Do the people whisper 'bout you on the trian like me?

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Silver POV:

"I can't believe it... not only does he have my glove, but he didn't recognize me, and now he knows what my night job is! That's it! I can't fucking take this anymore! I need to fucking get out of the state! He took my glove and has my fingerprints! Hell it probably has some of my blood! They're going to analyze it, and going to find me! I need to get the fuck out! There's no way in hell I'm spending the rest of my life in prison!" I had no idea that I was actually yelling this, until Blaze came into my room. "Silver? What are you screaming about? What did you do? Why do you think you're going to prison?" There's no way I could tell her anything, so instead I took off all of my clothes, opened up my stash, and brought out the outfit that I stripped out of at night... let's just say she was able to piece it all together... "Oh my god.... first of all I think my crush just intensified by 1000, holy crap, your body is gorgeous! But... let me get this straight... you're a hermaphrodite with chronic depression, that cuts himself, works at a strip club, and does drugs..? AT 24!?!" I just hung my head in shame, having it said out loud back to me just made me realize how wrong the things I'm doing really are, and how much I'm actually sabotaging my life. A lump formed in my throat, and I couldn't hold it back anymore, I put my face in my knees and cried, "Help me...*sobbing* please..." Blaze just stood there with a horrified look on her face, she shook her head as if to say that she was disappointed in me. I honestly don't blame her, she took out her phone and I thought she was calling the cops l, but she was actually calling one of her cousins that lived on the other side of the country. "Here is a couple train routes you can take to get to Mable Paws, she'll help you out. You should consider yourself lucky that I have feelings for you, any other friend would turn you into the police." Even though this was great news, I just couldn't stop crying, it all hurts so much. I then felt warm arms wrapping around me, I didn't know what else to do so I hugged back, sobbing and her chest. You see, any sign of affection, from anyone, I just desperately clinging onto, it's so rare that anyone does anything affectionate to me, but it's so good whenever someone does... I never want to let go of the feeling. "Don't let go... p-please..." "Silver, all of this is gone on far too long, I'll help you pack your things, you're leaving, tonight."

Shadow POV:

God I hate my job, standing here down at the train station at midnight, waiting to escort a new member to GUN HQ, it's awful! Not only is there a shit ton of people, here especially next to the vending machines, but I'm not allowed to light a cigarette to deal with all these obnoxious people! I see are young male with white for a walk by with a single suitcase, wait, is that Silver? What is he doing down here? Especially with the suitcase! I get a call from Rouge. "You found the DNA match up from that kid that I took the glove from? SILVER!?!? He's on drugs!?!? But he's so young!! I-isn't he like 14? Why would he be doing something like that!? Adding that to the cuts all over him, he's fucking ruining that gorgeous body!" I hear Rouge laughing at me from the other side of the line, and realize what I just said. "I.... d-did I just....?" "Yup!" "Oh dear god... is anyone else listening in on the call?" "No one. But everybody does know that it was him and now people are after him..." " tell everyone I have him in sight, and I'll take him into custody. I have a plan." With that, I hung up, took out my handcuffs, and started chasing him. "SIR! Stop in the name of the law!" Silver started running as if he knew I was yelling at him, of course I ran after him, doubling my speed, and turning on the air jets in my skates, so it was easier to catch up. I soon pinned him to the ground and cuffed him. "What are you doing!? I'm innocent!! Officer! Please!.....Shadow?" "You have the right to remain sexy. Anything you do or say can and will be held against you in the court of law!" "Sexy?" He repeated back to me, my face flushed in embarrassment, "SILENT! I MENT SILENT!" He chuckled slightly and my face turned even more red. "Shut up! You're not supposed to be laughing! You're under arrest!" I pulled him up by the handcuffs, grabbed his bag, and was off to the police station to turn him in... God I hope my plan works...

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