Saying that, "you shouldnt waist your pretty face" like me.

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Silver's POV:

Prison. The one place I was trying to avoid, yet the one place I'm in. They put me in cell 349, no cell mate so I guess that's good, the food is shit, the bed is creeky, there is no privacy at the bathroom part of the cell, but hey, it's a roof over my head and food in my stomach so I guess I should stop complaining. I'm not even aloud to cry though... they'll just yell at me. I've only been here for a couple hours but it feels like I've been here for years. And I know what you're thinking, 'why did you let yourself get arrested? Why are you still here? Don't you have the ability to bust yourself out?' But you must understand, I don't want to have to use my powers, if I do I'll just be shipped off to aria 51 or some shit. The last thing I want is a bunch of scientists poking at me and doing experiments on me. I've decided to just do my time and obey the law, no matter how much quicker it would be if I just used my abilities. "You've got a visitor Whitie." I hear the gruff and gravely voice of one of the cops say just outside my cell. After walking out, I'm cuffed and dragged down to the booths, I see Blaze sitting there with tear stained cheeks. "Hi Blaze." I sigh as I sit down, "I see justice caught you. What do you have to say for yourself?!" She shouted, making me have to pull the phone like thing away from my ear, "I.......I still want to die, but I guess this is close enough." She was speechless, "If you just came to rub it in my face that I'm just a stupid little boy, that blames himself for everything bad and wants his mom back, leave!!" I don't know why I yelled at her, or hung up, or ran out of there crying but I know that one cop was running behind me having trouble keeping up, "STOP! Where do ya think you're going!?!" It was a women's voice but I could care less, "To my cell to kill my self!! I'm sick of everyone hurting me!!" I slammed the bared door behind me, ran the water in the small dirty sink, and inhaled as much as I could before my cough reflex kicked in and I fell to the floor, my vision was basically nonexistent, but then I thought I saw a light, and my mother. "MOMMY!" A last screech of my voice was heard, then I lost conscious.

Shadow POV:

"A call? From Rose? The hell is she calling me for?" I say to myself for no reason, I answer the phone and put it to my ear, but before I can say hello or anything, "SHADOW! Come! Prison! Cell 349! Silver! Hurry!" I only need that to know it must be bad, "Chaos control!" I'm there in an instant, she's running towards me and the cell. "MOMMY!" I turn my head to see Silver fall to the ground coughing up water, probably losing his life, without thinking, I bust down the door, run over to him, and begin preforming CPR. I end up having to do mouth to mouth, his lips are fantastically soft and sweet, but this is about saving his life! After a couple seconds I see his body working with me, water rushes out and I turn him so his chest is resting on my knees and the water covers the floor. I have to guess he woke up when I hear him sobbing. Again, without thinking, I pull him up into my arms and hold his head on my shoulder, as he clings on and cries as if he thinks I'm someone else. That train of thought gets proven right when I hear him speak through his unsteady sobs and whimpers, "I'm sorry mom *sniff* I know I've been bad *hick* I just *whimper* it hurts *sob* please don't let go *hick* I need you *sob* I missed you so much mommy *whimper* please let me stay with you!" What he said shattered my heart, remember feeling the same way when Maria died, but I had to break it to him. "Silver... you're still alive." ".....S-s-shadow..?" He started pushing me away, swarming, and crying again. "Let me go! Let me die! Please! I want my mom! Kill me! Please! Please! I just wanna be with my mom!" My grip tightens, I start petting his quills, slowly running my fingers trough them, rocking him as if he where a vary small child throwing a fit from being tired. "Let it out. That's the only way to make the pain stop." He eventually stopped struggling and crying, I'm guessing from exhaustion, again my assumption was confirmed after hearing a soft, faint, snore. I set him down on the bed gently. 'God damn, those damn skin-tight prison jumpsuits, showing off every little curve, and his face... tear stained but still so beautiful, why? Why does he destroy himself like this? It's such a waist!' I look over at Amy, who's still standing there at the entrance, with her phone out, "Did you record all of that?" "As soon as he started whimpering the first time, I stopped when he stopped talking to conserve my phone space, but I'm trying to get a hold of Espio." "Why Espio?" "He recently graduated from college as a phycologist, he might be able to help. I honestly think that Silver shouldn't be here. He may have committed a crime, but he needs help, not a prison cell." I remembered his cuts, his apparent night job, his addiction, and then his age. I nodded in agreement at what Amy had said, and sighed, "We need to move him or someone else so he's not here alone until we can transfer him somewhere else. We can't help him if he takes his own life." "Right."

