Not an Athlete

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To say that I was out of shape was an understatement. Sure, I wasn't overweight, but that didn't mean I could run for a solid 5 minutes without passing out and demanding ice cream. But when a rampaging red head stands above me, rusted war axe in hand, screaming nonsense at me - My couch loving self kicks into high gear and jumps straight out the way, pushing myself against the wall on the other side of the alley way.

Her eyes look over at me as she misses, purple orbs assessing me as if I was her pray, glaring at me as if I just changed the WiFi password without asking! Her eyes told the whole story - she was out for blood. This whole world was weird enough - Beastmen, monsters, hot sexual predictors and... Dylan. But murder was taking it a bit too far, right?

I thought back to the forest:

His face contorted in pain as a metal blade forced it's way through his throat and pulled back out again, leaving a sharp slicing sound echoing through the dense forest. My arm felt normal again and the first thing it did was drop. My whole body falling to the floor, scrabbling in a desperate attempt to run.

So murder wasn't too far even for the most seemingly sane of the people I'd met here. Would I even find anyone here I could call a normal person? Or sane for that matter?

The girl cut off my train of thought, forcing me to side step away from her blade to ensure that my thought was the only thing she cut off. The axes blade had embedded into the wall with a loud thud, and it hurt. A lot. Looking over, I saw the weapon embedded really into the stone structure as well as part of it embedded into my shoulder. It wasn't a deep cut, and I couldn't really feel it due to shock, but once I saw blood dripping down my arm I ran.

Ignoring the on-looking creatures, big and small, who where trying to fix up their sale stales, I screamed at the top of my lungs and ran straight towards the forest.

"GET BACK HERE!" The axe wielding phyco screamed, chasing me down even as I ran out the front gates. The Beastmen at the gates had a few seconds to process that I'd just ran passed their security before being hacked down my the redhead. And she, to be fair, didn't even take a second to look back at the unconscious figures in her wake.

Just as the shrubbery around the forest started to get closer and thicker, my eyes were blocked by a soft, white sheet. Pulling me closer, the sheets started talking.

"Now, now Willow," So that was her name? Pushing back against the sheets, I saw who it actually was. Dylan had wrapped his arms around me and was holding me by him, burying my grace in his clothes and away from 'Willow's site.

"Is this anyway to treat new friends? No wonder you have none." Silently giggling at the sas, I turned to look over at the girl who's face was twisted into a wicked smile.

"Trust you to be friends with a low class, cross-breed like her. Protecting a human? You should be rotting in the sewers like the rest of 'em!" Rotting in sewers? There were more humans here, in this place, and being treated like that? I'd heard them mention before about the ban on human heads, but why was it placed on them in the first place? I'd say I wasn't in Kansas anymore, but that's beyond an understatement.

"What do you mean, Willow?" I asked, turning towards her and grabbing her shoulders. Her eyes opened wide in response, almost as if she didn't expect me retaliate. "Humans are rotting in sewers? Why?" I shook her.

The girl's eyes grew wider with every second, lips parting with jittered words before she formed a coherent sentence.

"D-Don't just touch me! And how dare you address me by my first name! Do you have any idea who I am!?" Ignoring her, I tightened my grip on her shoulders and glared.

"G-Get off!" Dropping her axe, she pulled herself away from me and straightened up in posture. Her whole face had flushed lightly at our sudden contact in a cute way. Much cuter than her previous murderous mood. Taking a second, she covered her blush with her hand and looked away from me. Fierce eyes twitching slightly as she tried to fight back her embarrassment. 

"W-Well, I don't know myself... But what else would the king be doing, summoning them and not letting them return? Throwing a party for the Murk Blooded creatures? Pft, you really are a simpleton." She hissed, crossing her arms over themselves and  stepping towards me. I wasn't exactly intimidated after the shades of pink I saw that she could turn -  But this girl was a lot taller than me. Her lean, muscular figure shadowed mine at around the same height as Dylan's.

"Where is this King?" I asked. If I got sent here during that earthquake, there's a chance Drake was too! This place isn't safe by anyone standards and now I'm starting to worry. This 'King' is taking humans somewhere and no one is bothering to ask why? Clearly Willow hates humans, maybe her entire species do too. That'd explain why she doesn't know why people are being taken away. But Dylan doesn't seem to hate me. He's been acting as if I'm some sort of new found toy on Christmas. Like I'm a rare breed of dog. He probably doesn't know much either.

But that doesn't matter right now. Drake maybe stuck in this wretched world just like me and couldn't leave him out here by himself! I really am not about to let him get eaten by some creepy Goblin thing! He won't have someone like that weirdo to come save him....

'Oh, Gods. What if someone like that weirdo shows up to try and save him?'

"Um, go to the King's Palace with a complaint?" Dylan asked, forcing out a nervous chuckle. "That's only for the suicidal." Shaking my head, I was about to argue with him when I heard a rustle behind us. Turning my head, I saw the the sulking figure of Aran walling towards us.

"Aran!" Willow screamed, pushing past me as she jumped in to Aran's unwilling arms. She turned back to me with a sticking out tongue as she did so, just out of spite. I was tempted to do the same back, but I didn't want to look jealous. Not of her or of him especially. Aran pushed her away lightly, much to her dismay and walked closer to us, crossing his arms like before and looking down.

"I knew you were a bold one, but to willingly go too the King' Palace. As a human, none the less." He chuckled. Pouting heavily, I loo!ex away from him and towards Dylan. I smiled when I saw his smile drop at my actions.

"Look, Dylan. You've been super nice to me and I owe you a lot already, I know. But you don't have to come! Just point the way and I'll be out of your hair, I promise!" Yes I may have looked pathetic clinging to his arm as I was. But for my baby brother, I'd grovel at the knees of my worst enemy in begs and pleas.

Dylan's apologised lightly, gently trying to convince me to stay away from the castle, but before I could stop him, Aran pulled me away from him and picked me up. My feet were high off the floor and my back was firmly placed against Aran's chest, his head resting lightly atop of mine.

"Get off! I'm trying to talk to Dylan!" I screamed, huffing loudly. I'd try to struggle, but didn't work once. It didn't work twice. And I was too done with him to even try a third time.

"You've talked to him enough for today, Hen-"

"Kailya!" I corrected. Looking up, Aran's hold on me relaxed slightly and a small smile found its way onto his face. He spoke my name out to himself contently, as if testing how it sounded coming out of his mouth. Apparently he liked it, because not a second later, I could feel happy growl vibrate against my back.

"I will take you." He said.



"U-Um... Aran-" Dylan began,

"And Dylan is coming too." Aran put me down on the ground before pulled my arm in the direction off the forest. Dylan looked towards him, opening his mouth to protest but quickly shut up and started walking.

'Of course...' The whole village saw a human come out of his brothel. Would he be punished for it? Either way, going back there wouldn't be a good idea for now, so he probably had nothing else to do.

"I'm coming too!" Willow called, running to catch up with us but she was stopped. Aran turned back with a smile and nodded at her before speaking.

"Well, then. I guess we're all heading to the King's Palace."

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