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Jasper furrows his brows as he walks into the school building. Among the mess of students is a buzz of excitement. Not only that, but they all appear to be less... miserable than normal. Even he can feel the change in his emotions. A change in the atmosphere. Something new.

"What could that be about?" Emmet asks as he nods towards the end of the hall. All the Cullen's follow his eyes and find a crowd formed around something. Edward raises an eyebrow at the flurry of thoughts that come from the location. "A new student." He tells them in a stiff voice. Jasper sharply inhales as a new scent fills his nose.

A strong aroma of cypress, honey, freshly baked goods and what you'd imagine the sun to smell like. But not an ounce of blood.

Edward glances at Jasper, a frown on his face because he can't smell any of it. Just the typical stench of teenagers who forget to bathe and the strong, ever present scent of blood.

Through the crowd steps a girl who looks like she is almost glowing. Beauty unlike anything Jasper has ever seen. Alice squeals excitedly at Calliope's side who looks at her, eyebrows raised. "Her?" She asks with a tinge of amusement. Alice nods rapidly and looks to Jasper, though he has no idea what she is on about. "It's her." She says.

Alice leaps forward and skips down the hallway to the new girl. She had seen her coming years ago.

Jasper looks to Calliope for insight on the situation but she simply smiles knowingly. "I don't want to ruin the surprise." She admits before hurrying after Alice. Edward's mouth falls agape for a moment, then smiles. He offers Jasper a small smile and a hand on the shoulder, then leaves to his class. Jasper glances onces more to Alice and Calliope before he too leaves for class.

Rosalie snorts a bit. "About time."

From the moment Dawn set foot in the school building she has been swarmed with students. This isn't new to her. The whole new school situation. Being what she is and her learning disabilities she's had to switch schools quite a bit. Usually people ignore her or even try to flirt then leave her be, but here in Forks, it's like it's on a whole new level.

Like they have nothing else to do but dote over her.

"I'll see you then." Dawn says to a student, Mike Newton, who has just invited her to sit with him at lunch. With that, she squeezes through the crowd with a bit of a cringe. Once she is free of their presence, she lets out a breath. "Thank the gods." She mumbles to herself, finally happy to be free from the eager, puppy like students.

Dawn looks down at the schedule in her hands and makes a face. AP classes on A days and electives on B days. At least she has music theory. Dawn is smart. She knows she is, but sometimes it's hard for her to get work done. She's a pro procrastinator.

A shadow suddenly looks over Dawn. "Oh! We have Chemistry together!" Dawn snaps her head up to see two females, arms linked. Both equally pale with striking gold eyes. "I'm Alice, and this is my girlfriend Calliope." Alice sticks a hand out for Dawn to shake and after forcing herself to stop looking at their eyes, she shakes her hand with a smile.

"Dawn Miller." She introduces, trying to hide her shiver from touching the girl. "I know." Alice chirps. Dawn raises an eyebrow and Calliope smiles sheepishly. "It's on your schedule." She provides. Dawn looks at it and, indeed, there is her name. "Ah." She nods, then smiles at the girls again. The bell rings and Dawn glances at it. "I have to go. It was nice meeting you both." She says as she walks away.

Dawn looks down at her hand with a frown. Alice was cold. Really cold. And pale. Dawn shakes her head, forcing her suspicion away. "They probably just need some sun."

Dawn walks into her first period class, AP History. The teacher turns and smiles at her. "Ah, yes," He waves for Dawn to enter further. "Class, this is Dawn Miller." Dawn offers the class a tight smile as *almost* all of them look at her like a bunch of puppies look at a treat. "Dawn, I believe there is an open seat next to Mr. Hale in the back."

Dawn sees a man lift his head up at the mention of his name. "Thank you." Dawn tells the teacher and moves to the back of the class. As she nears her seat, the man at it sits up right, tense and looks away from her. Dawn frowns at the change in attitude at her approach and sits down. She glances at him out of the corner of her eye and sees him watching her. He doesn't appear to be in the mood to talk so she doesn't make a move to do so.

During the entire lesson she can feel his eyes on her, studying her. His gaze sent shivers down her spine. She met his gaze for a moment once and saw the eery gold color of his irises and she instantly saw the connection with Alice and Calliope. Maybe it was paranoia, but she felt something off about them. Her instincts were telling her to run, and to run fast.

She even tried to see if the mist was covering him, and hiding something else, but no. The mist actually seemed to be steering clear of the boy next to her. That at least gave her some reassurance, but still, something inside her was telling her to stay away. And Dawn's instincts were never usually wrong.