-2 hours later-

No one POV:

Silver awoke to another prisoner starring at him, "Ummmmmm......can I help you?" The stranger snapped out of his daze and spoke with an Australian accent, "Huh? Sorry, I was lost in space. Looks like I'm ya' new inmate!" He said cheerfully as if he enjoyed it here, "Right.... and you are..?" "Oh yeah! Sorry for my rudeness, you can call me Nack, or Fang! Whichever works for ya' I'm alright with either! You?" He held out his hand for a shake as Silver slowly got up to make eye contact, "Silver." They shook nicely before the purple Weasel sighed dreamily, "Silver, a beautiful name for a beautiful lady!" "EXCUSE ME!?!" The Weasel was dumbfounded, "Oh come on! You mean to tell me your a guy?! What kinda' guy got those kinda' legs?!"  Silver's face flushed a deep red, " y-you..?" "Not to mention the waistline, booty, hips, tiny tits, chest fluff, long flowing quills, sparkling gold eyes, face it you've got the body of a beautiful woman~" Silver had never really been complemented before, his fingers fidgeted with one another, his eyes fixed on the floor, his cheeks a bright red as if he had a bad sunburn, the mans words echoing in his ears. Silver loved these words, but couldn't help but think that they sounded as if this guy wanted something. He was so lost in thought that he barely realized that a hand was on his ass until it was squeezed, his eyes shot open, he gasped and pushed the other man away. "Oh come now~ I won't hurt ya'~ Come play with your new daddy~" "NO! LEAVE ME ALONE!" Silver ran to the entrance of his cell, and banned on bars. "HELP! I'm being touched in a way that makes me uncomfortable!" He felt his inmate's arms around his waist, breath against his neck, and a faint scent of a cigarette, "Shhh... it's okay gorgeous~ I'll make ya feel, real good~" Again, red blush spread across Silver's face, although he was still innocent enough to not immediately know what that meant, "Wh-what..?" Silver was lifted up by said waist and thrown onto the very uncomfortable bed he was sleeping on just a moment earlier, and ruff lips were pressed against his. He had mixed feelings about this; on one hand it felt nice and warm, on the other they JUST met and this was vary forceful and one sided. The white furred hermaphrodite couldn't help it, and gave a vary soft and faint moan as the Weasel above, rubbed his hands along Silver's hips in a pleasurable way, the young hedgehog barely even noticed the older one was taking his pants off until he felt a hand on his member. "Wait! Nack! I don't think that's a good idea, we just met and..." "Shhh~" He was interrupted, "It's fine, people do it all the time~ and besides, it would be such a waist of a pretty body to not have some fun with it~" Silver had to think for a moment because of his insecurities but submitted purely out of curiosity, which caused an ugly smirk to spread across Nack's muzzle. "Damn~ 6 inches floppy~ I'm kinda jealous~ never thought I'd fuck anyone bigger than me~ but fates a funny bitch." He slowly grasped the younger one's member, and stroked it sending waves of pleasure through Silver's body that moved like electricity, blood rushed to both their members when Silver let out a small moan at this new feeling. Nack lifted the member to position it under his mouth but noticed a slit just below the hedgehog's balls, curious he touched it gently, rubbing around the inside of the petals, pressing against the clit when his found it. "Oh! You're a hermaphrodite? Even better~" Silver was already a hot mess, sweating, panting, and red faced, being a virgin that has never been curious enough to touch himself was indeed making this more enjoyable. Nack's fingers already coated in a clear, sticky substance, he began slipping fingers inside the trembling teen beneath him. Silver gasped and moaned at the amazing feeling, his breathing hitched as Nack replaced his fingers with a much larger object. Rapid footsteps from down the hall where heard as Silver screamed in a mix of pain and pleasure, the thick and hard cock of the other inmate had been inserted, luckily the skin that marks ones virginity hasn't been broken. "GET THE FUCK OUT OF THAT SWEET LITTLE ANGEL!!" Shadow's angry voice echoed through the entire prison, causing many prisoners to go against the bars to trying and see what was happening. Again the door to cell 349 was broken open, Shadow jumped onto the Weasel's back, put him in a headlock, and pulled him out and away from Silver. "YOU DIRTY BASTARD! STAY AWAY FROM MY SILVER!!!" Nack passed out and Shadow walked calmly over to Silver, "Are you alright? I explained everything to the cops and G.U.N. you're free now, I'm here to take you home and protect you." "I-I'm f-fine... just a little s-shocked is all... but... I don't have a home to go back to." Shadow sighed and pulled out a walkie-talkie thing, "Agent Shadow to Agent Rouge, we've got a 1701, over" "This is Rouge hun, but that's fine, just keep him at your place!" "WHAT?!?" "You heard me~" The dark hedgehog, was about to relay the message, but saw that Silver heard everything and was fine with it. "Okay..." Shadow finally uttered into the mic and hung it up on his vest. He retrieved a bag from the other side of the door, "Here's a new outfit, Rouge picked in out so I have no idea what it is, I'll turn around to give you some privacy." "You've seen me before, it's fine." Shadow still turned his back and waited patiently. A moment later Sliver skipped out of the cell happy with his new look of; gold combat boots, black leather skinny jeans, a red crop top, gold fingerless biker gloves, and his back quills in a cute high pony tail. Shadow tried to conceal his blush and slight nose bleed as he walked out with him.

Hi guys! Holy shit, over 2000 words!? Wow! Let me know in the comments if you like the longer chapters! And I'll totally keep doing them, because I always have the headspace to do it when the internets off, honestly I'm only able to post this cause I'm like hanging out by my friends porch to get some Wi-Fi so yeah! Later guys! Don't forget your homework of the day! Letting me know if you like the long chapters or Nah.

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