Do you tear yourself apart to enturtain like me?

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Shadow's POV:

Rouge takes me to an open bar/taco place, and says that I should try to get to know someone, and get a girlfriend. I'm not sure why she wants me to do this, but I gave her a maybe. She also told me that sometimes they have belly dancers and strippers here, saying that maybe I could hook up with one of them. I just give her the, 'are you serious?'  look and ordered my street tacos and a margarita. "You know I'm not that type of man." "Oh come on!" She said, "You can't stay virgin forever! The rest of the world will get all jealous~ you're keeping all that sexiness to yourself~" I tried my best to use the menu to hide the fact that I was blushing a little, if Rouge knows anything, it's how to make someone blush. "What if I'm not into girls? What then Rouge?" "Oh! You're gay?" "It was just a fucking question! Oh my god! What the hell!" She started laughing as the waiter came up to us and said something in Spanish before Rouge told him that we don't speak it. "Oh! Sorry, I forgot. Here is your shrimp street tacos and your margarita, and for you ma'am, here is your salad with lime and chicken drumsticks." "Thanks hun~" Rouge said with a wink, where as I simply nodded my thanks and took a bite, cause I'm starving. I saw Rouge staring off into the distance with an odd surprise look on her face. I turn my head to see SILVER ON A STRIPPER POLE?!?!?!?!?!!!!! WHAT THE HELL!?!?!!! Wait....why is my nose bleeding..? Why can't I look away!?!? Wait a sec... I thought he was male! Is that a slit?! Is he a hermaphrodite?!?! What the hell is going on!? I'm so confused! "Ooooooooh~ naughty boooooy~ Shadow~ do you like what you see?~" Rouge said in her usual flirty way. "N-NO!" Silver turned and looked at me probably startled by the loud and sudden noise, he then off of the stage as if he was embarrassed to know that I saw his naked body, even though it looked like he was perfectly fine with random people staring just a second ago. I try my best to ignore the bulge in my pants and just finish my meal. My plan worked out smoothly until the weather came back to take our plates and whispered to Rouge, "When you get home you might want to treat your boyfriend, he's getting a little excited~" "Oh he's not my boyfriend hun, but it's great to see him finally open up a little~" I could feel my cheeks turn a deep Crimson, my head was spinning,I've never been this embarrassed before, "LEAVE ME ALONE!" I couldn't take it anymore, I had to get out of there but making a big scene by stomping out would just be too childish, and even more embarrassing, so I simply teleported back to my house. I ran into the bathroom and splashed some water on my face. I have some serious things that I need to think about, and I should probably grab some lotion while I'm in here... if you're old enough, you understand why.

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