Finally when the bell rang, the man stood and rushed out of the room. Dawn watches him go and shrugs. At least he's not staring at her anymore.

It's finally lunch when Dawn sees him again. Sitting at a table in the corner of the lunchroom, staring at her. He is also joined by Alice, Calliope, and Rosalie. She met the blonde beauty just before lunch had begun. Apparently they are locker neighbors. Yet again she was met with pale skin, cold skin, and striking gold eyes.

"Dawn, hey!" Mike Newton says as he walks up to her. Dawn smiles at him in greeting. "Hello." She grabs an orange juice and a container of fruit. Mike copies her movements, then sees her glancing over at her watcher. "Why's he staring at you?" He asks rather... harshly. Dawn, not facing him, raises an eyebrow at his possessive tone.

"Don't ask me." She turns to him and sees his friends Jessica and Angela. "Who is he anyway?" She asks as the four of them head to a table, the man's eyes still of her. "Jasper Hale." Jessica says dreamily. She looks over at him and frowns seeing him staring at Dawn. First Mike becomes obsessed with Fork's second sun, now Jasper?

"And that's the rest of the Cullen's with him. They're all foster siblings." Dawn perks at a familiar name. "Cullen? I think my dad works with theirs." Dawn notices a new person at the table she is sitting at and he quickly introduces himself as Eric. "Oooh, you guys talking about the Cullens? Aren't they weird?" He asks, glancing at them. "I mean, dating your sibling?" He says with a look of disbelief.

Dawn purses her lips. "Well, they are only foster siblings though, right?" They nod. Dawn shrugs. "Well they aren't really siblings then." She plops a grape into her mouth and everyone at her table watches her. "Plus, if anyone gets weird family, it's me." At the Cullen table, they all smile slightly but it goes unnoticed. Jessica raises an eyebrow at Dawn, wondering what she means by 'weird'.

"So, Dawn," Eric starts, changing the subject. "Where are you from?" Dawn eats another grape. "New York." She states. Jessica's eyes instantly change from being full of suspicion to full of wonder and even a bit of jealousy. "Wait, really?" Dawn nods. "I've always wanted to go there." She says with a pout. Dawn is turning out to be everything she wants to be. A boy magnet and a big city girl.

"Why'd you move here?" Angela asks. Dawn waves towards the Cullens. "Dr. Cullen offered my dad a surgical residency here. New York, it turns out, is all good in its number of surgeons but Forks is low in staff, so here we are."

At the Cullen table, Alice builds a little hut out of the fries she isn't going to eat. "Why didn't you tell him?" Edward asks her, leaning into the table, accidentally knocking into it causing Alice's fry house to topple. She pouts and gets right back to rebuilding it. "It's supposed to be a surprise. You know how he's been lately." She says waving in Jasper's direction. He too caught up in staring at Dawn to listen to their conversation.

Edward leans back and nods. Jasper has been rather down in the dumps the past few years, and anyone can see that Dawn is just the one for the job. She's like sunshine and rainbows in one body.

"Remind me what you saw again?" Rosalie asks as she pokes at her uneaten burger. Alice sticks her tongue out in concentration as she rebuilds her fry house. Rosalie shakes her head at her behavior and looks to Emmett for help. The buff smirks and kicks the table, knocking the fry house down.

Alice growls at him, but Calliope puts a hand on her arm. "Love, just tell Rose what you saw, then you can return to your hut building in peace." Alice glares at Emmett, who chuckles. Edward shakes his head at the two of them.

"Fine," Alice huffs, crossing her arms. "Seeing as Mr. Lovesick is distracted," Everyone at the Cullen table looks to Jasper who isn't listening to them whatsoever. He's too busy watching Dawn. "I suppose I could tell you."

"I suppose it started when I had my first vision of Jasper." Alice gives Emmett one last glance before looking at Rosalie. "I knew I had to find him. That he was meant to find you guys with us." Alice glances at Jasper, making sure he still isn't paying attention. "The moment I saw Jasper, I had a vision. Of her." Alice jerks her head in Dawn's direction.

Emmett shakes his head and leans onto the table. "But she's human. Did you see her as one of us, or am I missing something?" Alice sighs and rests her hands on the table neatly. "I saw the sun." Emmett raises an eyebrow. "I still don't understand." Alice, once again sighs. "I saw the sun and she was in it. When I saw her..." Alice takes a deep breath. "I felt human again."

Emmett looks to Calliope for help, still not getting it. The Brit sighs and rubs circles on Alice's back as she bumps her head against the table. "What my beloved is trying to say is, we don't think she is human. Not completely, anyway."

~author's notes~

btw, this starts of the beginning of the year, so Bella comes in later on

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