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I felt exhausted. I know I'd probably only spent an hour walking around at most, but my body was already heavy with a despair that I couldn't shake. The forest had thinned out a few minutes of walking ago and I hadn't seen that guy again after the initial kick in the pride, but I still didn't know if anything would come out at me.

I tried to compose myself and grab onto a few optimistic thoughts that seemed to be fewer and further between than usual. Not to far ahead I could see some sort of rustic village with smoke emitting from some of the chimneys which was always a good sign. A sign of life. The only problem was that I had no idea if that was a good thing or a bad thing. What if it was filled with the same dreary monsters like the one that attracted me before?

I didn't have a knight to come 'rescue' me if that was the case. But I really had no other choice. Civilisation seemed to be my only way of making contact with anyone right now, and I needed it. For my sanity at least. Brushing down what I could of my wrinkled nighty, I started walking towards the village, thinking of what I was even gonna do once I got in.

The closer I got, the more I heard the chaotic noise. Voices, yelling and chatting from up close and afar. Some noises were groggily and deep, other seemed to resemble a dog whistles more than an actual human voices to be honest. I hid myself behind one of the few remaining trees furthest from the forest edge and watched the scene in front of me.

Chariots and carts were lined front to back in a queue at a gate into the city between a parting of trees. Each and all being pulled by some sort of... Horse? No, not a horse. Whatever it was was much taller and leaner than a horse. It's legs seemed endlessly long, leading into barrelled chests that held up twisting necks and long, elegant heads. The creatures eyes ranged from the most beautiful ruby reds, to sunset yellow, to a marigold orange. Their legs had wisps of long, thick hairs which went from their tails to the gap between their pointed ears. The rest wasn't fur like a normal horse, it was all skin - colored from red to orange, vivid or dull.

"Great..." I whispered. Just what I needed, more weird creatures! Worst part is that they weren't the strangest things there.


And I mean, Fish, where walking around, the size of men and clothed, talking to the another animal/human combinations around. Horned stags, drop-eared rabbits, pandas and even some sort of big cats. I took a couple breaths in and did my best to process the situation, but it didn't work. What had I done, and to what god, to deserve this as my after life!?

I had to get into one of those carts somehow in order to pass the security outside the gates. I'm not sure if they'd attack me if they saw me, but I didn't feel like passing out in front of a horde of man sized beasts. I walked closer to the trees lining the carts, picking out the one that seemed the safest when something familiar passed my site. 'A person?'

Sitting behind one the carts, reigning the horses was a guy. A HUMAN MALE! I stood in a happy shock as he covered a yawn escaping his mouth and looked back at the path ahead of him. His body was covered by a deep blue blanket that hung loose on his shoulder, slightly exposing his chest which was - if I may say so myself - RIPPED. His wrists and ankles were wrapped in two rounds of some sort of silver chain just like his neck.

 He had a pair of rare grey/blue eyes, but what was even more prominent was his hair color. Or lack of, should I say. His hair was short, a longer fringe coming over his right eye - completely white. Maybe it was dyed? Either way, this was my best bet. Even if I was found, a human wouldn't harm me, right? Not like that phyco in the forest earlier.

I crept low towards the back of the man's cart and  pushed the clothed doors aside to creep in. Thankfully, there wasn't anyone inside, just the heavy smell of fermenting beer and role after role of some silky fabric. The promise of alcohol was kind of relaxing at this point. I felt the cart go over a slight bump as it moved, jolting me slightly right before I heard two voices.

"Dylan!" The first, a grounding gravel voice said, "It's good tae see ye, lad!" The two voices exchanged a small laugh before the second, the sweeter and softer of the two, spoke back. "Tis an unplanned visit, I must admit. Twasn't planned to return until a month from now, but the new king has scared costumers from the Lake Side."

'New king?' The two spoke for a little while longer before I felt the cart moving again. It rode a little ways into the town before I started thinking about hopping of. Maybe I could find a policeman and ask what was going on? Or maybe the man pulling the cart had some answers he could share with me.

Just as I was about to poke my head out of the doors, a Rey of fun light shone into my eyes. 'Dylan's' eyes gazed down at mine with a knowing look that saw straight through me and any lies I could have made up at that moment. They were like two beautiful, blue jewels that were looking down at me as inferior. So enchantingly memorising...

"Well, tis not everyday I am greeted by a stowaway. What are ye doing here, kitten?" I looked up at the grey eyes above me in awe and tried to form a coherent sentence, but my mouth failed me. Looking at him in utter shock only seemed to peek his curiosity though.

"Human?! Are you human, hen?" I nodded slowly and watched as his eye lit up with a bright fascination. "Great!" He exclaimed.

"Just what I needed, not like I've already got guards coming after my ass..."

The man dragged me out of the cart instantly and signaled for two larger, almost bear like men to come over and start unloading. His face was gleeful, almost as if he'd just found a toy in a cereal box.

I looked up towards him. "L-Listen, I don't real-" He cut me off my wrapping his cloak over my head and pushing me head down. "Even if you escaped the forest, you will still be in danger with those eyes." The man pulled me closer to his side, walking faster and faster until we reached a door surrounded by lit lanterns with red coloring over them. Actually, the whole area seemed to be shaded red.

The second we were inside, I was bombarded with a heavy alcohol perfume mixture that made me coil away. The room was loud and base heavy with laughs from reddening men who looked to be drinking their lives away with women and men on their laps. I wanted to ask what was going on, but the blue-eyed mystery pulled me upstairs before I could.

It was nice to have my body to myself again, though slightly unnerving. Candle light was filling the silky bedroom. Was this some sort of hotel? It had to be, the room only had a bed, nightstand and a couple of draws here and there. Few things that a person would have in a personal bedroom.

"How are ya here?" The man asked, I snapped my attention towards him, muttering incoherently as I tried to think up how to put into words everything that had just happened.

"Ah! My apologise. Please, call me Dylan. I own this... Establishment, here in the red light district." He said, the last word coming out as more of a giggle.

"What are ya doing, coming towards a town? The king placed an arrest on all human heads. Eyes such as yours are a dead give away. Not the smartest, are ya?"

"My eyes?" I asked, trying to ignore the rudeness in this comment "What the hell do my eyes have to do with this?" Dylan took a step back at my words and sighed melodramatically. "Even a fool would know that only humans breed kin of wood eyes. How could you not, hen?"

Wooden eyes? Does he mean brown eyes? And what did he mean by 'hen'!? I had more than enough questions to be able to spout about all day. But for now, I just wanted to know what the hell was going on and why the hell I was here. Though, my body wasn't in the mood for anymore work.

"Tired? I'd expect it after so much walking. You'd have to be as thick as the forest you've traveled through to think that this, of all places, would be safe for you." 

"I'm not stupid! I'm confused, dazed and tired - But definably not stupid! And stop calling me Hen. My names Kailya. So stop saying that!" I yelled. Dylan raise both hands in a defeated position as he smiled, revealing light blue lines up his arms.

"Of course not, Kaili. But for now, the rooms yours." He spoke as he stepped towards the door. "Try and get some rest for a while."

"How do I know you won't try anything funny?" At those words, his eyes lit up with an odd excitement that filled my stomach with butterflies before dispersing all together.

"I'd never do that."

"What? Not into human girls?"

He chuckled, "Sure, let's say that."


Above I have Lucky Blue Smith as Dylan. Just picture him with white hair XD

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