Aran's Forest

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I'm sorry if some of you don't like listening to music as you read, but this is kind of necessary. The song above is just a compilation of sad songs from a fantasy anime called Inuyasha. If you skip over to 10:00 exactly and only listen to that one song, you'll be fine as well. Other than that, please enjoy the chapter.


I heard a loud strumming coming from not too far away, filling my body with a light feeling that pulled me closer and closer towards a peaceful sleep. My whole body felt a strong tug as my torso lifted itself and turned towards the music. It was that soft mixture of flute and a yamatogoto that drew me towards it in a confused daze. Under my hands lay yards of prominently green grass that gently blew in the wind to the slow rhythm of the music.

My eyes glazed over everything in front of me. My mind was consumed with thoughts only of the music and finding it's source. The rest of me was wondering elsewhere. Why was there grass between my finger blades? Why is it so cold and humid? But the only thing I couldn't seem to answer to myself was the one that scared me the most, why couldn't I pull away from the song? My feet kept walking even if my head was elsewhere.

I looked around me as best I could with half lidded eyes, watching for something. Anything. And there it came. Not too far off was a small light held up by a tall, brooding figure in the near distance. Whatever 'it' was was standing on a thickly moss covered, arching log over a huge bed of water. It stared down at me with it's concluded, jade eyes. The figure moved towards one end of the bridge, proud steps as it came closer.

"A...A-Ah..." I tried to reach out to it, raising my shaking hand, but the calm that had over taken my body made it feel as thought gravity had doubled on me. A coarse nail scraped over my hand, I snapped my eyes ahead of me, and was met with something only to be described as a creature. The thing, evident to be a goblin, was oddly human-like, but had a sense of disformity in it's face that unnerved me.

The more I stared in aghast, the more I wanted to recoil from that monstrous thing. It's skin looked to be the same material as the bark around the forest, all flaky and rough and graying; yellowing teeth peered over it's lower lip, which was stretched into a smirk that made me distinctly uncomfortable. It's eyes were small and beady, but seemed to bulge over the lids, and hairs protruded from it's upper lip in a gross manner. It's grip looked like one of a Juggernaut, powerful and strong - not one that I would like anywhere near my neck.

"Human..." It muttered out, a thick green slim oozing from between it's crooked teeth. I felt my dinner rise up my throat as I watched it pull my closer with a metal grip, nails forcing blood out of newly forming cuts in my arm. I stared into it's dull orange eyes and tried to push a scream out, but I couldn't. My nose was invaded by the rotting odour emitting from it's slacking jaw, burning my tearing eyes.

The vile thing moved its face closer to mine, opening it's mouth to say something once again, but instead, a murky green-brown liquid dripped between his lips. His face contorted in pain as a metal blade forced it's way through his throat and pulled back out again, leaving a sharp slicing sound echoing through the dense forest. My arm felt normal again and the first thing it did was drop. My whole body falling to the floor, scrabbling in a desperate attempt to run. Above the creature stood a dark figure. Those jade eyes I saw before were looking down at mine in a curious way.

Those eyes were attached to a body, one that I couldn't stop staring at. Pure muscle all over him covered in black tribal tattoos that snaked their way up his body from one on this leg to the two that curved from his chest around his neck. A neck which held strong a proud face. Square jawline followed by a pair of thin, frowning lips. His lower half was covered by a pair of dirty, brown, medieval looking trousers but his feet were bare.

"Hen," He spoke to me, voice rasping between gasps, moving down to my level and resting his weight on the balls on his feet.

"You cannot be in such a place, wondering alone. Many a creature would seek to wound a woman such as you." I watched with unwavering eyes as the man continued to speak to me as if he hadn't just decapitated a-a... I-don't-even-know-what-that-was infront of me about 2 seconds ago! He was acting as if it was just another day being covered in the sewage like blood of some twisted forest creature. Though his eyes held an animalistic aura. Like I was about to become victim to his blade just like that... Thing.

"Hen?" He asked, reach out to me with his rough, shaking hand, towering over my small figure.

"D-DON'T TOUCH ME!" I screamed, kicking my feet into his chest. The second I heard him groan in pain, I launched off on the back of my feet towards the forest behind me, ignoring all of his callings from behind me.

'I want to go home!' This whole forest was alive with a harmonious glow. I could hear buzzing and animalistic chatter going on all around me. I could smell the sweetness in the wind, but tried to pay no mind as it wall all over taken by the raging yells of the man running after me.

"Go away!" I called back at him, flinging my arms back and forth as if that somehow magically speed me up. It'd only been a minute or two of chase, but my lungs were already giving out heavy, air deprived huffs.

"Stop, woman!" I know I couldn't keep this up much longer, so in a last ditch attempt, I turned around to the man, halting him with my screams. "Why should I, you murderer?!" At this, he took a step back, eyes wide with an almost confusing insulted look which quickly whittled down to a sorry look.

"Murderer? I saved you, did I not?"

"You decapitated that... T-That thing! That's murder!" With every word, he stepped closer to me. I tried my best to keep eye contact. From green eyes to brown. He sighed heavily at my words but the tense in his shoulders seemed to leave as he slouched over slightly, messing with his black locks in an unnerving manner.

"You do not understand, Hen. Come and I shall take you somewhere safe." I flinched back at the pedo-y words he spoke and instantly lifted my leg between his legs, screaming at the top of my lungs as I went back to doing what I do best - running from this creep.

Everywhere around me was thick with a humid feel, but all I could take in was how distant his groans of pain were starting to sound and just how much safer I was starting to feel.

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