ears, looking around to make sure no cat saw him sneak out to find Beepaw. Their mentors had shown them a little bit around the snowy territory, like Sunning Rocks and The Stepping Stones. And the semi-frozen river. 'Beepaw must be around there.' He thought.
"He couldn't have gone far..." Applepaw murmured, doing a final look he pelted towards the entrance.

"Beepaw!" Applepaw whisper shouted, the tan tom looked up at the sky, silverpelt seemed to have disappeared as the dark, dark blue sky seemed plain. Not a single speckle of white, it had stopped snowing a little after their Apprenticeships.

Applepaw sniffed the frosty air as he made it towards the edge of the frozen river. He froze, Beepaw's scent was incredibly fresh.
He shook his head, green eyes flickering around he couldn't see his friend, but he could certainly smell him.

Applepaw walked around the territory nervously until he saw Beepaw, the dark tabby, was clawing something into the lightly snow powdered ground, and then stomped and wiped it away with a hiss of frustration.

"Beepaw?" He whispered, his breath turning into a frosty cloud as he pushed past a clump of dark reeds.
Beepaw's ears flew up in alarm and his claws unsheathed as he jumped around to face Applepaw.
"Who's there!" Beepaw spat, his yellow eyes flashing with panic.
Applepaw blinked in surprise and padded over towards the frightened apprentice. "Beepaw, what in the name of StarClan are you doing here??"

Beepaw froze, "Applepaw?"
Applepaw sighed, "yes, now answer my question. What are you doing out here? It's cold and dark."
Beepaw flicked his ear, "I... I don't think I belong here... I don't belong in RiverClan!" Beepaw blurted out, looking down at his shuffling paws.

Applepaw opened his maw to speak but Beepaw cut him off before any words were spoken.
"I don't want to swim, I want to climb trees! like, In ThunderClan! My mom told me a bunch of stories of how they fly up trees, and hunted mice and birds, and squirrels." Beepaw smiled, he sounded so confident, so sure of himself.

Applepaw seemed surprised, "ThunderClan?" He whispered. Maplekit's crying face flashing in his mind. He shook his head. Why'd he always think of her?
It was starting to make him feel paranoid, as if every cat could read his mind.

"Beepaw, you- you want to join our rival clan?" Applepaw breathed. Beepaw nodded.

"I don't think I belong here... Applepaw, I-I.... I belong in ThunderClan." The dark apprentice seemed relaxed, having told his secret to some cat probably made him feel better.
"But we just had our apprentice ceremonies. You were asking so many questions about the territory!"
"I know.." Beepaw twitched his tail.
There was a silence as Applepaw watched Beepaw think. His friend hesitated to say more, shutting his maw.

"So. When do you plan on leaving...?"
Beepaw flinched, "I'm not too sure, maybe in a moons time? The gathering is soon so I'll ask to join ThunderClan then!"
Applepaw smiled, "I hope you get in, Beepaw." Beepaw walked over and leaned into Applepaw, "Thanks..."

The two young apprentices walked back to camp, chattering quietly when all of a sudden the foul stench of... decay hit both toms in the face. Filling their noses with the horrid smell.

"What is that?" Beepaw gagged, the two apprentices looked at eachother and followed the trail where the smell grew.
"It smells like crow-food!" Beepaw hissed, Applepaw scrunched his nose up.
"How'd you know what crow-food smells like?"
Beepaw had his nose scrunched up as well as he shrugged. "I dunno, this is what I guess it smells like..."

After what seemed like forever the duo found the source of the smell.

"Is that a rat?"
"I don't know, go look at it! I dare you!"
"Ew! gross! you do it then!"
"Nuh-uh! I dared you first! No- now I'm double daring you to look!"
"That's not fair! You can't do that!! And I dared you second! Two is better than one which mean you have to do it now!"
"That's not how the rule goes, Beepaw."
Beepaw huffed, "it does now."

Applepaw rolled his eyes and walked over towards the rat he walked around it, the smell horrid, as he nudged it, it rolled over to expose a huge bite mark.
Applepaw jumped back, flies buzzing.

