Are you high enough without the Marry Jane like me?

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Silver's POV:

After Shadow left I realized what day it was, Friday. I tied my quills back, and put on a black shirt, pants, gloves, ski mask, shoes and cape, just like every other Friday. But this time, I can't go without money, I grabbed a gun and left a note for Blaze saying that I went to the store to pick up something we can make for dinner tonight. I'm off to the bank. After the successful robbing, I headed back to the usual alleyway.The boys were waiting for me, "You got the money bub?" I sighed and showed them some of it, "Okay, here you go kiddo." They handed over the drugs that I needed, good ol' marijuana. I know it's bad for me... but it's the only thing that I'll get my mind off of my depression... it's my only escape. Suddenly I hear a voice.

Shadow's POV:

I was going on my morning jog, and when I saw some people in an alleyway giving out drugs. Normally I'd be fine with this cuz they weren't hurting anybody, and shrug it off, but there's a school right next to them, so I had to step in. "You guys shouldn't be doing that, especially not here next to an elementary school." "You're not our dad. Stop  telling us what to do, you fucking punk!" A large bull in all black said. I simply replied with, "That might be true, but I still have authority over you." As I pulled out my badge, "Now, leave the area quietly, and bring all of your things, and I won't turn you into the police." They didn't seem to get the memo so I repeated myself. The bull, raised his mask just a tiny bit to spit at me. That was the last straw, I walked toward them and pulled out a pad and paper, "Alright, since you're making this difficult, I need your identification." Suddenly the smallest of the group spoke up, "We don't have to tell you jack shit!" I could tell he was acting, I couldn't pin down his voice, but I knew he was making it deeper somehow. "You do realize I can just call the police on you right now....right?" He held his tongue this time, and just looked at the ground.But he did raise his hand and put some sort of a signal, then he abruptly closed it into a fist and they all went running in different directions. I was able to grab onto one of his wrists, as he struggled I tried to take off his glove so he could put a fingerprint on my note pad. He was able to smack me in the face, but I was able to pull off his glove, so as he ran away, for a split second I saw that he had white fur and cuts all over his hand. I put the glove in a plastic bag so I can bring it in to; GUN HQ for a identification analysis. Then I left the scene, I'm supposed to be meeting up with Rouge for dinner later, I did promise her that I didn't make up for yelling at her earlier... God why do I have to be a man of my word.

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