"There's a huge bite mark! ...gross." Applepaw turned away, covering his nose with his paw to try and get the smell out of his nose.
Beepaw went on his toes to look over Applepaw's shoulder.
"We should go report it to Birchstar or our mentors!"
Applepaw gulped, "what if its the fox cubs mom? what if it goes into RiverClan!"
Beepaw rolled his yellow eyes, "that's why we need to report it back to Birchstar!"

Applepaw nodded and ran towards the RiverClan entrance, quickly taking notice of the sky fading into a warm amber color as the sun began to rise. Beepaw hot on his paws, when a patrol came out, consisting of Reedpaw, Spikepaw, Rainwhisker, Russetstorm, Mintface, and Birchstar.


Applepaw fell to the ground with an gasp when Reedpaw flew herself on-top of him, his mind dizzy at the sudden force.
"Where were you? you weren't in your nest!" Reedpaw's tone changed drastically to one of worry.
Applepaw pushed Reedpaw off and shook his pelt as if it were heavy with rain. Reedpaw scrambled to her paws and stared at Applepaw, concern clear as day on her face.

"It doesn't matter, Beepaw and I found some prey with a weird sent on it! we don't know the scent but it smells new!"
Rainwhisker stepped forward, icy eyes narrowed.
"Take us to it."

Applepaw nodded and ran back towards the rat, the patrol following close behind. Applepaw and Beepaw raced the path they had just walked.
"It smells terrible!" Reedpaw complained.
Spikepaw flicked his tail, "well make sure you remember the scent, it could be useful." Reedpaw stuck her tongue out in disgust, scrunching up her nose."ew! yuck!"
Russetstorm turned her head, let out a low hiss. "Hush! the animal could still be around here, and you could be leading it right towards us!"
Reedpaw froze up, "I-I'm sorry!!"

Once they finally reached the spot, the flies still buzzing around the decaying carcass of the rat, Birchstar walked over and sniffed the mauled rat, letting out a low growl.
"Fox." she confirmed, "fresh too, at least a day or two old, come on! Let's go back to camp! I'll announce it to the clan and then at the gathering at the end of this moon."

Rainwhisker nodded looking towards his apprentice, "good job on finding it. You too Beepaw, the clan will be excited to have you two as warriors."
Applepaw looked over at Beepaw, who looked over to him and then looked down to his paws with an awkward flick of his ear.

Reedpaw and Spikepaw walked over to the duo, "come on, after the announcement, I heard our mentors will take us out to do some hunting practice!"
Beepaw looked up, wearing a shy smile, "Alright, let's go then!"

Applepaw blinked, clearly surprised. Beepaw acted like he had never told the secret! 'He's good at hiding his emotions. I hope he'll be happy in ThunderClan.'

Applepaw followed the small group and walked into the RiverClan camp entrance to be met with Birchstar sitting on highstones, Sloefur seated at the base.
"Over here Applepaw!" Applepaw looked over, Rainwhisker had flicked his tail, beckoning his apprentice to come sit.
Applepaw walked over and sat next to his mentor. Applepaw twitched his little tail uncomfortably.
He felt as if eyes were staring, digging into his pelt. I fought the urge to look around but the urge won and he turned his head.

Trying to look like he heard something, he noticed the same group of she-cats looking at, or towards Rainwhisker, and they were... glaring?
Applepaw looked over at Rainwhisker, the tan apprentice instantly noticed Rainwhisker next to a young looking she-cat. It took him a moment to realize that it was Petalfoot, a very pale brown she-cat with white paws.

'That's the she-cat Frostfoot was arguing with Harethroat about!' Applepaw gulped, looking around the clearing to find his friends.

'Now I wish I got some other cat to be my mentor..'


2813 Words.

N/A: if I have any spelling errors-- sue me.

OKAY bye my peeps 🐣, creeps 🐜, and sickly sweets 🍬 and we'll meet again, in the next chapter!!

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